Prayers For Alcoholics
Page Contents
We have collected some of the best prayers For Alcoholics to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a broad term for any drinking of alcohol that results in mental or physical health problems. The disorder was previously divided into two types: alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. In a medical context, alcoholism is said to exist when two or more of the following conditions are present: a person drinks large amounts over a long time period, has difficulty cutting down, acquiring and drinking alcohol takes up a great deal of time, alcohol is strongly desired, usage results in not fulfilling responsibilities, usage results in social problems, usage results in health problems, usage results in risky situations, withdrawal occurs when stopping, and alcohol tolerance has occurred with use. Risky situations include
See also: Prayers For Addiction, Twelve Step Prayers, and Serenity Prayer
God, help! I want to drink, and I can’t stop. Please hold my hand and keep me from taking that first drink. Amen.
Serenity Prayer
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
— By Reinhold Niebuhr

An alcoholic
Standing Against Alcoholism
Dear God,
I come to You in anguish over the hold alcohol has over people. Marriages have been rocked by it, relationships have been destroyed by it, abusive behavior has been fueled by it, children live in fear because of it, and people die because they are slave to it. I stand against alcoholism through faith in prayer and claim freedom from it! I pray that the shackles that so ensnare people with alcohol would be broken! I pray for protection from it and self-control to flee temptation. I pray specifically for wives who struggle with alcoholism. Please help them find freedom in You Lord. I pray that You would meet them where they are right now and let Your Holy Spirit fall on them. Open their eyes and let them see. If there is any alcohol in there system, remove it and replace it with Your righteousness! Before they are tempted, please step in and remove the desire Lord, giving them the ability to say NO! I also pray for husbands who struggle with alcoholism. I pray that You would divinely intervene, cleansing them of the stronghold alcohol has on their life. Lord, please let Your Spirit fall on them in a miraculous way, healing them and freeing them from this bondage so that they can lead their family. I stand against the enemy and claim God’s mighty power and presence over our families. May You send encouragements to those who need help, give Your strength to help them fight it, send peace to overcome any changes in their body and release restoration in Jesus’ Holy Name AMEN!
Native American Prayer
O’ Great Spirit, whose voice we hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear us! We are small and weak. We need your strength and wisdom. Let us walk in beauty, and make our eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make our hands respect the things you have made and our ears sharp to hear your voice. Make us wise so that we may understand the things you have taught our people.
Let us learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. We seek strength, not to be greater than our brother, but to fight our greatest enemy— ourselves. Make us always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as the fading sunset, our spirits may come to you without shame.
Prayers For Alcoholics # 1
Father, thank You for all those that are involved in helping others with their addiction to alcohol. We thank You for places like Alcoholic Anonymous and the many Christian ministries and rehab centres that are dedicated to helping men and women recover from this debilitating and distressing addiction, and showing them the love of the Lord Jesus.
Prayers For Alcoholics #2
Give wisdom, grace and patience to all that are serving in one capacity or another to relieve the distress and devastation that alcoholism leaves in it wake. We pray that You would give them the right words of encouragement and advice to enable those that are addicted to permanently break free of their alcoholism and so live a more meaningful and fruitful life.
We pray that You would not only rescue alcoholic men and women from the depths of despair to which many have fallen, but also that You would raise them up into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and bring them into newness of life in Him, to His praise and glory. This we ask in Jesus’ name,
Prayers For Alcoholics #3
Heavenly Father, I pray for every alcoholic that their lives shall be recovered, in Jesus’ Name. We declare and stand against the spirit of torment that is operating in their lives, tempting them to live a life of alcoholism. Father, I plead on their behalf because Your Word says, “envy, drunkenness, orgies and things like these; those who do such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God”. We ask for repentant hearts so that they shall see the Kingdom of God. Amen.
