Prayers For Loneliness
Page Contents
Loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation. Loneliness typically includes anxious feelings about a lack of connection or communication with other beings, both in the present and extending into the future. As such, loneliness can be felt even when surrounded by other people and one who feels lonely, is lonely. The causes of loneliness are varied and include social, mental, emotional, and physical factors. See Belief Relieves Loneliness
We have collected some of the best prayers for Loneliness to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith. See Prayers For Depression
A Prayer for Loneliness #1
Dear Gracious and Loving God,
Help me to feel your presence.
My heart aches and I feel so alone.
I miss a human touch, someone to take my hand or give me a hug.
I long for someone to tell me everything will be alright.
Please send your Comforter to me and take this loneliness away.
Help me instead of feeling empty, to feel full of the love you have for me.
Help me to know in my heart and remember that according to your Word; I am never alone because you are with me.
Your love and peace is with me, right now, in this moment. I feel it and I am not alone.
A Prayer for Loneliness #2
Heavenly, Most Loving, Gracious Father, we come before you to humbly ask that you comfort us in our moments of loneliness, that you be our shelter in the midst of the storm, that you walk beside us every step of the way.
Lord, at times we feel so alone, crying out for attention, in desperation, looking for some sort of acknowledgement from a single soul. Remind us that you are always there, right at our side, whenever we call.
No matter the time, the hour, the situation, Oh Lord, you have promised to never leave us nor forsake us.
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
A Prayer for Loneliness #3
Lord God,
Please release me from this lonely ache.
Please touch all the places of my emotional pain.
Please guide me to new times of experiencing your comfort.
You promise to be with me and walk with me every moment.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
A Prayer for Loneliness #4
Heavenly Father, the feeling of loneliness has always been my most difficult struggle in life. Ever since I was young, I have always felt feelings of isolation. Even though I have family and friends who are very loving, I can’t help but feel lonely. There is a strong feeling of emptiness and a void inside me which I believe you’re the only one who could fill. I come to You once again asking for Your help. I don’t want to continue to feel this way. I wish I knew what causes this negative emotion in my life. I know that You are the only one who understands what I’m going through. There are days when this becomes almost unbearable. There is nothing more disheartening than sitting at a table of crowded people and feeling lonesome. I should never feel this way because You are by my side, but I can’t help it. Please make Your presence known so I may feel better.

A Prayer For Overcoming Loneliness
Dear God,
I feel alone.
Please bring the warmth of relationships into my life. Please cover my thoughts with hope. Please send your love into my heart. I know you are alive in all I experience.
May the birdsong speak to my soul, May the trees remind me of life, May the bread I eat nourish my soul with its goodness, As I connect with the world around me.
I give thanks for all those who love me, For all those who care. Help me to receive your hope in my heart, To embrace your life flowing in mine. I know I live and breathe as part of your family And dwell safely in you. I know you understand me.
I am not alone.
Prayers In Times Of Loneliness And Depression
Heaven Lord, my heart is troubled, I feel empty within myself, and I don’t derive joy and comfort from things that should give them to me. My life has become a shadow of itself. However, I seek refuge in your word that says the eye of the Lord is always upon the righteous and his ears are always attentive to their prayers, Lord with the brokenness of heart I cry to you, Lord comfort me. I seek the grace to always find comfort in the midst of people who fear you, people who love you dearly and obey your words. Grant me the grace to always find comfort in your word, in the name of Jesus.
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Lord Jesus, you promise you to promise that you will not leave us void but send us a comforter, the one that will quicken our mortal body. The comforter that will ease all of our troubles, the comforter that will give us an assurance that tomorrow will be a better day. Lord, I feel so lonely in this world, like my whole world is crashing and it seems there is no one who actually cares about my needs of how I feel. Many times I feel like screaming maybe someone will hear my voice and come for help because it seems I have been locked up in a self prison, I no longer recognize myself, Lord I ask that by your mercy you will locate and help me.
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I seek the grace not to be overwhelmed by the current situation going on around me. Tomorrow will be a great day, Yes! I know, however, the situation of things around me is so compelling that is rapidly driving me crazy, I know not what to do anymore. Lord, before I take a senseless decision, I pray that you will send me comforter. Right now, I can no longer see tomorrow, even though, the Bible says the glory of the latter shall surpass the former, Lord help me to trust in your word, help me build courage around the potency of your word.
