Prayers For Before and After Surgery
Page Contents
We have collected some of the best prayers For Before and After Surgery to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
Surgery is a medical or dental specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a person to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury, to help improve bodily function, appearance, or to repair unwanted ruptured areas.
The act of performing surgery may be called a surgical procedure, operation, or simply “surgery”. In this context, the verb “operate” means to perform surgery. The adjective surgical means pertaining to surgery; e.g. surgical instruments or surgical nurse.
Surgery may be a part of life at some point for many people, so a person may appreciate hearing comforting words before their surgery. They will also appreciate your prayers. Words of comfort and prayer gives us hope and a feeling of love and worth. When we turn to God, we have the opportunity to receive His peace and surrender our anxious thoughts to Him. Hopefully, these prayers will give you strength to move forward when before, during and after surgery. — By Lesli White
O God of all life,
I come to you for help. I commit myself to you with perfect trust as I prepare to undergo this surgery. Protect me in this hour of pain. Guide the hands of your servants who will perform and assist at this procedure, and give them success so that the outcome of their endeavors will be a sign of your goodness. Finally grant that I may bear any suffering with cheerfulness and be the means of helping others in their time of trial. Amen.
Prayer For Preparation Before A Surgery
Lord Jesus, help me as I prepare for this operation. In Your love, guard and protect me through the skills of the doctors and the care of everyone else. Bring me back to health and full recovery. Lord Jesus, I praise You forever and ever. Amen.
O God,
You are the Healer. To do what he/she has to do and bear what he/she has to bear; that, accepting your healing gifts through the skill of surgeons and nurses, he/she may be restored to usefulness in your world with a thankful heart. Amen.

Prayer Before Surgery #1
Loving Father, as I face this new experience in these different surroundings, I come to You for courage, wisdom and peace of mind. I know that Your Healing Power is here both in me and my doctor. I trust his skill and wisdom, and he tender care of the nurses. Dear Lord, take over this operation and let Your Power be felt through all these forces. Let Your Perfect Wholeness be mine, that I may live to glorify You in every area of my life. I pray all this in the Powerful Name of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Prayer Before Surgery #2
Loving Father, I entrust myself to your care this day; guide with wisdom and skill the minds and hands of the medical people who minister in your Name, and grant that every cause of illness be removed, I may be restored to soundness of health and learn to live in more perfect harmony with you and with those around me. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Into your hands, I commend my body and my soul. Amen.
Prayer Before Surgery #3
O Jesus Christ, Messiah and Lord, grant me joyful acceptance of the surgery which awaits me, and let this be the relief and cure which I seek. Make skilled the work of the surgeon and that of his team for it is unto their knowledge and skill that I give myself for healing. I pray You, O Lord, that this procedure will be without complication, and that my recovery will be speedy and complete. Amen.
Prayer Before Surgery #4
Heavenly Father, grant me joyful acceptance of the surgery which awaits me, and let this be the relief and cure which I seek. Make skilled the work of the surgeon and that of his team for it is unto their knowledge and skill that I give myself for healing. I pray to You, O Lord, that this procedure will be without complication, and that my recovery will be speedy and complete. Amen.
Prayer Before An Operation
Greek Orthodox Prayer
Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who did patiently endure the scourging and wounding of Your most holy Body, that You might save the souls and bodies of Your people, look graciously, we beseech You, upon the suffering body of this Your servant (Name) and give him (her) strength to endure patiently whatsoever You shall see fit to lay upon him (her). Bless the means employed for the working out of his (her) cure, granting that he (she) may so endure his (her) sufferings in the flesh that the wounding of his (her) body may be to avail for the correcting and salvation of his (her) soul, for Yours it is to show mercy and to save, O Christ our God; and to You do we send up Glory, as to Your Eternal Father and Your All‑Holy, Good and Life‑creating Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer For A Friend Facing Surgery
Heavenly Father we thank and praise You that through the Lord Jesus Christ we are able to come before You and bring our prayers and praises before Your throne of grace. Thank You that You are a God Whose power is still mighty to save and heal, as it was in times of old – and thank You that You are still our God whose healing power can touch each of our infirmities.
Lord we bring before You our dear friend Who is having to face surgery and Lord although this is quite a daunting prospect, Father I pray that Your peace that passes all understanding would flood their hearts so that they may find true rest for their soul in You. Help them not to fret or worry at the prospect of the difficulty of the operation or be anxious about the outcome, but rather place everything into Your gracious hands, knowing that You cause everything to work together for good – to those that are the called.