Prayers For Alcoholics #4
Dear God, thank You for Your Word that reminds us that in the end wine and strong drink bites like a serpent and stings like an adder. You also said, that our eyes will see strange things and our hearts will utter perverse things. By Your divine power, I pray that every alcoholic will not see strange occurrences, but they shall be released from the schemes of the enemy and see that which is good and pure. Let their hearts utter agreeable and Godly things that come from You. Amen.
Prayers For Alcoholics #5
Oh Lord, please bless every alcoholic and I pray that You will help them to not be conformed to this world, but please help them to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. I pray that they will experience Your power and Shekinah Glory over their lives and their families. Break the bondage of sin by your blood and grant them joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, meekness and self-control, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayers For Alcoholics #6
Oh Lord, we thank You for life, but often times the cares of this world cause us to turn away from You and turn to drugs, alcohol and sexual immorality. But from today, we speak life over every alcoholic; we declare that they shall not die, but they will live and declare the works of the Lord. You give power to the weak; they shall not grow weary or utterly fall. Your Word stands forever. Amen.
Prayers For Alcoholics #7
Dear Lord, I thank You for Your Word that reminds us that, “wine is a mocker and strong drink is a brawler and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. God, I pray for every alcoholic that they will not get drunk with wine for it is debauchery, but they shall be filled with Your divine Spirit. We believe and trust Your Word, by faith we ask. Amen.
Prayers For Alcoholics #8
Heavenly Father we pray for those who are bound in alcohol addiction. I ask that You will cover them with Your blood and please also cover their husband/wife and children. You said in Your Word that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in us. Therefore, I pray that the Holy Spirit will break the destructive power of alcohol abuse and that every alcoholic shall be set free in Jesus’ Name, we ask all things. Amen.
Prayers For Alcoholics #9
Dear Lord, we come to You on behalf of those who are suffering due to alcohol abuse. Father, Your Word tells us that we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age. God, I therefore come to You on behalf of those who are suffering due to alcohol abuse. We ask that they break free from their addiction and come to know and experience Your Love, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayer for alcoholic family or friend #1
Lord Jesus, I put myself into Your hands this day. I ask You with all my heart to cure the terrible addiction to alcohol in (name the person).
Create in them an intolerance for alcohol that will prevent them from ever offending those who love them again.
And grant their loved ones the grace to forgive them for all the hurt they have caused.
Through the Divine Mercy and Blood of Jesus, I also pray that they will be healed of all withdrawal symptoms of this terrible affliction.
I sincerely ask this, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for alcoholic family or friend #2
Heavenly Father, I have heard of a dear friend who has become an alcoholic – sadly they drifted into this lifestyle through social drinking, but now it has become habitual and I realise that this is beginning to have a serious impact on their life, and needs to be addressed and dealt with as a matter of urgency.
Lord I am not sure what I do, which is why I am coming to You to ask for Your wisdom and guidance. I am not sure if I should talk to them about this issue or simply keep them covered in prayer… but I do ask for You to intervene in their life and cause them to see the tremendous devastation that is starting to happen.. both in their own lives and in the lives of those around them.
Lead and guide me to say or do what is right and pleasing in Your eyes. Let me not be judgemental but may I be used by You to help my friend to leave this alcoholism behind. May they see the serious consequences that their drinking habit in causing and draw them back into a close relationship with Yourself – in Jesus name I pray, Amen
Prayer for alcoholic family or friend #3
God of power and might, be with us as [insert family member’s name] struggles with alcohol addiction. You know, O Lord, how hard it is for us, as we’re all being dragged down. Guide us and be with us, that we might not turn on each other but instead reach out to You for hope. Please bless us and keep us. Amen.
Prayer for alcoholic family or friend #4
Loving God, thank you for healing [insert person’s name] and for [insert time sober] without alcohol. Please bless and keep him/her, that he/she may resist the next drink and keep resisting it. Remind [insert person’s name] that he/she is Your beloved child, with whom You are well pleased. Amen.