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Lord in your word, you promise to heal the afflicted and to comfort everyone that is hurt. Lord, Loneliness is a great affliction, depression is a mightier disease, I ask that you will stretch forth your hands of healing to my life in the name of Jesus. I ask that your loving-kindness will be upon me at this moment and all my afflictions will be taken away in Jesus name. Your word says for Christ has bare upon himself all our illnesses and he has healed all our diseases, I pray that by the virtue of that word, my illness will be taken away in Jesus name.
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The book of Psalm says that you will renew a right spirit within me and you will give me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with your free spirit. I ask that you will create a right spirit within me, a spirit that will stronger for any disease called loneliness, a spirit that rebuke every ailment called depression, Lord I ask that you will release it upon me this moment in Jesus name. Lord, I do not to driven away by the snare of my current problem, I ask that you will make a way for me out of it, I acknowledge that I have come this far only because you made a way, Lord and now is another time for you to do what only you can do, Lord make a way for me.
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King of Glory, I use this as a point of contact to millions of people out there who are suffering from the same course. People who are struggling and battling with loneliness or depression for years and have not been able to overcome it. Lord, I ask that you will give them the grace to overcome it in Jesus name. Lord, I ask that you will grant the privilege to find a friend in Jesus and they will cast all of their troubles and sorrow upon Christ alone. Lord, I seek for Grace for them, that their soul will not be defeated by the torment and tribulations of loneliness or depression which was orchestrated by the devil. To everyone that needs help, Lord I ask that you will help them in Jesus name.
— By Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Prayers In Times Of Loneliness
Heavenly Father, I need your comfort as I am feeling lonely. Help me to remember that you see me even when others don’t. Be with me through this trial I am going through. Help me understand that I am going through this for a reason and that you will see me through this; That I can conquer this because you are with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Isaiah 41:10 (NLT) – “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
Lord, I thank you for your favor and grace. Thank you for the reminder that I need not fear because you are with me. Help me overcome my negative thoughts and the fear at the thought of being alone. I know that your presence brings peace amid the storm. Thank you for holding me up in this season I am going through. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Romans 8:38 (NLT) – And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.
Dear Jesus, I pray that you would search my heart. See if there is any wicked way in me. Bring it to my attention so that I can make it right before you. Thank you for your forgiveness. Even though I feel you are far from me, I choose to stand on your promise that nothing can separate me from your love; That you are for me, not against me. Help me walk in the confidence of that promise today. Amen.
Hebrews 13:5 (NLT)– “…For God has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.
God, thank you that you have not forgotten me and never will. I confess I haven’t been trusting you and doubting your goodness. Renew my heart and mind in your truth. I ask for you to continue your healing work in my heart. Mend the brokenness. Give me the courage to face this day and all the challenges, knowing that you will not abandon me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Deuteronomy 31:8 (NLT) – “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Father, I am lonely right now. You said that you would never fail me or abandon me. Lord, I believe you but help my unbelief. Please, come right now and be near me. Let me sense your presence and peace. I invite you to invade my life and take away my loneliness. I thank you for the promise of your faithfulness. I am so grateful for your love for me. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Proverbs 30:5 (NLT) – “Every Word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.”
Lord, I feel vulnerable, confused, scared, and alone; That there is not one person I can genuinely trust or rely on. I thank you for the reminder that every word you speak is right. I come to you today humbly asking for your protection from those who desire to cause harm, From my own negative thoughts. Shield me from the enemies’ lies. Fill my heart and mind with only what is truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Psalm 139:7-10 (NLT)- “I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence…your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.”
Dear God, I feel alone, but I know you are with me in all I experience. Please fill my thoughts with hope. I thank you for the promise in your word that your hand will guide me. When I am weak, it is Your strength I can lean on. Help me to do that today; To look beyond my circumstances and trust you at your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Philippians 4:6 (NLT) – “Don’t worry about anything, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.”
Heavenly Father, I ask you for your help today, at this moment. Teach me not to worry. Remind me not to be anxious. As it says in your word, ‘Don’t worry about anything, pray about everything. And to tell you what I need’. God, I thank you for your provision. Thank you for the promises of our presence found in your word. Please bring the comfort of your peace and presence in my circumstance. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
— by Air1 Pastors
Forsaken by loved ones
Lord, there are times we think we can turn to loved ones and friends in our time of need, but they forsake us.
Oh Lord, you alone know what we are going through. Sometimes we vocalize our thoughts but no one understands.
There are many times we cry out to people to listen, when we need a friend, but they hardly ever take the time to show compassion.
Prayer for loneliness in marriage
(a prayer to help with times of loneliness in a marriage relationship)
Dear Lord,
I find myself adrift from the husband I love.
For life has washed us far apart,
our love life’s lost its heart.
