“the resurrection of Jesus”

Banner Easter Hare Landscape Egg Tree Flower

Easter Traditions

Easter Traditions This article covers the various Easter traditions around the world. Since its origins, Easter has been a time of celebration and feasting and many traditional Easter games and customs developed, such as egg rolling, egg tapping, pace egging, cascarones or confetti eggs, and egg decorating. Today Easter is commercially important,...

Easter Egg Egg Glass Fragile Feather White Easter

Easter Controversy

Easter Controversy This article covers the Easter controversy over the correct date for Easter. The controversy over the correct date for Easter began in Early Christianity as early as the 2nd century AD. Discussion and disagreement over the best method of computing the date of Easter Sunday have been ongoing and unresolved for centuries. Different Christian...

The Bible

The Resurrection In Revealed Scriptures

The Resurrection In Revealed Scriptures This article covers The Resurrection in Revealed Scriptures. The Qur’an, the last heavenly Scriptures, has four main themes: God’s Existence and Unity, the Resurrection and afterlife, Prophethood, and worship and justice. It emphasizes the Resurrection far more than all previous Scriptures. Despite the distortion it...

Baby and The Rainbow

Creation And Resurrection

Creation And Resurrection Your Creation And Your Resurrection Are As But A Single Soul What does the verse: Your creation and your resurrection are as but a single soul (31:28) mean? Answer: That the Divine Power can create and resurrect humanity as easily as it creates and resurrects one person. For...


Speaking About The Resurrection

Speaking About The Resurrection Our next step should be to talk about the resurrection. The child should believe in their hearts that as soon as this life ends a new life, an everlasting afterlife, will begin. Science, wisdom and reality point out that Allah created this universe and that He...

Plaque depicting saints rising from the dead


What Is Resurrection? Resurrection is the concept of coming back to life after death. In a number of ancient religions, a dying-and-rising god is a deity which dies and resurrects. The resurrection of the dead is a standard eschatological belief in the Abrahamic religions. As a religious concept, it is used in two distinct respects:...


The Place Of The Last Judgement

The Place Of The Last Judgement Where will the Great Gathering and Last Judgement Take Place? The elevated instances of wisdom the All-Wise Creator displays in all things, and His even attaching vast instances of wisdom to a single insignificant thing, suggests to the point of being plain that the...

Flower white beautiful

Bodily Resurrection

Bodily Resurrection What does the body, defective, changing, unstable and pain-stricken, have to do with eternity and paradise? The spiritual pleasures should be enough. Why should a bodily resurrection take place for corporal pleasures? Since, despite its darkness and density in contrast to water, air, and light, earth is the...

Earth will be destroyed

The Process Of The Resurrection

The Process Of The Resurrection The Whole World Will Experience The Process Of The Resurrection. It has been proved that there is a necessity for the Resurrection, and the One Who will raise the dead is able to do this. The whole world is exposed to the Resurrection and there...


Resurrection Will Take Place Both Bodily And Spiritually

Resurrection Will Take Place Both Bodily And Spiritually This article covers How Resurrection Will Take Place Both Bodily And Spiritually. The dead will be raised with both their bodies and spirits. According to the context, The Holy Book sometimes mentions the spiritual resurrection and sometimes the bodily one. For example,...


Phenomena And The Resurrection

Phenomena And The Resurrection This article covers Phenomena And The Resurrection. Many Other Phenomena In The Universe Point To The Resurrection A great care is shown in, and many purposes are attached to, even the most insignificant-seeming things in the world. For example, cellulose is the structural tissue that forms...

Skull Bone Skeleton Bones Skull And Crossbones

Death And Revival

Death And Revival Instances Of Death And Revival In The World Indicate The Resurrection An overall death and revival is repeated every year in the world. In winter, a white ‘shroud’ covers the earth whose yearly life cycle has already terminated in autumn. Nature has already turned pale with ever...


How Will The Spirits Return To Their Bodies?

How Will The Spirits Return To Their Bodies? How will the spirits return to their bodies, will bodies be reconstructed, and will the body be resurrected? The answer to the question: There are three Matters concerning the resurrection: Spirits will return to their bodies, bodies will be reanimated, and bodies...

The Death of Socrates, by Jacques-Louis David (1787)

Greek Philosophers Belief In The Resurrection

Greek Philosophers Belief In The Resurrection This article covers Greek Philosophers and The Resurrection. Ancient Greek poet, Homers, writes about the shelters of souls. He believed that the souls, which manifest themselves here in bodies, have shelters in another place. Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician, believed in the Resurrection and argued...

Kaaba in Mecca

Prophet Muhammad And Afterlife

Prophet Muhammad And Afterlife This article covers Prophet Muhammad and Afterlife. Messenger Muhammad’s Sayings Concerning The Resurrection And Afterlife. In order to better understand how the Messenger built his society, we should give some examples of his sayings concerning the Resurrection and afterlife: Once he said: O people! You will...

Elderly Care

Elderly People and Resurrection

Elderly People And Resurrection This article covers Elderly People and Resurrection. How can you compensate for their past years, their childhood and youth which are already left behind? How can you console them for the loss of their beloved ones, their friends, spouses, children or grandchildren who went to the...


After Death

After Death Do Some Parts or Cells of the Body Remain Alive for Some Time More After Death? As everybody knows, while a man is alive in the world, it is the spirit, which both suffers pains and feels joys and happiness. Although the spirit feels pains, in appearance, through...

Sunrise Clouds Thunder Nature Sun Winter

Believe In The Resurrection And The Afterlife

Believe In The Resurrection And The Afterlife Why Should I Believe In The Resurrection And The Afterlife? After belief in God, this is the main way to secure a peaceful social order. If I don’t believe in personal accountability, why should I be honest and upright? The Holy Book declares:...