Story Of Ezekiel
After Joshua, Ezekiel succeeded him as the prophet to the Israelites. The people had fled from Palestine for fear of the plague and settled on a plateau. God said to them: “Die you all,” and they all perished. A few centuries passed, and then Ezekiel, passing by, stopped over them, wondering. There came a voice: “Do you want God to resurrect them while you watch?” He said: “Yes.” Then he was commanded to call those bones to join one to the other and to be covered with flesh. So he called them by the power of God, and the people arose and glorified God in the voice of one man.

This place was called “Damardan.” Its people were inflicted with plague, so they fled, while a group of them who remained in the village perished. The Angel of Death called to the survivors: “Die you all,” and they perished. After a long time a prophet called Ezekiel passed by them and stood wondering over them, twisting his jaws and fingers. God revealed to him:
“Do you want Me to show you how I bring them back to life?”
He said: “Yes.” His idea was to marvel at the power of God over them. A voice said to him:
“Call: ‘O you bones, God commands you to gather up.'”
The bones began to fly one to the other until they became skeletons. Then God revealed to him to say;
“Call: ‘O you bones, God commands you to put on flesh and blood and the clothes in which they had died.'”
And a voice said:
“God commands you to call the bodies to rise.”
And they rose. When they returned to life they said:
“Blessed are You, O Lord, and all praises is Yours.”
It is reported that the dead who were resurrected were four thousand, while in other report they were nine thousand.
We do not know how long Ezekiel stayed among the Israelites before God took him away. After him, the Israelites deviated from the right way of life, as they usually did, and deserted God’s covenant with them. They worshipped many idols, among them Ba’al, so God sent to them the Prophet Elijah.