How is it that although we sit together every night,
Our connections have just gone numb, we’ve given up the fight?
And all I feel is loneliness, where did our friendship flee?
Could we somehow retrace our steps to find what we used to be?
Help me Lord to be the first to speak out words of life.
To reminisce of special times and plan new dreams in Christ.
Prompt me Lord to gently touch his hand and ask to pray.
Give me strength to repent and forgive till the rubble clears away.
Show me how to tend to us, and make our marriage grow.
Give me wisdom to plant new seeds and find warmth and rain for growth.
For how can a love just fade, when cradled in your arms?
We are a cord of three true strands and you are part of us.
Weave us back, our lives entwined with life and hope again,
Until we find the blessing of being married to our own best friend.
A Prayer For Anyone Who Is Lonely
“Help us fight this new coronavirus and also help us fight the age-old virus of loneliness.”
Dear Lord,
The stay-at-home deadline has been extended once again. How long, oh Lord, will this last? We are concerned about COVID-19, but we also have concerns about social distancing. What is this time alone doing to us? We know we can make the most of it and we pray that we will. But we also pray for anyone who is fighting loneliness right now.
We pray for people who live alone and have gone without human touch for several weeks.
We pray for senior adults living in nursing homes, wondering when they will be able to see their loved ones again.
We pray for anyone who now stares at a computer screen all day—still interacting with people, but missing the three-dimensional dynamic of a human sitting across from them.
We pray for children who miss friends, teachers and playgrounds.
We pray for anyone fighting a mental illness that worsens in isolation.
We pray for everyone to reach out in safe, yet creative ways to check on one another. May we remember that we are called to be your hands and feet. As we connect in new ways, may we go wisely where you call us.
Lord, help us fight this new coronavirus, and also help us fight the age-old virus of loneliness. And through it all, may we remember you are “Emmanuel”: God with us. Thank you that we are never alone.
— By Dori Gorman, YMCA Chaplain
A Prayer to Lift Your Spirits
Dearest Lord, make us remember, when the world is cold and dreary, and we know not where to turn for comfort, that there is always one spot bright and cheerful—the Sanctuary.
When we are in desolation of spirit, when all who are dear to us have passed away, like summer flowers, and none are left to love us and care for us, whisper to our troubled souls that there is one friend who dies not—one whose love never changes—Jesus on the altar. When sorrows thicken and crush us with their burden, when we look in vain for comfort, let thy dear words come forth with full force from the tabernacle, “Come to me all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will refresh you.”
Thy friendship, dearest Lord, henceforth shall be the dearest treasure we possess. It shall compensate for the treachery and ingratitude of creatures. It shall be our consolation when the wild flowers are growing over the best loved ones, and when all who hold a dear place in our hearts are withered and gone! With thy friendship the world will never be dreary, and life never without a charm.
Would that we could realize the pure happiness of possessing thy sympathy!
Would that we could feel, when we are crushed and humbled, when the hope we have lived for has withered, when sorrows and trials, that we dare not reveal to any, make our souls sink well nigh unto death, when we look in vain for someone to understand us, one who will enter into our miseries, make us remember that there is One on the altar who knows every fiber of our hearts, every sorrow, every pain special to our peculiar natures, and who deeply sympathizes with us.
Compassionate Jesus, our hearts crave for sympathy, and to suffer seems nothing to the bitterness of suffering alone.
— Philip Kosloski
A prayer for those who are feeling lonely
Father God, we pray for those who are isolated within their homes, especially the lonely and vulnerable. We pray that you would surround them with your love.
Lord, in this time would you minister to each one, that they would know that they have a Father in Heaven who loves them and is with them.
We declare over them that You, Lord, are with them and that You will never leave them or forsake those who call on Your Name.
We bless our communities with the love and peace of God that passes all understanding. We bless our communities with being rooted and grounded in the love of God.
— By Jill Gower
Strength to carry on
Give us strength, dear God, to carry on when we are down and out and have no one to turn to. Let us always remember that You are our friend and our companion in our time of need.
God, let us feel the Holy Spirit as He comforts us. Help us to realize that You are the only one we need, especially in times of trials.
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
Prayer for Those Who Struggle with Loneliness
My Jesus,
I call Your name now in a state of loneliness mixed with grief and despair.
Jesus, You say You are always with me, but where are You now?
I feel empty, and hope is nowhere to be found.
So I call to You with all my heart. Jesus, come be with me now!
Comfort my soul, heal my pain, console my aching heart.
Jesus, I know all hope is found in You, all peace comes from heaven, and all love comes from Your Heart.
