Prayer for Getting a Child
Page Contents
Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. Children generally have fewer rights and less responsibility than adults. They are classed as unable to make serious decisions, and legally must be under the care of their parents or another responsible caregiver.
We have collected some of the best prayers For Getting A Child to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
Fertility Prayer #1
I long to be a mother.
My hope is in you for conception.
I wait every day, knowing you are holding my hand.
I trust that you can create in me a fertile land.
I rest in you truth and look forwards with hope to the birth of my child.
Help me to navigate this barren time into a new season.
Guide me as I seek help from the medical world.
Help me to be at peace,
To look after my body,
And rest in your promises.
Fertility Prayer #2
Dear Jesus may you bless my womb so that I can conceive and bear a child. Hear Daniela’s prayer so that I can conceive next year and bring fruit to my life and let my husband and I create a child heal my womb in the lady of Guadulupe’s name and Jesus I pray forever and always amen.
—- by Daniela (North Ft Myers)
Fertility Prayer #3
You know my deep desire for a child
A little one to love and to hold, to care for, to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in Your holy image.
Guide me in all my choices so that this conception, my pregnancy and my baby’s birth are in line with Your will.
Heavenly Father and Holy Mother, hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit. Amen.
Fertility Prayer #4
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for your loving-kindness towards Me.
You have spared me and protected me from evil.
Thank you for the precious gift of life.
Thank you for providing shelter and food for my daily needs.
Lord, you have not left me unclothed.
Thank you for all the material and spiritual blessings.
Lord, I put my husband and my family in your hands.
Lord, I ask for your protection and your guidance.
Gracious Father, I am a sinner.
Lord, as I come to you in this crucial moment.
I ask that you forgive me of my iniquities.
Lord, you know my heart desires.
And your word says you will not answer the prayers of the unrighteous.
Therefore, forgive me of my sins and grant my prayers today.
Thank you, Father, for answered prayers.
*** *** ***
Lord, according to your word, you said for everything there is an appointed time and season.
Lord, I know I may not have a child at this time, but I believe in your power to bless me with a child.
Father, you alone are the giver of children.
You alone can wipe away shame and hopelessness from my eyes.
Lord, I have come to seek your mercies, and your love.
Shower me with your love and bless me with a child.
You said in your word, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”
Therefore I ask that you reward me with a child.
Lord, you know my trials and see my heart.
You see my pain and my sorrow.
Lord, fill my heart with a bouncing baby boy or girl.
Lord, I stand on your promise with faith that my season of breakthrough is here.
I shall definitely overcome my trials.
*** *** ***
Father, your word has been settled in heaven and on earth.
Your word says that I shall not be barren. Neither shall my animals be infertile.
Lord, I know if you will not make my livestock barren, you will visit me.
Lord, I know if you haven’t made my mother barren, you will visit me.
Gracious Father, I reject every report from the doctor’s office over my situation.
Lord, I reject all evil report from anyone one over my fertility.
Lord, I depend on your report today.
Your report says I will have my boy or girl child.
Your report says I will spend the rest of my life happily with my children.
Lord, your report says, I will see my children’s children.
You said unto Sarah, “is there anything too hard for me?”
Lord, I believe in your miraculous hand.
Nothing is too hard for you.
Turnaround my situation and return peace to my heart.
*** *** ***
Be Fruitful And Multiply
Lord, you said in your word, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”
Therefore, I tap into your word to fill the earth with my children.
Lord, open my womb and put a child.
Bless me with double (that is twins) and fill my heart with Joy.
Lord, in this trying time, I ask for support from my husband.
Give him the strength to be patient and understanding.
Let him love be as ever and treat me well.
Lord, I reject every plan by the enemy to steal my husband.
Lord, take away my shame and protect my marriage.
Thank you, Father, Amen.
— by Dunn
Fertility Prayer for a Friend
Lord of heaven and earth,
I pray for my dear friend.
I ask that she may conceive a child.
That you would touch this lovely couple,
And bring healing and restoration in every area.
May they rest in the promises over their lives.
I ask for protection for their relationship,
May they cleave together at this time.
Bless their home with joy and laughter.
Breathe hope into their dreams,
And may new life burst from their love.
In Jesus name I pray.

Couple lying in the bed
Prayer for Gift of Child
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for uniting us through Marriage. Oh Father you blessed us saying ” Be fruitful & Multiply “. Oh listen to the cry of my heart. I am in deep agony. You know how much I long for a child. Lord, your answered the cry of Hannah, you blessed her with a son. You gave a child to Abraham, and blessed Elisabeth in her old age. Lord take into account my tears. Bless me with the precious gift of parenthood. Bless me with a sweet child. Make my life meaning full. Forgive my iniquities and break whatever curses are hindering this blessing in my life. Lord I promise to bring up my child in your fear and in your ways. Grant me a child for your name’s Glory. I expect a miracle in the might name of our Lord Jesus. Amen. Thank you lord..
