Prayers For Safe Delivery

We have collected some of the best prayers for Safe Delivery to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.

Childbirth, also known as labour or delivery, is the ending of pregnancy where one or more babies leaves the uterus by passing through the vagina or by Caesarean section. In the developed world most deliveries occur in hospitals, while in the developing world most births take place at home with the support of a traditional birth attendant.

See also: Prayers For Getting a Child, Pregnancy Prayers , and Prayers For Prevent Miscarriages

A Prayer for Safe Delivery

“And the throes (of child birth) forced her to betake herself unto the trunk of a palm tree. She said, “Oh! Had I died ere this, and had been lost in oblivion totally forgotten!” Then (a voice) called out unto her from beneath her; “Grieve not thou, verily Thy Lord hath caused from beneath thee, (to flow) a stream!” And shale towards thee the trunk of the palm tree it will drop on the dates fresh (and) ripe;
And say loudly:

God has taken you out from your mother’s womb when you were quite ignorant and he endowed you with the sense of hearing, sight and determined for you the ways of thinking so that you should bow in thanks to Him. Let the pains of birth be removed in the similar way: Be removed by permission of God.”


Mother and a baby

Prayer for a woman in labour

(a prayer for safe delivery during childbirth)

Almighty God,

Send your angels to keep guard as labour begins, Lord comfort and protect us all.
Surround us with your hope and goodness.
Hold us through each wave of delivery.
Give to us a perfect life.
Come hold us safely within your promises, now and forever.


— By Nancy Campbell,

A Prayer for Your Baby in the Womb

Father, I thank You for filling my womb with life. I know this precious little baby comes from You and has been destined by You from the beginning of the world. I thank You for this miracle growing inside me, in the “secret place” of my womb. I thank you that You are giving this little baby to us as a gift, but also as a gift for the world. We can’t wait to see another image of Yourself come forth into this world and the plans You have for this child.

We ask you, Father, in Jesus’ name, to hedge our little baby about with Your mighty protection. Watch over this little one each day as You intricately create him/her in the hidden sanctuary of the womb. We ask for Your divine health and that you will sustain me in good health and vitality throughout this whole pregnancy.

I ask that You will fill me with Your joy and that everyone will see the glory of God upon me as I nurture this precious life within me. Thank You again for this amazing miracle and for giving us an eternal soul that will live forever. It is awesome to think that I am part of something eternal.

I pray that You will keep this baby growing in the womb until FULL TERM and this baby will come forth in Your perfect timing.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Many blessings to you from Nancy Campbell

— By Nancy Campbell,

Prayer For A Mother Giving Birth

Dear heavenly Father, thank You that the time has arrived for this new little life to be brought into the world and that the long months of waiting is almost over. How precious is each little life, and we thank You for this miracle of creation and love.

Thank You that You have brought this pregnancy safely to its full term and ask that this precious little babe would be delivered safely and without any complications, for either the mother or her baby.

We never cease to wonder at the miracle of life that secretly grows and develops within the womb, until the moment arrives when for new life to be born into the waiting world.

Be close we pray to all mothers-in-waiting. Calm all fears, undertake for all their concerns and may each on know Your presence as they enter this beautiful state of motherhood – this we ask in Jesus name,


Pregnant Girl Stomach Broken Health Problems


For an Expectant Mother

Father of Life,

We thank you for the expectant mother who carries this growing hope in her life and into our world. Bless her and the living promise of this child and help her to manage the mix of joys, fears and anxieties she may have about the time ahead.

As she watches her body change, may she grow in your own loving kindness and compassion. Let her be inspired by Mary and Joseph who model a loving family life and give her the courage to guide her children in a faith-filled life.

Be with her in her gladness these days and deepen her faith, so that labor might be a time of strength and prayer. Guard the health of her baby and give her the peace of mind that may so often seem elusive in this time.

With your grace, she will be ready for the end of this expectant time and ready to take on the joys and challenges of parenthood.

May she praise you with Mary:

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exalts in God my savior.”

