Prayers When Nursing Or Feeding

We have collected some of the best Prayers When Nursing Or Feeding to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.

See also: Prayers For Babies

Breastfeeding, also called nursing, is the process of feeding human breast milk to a child, either directly from the breast or by expressing (pumping out) the milk from the breast and bottle-feeding it to the infant. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that breastfeeding begin within the first hour of a baby’s life and continue as often and as much as the baby wants. During the first few weeks of life babies may nurse roughly every two to three hours, and the duration of a feeding is usually ten to fifteen minutes on each breast. Older children feed less often. Mothers may pump milk so that it can be used later when breastfeeding is not possible. Breastfeeding has a number of benefits to both mother and baby, which infant formula lacks.

Prayer When Nursing or Feeding

you are like a mother to us all,
nourishing all creatures with food and with blessing.
Strengthen my child with (my milk, this food)
and with the warmth of our nearness.


Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation:
you nourish all your children.

— From “Prayers for the Beginning of Life,” National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1989.

Prayer for Good Feeding and Digestion

Lord of Mercy, we ask that You smile on our baby and give him a good appetite and a good digestive system. May he have no problems latching on to the breast or bottle and no issues with allergies to formula or to foods the mother eats when breastfeeding. As he begins eating solid food, may that all go well. May he enjoy different textures and flavors, chew well, and have no issues with allergies or intolerances. Amen.

Breastfeeding Mother Motherhood

Breastfeeding – Motherhood

Prayer for Nursing

God of our mothers, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah, You remembered me when I longed for this child and in the pain of labor, and You have brought me, rejoicing, to hold this infant in my arms. Now I turn to You again, hoping to feed this child as You feed all living creatures, out of Your boundless lovingkindness; and I trust in you, that in Your goodness You surely will not let my child lack sustenance, neither now nor ever, for the sake of Your great Name. Let any pain that I may feel as I nurse this child be submerged in my joy as I watch the miracle of my flourishing baby; and keep us from any misfortune that may cause suffering to my child or to me between now and the time that my child is safely weaned. May Your goodness teach me to help my child grow both now in my arms and in all the years You grant us together. For you are the God who has always given me good things. Blessed are You, God, who sustains all.

— By Elisheva S. Urbas

Nursing Prayer


I know that I want to nurse my baby, yet I’m sometimes filled with questions and anxiety when I think about it. What if it doesn’t come easy for me? What if we can’t figure it out? What if my baby struggles?

I’ve seen moms nursing without a care in the world. They act like nothing unusual is happening. They can talk on the phone, read a book, or carry on a conversation. Some moms can nurse and no one notices. Restaurants and church, all no big deal. I’d love to be one of those moms, but somehow I know I’ll be different. I imagine every feeding will be an event. Maybe I won’t leave the house for a while, until I get the “modest drape thing” mastered. I’m just not ready to involve the whole world in something so intimate.

My prayer is that You will help me. I don’t want to get frustrated and quit. Let this new baby know exactly what to do. Protect us from infections and other complications. Please let me be surprised at how good I can do. Give me patience to nurse on demand. Let nursing be a peaceful bonding time. Block out the world and help me to focus on loving my baby well.

Lord, You created this. You know how it’s supposed to work. I know that You can make nursing come “naturally” for me. I will trust You and look forward to mothering as You planned. I’m a little unsure, but still ready. By Your design, I will believe I can do it. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer to Keep Food Down

Lord our Helper, we ask that our baby will be able to keep his food down when he eats. Help him not to spit up his milk after a feeding. Calm his digestive system, we pray, especially reflux issues. Guide us in the best strategies to prevent him from spitting up after he eats – such as positioning, not over-feeding, and burping him after he nurses or takes his bottle. Keep him from choking on anything that comes back up. Amen.

Opioids and oxytocin are neurochemicals that support the mother-child bond in humans and other mammals.

Opioids and oxytocin are neurochemicals that support the mother-child bond in humans and other mammals.

The Nursing Mom’s Prayer

Dear Lord,

Thank you so much for this precious child and gift that you have given our family. Help me and my husband to raise this child for your glory. Please give us the wisdom that we need to do this your way and not ours. Help us always to seek your face in this journey of parenting. I pray for my child that you would help them to:

HEAD AND MIND – I pray that she would love you with all their mind, heart, and soul. Please let her thoughts be fixed on you and not on the things of this world. Help her to have the helmet of salvation and protect her thoughts throughout her life. May she make up her mind early to follow you and you alone.

EYES – May You turn her eyes away from evil and all that the world will tempt her with and set her gaze upon your holiness, Your return, and how she can serve You until you come.

EARS – May she always turn her ears away from all evil and instead “hear” what Your word says and obey.

MOUTH – May she speak no evil and instead boldly and courageously spread the Gospel to the lost. May the law of kindness be on her tongue and may she encourage and edify those around her and she represents you to a lost world.

HANDS – I pray that she would have hands and arms that are strong for her task and that she would use them to to help the poor and needy. That she would also use her hands to pray show love of Christ to her neighbors and not be idle.

HEART – I pray that my child would have an undivided heart for you and that it would be kept pure and give their heart totally over to you. I pray that she would be a man/woman after God’s own heart when they she is young and as she grows older.

WOMB – I pray that she would be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with your disciples.

KNEES – I pray that she would be a women on her knees always seeking your face in prayer.

LEGS AND FEET – May she have feet of peace, following on the paths of righteousness–not turning to the left or right but staying on the straight paths and always turning form the path of evil.

Please guard and guide her all the days of her life, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

— borrowed from

Prayer Against Colic

Lord of Compassion, we urgently pray that You would relieve the discomfort our baby is feeling. Please deliver all of us from this constant crying despite our efforts to soothe her. Help us and our pediatrician identify the cause – such as sensitivity to breast milk or her formula, or sensitivity to lights or sounds. Help us to find effective ways to comfort her and calm her down when she is in distress. And give us the strength to deal with this stress. Amen.

Prayer of a Mother to Our Lady of La Leche


The Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche is the first shrine ever to be dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the United State, in 1620. It has a statue of the Virgin Mother nursing the Infant Jesus. See the website for Mission of Nombre de Dios for more information about Senora de la Leche y buen parto (Our Lady of the Milk and Happy Delivery. The following prayer is asks Our Lady’s intercession to be a good mother.


To You, lovely Lady of La Leche, and to your Divine Son, do I now dedicate this little baby whom our Father in heaven has given me. Grateful for the trust He has placed in me, I beg you to obtain for me the physical and spiritual graces I need to fulfill my duties at every moment. Inspire me with the motherly sentiments you felt during your days with the Child Jesus. Make it possible for me, in imitation of you, O Lady of La Leche, to nurse my child to perfect health. In all things help me to follow the example which you, as the perfect model of all mothers, have given to me. Let my family mirror the virtues of your Holy Family of Nazareth. Finally, I commend to your loving care all the mothers of earth, in whose hands He has entrusted the souls of His little children. Amen.

— Mission of Nombre de Dios and Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche , 27 Ocean Avenue, St. Augustine, Florida 32084, (904) 824-2809 , 1953

See also

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