Prayers For Repentance Our Sins

Repentance is a change of thought to correct a wrong and gain forgiveness from a person who is wronged. In religious contexts it usually refers to confession to God, ceasing sin against God, and resolving to live a more responsible and humane life. It typically includes an admission of guilt, a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense; an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible.

We have collected some of the best prayers for Repentance to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.

Main Article: What is Repentance?

“O God, I repent before You for all my sins and I promise never to return to the same (again and again).”

Sorrow Forgiveness Sad Sadness People Christianity

Repentance Our Sins

Prayer Of Repentance And Acceptance

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. Thank You for sending Your only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay the price for my sins. Thank You that You did not turn away from mankind when through sin and rebellion we turned away from You and sought to live independently of You. Thank You for not giving up on the human race and thank You Father, for not giving up on me.

Father I admit that I am a sinner and have no right to approach Your holy Presence – except in and through the blood of Jesus Christ Who died to pay the price for my sins. I repent of all the wrong deeds that I have carried out in my body and all the lustful thoughts that I have committed in my mind.

Father I admit that there is no goodness in me, except that which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ I want to stop going my own way and by trying to live my life without You and I want to turn back to Christ Jesus, Who paid the price for my sins and Father I pray that I may learn to live in complete dependence upon Him – for I know that it is only In Him that I can only live a godly life

Thank You that You are a forgiving God – long-suffering and of great goodness. Thank You for forgiving my sins and may I walk in newness of life for this day forward, I ask this in Jesus name,


Prayer Of Deep Repentance

Lord God, You alone are worthy to be praised for You have created us and by Your mighty power, and redeemed us by Your precious blood and You hold all things together.

Lord I know that I have sinned against You, and have acted in rebellious and wicked ways, by turning away from Your commandments and ignoring the truths that are contained throughout the Scripture for my instruction, training in righteousness and well-being.

I have not listened to Your Word and have turned aside from Your voice.. and I have ignored Your many calls to holiness and I stand before You poor and wretched, naked and ashamed.

Lord God, according to Your grace and mercy I ask for Your forgiveness. Keep Your promise to me, Your child I pray.. and wash away my many sins. Help me to put the past behind me and enable me to walk into the future with a desire to do Your will and to live godly in Christ Jesus.

Thank You Lord that Your mercies are new every morning. Thank You that even though I have been so faithless towards You – You have remained faithful towards me. Cleanse my heart from within I pray and renew a right spirit within me, and may I walk in holiness and righteousness from this day forward – in Jesus name I pray,


Prayer Of Faith, Repentance and Salvation

Loving Lord Jesus, You have loved me even though I have not loved You. I admit that I am a sinner and I know that there is no other way to have my many sins forgiven except through Your blood, that was shed at Calvary – for sinners such as me.

I believe that You died for me and that You took all the punishment for my sins that I justly deserve. Lord I repent of all my sins and pray that You would forgive me all my trespasses.

Please come into my life – I receive You as my Saviour for You promised that as many as receive You – You will give the right to become sons of God.. even to those who believe on Your name. Lord I believe and want to follow You as My Lord and Saviour, from this day forward..

Thank You for hearing my prayer,


Repentance in sincerity

Deep Repentance

Prayer Of Repentance Following An Abortion

Heavenly Father, You know all that I have done in my life, and how I have skirted around the issue of my abortion, dismissed the significance of this sin in my life and tried to pretend that it was no big deal.

But Lord, I now confess to You this terrible sin and realise increasingly that it is detestable in Your sight to abort a new little life. I confess my wrongdoing and grieve to think of the unborn baby that I chose to terminate in my womb.

I confess my sin and repent of my casual attitude and ask for Your healing touch on my life. Help me to release this painful memory to You and to accept that Your promise of forgiveness to all who repent of their sins and turn to Christ.

Thank You that You paid the price for all my sins at Calvary and that You have promised to remove them as far as the east is from the west… Thank You in Jesus name,


“For godly grief produces a repentance not to be regretted and leading to salvation, but worldly grief produces death.”
(2 Corinthians 7:10)

Prayer Of Repentance For God’s Mercy

Father, my heart cries out to You for mercy and grace, knowing that there is nothing that commends me to You and there is nothing that I can do to warrant Your forgiveness, except in the cross of Christ Jesus my Lord. Father, my sins testify against me, for my hearts is bruised and bloodied and there is no health in me whatsoever. All too often my thoughts are dirty thoughts, which are not honouring to a holy God. And too frequently my thoughts are translated into foul words and actions that belie my union in Christ and my position as a child of God. For although I have trusted Christ as my Saviour, I have sinned against You in thought, word and deed and am no longer worthy to be called Your child.