An Expectant Mother’s Prayer

O great God and Father of all who call upon You, magnificent are Your works; I glorify Your holy name.  You are my helper; complete what You have begun in me, and keep this child safe from all harm, and daily bestow on us health and strength.  Guide me through Your Spirit, and let me constantly mindful of my privilige and my responsibility as a mother.  At all times let me place my trust in You and Your fatherly care, knowing that from generation to generation Your mercy is upon those who lean upon You.  I commit both my child and myself to Your mercy and goodness.  Relying on Jesus, my dear Redeemer, I pray, give me calmness, patience, and quiet happiness, and make me, in good time, a joyous mother of a happy child.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen

— From the Lutheran Book of Prayer

Father’s Thanksgiving After Childbirth

O God, Creator of life, You have again revealed Yourself in the beautiful miracle of birth; thank You for alleviating my wife’s pain and for holding Your protecting hand over her during delivery.  Thank You for Your mercy; it was Your power that preserved her, Your goodness that delivered her, Your hand that supported us both.

You have lent us this precious child for our comfort and joy; give us grace to cherish him (her).  Take us and this child into Your tender mercy, and keep us always safe with You.  defend him (her) from all dangers of body and soul, delivering him (her) safely to the waters of his (her) Baptism, where he (she) will receive the righteousness of Your Son, Jesus, and become Your beloved child; through Jesus Christ.  Amen.

— From the Lutheran Book of Prayer

At the Birth of A Child

With joy and thanksgiving we praise You out of the fullness of our grateful hearts that You have gladdened our home and life with this newborn babe.

We know that this child is a gift of Your bountiful hand.  Grant us grace and wisdom to bring up this precious soul in the knowledge and understanding of Your Word, which makes us wise unto salvation.  Watch over him (her) with Your tenderest care and continued grace until the day we bring this little one to the font of Holy Baptism.

As surely as You will endow our child with faith and strengthen him (her) in spirit, so too endow our child with a healthy body, and strengthen and preserve him (her) according to Your good and gracious will.  Grant that our child may grow in faovr with You and bring sunshine and joy into our hearts and our home.

Keep us all in Your grace, forgiving us daily our sins and filling our souls with peace.  you are our hiding place.  And now to You be praise, glory, and thanksgiving, for this precious gift, this day and forever; through Jesus Christ, who is the Friend of children and the Savior of all.  Amen.

— From the Lutheran Book of Prayer

At the Baptism of a Child

Heavenly Father, You once judged the wicked world with a flood but saved and preserved Noal and his family in the ark.  You once drowned Pharaoh and his army but delivered Your people Israel and led them through the Red Sea. When Your Son, Jesus Christ, was baptized, You set apart the Jordan River and all water to be a flood that washes away all sins.  Now look with favor upon (name), that, through Your Holy Spirit, he (she) may be blessed with true faith.  Use this saving flood of Baptism to wash away the sin that he (she) has inherited from Adam, and separate him (her) from the number of unbelievers.  Preserve him (her) dry and secure in the holy ark of Your Christian Church, and make him (her) fervent in spirit and joyful in hope as he (she) walks through the wilderness of this life trusting in Your flood of forgiveness.  Make (name) worthy to attain eternal life and keep him (her) watchful for Your Son’s return, when He will bring all belivers to His eternal promised land.  In Your holy name I pray.  Amen.

— From the Lutheran Book of Prayer

Prayers For Parents

Lord Jesus, when parents brought their children to You so that You could touch them and bless them, You said, “Let the little children come to Me” (Matthew 19:14).  I thank You for giving (name) to me to raise according to Your Word and for bringing him (her) to Yourself through the waters of Holy Baptism.  Thank You for forgiving all of his (her) sins, for rescuing him (her) from death and the devil, and for giving him (her) eternal life as You promise in Your Word.  I thank You for touching my son (daughter) through the washing of water and Your Word.  Please bless me, and give me wisdom to teach (name) Your Word of truth and life, and help him (her) to learn the joys of Your forgiveness.  Help him (her) to learn the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer.  When I bring (name) to Your house, help him (her) to learn how much You love him (her), and help (name) to love and worship You, Your heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit.  Please strengthen the faith of (name), and bring him (her) one day to Your Table, where he (she) will eat and drink Your body and blood in Communion and receive Your forgiveness, life, and salvation.  Amen.

— From the Lutheran Book of Prayer

Prayers for Pregnancy

The Gift of Life

After all, God is the one who gave life to each of us before we were born (Job 31:15, CEV).

God, thank you for giving each one of us life. Thank you for knitting us together in our mother’s wombs even before she knew we existed. Thank you for giving us a purpose for every beat of our hearts and every breath we take. It is in you that we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28) and we praise you for your good and beautiful works. We are not here by accident, and we thank you that this new, budding life is not an accident either. You are a gracious and generous giver of good things, Lord! This new life is in your hands, and we pray that we would be a good steward of this precious creation. In your name we pray, amen.