Prayer of an Infertile Couple
Creator of us all, only you know how much we want children. Please, please bless us with a child; a child to lavish our love on and care for in so many ways. It is our dream and I pray to you with an aching heart.
I assumed that when we were ready for babies, we would have them. How could it be that month after month I feel so sharply the pain and disappointment of that “failure.” The Bible does not comfort with words like “barren” to describe that ancient disgrace.
I am happy for our friends who call us with the joyous news of their expectations, but it is like another pain in my heart. I want to be there to celebrate with them but my battered emotions are numb to the joy of another baby shower, another baby gift.
We want to adopt, but we are not ready yet. Heal us, loving God, from the sense that if we adopt, we are somehow “abandoning” our child — the child we have not had but long for so deeply.
Give us the patience to support each other in our sorrow and may this pain bring us together in the grace of our marriage. Bless us with ability to see more clearly where you are calling us to serve in this time in our life, when our sorrow sometimes outweighs our generosity and our self-focus lets us forget others. Be with us, heal us and let us feel your love blessing this marriage.
A Mother’s Prayer For Her Unborn Child
Lord, be with my baby as it grows inside me
I’m a mother-to-be and this I pray to you
Please lend your strength to my baby’s heart
So it can beat strong and give my baby life
Please allow my baby to have strong lungs
So I can hear that first cry loud & clear
Please give my baby the spongiest brain you have
So it can soak up everything I have to teach
Please help my baby’s organs to develop fully
So I can take my baby home with me
Please place your hands on my baby’s eyes
So I can show my baby the world
Please give my baby two ears that can hear
So my baby can hear how much love I have
Please allow my baby to have a nose that smells
So I can show my baby all the wonderful scents the world has
Please give my baby perfect lips, a tongue, & a mouth
So I can teach my baby to speak
Please give my baby two legs
So my baby can learn to walk through the world
Please give my baby two arms
So I can hold my baby’s hand as we stroll
Please allow my baby to have ten fingers and ten toes
So I can count them as most new mommy’s do
Please help my baby to be happy and healthy
So my baby can enjoy a full and wonderful life
Lord, be with my baby as it grows inside me
I’m a mother-to-be and this I pray to you
And His wisdom is just, and right.
Be honored mothers, and continue to pray,
For yours is a special place,
Chosen to be the creators of life,
By God, in His wisdom and grace.
— by Teri Jo
Prayers to Conceive a Child
Reward I Will Cherish
Heavenly Father, I come to you today and always your loving servant to ask of You a request to be able to conceive a baby. This is a reward that I will cherish with my life. I thank you for the blessings I have and for the blessing I am about to receive. I believe in Jesus’s name and do not take him for granted. I love you Lord with my whole heart and I know I am not forsaken or forgotten. Amen.
Your Will
Heavenly Father, You know my deep desire for a child. A little one to love and to hold, to care for, to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in Your holy image. Guide me in all my choices so that this conception, my pregnancy and my baby’s birth are in line with Your will. Heavenly Father and Holy Mother, hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit. Amen.
Nurture and Protect
Dear God of Goodness and Grace, Hold us close. We’re sad and hopeful, anxious and excited, longingly waiting for the moment of conception. May it be Your will that the life of our child begins soon. Choose the best from us both to form a new soul. Place it ever so gently in my womb where I will nurture and protect the precious gift of life I am about to receive. Amen.
Grounded in Love
Our Father, my spouse and I bow our knees unto You. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named, we pray that You would grant to us according to the riches of Your glory, to be strengthened with might by Your spirit in the inner man. Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, that we –being rooted and grounded in love–may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is breadth and length and depth and height of the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that we might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Fruit of The Womb
Father, we thank You that children are the heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. Children are Your idea, Father; You thought up children, and family, and home. You instituted the family in the Garden of Eden. You ordered children; You commanded them when You said to Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and multiply.” You said that the barren womb is never satisfied. Lord, the Word declares that I am wonderfully and fearfully made by You; therefore, I’m perfect and able to conceive and have children. Please give me the opportunity to carry out this blessing and use this magically gift to create my own family.