So, Jesus, come into my heart now, fill me with Your peace, consume me in Your love, and may Your healing mercy shower down upon me, washing away all my tears and filling me with heavenly joy!
What a friend we have!
What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.
Touch the hearts of the people who feel lonely today, Oh Father. The ones who are broken-hearted. Those who are bullied. The ones who have everything and everyone around them but they still feel alone.
People who have lost loved ones, and have no families, the single parent. Dear God, reach out to all of them.
Father, guide us as we pray for strength to fight against the feeling of loneliness and depression, help them all to experience peace, love and joy in these difficult times, in the mighty name of Jesus we pray… AMEN!
Relief from Loneliness
In my struggles, Lord, I often feel alone. You say you are with me, but I can’t always feel it. Sometimes, I can be with people and still feel alone. Others don’t understand what I’m going through and it’s hard for them to know what to do. When this happens, I feel even more alone.
You created us because you love us and want to be with us. You designed us to need you and others. Help me receive your loving presence. Help me see when you are moving on my behalf, whether it’s through other people, through hard steps I’ve taken, through your created beauty in nature, or through some way I would never expect. I need reminders, and I need revelations of your presence with me.
Help me reach out to others when I need help, encouragement, and fun. Give me courage to ask for what I need and the courage to offer the same for others.
Heal my heart and mind in all the areas that keep me closed off, isolated, withdrawn, or defensive in relationships. I ask for your wisdom and spiritual discernment so I can see when you and your creation provide relief from loneliness. Amen.
Litany Against Isolation and Loneliness
During the season of Lent, we have been spending time in our Prayers of the People to acknowledge corporate sins in our world of which we need repentance and amendment of life. Today’s prayer is a litany against alienation and loneliness. We heard from our Old Testament reading in Isaiah, that God desires to meet the needs of his people. Today we lament the role that loneliness and isolation play in our world. We ask you, God, to restore, like rivers in the desert, that you might meet the needs of your people and that we might offer our praise to you.
After each prayer, I will say Lord in your mercy and you can respond with hear our prayer. With these prayers, we as a community ask for God’s redemptive presence in the church, world, community and individual lives. And we offer our own lives to God’s mission of healing and reconciliation in the world. Let us pray.
Almighty and most merciful God, we remember before you today all neglected persons whom it would be easy for us to forget: the homeless and the destitute, the old and the sick, widows, and orphans, and all who have none to care for them. Help us to heal to turn their sorrow into joy. Grant this, Father, for the love of your Son, who for our sake became poor, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord in our mercy, hear our prayer.
Almighty God, Grant that those who live alone may not be lonely in their solitude, but that, following in his steps, they may find fulfillment in loving you and their neighbors; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord in our mercy, hear our prayer.
O God of justice and mercy, we pray that no more daughters and sons in this world feel unloved or in some cases even die as the result of bullying simply because of who they are. We pray that our schools and colleges become places of nurturing and hope rather than shame and derision.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Oh loving God, you give breath to each person you made. You treasure the gifts of each unique person. When life seems like a burden rather than a gift.
God of life, hold us. When darkness strangles the will to live, when days become endless nights, God of light, shine on us. When no one seems to understand, when we walk and wait alone, God of love, embrace us with your presence. When we walk through
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Oh caring Lord, we pray for those who live with mental illness. For those crippled by depression and anxious feelings, bring peace. For those who suffer from the high and lows of severe mood swings, bring peace. For those who find it difficult to cope with tasks of daily living, bring peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Oh God, who weeps with us, we mourn, grieve, and remember those who ended their life before it was time. Comfort those who grieve and bring healing.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Oh God of comfort, where there is despair, bring hope; where there is shame, give value and worth; where there is emptiness, bring fulfillment; where there is suffering in mind and body, bring healing. God of hope, hear our prayer for life.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Triune God, we celebrate the gift of life for each person. We commit to nurturing the well- being of each person here. We know for some, life is a burden filled with suffering. Help us to talk about our fears, our anger, and our despair with someone we trust. We celebrate that life has purpose and meaning.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Oh faithful God, remind us that You know us by name. You know our place and purpose in this world. We are created to live in community. Some feel alone, unloved and disconnected. May we the church be a light in the world where technology alienates us from one another. May the world see us loving one another in great tenderness and fellowship. Give us courage to reach out with love to someone who needs us. May we be Your presence with them.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O God of peace, who has taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength: By the might of your Spirit lift us, we pray, to your presence, where we may be still and know that you are God; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
— by Dr. Jason Myers