— by Rachel Dawson

Commissioned by Heaven

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV).

God, thank you for giving my baby a hope and a future. No matter what her life holds both in my womb and in the world, I give you praise for her presence and purpose. Thank you for knowing her intimately, loving her deeply, and entrusting her to my care. Give me strength as I carry her. Equip my body to do this good work of preparing her little life for birth. Thank you for making this baby specifically and carefully and wonderfully. May her life be for your glory and may you be praised through this pregnancy, Jesus! Amen.

— by Rachel Dawson

Formed by the Lord in the Womb

This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the Lord, the Maker of all things, who stretches out the heavens, who spreads out the earth by myself (Isaiah 44:24 NIV).

God, you see my baby in my womb. You know her every detail, every muscle, every bone, every bit of her beautiful body, mind, heart, and soul. No matter how she is formed, she is beautiful and she is beloved by you. Grant me peace throughout this pregnancy, that I would surrender every worry or fear to you. May I take heart, knowing you have overcome the world and made a way for us to be near to you in heaven someday and on earth here now. No matter what comes, be near, Jesus. Bring comfort and peace, bring blessed assurance. In your name, amen.

— by Rachel Dawson

Taught of the Lord

I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace (Isaiah 54:13 NLT).

But you desire honesty from the womb, teaching me wisdom even there (Psalm 51:6 NLT).

God, thank you for being our teacher. Thank you for imparting your perfect wisdom onto us even from our very first moments. You are equipping us with the knowledge we need and giving us talents and abilities we can use to build your kingdom and serve you. I cannot wait to see how this baby will impact this world for your glory, Lord! Amen.

— by Rachel Dawson

Filled with the Holy Spirit

At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41 NLT).

Lord, because I know you and love you, this baby will come to know you and I pray they come to love you too. As you are present with me, be present with my baby in my womb. Cover her with your love and grace. Comfort her and bring her peace. Strengthen her and grow her. Create in her a heart that will long for closeness with you every day of her life. In your name I pray, amen.

— by Rachel Dawson

Sheltered with His Wings

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection (Psalm 91:1-4 NLT).

Lord Jesus, thank you for your protection over my life and my baby’s life. Thank you for keeping her safe and secure in my body and in your love. Thank you for strengthening her, keeping her healthy, and preparing her for the plans you have set before her. For as long as this pregnancy lasts, I pray that you will be doing the mighty and marvelous work that only you can do, creating life and bringing beauty into the world through your creations. We give you all glory, honor, and praise for this life, Jesus. Amen.

— by Rachel Dawson

Prayers for Pregnancy (Our Lady of La Leche)

Prayer for a Healthy Pregnancy, Safe Delivery, and a Healthy Child

O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your tender Mother, Our Lady of La Leche, who bore You close to her heart during those long months before Your birth, I place my baby and myself entirely in Your Hands. Free me, I beseech You, from useless and consuming worry. Accept the sacrifice of my aches and pains, which I unite to Your sufferings on the Cross. Above all, most merciful and loving Jesus, protect this child You have given to me from all harm, bestowing the health and vigor every baby needs. Implant in my heart and on my lips the words and prayers of Your Mother and mine, our Lovely Lady of La Leche. All this I ask that my child and I may live to praise forever Your Holy Name. Amen.

Muslim Pregnancy Prayers

Prayer for Wanting a Child

The urge to have a child can be very deep for couples. Muslims are advised, when they wish to have a child, to just pray to Allah. There are certain recommended prayers as well. Reading the following passage from the Qur’an is advised to help a couple conceive a child.

“It is He Who has created you from a single person (Adam), and (then) He has created from him his wife [Hawwa (Eve)], in order that he might enjoy the pleasure of living with her. When he had sexual relation with her, she became pregnant and she carried it about lightly. Then when it became heavy, they both invoked Allah, their Lord (saying): ‘If You give us a Salih (good in every aspect) child, we shall indeed be among the grateful.’” – The Noble Qur’an, Al-A’raf, 7:189

Prayer for the Infertile Couple

Infertility can be the most frustrating thing for a couple. Islam offers numerous prayers and passages from the Qur’an to help overcome this problem. The following du’a (prayers) was made by the Prophet Zakariah in his old age for his barren wife. According to the Qur’an, Allah answered his call and gave him a son, Yahyah (John the Baptist). Infertile Muslim couples are often advised to recite this passage to help them conceive a child.

