The Joy Of A Garden
The poem The Joy Of A Garden is about the enjoyment of God’s creation written by Gail Brook Burket.
The joy of creation,
A gardener knows,
Holds more than the beauty
Of lilly and rose.
For he feels warm blessing,
Like sunshine in May,
Of working together
With God day by day.
The joy of each person
Who shares the glad sight
Of blossoming glory
Is more than delight.
For always in gardens
The soul is aware
Of God’s loving presence
And walks with Him there.
By Gail Brook Burket

Hummingbirds and Flowers
Gail Brook Burket, American author Recipient Robert Ferguson Memorial award Friends of Literature, 1973. member central committee, 1986.; Member National Trust History Preservation, 1995.; Member National League American Pen Women (Illinois state president 1952-1954, national vice president 1958-1960), Society Midland.