Help them Lord not to be apprehensive about anything but rather to trust their lives and their futures into Your loving hands, knowing that every day of our life is scheduled by You and that nothing takes You by surprise – even though at times we find ourselves confused as to why certain things are happening in our lives and in the lives of those that we love.
May the doctors and nurses be given the wisdom and skill to understand this operation successfully and we will give You all the praise and all the glory for ever and ever,
Prayer When Facing Invasive Surgery
Heavenly Father, You know that I am having to face some invasive and unpleasant surgery and I come to You to ask You to keep my mind looking to Jesus and not to be anxious about anything, but be prepared to leave all things into Your gracious and willing hands. Lord, Your Word tells me not to be anxious about anything but to come to You in prayer and place all my concerns before You and that You will give me a peace in my heart that passes understanding – and that is what I’m doing now Lord. I am asking for You to be with me as I face this upcoming operation and keep my heart calm. Keep me from imagining all that could go wrong for I trust myself and my operation in Your hands. Amen.
A Prayer for Surgery
(a prayer for someone to say before an operation)
Maker of heaven and earth,
Thank you for the role of doctors, nurses, and surgeons. Thank you for the blessing of knowledge and understanding, for the breakthroughs in medicine and all the specialist treatments.
Lord, may you oversee each area of this surgery, every detail and protect me and keep me as I look forward to recovery and the future.
I dwell in your love, hope and strength always.
Prayer for Restoration
“In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.” Psalm 138:3
Heavenly Father, I entrust myself to Your care this day; guide with wisdom and skill the minds and hands of the medical people who minister in Your Name, and grant that every cause of illness be removed, I may be restored to soundness of health and learn to live in more perfect harmony with You and with those around me. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Short prayer for healing
Lord of Heaven,
I rest underneath your mighty wings of love.
I dwell within your gentle heart.
I know there is healing in your touch.
Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration
And trust in your goodness.
You are my Lord, my Saviour,
My healer and my friend.
I dwell within your gentle embrace.
Prayer for Healing
Heavenly Father, source of all health, fill my heart with faith. Be near to me in times of weakness and pain. Although I know You are in control, I am apprehensive about what faces me. You made me, loved me, and have provided my surgeon will needed skill to perform a miracle in my behalf. Sustain me by Your grace that my strength and courage may not fail. Heal me according to Your will. Amen.
Prayer After Surgery #1
Heavenly Father, I thank you that this operation is safely past, and now I rest in Your abiding presence, relaxing every tension, releasing every care and anxiety, receiving more and more of Your healing life into every part of my being. In moments of pain, I turn to You for strength, in times of loneliness I feel Your loving nearness. Grant that Your life and love and joy may flow through me for the healing of others in Your name. Amen.
Prayer After Surgery #2
Greek Orthodox Prayer
Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
O Lord God Jesus Christ, the Life and strength of all that put their hope in You, Whose mercies are numberless, and the treasury of goodness that is infinite, we give thanks to You for the blessings which You have bestowed upon Your servant (Name); and we humbly beseech You to continue Your goodness toward us; and as You have been well pleased to restore Your servant to his (her) bodily health, so do You imbue his (her) soul with all the heavenly graces, perseverance in good works, and prepare us by Your blessings in this life for the enjoyment of eternal happiness in the Life to come; for to You are due all glory, honor, and worship, as also to Your Eternal Father and Your All-Holy, Good and Life-creating Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer After Surgery #3
Catholic Prayer
Blessed Savior, I thank you that this operation is safely past, and now I rest in your abiding presence, relaxing every tension, releasing every care and anxiety, receiving more and more of your healing life into every part of my being. In moments of pain I turn to you for strength, in times of loneliness, I feel your loving nearness. Grant that your life and love and joy may flow through me for the healing of others in your name. Amen.
Prayer in the Face of Complications After Surgery
Heavenly Father, my surgery has not proceeded as planned. As I endure unanticipated complications, treatments and setbacks, I face a new and difficult set of decisions on my journey toward wholeness and healing. The path which once seemed so clear is suddenly more dangerous, and my fears have returned. Bless my doctors with wisdom and skill, with compassion, focus and dedication, as we work to overcome this challenge. Bless my family with ease and comfort. Give us energy and endurance, tranquility and peace. Remind them to care for themselves and each other, even as their hearts and prayers turn to me. Amen.