Lord I have sinned against You and I confess my sins before You, and my heart’s desire turn right away from all my sin and back to You – back to my first love – my Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that Your mercy towards me never fails. Thank You that Your loving-kindness towards me and all Your children, is new every morning – great is Your faithfulness. Thank You that even though I proved faithless, You remain faithful to the promises that You have made to me – that whosever believes in Jesus, will not perish, but have everlasting life. Thank You that Christ’s death on the cross has washed all my sins.. past, present and future right away – and Lord from this day forward help me to learn to take every thought captive and give it to You and wash my heart clean and pure so that I live and work to Your honour and glory, in Jesus precious name, I pray.


For National Repentance, Deliverance and Truth

Dear Lord and heavenly King, thank You that there are no boundaries in Your kingdom and that You ultimately rule over heaven and earth, despite that wickedness and evil that seeks to dominate the nations of the world as well the lives of individuals.

We pray that You set up godly men and women in positions of leadership and power in our own nation and in all the nations who exercise authority in our world today.

Thank You for those leaders that are prepared to stand up for truth and righteousness and all who are willing to challenge those that are seeking to remove the principles of freedom and tolerance that stem from Your laws and to establish the flawed principles that come from human wisdom…

Lord we pray that You would guide the leaders of many nations to repent of their sins and turn to the path of peace that only comes from You, – knowing that in the final analysis the only peace that will ever be established on earth will be under the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself – after Your wrath has been poured out on a Christ rejecting sinful world. Have mercy Lord – Lord have mercy on all the leaders of nations who do not know You – we pray that many will be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name we pray.


Psalm 51 – The Miserere: Prayer of Repentance

Have mercy on me, God, in your goodness
in your abundant compassion
blot out my offense.
Wash away all my guilt;
from my sin cleanse me.

For I know my offense;
my sin is always before me.
Against you alone have I sinned;
I have done such evil in your sight
That you are just in your sentence,
blameless when you condemn.
True, I was born guilty,
a sinner, even as my mother conceived me.
Still, you insist on sincerity of heart;
in my inmost being teach me wisdom.

Cleanse me with hyssop, that I may be pure;
wash me, make me whiter than snow.
Let me hear sounds of joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
Turn away your face from my sins;
blot out all my guilt.

A clean heart create for me, God;
renew in me a steadfast spirit.
Do not drive me from your presence,
nor take from me your holy spirit.
Restore my joy in your salvation;
sustain in me a willing spirit.

I will teach the wicked your ways,
that sinners may return to you.
Rescue me from death, God, my saving God,
that my tongue may praise your healing power.
Lord, open my lips;
my mouth will proclaim your praise.
For you do not desire sacrifice;
a burnt offering you would not accept.
My sacrifice, God, is a broken spirit;
God, do not spurn a broken, humbled heart.

–Psalm 51:3-19

Repentance From Unbelievers

Father in heaven,

My heart grieves for those close to me that do not want to know You.  They are lost souls wandering wherever the devil takes them.  They are fulfilling their own desires of the flesh instead of yearning for the life that You give.  Father, use me or anyone that You please to show Christ-like love to them.  Father, I love these men and women and to think of them in eternal torment is tormenting me!  I pray that the seeds that are planted in them Lord will be grown by You.  You make miracles happen every day and I pray that You make one today in the lives of the lost.  I praise Your Holy Name!  Amen

Why Lord?