— Abby Reynolds, borrowed from
Prayers For Fertility or a New Baby
Real Rewards
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Psalm 127:3)
Gracious Father,
I cannot thank You enough for blessing me with my children. I am in awe every day that I look at them and see myself in their eyes. I remember being a child and being loved by my parents and I also thank You for them, Lord! I want to love my kids even better than my parents loved me, and I hope my children will strive to love their own children, someday, better than I have loved them. I am overjoyed at how they want and desire love from me. I am more than willing to shower them with my love, Father! Thank You for these wonderful kids of mine! I love You, Lord! Amen
Fertility Issues/Troubles
“Behold now, the Lord has prevented me from bearing children.” (Genesis 16:2a)
Abba, Father,
I feel forgotten, Lord. I have cried out to You! I long for a baby of my own, Father. I can’t rely on my own abilities and strength anymore. You are the giver of life and I come to You now. Father, hear my prayer! I desperately want a child of my own. I understand why Sarah was so depressed in Genesis, Lord. She was very old when You gave her a child. Father, if it be Your will, I beg of You, give me a child of my own that I can love on and raise through Your standards. I will memorize scripture with them! I will show them how to love others with a “Christ-like” love! O Father, I am at Your mercy and I pray for deliverance from infertility. I love You! Amen
Surround Us
“When ye frequently, and in numbers meet together, the powers of Satan are overthrown, and his mischief is neutralized by your like-mindedness in the faith.” – Ignatius of Antioch
Dear Lord,
I thank you for my newborn! His/her eyes are so beautiful when they are open! I am in awe of how You have brought this tiny little baby into my arms! I praise Your Name, Lord! I ask now that You would have our friends, family and church family surround us with their love and wisdom, Lord. I pledge to raise this baby in Your church, Father. May it be that our church family will surround this little one with love, affection, wisdom and song. I love You, Lord! Amen
Strength To Persevere
“How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and everyday have sorrow in my heart?” (Psalm 13:1-2)
I am at rock bottom. My wife and I have been trying for 2 ½ years to have a little baby. I don’t even want to try anymore, Lord. What is the fun in hoping for something that doesn’t seem like it is going to happen? Father, I have nothing left in me. I don’t even want to try anymore to have a child. It is ruining the intimate moments with my wife. We aren’t even enjoying each other. We are exhausted, Lord. I pray for Your strength to press on. Father, if it be Your will, please give us another baby! We are at Your humble mercy, Lord. I love You! Amen
“Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.” (Romans 10:1)
Father, God
You alone have the power to give life in Heaven and death in Hell. I pray for the salvation of my newborn. Father, I pray that by the way I teach my child Your scriptures and truth that he/she will hold fast to Your Word and never walk away. I pray that they will retain the knowledge that they learn and put it to good use in the way they conduct themselves as they grow older. I can’t imagine life without my baby now, and I can’t imagine life without them in Heaven either! Give me patience when they are in sin. May I always show them love even when it doesn’t make sense to them. Jesus showed His accusers love by asking You to forgive them, Father, while He gave His own life up for humanity. May I always have that kind of love for my own kids, that they may grow up knowing You are the One and True God! I love You! Amen
“I am weary with my moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with my weeping.” (Psalm 6:6)
Father in Heaven,
You already knew the results of my test before it came back. Lord, there is no chance for me to have babies! I feel so inadequate and abnormal. I don’t feel like a man today. I feel like a failure. Lord, I know you see me differently, but being a man that cannot give my wife the precious gift of children is killing me! How do I move on from here? My wife and I wanted so badly a child of our own flesh and blood, and now that dream has become a nightmare. Father, I have no idea how to process this. I need You now more than ever. Lord, I still want children! Father, if not through my own marriage, please lead us to a child we can adopt. I want to love on a child with the love of Jesus! Father, help me through this as I grieve over my own incapability to bring a child into this world. I need to feel Your presence surrounding me, Father. I need You! I love You! Amen
Prayer To Have A Child
“Abba Father, thank You for giving me hope and expectation that one day I will conceive and bear my own child. Your ears are not closed to my prayers and you know the deepest desires and intentions of my heart. I love You, Lord and it is You who put this longing to be a mother/father and consummate our marriage through the gift of a child. I repent for the many times that I almost gave up and felt frustrated, lonely, and miserable… for doubting your promises, power, and wisdom in the dark days of our lives. I let go of all the stress, pressures, fears, pains, shame, and grief associated with this yearning to have a child and I put this in Your hands.
I bless You Lord for You are in full control and dominion over everything great and small. Nothing is hidden from Your sight and You have the ability, authority, and majestic power to do what I cannot do for myself, my spouse, and our future and destiny. I completely entrust our lives in Your hands knowing that You know what is best for us. I come to You now reminding You of Your wonderful promises to me and my family. No good thing will You withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Those who put their hope and trust in You will never be put to shame nor disappointed. That if I abide You and Your Words abide in Me, I can ask for whatever I wish and it will be granted to me.