Prayer for alcoholic family or friend #5
Loving God, thank you for the gift of new life after the fear of addiction. With Your help, [insert person’s name] has walked from darkness into light, from addiction into recovery. Thank you for everyone who has supported and loved [insert person’s name] during this difficult journey, [insert names of family, friends, and other supporters if desired.] May You continue to bless [insert person’s name] and heal him/her on the road of recovery, and always. Amen.
The Recovery Prayer
Today, I heal my body, my mind, my spirit, my life. Drugs are a part of my past; they are not part of my now, they are not part of my future. Today, I am clean. Today, I am clean and free.
Today, I am becoming strong one second at a time, one thought at a time, one action at a time. I am learning how to live and to be the best part of me today. Today, I am clean and free.
— by Abby Willowroot
A prayer for alcoholics
(who may still suffer)
For a Recovering Alcoholic
Lord, alcohol addiction is such a
sad and destructive way of living
life. Give them the grace to
acknowledge their addiction and
powerlessness over alcohol.
Help them to accept the support of
counselors, doctors and friends to
sustain their resolve. May they be
deeply aware of Your love &
forgiveness as they are freed from
this addiction.
We ask you this through Our Lord,
Jesus Christ.
3rd Psalm for Recovering Alcoholics
The Lord is my sponsor, I shall not want.
He makes me to go to many meetings.
He leads me to sit back, relax, and listen with an open mind, He restores my soul, my sanity, and my health. He leads me in the path of sobriety, serenity, and fellowship for my own sake. He teaches me to think, to take it easy, to live and let live, and do first things first. He makes me more humble and grateful. He teaches me to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and gives me the wisdom to know the difference.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of despair, frustration, guilt, and remorse, I will fear no evil. For Thou are with me, your program, your way of life, your twelve steps, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies: rationalization, fear, anxiety, self-pity, resentment. You anoint my confused mind and jangled nerves with knowledge, understanding, and hope. No longer am I alone, neither am I afraid, nor sickened, nor helpless, nor hopeless.
My cups runs over, Surely sobriety and serenity shall follow me every day of my life, one day at a time, twenty-four hours at a time. As I surrender my will to You and carry Your message to others, I will dwell in the house of Higher Power, as I understand him, one day at a time, forever and ever.
— Author Unknown

Woman and alcohol
The Alcoholics Prayer
A sense of humour is valuable in recovery.
Version 1 of The Alcoholic’s Prayer
In the past several hours I have not hurt any one.
I have not drank.
I have peacefully coexisted with life.
For that I am grateful.
But I’m about to get out of bed now and I’m really going to need your help.
Version 2 of The Alcoholic’s Prayer
So far today, God, I’ve done all right.
I haven’t had a drink.
I haven’t gossiped, haven’t lost my temper, haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty or self-centered.
I’m really glad about that.
But in few minutes, God, I’m going to get out of bed, and then I’m going to need a lot of help.
Thank You.
St. Jude prayer
O most holy apostle, Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honoureth and invoketh thee universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, and of things almost despaired of.
Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I implore thee, of that particular privilege accorded to thee, to bring visible and speedy help where help was almost despaired of.
Come to mine assistance in this great need, that I may receive the consolation and succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (MAKE REQUEST) and that I may praise God with thee and all the elect throughout eternity.
I promise thee, O blessed Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favour, to always honour thee as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to thee.
Short Payers For Addictions
Dear God, help me turn my spirit towards You so that I can find the strength to overcome my problems. Forgive my doubts and fears, and fill me with Your love and strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Dear Lord, thank You for letting me lean on You. Fill my heart with Your healing love and the power of Your strength so that I may live the life You planned for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
p style=”padding-left: 40px;”>O blessed Lord, You ministered to all who came to You. Look with compassion upon all who through addiction have lost their health and freedom. Restore to them the assurance of Your unfailing mercy; remove from them the fears that beset them; strengthen them in the work of their recovery; and to those who care for them, give patient understanding and persevering love. Amen.
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding and my entire will, all I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace, that is enough for me. St. Ignatius of Loyola, Suscipe
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. James 1:12-15