Beautiful Lord,

Why do You forgive us?  We shout praises to You when we sing worship.  With the same tongue we curse other people that are made in Your image. (James 3:9 reference)  Why do You forgive us?  We say we love You and still keep sinning.  Why do You forgive us?  We spend time in prayer thanking You for your blessings and then we refuse to bless others.  Why do You forgive us?  We read our Bibles when we make time for it, but we also read other nonsense that is offensive to You.  Why do You forgive us?  We praise Jesus for His death on the cross for the atonement of our sins and then we nail Him to it again every time we trespass against You.  Why do You forgive us every single time?  I am so thankful for your endless supply of forgiveness!  I can’t fathom how You do it, for I am only one man.  You do this for every single person!  The compassion and grace and mercy that flow from You is absolutely amazing and I love You for it!  Thank you so much for forgiving me every time I sin!  You are worthy to be praised!  Amen

The Prayer of Repentance and Deliverance

This “Exorcism Prayer” was given to Vassula on November 13, 2006

Vassula writes:

Jesus Christ dictated to me this prayer which is a prayer of repentance, healing and deliverance. He said that this “excorcism prayer” is needed for our times so evil.

The Lord said:

“Let them repent before Me with these words:”

Lord, you have endured me all these years with my sins, but nonetheless You pitied me;

I was led astray in every way, but now I will sin no more; I have wronged You and I have been unjust; I will be so, no more; I renounce sin, I renounce the Devil, I renounce iniquity that stains my soul; free my soul from all that is against Your holiness;

I entreat You, Lord, to rescue me from all evil; Come Jesus now, come now and abide in my heart;

Forgive me, Lord, and allow me to rest in You, For You are my Shield, my Redeemer and my Light and in You do I trust;

From today I will bless You Lord at all times;

I repudiate evil and all other gods and idols, for You are the Most High over the world, far transcending all other gods;

By Your mighty arm, rescue me from ill health, rescue me from being a captive, rescue me from trouble and defeat my enemy the Devil; come quickly to my help O Saviour!


This prayer will be very effective if prayed with the heart and sincerity.

Catholic prayer of repentance

I beseech Thee, O Most Blessed Trinity,
to shed the fire of Thy merciful love upon this most frigid heart,
to let shine upon this most darkened mind,
the light of the Son,
in whom alone is every grace and truth.
Have pity on me, most Merciful God,
and regard not my sins and offenses,
but in Thy mercy forgive me yet again,
and grant me the graces to serve Thee now in fidelity and truth.

(Extract from ” A Prayer of Repentance”, the Franciscan Prayerbook)

Anglican Prayer of Repentance

Almighty God, our heavenly Father:
We have sinned against you,
through our own fault,
in thought, and word, and deed,
and in what we have left undone.
For the sake of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ,
forgive us all our offenses;
and grant that we may serve you
in newness of life,
to the glory of your Name. Amen.

(source: from “An Order for Compline”, Book of Common Prayer, 1979 version, Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA.)

Our Pastors

Dear Lord,

I pray for pastors around the world.  If there is any un-confessed sin active in their lives, I pray that You would bring them to the deepest valleys if that is what it takes to get them back on the narrow path.  We need strong pastors leading our congregations.  I pray that You would use the people closest to their pastors to keep them accountable, Lord.  Accountability is a must in every Christian’s life.  I thank you for our pastors, Lord, for they have a huge role to play here on earth.  They have many big responsibilities and I am so grateful that they accept the challenges of pastoring.  I love You, Lord!  Amen

Repentance, Sincere Penitence and Turning to God in Contrition

Repentance, Sincere Penitence and Turning to God in Contrition

Prayers of confession and repentance

Unclutter our lives, Lord
we have too much,
consume too much,
expect too much.

Grant us perspective;
to see this world
through others’ eyes
than just our own.

Grant us compassion;
where there is need
to play our part
not turn aside.

Grant us gratitude
for what we have,
our daily bread
the gift of life.

Unclutter our lives, Lord,
give us space,
thankful hearts.


God of healing,
God of wholeness,
we bring our brokenness,
our sinfulness,
our fears
and despair,
and lay them at your feet.

God of healing,
God of wholeness,
we hold out hearts and hands,
minds and souls
to feel your touch,
and know the peace
that only you can bring.

God of healing,
God of wholeness,
this precious moment
in your presence and power
grant us faith and confidence
that here broken lives
are made whole.