I bless our bodies that we can produce and conceive a child. I bless our sexual and reproductive organs to function to the way God originally intended for them to function. I bless my intimacy and union with my spouse to be clean and pure before the eyes of God and that out of our love for God and love for each other, a child will be formed and this child will bind our love for each other and he/she will be used by God for his kingdom.
Thank You Father God for giving us your Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to save, heal, deliver, and restore us. Jesus Himself was born to an earthly mother and it was such a joy for Mary to conceive and bear Him, the Savior of the world. Grant me this same privilege and joy to conceive and bear a child in Your own perfect time. My sorrows will turn into joy (John 16.20), my wailing into dancing. (Psalm 30.11) This is my prayer for a baby, In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.”

Fertility Prayers For Conception Of A Child
Reward I Will Cherish Fertility Prayer:
Heavenly Father, I come to you today and always your loving servant to ask of You a request to be able to conceive a baby. This is a reward that I will cherish with my life. I thank you for the blessings I have and for the blessing I am about to receive. I believe in Jesus’s name and do not take him for granted. I love you Lord with my whole heart and I know I am not forsaken or forgotten. Amen.
Your Will Fertility Prayer:
Heavenly Father, You know my deep desire for a child. A little one to love and to hold, to care for, to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in Your holy image. Guide me in all my choices so that this conception, my pregnancy and my baby’s birth are in line with Your will. Heavenly Father and Holy Mother, hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit. Amen.
Nurture and Protect Fertility Prayer:
Dear God of Goodness and Grace, Hold us close. We’re sad and hopeful, anxious and excited, longingly waiting for the moment of conception. May it be Your will that the life of our child begins soon. Choose the best from us both to form a new soul. Place it ever so gently in my womb where I will nurture and protect the precious gift of life I am about to receive. Amen.
Fruit of The Womb Fertility Prayer:
Father, we thank You that children are the heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. Children are Your idea, Father; You thought up children, and family, and home. You instituted the family in the Garden of Eden. You ordered children; You commanded them when You said to Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and multiply.” You said that the barren womb is never satisfied. Lord, the Word declares that I am wonderfully and fearfully made by You; therefore, I’m perfect and able to conceive and have children. Please give me the opportunity to carry out this blessing and use this magically gift to create my own family.
Gently in My Womb Fertility Prayer:
Dear God of Goodness and Grace, Hold us close.
We’re sad and hopeful, anxious and excited, longingly waiting for the moment of conception.
May it be your will that the life of our child begins soon.
Choose the best from us both form a new soul.
Place it ever so gently in my womb where I will nurture and protect the precious gift of life I am about to receive. Amen.
Make Me Fertile Fertility Prayer:
Praise the Lord for He is great, mighty, and gives life. May He remember me as He did Sarah, planting seed in my womb, bearing fruit, as the most bountiful tree in the orchard. Lord on high, Lord so close, make me fertile. Create a new soul and I will raise it up in Your name. Hallelujah!
Breathe Life Unto Me Fertility Prayer:
God. Elohim. Breath. Your name (dear Lord) means breath.
Breathe Your life unto me. Impregnate me.
I need you now.
We long for a baby.
A gift from You. Yes?
Bless Your Child With Child Fertility Prayer:
Heavenly Father, I am yours. Will you bless Your child with child?
I long to honor You by being a mother who raises her children in love, respect and service to You.
In Your name I pray: Fill my womb, grace me with pregnancy and deliver to me a healthy baby. Amen
Ready to Be a Mother Fertility Prayer:
Father, Hear my prayer for getting pregnant.
I am ready to be a mother. Generously, we give our love to each other.
Won’t you bless us with fertility?
We make a sacred promise to be worthy of Your trust.
We will be honorable parents teaching love, respect and Your word to our baby.
With praise for Your glory and goodness, we pray that it is Your will to fulfill our true purpose
Change us from a couple to a family. Amen
Seeing Conception Fertility Prayer:
Fertility is within my reach. I close my eyes and see conception.
Carefully, I will nurture God’s greatest creation-new life.
I am ready, willing, and able to bear a child.
The Lord is with me. I will walk with confidence along the path where mothers before me have walked.
The time for getting pregnant is here. My prayers will be answered.
It is God’s will.
A Prayer for Those Desiring Children
Father, as Your children, we come to You and remind You that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law and You have promised us all the blessings of Abraham. We are in a covenant with You and we expect You to fulfill the conditions of that covenant.