“Rabbi hab li min ladunka dhurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka samee’ al-du’aa'”

” … O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation.” – The Noble Quran, Al-‘Imran, 3:38

Prayer to Prevent a Miscarriage or Early Delivery

In Islam, Allah, or God, has 99 names, each of which has special virtues prescribed to it. One of those names, “Al-Mubdi,” or “The Originator,” can be helpful to a pregnant woman when recited multiple times over her:

“Anyone, who while placing his hand on the stomach of his pregnant wife, says this beautiful name of Allah 99 times at Sehri (the pre-dawn time when a Muslim wakes to eat before fasting), neither will she have a miscarriage nor will she deliver prematurely, inshallah (God willing).”

Note: One does not have to fast, and it does not have to be during Ramadan when this name is recited. A husband should just be up at that time when he recites this name for his pregnant wife. – From Al-Hisnul Haseen, by Allamah Muhammad Al-Jazri

Prayer for Alleviating a Difficult Pregnancy

When the nine months of pregnancy becomes difficult, a number of prayers can help make things easier. Recite the following verse from the Qur’an to help ease the pains and stresses of a difficult pregnancy. It is advised that anyone can recite this verse then blow on the stomach or back of the pregnant woman:

“Awa lam yara allatheena kafaroo anna alssamawati waalarda kanata ratqan fafataqnahuma wajaAAalna mina almai kulla shayin hayyin afala yuminoona.”

“Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and We made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe?” – From The Noble Qur’an, Al A’mbiyaa’, 21

Prayer for a Woman’s Labor Pains or Distress

Pregnancy can be nine joyful months, but it can also be fraught with tension and distress. The following prayer, which comes from a hadith, is recommended to be said to help ease a woman’s labor pains or alleviate any distress she may be feeling:

“Allaahumma laa sahla ‘illa maa ja’altahu sahlan wa ‘anta taja’lu-l-hazna ‘idha shi ‘ta sahlan.”

“O Allah, there is nothing easy except what You make easy. You can make grief, if You wish, easy.” – From Al-Hilaali, Volume I, Page 354

For the Safe Delivery of a Baby

Perhaps the most crucial time in a pregnancy comes during the birth process. Muslim women recite a number of prayers to help make for a safe delivery. An oft-quoted hadith from Imam Mohammed Baqir states that a person approached him and told the imam that his wife was in dire health due to the delivery of her child. The imam advised reciting the following prayer:

“And the throes (of child birth) forced her to betake herself unto the trunk of a palm tree. She said, ‘Oh! Had I died ere this, and had been lost in oblivion totally forgotten!’ Then (a voice) called out unto her from beneath her; ‘Grieve not thou, verily Thy Lord hath caused from beneath thee, (to flow) a stream!’ And shale towards thee the trunk of the palm tree it will drop on the dates fresh (and) ripe; And say loudly: Allah has taken you out from your mother’s womb when you were quite ignorant and he endowed you with the sense of hearing, sight and determined for you the ways of thinking so that you should bow in thanks to Him. Let the pains of birth be removed in the similar way: Be removed by permission of Allah”

From the book Tibbul Aaimma’, which paraphrases the birth story of Isa (Jesus) from Surah Maryam

Verses from the Qur’an to Have a Pious Child

Most Muslim women at some time during their pregnancy will be told to recite Surah Maryam from the Qur’an to help them have a safe, easy pregnancy and to help the child be pious and God-fearing. Surah Maryam (or Mary), refers to the birth of Jesus to the virgin Mary, and also tells the story of the Prophet Zakariah, who prayed for his barren wife to have a child. His prayer was answered, and his wife gave birth to John the Baptist, whom Muslims call Yahyah. Women are advised to recite this surah at least once a day during their pregnancy.

Recommended Qur’an Verses for a Happy Pregnancy

The Qur’an is filled with pages upon pages of verses whose virtues are so powerful that reading them is recommended for a variety of situations, including pregnancy. From the time we learn to read the Qur’an, Muslims are taught that reading these verses on a regular basis will ensure them a good life in the present and in the hereafter. Read the following passages for a worry-free pregnancy:

Recite the Surah Ya-Sin for an easy pregnancy and for the spiritual benefit of the unborn child. Recite Surah e-Qadr seven times daily for an easy delivery. And try to read the Qur’an in its entirety once during the pregnancy. Many hadiths say that the sawab, or positive points a Muslim woman gains by whatever good deed she does– like reading the Qur’an–will be increased 70-fold during her pregnancy.

— Compiled by Dilshad Ali From

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