Loving Father
all the fancy words
in the world,
expressed in eloquent prose,
decorated with emotion,
spoken with conviction,
cannot compete with a heartfelt
when all other words fail.
There are times
when we are all too aware
of our limitations,
conscious of sin
and the distance it creates between us.
Sometimes ‘sorry’
is all the heart can bear to say aloud.
It is only you
who can read and understand
the language of our hearts.
Only you who can translate our ‘sorry’
into the prayer we would have prayed
if we had the words within us.
Then you forgive,
and having forgiven,
surround us in an embrace of love,
drawing us close to your heart
as it was always meant to be.
Thank you, Loving Father,
that you listen to hearts
as well as voices.
Thank you.


Your forgiveness is total,
no notebook,
tape recorder
or post-it note
to remind you of that moment
You take our confession,
offered with hands outstretched
and gently,
like the loving
heavenly Father that you are,
put it to one side
to be forgotten.
No grudges, no itching for judgement.
No resentment or ill-will.
Not like us,
who find it easy to say sorry
but so hard to forgive,
Forgive us, Father,
that we are often more willing
to accept forgiveness,
than to forgive.
More willing to accept your love,
than to share it with those
who have hurt us.
Teach us to forgive,
as you forgive


Has its source in you,
Creator God.
Flows from you like an ocean,
into a world as unyielding
as any shoreline cliff.
And like the ocean
which batters,
and wears away
even the hardest stone
your love persists,
finds cracks and inlets,
in hardened hearts,
flows inside and works a miracle.
Who would think that water
was more powerful than granite,
love mightier
than the hardest heart.
Thank you, Creator God,
for the power of your love.


You have given us a world of beauty,
and we have spoilt it.
A world to feed us,
and so many go hungry.
A world of riches,
and we are unwilling to share.
A world to care for,
and we think only of ourselves.
Forgive us, gracious God,
for those times your heart is saddened
by our selfishness.
For those times we have no thought
for others, no cares but ours.
Enable us to see this world anew
as a gift from you,
to be shared and nurtured,
and those who live upon it
to be loved and cared for.
We ask this that your name
may be glorified,
through the beauty of this world,
and the service of our lives


Lord God, you have shown us such love,
and stretched out your arms
to draw us into your embrace.
Yet we so often fail to show that love
within our lives,
or recognise its source.
Forgive our short-sightedness,
for the times we’ve failed to see your love
in the generosity of friend
or stranger,
the shoulder to cry on,
willing ear to listen,
a word of encouragement,
holding our hand that extra mile.
Forgive us for failing to notice
how much you care for us.


Father God,
you are the one who leads us
from darkness into light,
from captivity into freedom,
from anxiety into peace,
from despair into joy.
Yet we long to break free,
choosing independence,
convinced of our own wisdom,
forgetting your love and grace.
Forgive us,
draw close to us,
embrace us once again
in your loving arms,
and enable us to follow you
in worship and grateful service
each day of our lives


Lord God, your love for humankind,
present in the beginning of all things,
extends throughout history
and touches even my life.
Your love sees failings
and forgives.
Your love feels pain
and wipes away our tears.
Your love knows grief,
and comforts the sorrowful.
Your love sees sin
and still loves the sinner.
Forgive us when we fail to live
lives that reflect your love.
Forgive us the many times
when we take for granted
all that you have done for us.
Transform us, through your Spirit,
and empower us to serve you
this day and all days


Saving God, we are your people
yet the world cannot see this.
We are your children,
and fail to live in peace.
We are your voices
and choose to be silent.
We are your hands and feet
and walk a different road.
Forgive us, for ignoring your love,
for brushing aside your hand
and trusting our own wisdom.
Enable us to worship you
in spirit and in truth,
to bring to you our joyful songs
in the everyday moments of our lives;
that your name might be glorified
through our words and lives.


Heavenly God,
you gifted this world
and made us stewards of it,
gave us family from many lands
and ask us to care for them,
put your word upon our heart
and ask that we share it.
But we have thought only of ourselves
and the blessings of our lives,
forgetting that your grace
and love are for the benefit of all.
Forgive our selfishness,
enlarge our vision,
and enable us to be
the people we could be,
faithful servants
of our heavenly King


You call us to love
as you love,
care as you care,
seek justice,
mercy and truth
in a world that has yet to feel
the warmth of your embrace.
But we fail to heed your call,
draw back from those in need,
say nothing when we see
Become invisible.
Forgive us, you whose love
is better than life,
you whose Grace extends to all.
Forgive us, and enable us
to be the people we could be,
that your name might be
on the lips of all people.