A healing Jewish Prayer
A Jewish prayer called the Mi Sheberach is often recited before and after surgery. The original is in Hebrew. A literal English translation follows:
May the One who blessed our ancestors
Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah
bless and heal the one who is ill:
May the Holy Blessed One
overflow with compassion upon him/her,
to restore him/her,
to heal him/her,
to strengthen him/her,
to enliven him/her.
The One will send him/her, speedily,
a complete healing —
healing of the soul and healing of the body
along with all the ill,
among the people of Israel and all humankind,
without delay,
and let us all say: Amen!

A Prayer for Surgery
Father, praise You for this life. As we prepare for surgery to the body You have given us, many things flow into our minds and out of our hearts as we lie in wait. Yet, You reassure us in Exodus 15:26:
“I am the Lord who heals you.”
We have an end picture in our minds as to what “healed” looks like for us, and desperately look to You for assurance that our lives and our pain will be healed. You are above all, see all, know all, and are capable of healing all. When Jesus walked the earth, He healed by the touch of His hand and the sound of His voice. We pray to feel Your healing hand upon us, Lord, and hear Your voice of peace and tranquility boom over the loud pain that throbs through our minds and bodies.
Thank You for a life that is valuable to us and to those around us. We are worth enough to worry about, and thankful enough for the life we’ve been blessed with on this earth to covet our return to it and full restoration of it. With grateful hearts we come to You in praise for the gift of being able to trod this earth and experience Your love.
Forgive us, Father, for doubting our purpose on earth. We confess just how often we run from what You are calling us to do because we feel it is too hard. And now, as we await the outcome of surgery, we feel compelled to reach back and grab every opportunity that has ever passed us by to walk behind Your Son in pursuit of Your will for our lives. Please forgive our disobedience, and lack of respect for Your timing and Your plans. Help us to place our current and future ambitions on bringing You glory, and the love of Your Son to all who know us.
Father, we trust You with our lives. For You promise us:
“Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.” (Psalm 30:2)
Bless the surgeons and medical staff that will operate on us. Be with them and equip them to be extensions of Your healing hand. Remain present with me, Lord, even when I fall asleep from the pain medication. Help me to feel Your presence, and remember that You are always with me. Never leaving. Always faithful. Loving me more than I’m capable of understanding.
And now for the hardest part: Truly trusting the outcome of my life in Your hands. For it’s when our plans for healing don’t look the same as Yours that we become frustrated, and faith threatens to pull out of our hearts. Doubt can seep in through the cracks in unexpected circumstances. In those moments, Lord Jesus, strengthen us to remember You. Your ways are not our ways, because only You can claim true love for us. Only You know what is perfect and just in the daily happenings of our lives. Our time here is so fleeting, but our belief in You, Jesus, sets us apart and ensures us life everlasting. Pain free and full of peace.
Help us to hold on to that belief. To hold onto You. As we travel this road of uncertainty, send Your Holy Spirit to inspire our heart’s memory of Your sweet words of promise. Help us to recall and repeat the promises You have given us through Your Word. Be with our families and friends as they worry and wonder what the outcome will be. Inspire Your love in their hearts and assure them that my life is in Your hands.
Father, let all who know me witness my peace in this process, and know that it is from You. Thank You for life, God. Bless and heal me today through this surgery. Whether You bring me through these ailments to restore me upright on this earth, or take me through to You, I trust You… today, and always. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Nurse’s Prayer For Guidance
Heavenly Father, please take my hands and guide them. Grant me the strength to help my patients and their families. The skill to ease their suffering the understanding to diagnose their needs. The kindness of heart to care for them and reassure their fear. Please be beside me on each and every case as I rely on you the greatest of healers. Amen.
Nurse’s Prayer For Righteous Judgement
God, the greatest master of healing arts, bless us and guide us. Make us your instrument in alleviating the pains of your ailing servants. Make our eyes alert, our hands skillful and sensitive, and fill our mental faculties with keenness to make righteous judgment so that others may live. Amen.
Nurse’s Prayer For A Patient’s Recovery
I said a prayer for you today, that God would touch you with His healing hand and give you the comfort and peace you need to get through.
Nurse’s Prayer For A Patient’s Continued Health
I said a prayer for you today, and know that God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke not a word. I didn’t ask for wealth or fame (I know you wouldn’t mind). I asked Him to send treasures of a far more lasting kind! I asked that He’d be near you at the start of each new day; to grant you health and blessings and friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small. But it was for His loving care I prayed for most of all!