Father, we desire to have a baby, and since Your Word says that children are a gift from You, we expect to have a normal, healthy baby. Since __________ has been redeemed from the curse, we expect her to carry that child full term. Your Word says You will bless the fruit of her womb, and Your Word says she will lose none of her young by miscarriage or be barren and that You will keep her safe through childbearing. Since she is no longer under the curse, she will be able to have this child the way You originally planned for Eve to have children—free from pain and suffering and pangs and spasms of distress. So we expect this child to be brought into the world quickly and with no pain. We believe she will feel the contractions but will feel no pain. We believe, according to Your Word, that she will have a beautiful pregnancy with no suffering during it.
Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering our prayers and for faithfully watching over Your Word to perform it. We know You have given Your angels charge over us to accompany and defend and preserve us in all our ways.
Now, Satan, you hear the Word of God. We speak it to you and command you to take your hands off us, God’s children, in the Name of Jesus. We break all assignments you have put up against us and forbid you to hinder this pregnancy or childbirth in any way. We bind you, and the Word of God declares that whatever we bind on this earth is bound in heaven, and whatever we loose is loosed in heaven. And we loose the peace of God to flood our hearts right now, in Jesus’ Name.
Thank You, Lord, for hearing and answering our prayers. We love You and we appreciate You and look forward to seeing this precious little love that You have especially picked out for us.
Prayer for Those Hoping to Conceive or Adopt a Child
God our Creator,
by your love the world is filled with life,
through your generosity one generation
gives life to another,
and so are your wonders told and your praises sung.
We look to you in our love and in our need:
may it be your will that we bear (adopt) a child
to share our home and faith.
Loving God, be close to us
as we pray to love and do your will.
You are our God, nourishing us forever and ever.
A Woman’s Prayer to get pregnant
Dear Loving Heavenly Father,
I am Your child and I long to have a child of my own in my arms,
a child to love and to cherish for the rest of my life,
just as You have loved me with Your everlasting love.
Whatever the reason Lord, that I have not conceived,
I pray Lord that You would give me the strength to get pregnant
and bear a little baby, just as Sarah in the Old Testament
was given the grace to conceive and bear her son, Isaac,
Lord if there are any internal complications in either my husband or me,
I pray that in Your grace, that You would enable us to overcome all those difficulties.
Grant that my body may conceive and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in Your Holy image.
Guide me in all my choices so that this conception, my pregnancy and my baby’s birth are in line with Your Will.
Heavenly Father, hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit.
Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer and I leave my life in Your hands.
In Jesus name I pray,
Prayer For Fertility Catholic
Dear God, Please Accept my prayer of wanting the only blessing to have a twin heart in my life. Lords, I am Thankful to you for making us worthy and dropping this desire in our hearts. We are ready to do our duty and become parents of twins. Please accept our prayers, In the name of Jesus. Amen
*** *** ***
Holy Father, I waited for a long time to have a baby. Please forgive me for all my sins and clear the path to become a good mother. My heart is surrender to you, and I have faith in your blessings. God, I ask you to accept me as your beloved child and bless me to become the mother of twins soon. Amen
Miracle Prayer Getting Pregnant
Dear Father, The world is aware of your miracles, and so do I. I have been tired of trying to conceive and failed. I am accepting all my faults and sins. Please forgive me and shower your blessing upon me. Lord, I am praying you bless me with a child. I am expecting your miracle into my life. Amen.
*** *** ***
Dear God, Although I have not been so loyal to you lately, I am asking for forgiveness for the ignorance. Please forgive me for being critical in not believing in you and your words. Today, I am praying with all my heart and asking you to bless me with a child. Father, I know you will forgive me, accept me as your honest child, and fulfill my desire. Amen.
Muslim Prayers for Getting a Child
He or she who has no child should recite the following verse three times after every daily prayers (Namaz) Insha Allah he or she will soon have a child.
رَبِّ لاَ تَذَرْنِىْ فَرْدًا وَّ اَنْتَ خَيْرُ الْوَارِثِيْنَ
O My Lord! Leave me not alone (without an issue) though Thou art the Best of heirs! — The Quran 21: 89
One who has lost all hope of begetting a child should frequently recite the following verse. Allah will mercifully grant one child.
رَبِّ هَبْ لِىْ مِنْ لَّدُنْكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً، اِنَّكَ سَمِيْعُ الدُّعَآءِ
Lord! Grant me from unto Thee a good offspring: Verily, Thou art the Hearer of Prayer. — The Quran 3: 38