God of all ages,
who from generation to generation
has heard the cries of your children
humbly seeking forgiveness,
and has welcomed sinners
back into your embrace,
hear the thoughts of our hearts,
examine our motives,
and forgive us our faults.
We ask this through your Son
who died and rose that we might know
the true cost of forgiveness.


Who is there like you,
God of mercy and grace
who loves us as you do?

Who knows and understands
our actions as you do?
Who hears the thoughts and words
of our heart as you do?
Who knows our joys and sorrows
and shares them as you do?
Who feels the pain we endure
and comforts us as you do?
Who hears as we confess our sins
and forgives as you do?
Who takes a broken heart
and makes it whole as you do?
Who finds a life that’s lost
and welcomes it home as you do?

Who is there like you,
God of mercy and grace
who loves us as you do?


Bring to my sinfulness
the cleansing waters of your forgiveness,
that having washed,
I might know refreshment and release.***


Forgive me those times
when I consider myself to be of little value.
Remind me constantly
that you died for me before I even knew you.
I want to move forward with you, Lord,
but I am held back by burdens I carry,
afraid to let go, lessen the load,
let myself become vulnerable
to be loved and in turn love,
to receive and in turn give.

I want to move forward with you, Lord,
but my ways are often not your ways.
Open my heart to forgiveness,
and let it touch the hearts of others,
that all might be blessed
and in turn become a blessing.


For those whose hearts are troubled,
or spirits crushed
by sin or circumstance,
Good Lord, deliver them.
Bring healing and wholeness
of mind, body and spirit,
and freedom,
to be the person
they were always meant to be.


Remind me when my life falls apart,
that you are an expert in the art
of restoration.


Forgive me for the things I have done
and not done.
Forgive me for the things I have said
and not said.
Forgive me for the life I have lived
and not lived.
That I might reflect the image
of the one I profess to follow,
in thought, word and deed,
and in discovering my true self
draw others into that light.


You call us to follow
and our footsteps falter,
reach out your hand
and we treat you as stranger,
whisper our name
and we simply ignore you.
Gracious God,
slow to anger,
swift to bless,
forgive us,
restore us.
Grant us hearts that stand firm,
a faith that is strong
and a hope that endures. Amen


You are the everything we desire,
the everything we do not deserve.
You are the love we have yet to find,
the peace beyond imagining.
You are the breath of life
enlivening the hardest heart.
You are the vibrant colour
illuminating the darkest dawn.
You are the truth that calls
in quiet whisper and through storm.
You are the precious moment
we reach out and touch the divine.
For those days when we forget,
forgive us.
When life distracts and focus shifts
forgive us.
When self imposes its own will
forgive us.
When our praise and worship fail to please
forgive us.
Embrace us once again, we pray
in sweet and loving fellowship with you. Amen.


By your Grace
we are forgiven,
in your peace
our lives are lived.
By your touch
we know healing,
in your strength
are we made whole.
When this is forgotten,
our focus on self,
your face obscured,
forgive and restore.
Take our mustard seed of faith
and let it grow,
take root
and blossom
in our hearts and lives.
Through our Saviour
Jesus Christ
and in no other name
do we ask this. Amen


God of Grace
forgive our ingratitude
for the blessings we have received.
Help us live the lives we proclaim.
God of Peace
forgive our impatience
with the actions of our neighbour.
Help us live the lives we proclaim.
God of love
forgive our intolerance
toward those of other faiths or none.
Help us live the lives we proclaim.
God of mercy
forgive our reluctance
to offer a word of forgiveness.
Help us live the lives we proclaim.
God of hope
accept our repentance
as a sweet-smelling offering
along with the service of our lives. Amen


Let us be still before the Lord
Rest quietly in his presence
Let us bring before the Lord
the words that may have hurt
and all those left unsaid;
the anger we have felt
and resentment we have fed.
Let us be still before the Lord
Rest quietly in his presence
The Lord is slow to anger
willing to forgive
full of Grace.
Draw near to him
rest quietly in his presence


When faith is tested to the limit,
and we stumble,
forgive us.
When feet stray from the path,
and we wander,
forgive us.
When our neighbour is in need,
and we pass by,
forgive us.
When the voices of this world,
drown out your whisper,
forgive us.
When love draws us to your feet,
in repentance,
forgive us.