Nurse’s Prayer For After Surgery
O merciful Father in heaven, thank You for being with (name of person) while he/she was in surgery. Thank You for blessing the surgeon with the skill and knowledge needed to do his/her work and safely bringing (name person) through this operation. O gracious Father, bring healing to (name person) and bless him/her with the best care possible as he/she recovers. Continue to bless him/her with your tender care. Grant him/her patience during his/her recuperation, help him/her grow in strength each day, and bring him/her to full recovery quickly, without any setbacks. Amen.
Nurse’s Prayer For Strength And Healing
At every moment of our existence your are present to us God, in gentle compassion. Help us to be present to one another so that our presence may be a strength that heals the wounds of time, and gives hope that is for all persons, through Jesus our compassionate brother.
Nurse’s Prayer For Jesus’ Healing Hands
Heavenly Father, we pray that You will lay your healing Hands upon all those who are sick. We beg You to have compassion on all those who are suffering so that they may be delivered from their pitiful circumstances. In Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Nurse’s Prayer For Quick Recovery
May the love of Jesus and His healing power touch you in a special way this very hour. May the Savior’s strong arms and prayers of special friends embrace and hold you close until your body mends.
Nurse’s Prayer For Recovery
Today I lifted up your name before the Lord in prayer. I asked him to supply your needs, and keep you in his care. I pled with him to make you well, and take away your illness and pain, like the sunshine chases rain. Amen.
Doctor’s Prayer For Skill
Dear God, These strong gloved fingers which I flex, this human hand which holds the knife, sterile now and steady – need thy guiding skill to help another life. Bless now this patient – thine and mind – who, under thee entrusts to me a precious life! God of the surgeon’s tireless strength, the surgeon’s finite skill, grant that I may be guided to do thy will. Amen.
Doctor’s Prayer For Guidance
Dear God, These fragile hands that cut the flesh, steady them as if at rest. Bless this patient yours and mine whose very life is your design. Almighty God I do pray guide my hand as I work today! Amen.
Doctor’s Prayer For Healing
Pour out, thy healing Angels, thy heavenly host upon me, and upon those that I love, let me feel the beam of thy healing Angels upon me. The light of your healing hands, I will let thy healing begin, whatever way God grants it, Amen.
Prayer For A Successful Operation
Loving Father, I entrust myself to your care this day. Guide with wisdom and skill the minds and hands of the medical people who minister in your Name, and grant that every cause of illness be removed. That I may be restored to soundness of health and learn to live in more perfect harmony with you and with those around me. Through Jesus Christ. Amen. Into your hands, I commend my body and my soul. Amen.
Prayer For Healing
O God, the source of all health. Fill my heart with faith. Be near me in times of weakness and pain Although I know You are in control, I am apprehensive about what faces me. You made me, loved me, and have provided my surgeon with needed skill to perform a miracle in my behalf. Sustain me by Your grace that my strength and courage may not fail. Heal me according to Your will. Amen.
Prayer From Deuteronomy
Lord, help me suffering to lead me to return to You with a repentant heart; ready to follow Your commands and praise Your Name for Your patience with me. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Healing Prayer
Lord Jesus, heal me. Heal in me whatever You see needs healing. Heal me of whatever might separate me from you. Heal my memory, heal my heart, heal my body, heal my soul. Lay Your hands gently upon me and heal me through Your love for me. Amen.
Prayer for Someone Going Into Surgery
You have soothed us, saying “do not worry about tomorrow”.
Thank you that you pour out your spirit upon us a new each day.
Thank you that your grace is sufficient for us within each moment that we live.
So I pray for my loved one that they would know your peace in their hearts.
A peace that surpasses all understanding.
A peace that guards their hearts and minds.
A peace that they receive from Christ himself.
Lord, as they undergo this surgery, come and be present, watching, waiting, moving to help and guard every moment during this procedure. May they be held in your loving arms and protected from all harm.
In Jesus name,
Prayer for surgery to go well
As I go for surgery I rest into your promises. I lean back into your love for me, and ask for your protection as I undergo this operation. I sink into your peace as the surgeons work with your spirit to bring restoration. I lie down holding your hand of grace that leads me through the darkest of times and into new seasons filled with hope. I know that when I am most vulnerable you will be with me, that your love, restoration and grace will hold me safe.