When we have failed to recognise your love
in the actions of friend or stranger,
forgive us.
When we have failed to recognise your presence
in the world in which we live,
forgive us.
When we have failed to remember your gospel
in our actions, thoughts and words,
forgive us.
Renew our hearts in worship,
our minds in wisdom,
and our hands in service.
Take our lives and use them,
as a sacrifice of love.


Forgive us, Lord
when we are struggling with life,
searching for answers in vain,
relying on our own strength
and failing again.
Remind us, Lord
that you are the strength
upon whom we can call,
the power to endure,
the answer that we seek,
the one in whose arms
we can safely fall.
Forgive us, Lord
when we forget.


You speak to us in many ways,
through rushing wind
or still small voice,
in Scripture’s Word
or through your Grace
and we in turn find many ways,
to hear the world’s
insistent voice
break through the silence,
and take your place.
Forgive our sin.
Help us hear your voice
above the glamour of this world,
recognize the difference,
and follow only you. Amen


We pray for confidence
to share your Word with others
and for the opportunity to proclaim it.
Forgive our reluctance,
our timidity.
We pray for wisdom
to know what should be said
and the moment in which to say it.
Forgive our reticence,
our anxiety.
We pray for knowledge
of the fullness of your Grace
and the willingness to live it.
Forgive our ignorance,
our self-reliance.
Be the centre of all we are
The Light by which we walk
The blessing we bring to others
Through Jesus Christ alone we ask. Amen


Your majesty is beyond
The eternal King,
high and lifted up,
to whom the angels worship.
Your power is beyond
The Creator God
who shakes the heavens,
yet holds us in his hands.
Your mercy is beyond
our deserving.
The Saviour God,
once born for us,
now sacrificed in love.
Forgive the smallness
of our faith,
the magnitude
of our need,
the depth
of our sorrow.
Raise us up to new life
and new ways of service,
through Jesus Christ,
Your Son, our Lord. Amen


We are drawn to your feet in worship,
Your creation facing its creator,
Hearts laid bare by your light,
Humbly asking for your mercy.
We come to you as a people in need
of assurance and forgiveness.
We come to you as a people in need
of healing and wholeness.
We come dependent upon your love.
Draw us close.
Enfold us in your arms.
Fill us with your Spirit,
that we might reflect your light
within this dark world,
speak your Word with boldness
and draw others to your feet.
We ask this through your dear Son Jesus Christ.


God of the journey, your invitation is to all,
to walk with you without fear of stumbling,
Your arm enough to steady the feeblest soul,
Your grace to rescue us should we fall.
Grant us faith enough to take you at your word,
To know that when our hearts are heavy,
and the destination seems so distant,
that you are there with us along the road.
Forgive us those times when we doubt your Word,
when we awake and feel alone.
Draw us ever closer into your family,
that we might know your presence,
and sing your praises,
all the days of our lives. Amen


Saving God, how easy to forget
The joy of Christmas morning
In the bustle of the moment,
when pressures of this world
obscure our vision of the next.
How easy to forget the gift
so undeserved and free,
with cards and baubles packed away,
and thank you letters sent.
Forgive our short term memory.
As one year leads to next,
lead us on a journey
to new beginnings
in our relationship with you.
May we live in your presence
all the days of our lives. Amen.


You gave your all to the world
In the bleakness of that stable,
Love was born that day,
Pure love,
Undiluted ,
Poured out for all
Who call on Your name.
Such Grace,
Deserves a response
In the life that we lead.
Forgive our ingratitude
After all you have done.
Draw us to your Word,
Give us a new song to sing
That will resonate throughout this world,
And begin with us today. Amen


Gracious God, you have done so much for us
And we so little in return.
You ask for humility,
And we are often a proud people.
You ask for willingness,
And we are often a stubborn people.
You ask for repentance ,
And we are often a deaf people.
You ask for service,
And we are often a busy people.
Gracious God, you want the best for us,
Teach us obedience,
Grant us forgiveness,
That we, like Mary,
Might be your willing servants. Amen.

A Prayer of Repentance

My dear heavenly Father, you know the depths of my sorrow over my sin. Even though it’s painful, I know this sorrow is a gift of grace. I would far rather be aware of my sin and mourning over it, than to be oblivious of it and self-satisfied, because awareness of it is the first step toward confessing it, repenting of it, forsaking it, and turning back toward You. How I thank You for granting me a fresh awareness of my sin before a holy God! Not so I can wallow or berate myself, but so I can come to the cross for cleansing. I cannot improve upon the prayer of David of Psalm 51, and so I offer it to You now.

Have mercy on me, O God,
according to Your steadfast love;
according to Your abundant mercy
blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
and cleanse me from my sin!
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
Against You, You only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in Your sight,
so that You may be justified in Your words
and blameless in Your judgment.
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Behold, You delight in truth in the inward being,
and You teach me wisdom in the secret heart.
Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones that You have broken rejoice.
Hide Your face from my sins,
and blot out all my iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from Your presence,
and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
and sinners will return to You.
Deliver me from blood guiltiness, O God,
O God of my salvation,
and my tongue will sing aloud of Your righteousness.
O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare Your praise.
For You will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it;
You will not be pleased with a burnt offering.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.
Do good to Zion in Your good pleasure;
build up the walls of Jerusalem;
then will You delight in right sacrifices,
in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings;
then bulls will be offered on Your altar.

Having believed Your promise, I receive Your forgiveness, recognizing that You remove my sin as far as the east is from the west, choosing to remember it no more. There are no words to thank You for this grace. It’s in the name Jesus, my Savior, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Repentance and Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, in your grace and mercy You have provided forgiveness of sins, life and salvation to all whose faith is in Your Son, Jesus Christ. Lead us from the paths of sin to repentance and humility, trusting in Your Word and promises. Bring to repentance all who reject Your Word and Your ways. Protect Your faithful and give them boldness of faith to stand up against the assaults of the devil and this evil world. Give to all believers peace in the promise of life everlasting. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

General Prayer of Repentance

Heavenly Father,

Lord, You are good; Your steadfast love endures forever, and Your faithfulness to all generations (Ps 100:5, ESV).

We come on bended knee to acknowledge our utter dependence upon You, our Creator, God, and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. You are God of the Old and New Testaments. Your Covenant of love with us who believe is sealed by the blood of Your Son. Your promise to bless us if we believe, honor and obey You and to judge us if we do not, continues in force (Ps 95:6-7; Rom 5:8-9; Heb 8:10)

Lord, today, we unite with fellow Christians across America, from many denominations and backgrounds, falling to our knees before You, asking You to help us humble ourselves, not only today, but every day. Hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land (2 Chr 7:14)!

We have been proud and arrogant, as individuals, families, churches and as a nation. You have singularly blessed us, but we have taken Your blessing for granted (Jas 4:6; 1 Pet 5:5-6)

You are worthy of our love and devotion. Instead, we have forgotten You and ignored Your word. We have not esteemed You as Almighty God, nor have we honored, served and obeyed You as we ought (Ps 18; Rev 4:11).

Few of us are walking in pure devotion to You, worshiping wholeheartedly, praying without ceasing, and daily feeding upon Your word. Too few of us have given ourselves enthusiastically to do Your will and labored diligently to finish Your work. Rather we have forsaken You, the Spring of Living water, and imbibed the stagnant waters of our modern culture (Pr 12:24; Jer 2:13; Mt 4:10; Jn 4:34; 1 Th 5:17; 2 Tim 2:15).

You call us to be a light, to live holy lives, to walk in Christian love and carry the gospel of Christ to the nations. Instead, we have withheld the grace of Your gospel from our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers, allowing far too many to face a Christ-less
eternity. You command us to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, yet our youth are abandoning the faith in unprecedented numbers. While we ignore Your command to preach the gospel, those who serve false gods zealously proselytize,
trapping millions in eternal darkness and confusion. We have been complacent, apathetic, lazy, disobedient, and unfaithful to Your call (Mt 5:14-16).

You charge us to be salt to our culture, to preserve truth and all that is godly and pure. Yet we have allowed the rot of godless media and entertainment to fill our homes. Instead of permeating our culture with vital Biblical truth, instead of filling our homes, churches,
schools, businesses, halls of government, and thus our nation with eternal truth and reality, we have allowed them to be infected by lies and spiritual darkness. Instead of changing the world, the world has changed us. We seem impotent. Having failed to be the
salt of the earth, we are fast becoming good for nothing except to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men (Mt 5:13).

Lord, the living faith of our Forefathers, their love and devotion to their children, and their commitment to future generations compelled them to sacrifice their lives for us. Yet we have become the “me generation.” We elect leaders, not for their righteousness, but
their promise to give us benefits. Absorbed with our own lives and material possessions, we have lost sight of all that is important: God and family, our neighbors, our fellow countrymen and the people beyond the seas whom You love and for whom You gave Your Son (Pr 29:2; Ex 18:21).

Now, our nation is under judgment; natural disasters pummel our cities and countryside; we face war on two fronts; rogue nations hate us and international terrorists have penetrated our borders. Economic collapse cripples entire regions, millions are out of work; preachers and politicians are put on display for their acts of corruption and immorality; our leaders mortgage our children’s future to build political monuments to themselves. Our jails and prisons are filled to overflowing. Our children are enslaved by unthinkable sins, sex, drugs and alcohol. Abortion and sexual immorality have become
protected rights, and legislators, judges and governors impose homosexual “marriage” upon their citizens. Our schools teach that “marriage” between a man and a man is morally equivalent to holy matrimony between a man and woman; evil is called good, and good is called evil. The curses you warned would come to a disobedient people have all come upon us (Dt 8:11-20; 28: all; Is 5:20)

Unless You, Lord, intervene and bring revival to the Church, Awakening to the nation and spiritual reformation to our culture, our once God-blessed nation will go the way of ancient Carthage, Greece, and Rome. Persecution will surely become our lot (Ps 85:6; 94:17; Mt 5:13b).

Lord, we cry out to You today. Hear our cry. Help us to seek Your Face. Show us Your Face, and help us to turn from our wicked ways (2 Chr 7:14).

Lord, Heal our Land. Show us mercy! Forgive us our sins and cleanse us! Revive Your churches. Set our pulpits aflame with righteousness. Purge compromise from our pews and cause Your word to go forth to every city and town in America. Make Your people salt and light again. Raise up godly leaders in church and state and grant that we might lead quiet and peaceable lives in godliness and honesty. Help us to return wholly to You
and return, Lord, to us. We pray in the Name of Jesus, knowing that Your word declares, “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” (2 Chr 7:14; Is 40:8; Joel 2:15-18; Mal 3:7a; 2 Cor 7:1; 1 Jn 1:9)

Prayer of Repentance of Personal Sin

Dear Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I repent of all personal sin in my life. I ask You to forgive me and cleanse me. Some areas of sin I know; other areas of sin I do not recognize. But Your Word promises You are faithful and just to forgive all our sins and purify
us from all unrighteousness.

I ask You to reveal all areas of personal sin, known and unknown, so I may more deeply repent. Your sheep hear Your voice. You will speak to my heart and my mind, and I will hear You. If there are areas in which I am perishing for a lack of knowledge, I ask You to reveal Your truth to me. In Jesus’ Name, I will not reject Your truth.

I specifically repent of anger, pride, perversion, idolatry, addiction, greed, fear, control, manipulation, judgment, accusation, gossip (here you may insert area of specific sin or sins, such as fear of lack, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, etc.)

Convict me of my sin, O God, so I may see my sin and repent to the depths of my soul.

On my own, there is no righteousness in me, but I am made righteous by the Blood of Jesus. Your Word promises that as we repent, we step into the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Your mercy is great toward me, and You will freely pardon.

As far as the east is from the west, so far have You removed my transgressions from me.

By Your Holy Spirit, empower me to overcome personal sin in my life. I confess I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The prayer of a righteous person will avail much.

Show me Your ways, that I may know You more and walk in Your ways all the days of my life,
in Jesus’ Name.

Prayer of Repentance

O Lord my God, I confess that I have sinned against you in thought, word and deed.
I have also omitted to do what your holy law requires of me.
But now with repentance and contrition I turn again to your love and mercy.
I entreat you to forgive me all my transgressions and to cleanse me from all my sins.
Lord, fill my heart with the light of our truth.
Strengthen my will by your grace.
Teach me both to desire and to do only what pleases you. Amen.

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