Prayers for Teachers
Page Contents
A teacher (school teacher or educator) is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.
We offer prayers for teachers because teachers have the enormous responsibility of imparting knowledge to our children, and their job is often difficult!
We have collected some of the best prayers for teachers to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
A Prayer for Teachers #1
Almighty God,
We come to you today and give thanks for all our teachers.
Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom,
Serving and instructing the next generation of this land.
We thank you for them all now.
Father, please fill their hearts with courage now by your mighty Spirit.
Fill them with your strength, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary.
Fill them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make good judgement when guiding and helping others.
Fill them with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes it would not overwhelm them.
Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their subject may become a infectious passion that spreads.
We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus.

Outdoor learning
A Prayer for Teachers #2
O Lord,
Grant me your strength, so I will have courage in every situation;
Grant me your love, so I may love others as you love me;
Grant me your knowledge, so I will show others the path to wisdom;
Grant me your mercy, so I will forgive those who have hurt me;
Grant me your peace, so I will find the best in everybody;
Grant me your hope, so I will never give up;
Grant me your joy, so I will be thankful for all my blessings;
Grant me your kindness, so I will treat others as they want to be treated;
And Grant me your grace, so you will always be at my side. Amen
— David Bennett
A Prayer for Teachers #3
Lord God,
your spirit of wisdom fills the earth
and teaches us your ways.
Look upon these teachers.
Let them strive to share their knowledge with gentle patience
and endeavor always to bring the truth to eager minds.
Grant that they may follow Jesus Christ,
the way, the truth, and the life,
forever and ever.
— from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
A prayer for a specific teacher in mind
Almighty God,
We come to you today and give thanks for [____name____]
Thank you for the way in which he/she gives of her/himself each day in the classroom,
Serving and instructing the next generation of this land.
We thank you for him/her now.
Father, please fill his/her heart with courage now by your mighty Spirit.
Fill him/her with your strength, so he/she may rise to every challenge and not grow weary.
Fill him/her with your wisdom, so that he/she may be able to make good judgement when guiding and helping others.
Fill him/her with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes it would not overwhelm him/her.
Fill him/her with your joy, so that the passion he/she has for his/her subject may become a infectious passion that spreads.
We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus.
Prayer for a Teachers Staff Meeting
Father, we thank you for all the children in our school. Each one is so special and precious to you.
Thank you for the skills and talents you have given us as teachers. We offer them to you now and ask for your blessing on them.
Lord, we give you this time as we plan and make decisions for our school. We ask for your guidance, inspiration and direction. Holy Spirit, may we be sensitive to your leading as we talk and share together now.

Prayer For All Teachers
Heavenly Father, who promised that all those who instruct others in the ways of holiness will shine as stars for all eternity, fill our hearts and minds with true knowledge and the art of teaching. Give us patience and understanding, justice and prudence, humility and fear of the Lord. Grant us wisdom and charity so that with a pure and holy love of God we ourselves may enjoy all these gifts and impart them to our pupils. Teach our children to be obedient to your laws and docile to your inspirations. Let them be instruments of your peace in their homes, in our land, and in the family of nations as becomes children of the sons of God in the Mystical Body of Christ. May the blessings of your sevenfold Gifts be in all who teach and in all who learn through the Holy Spirit who is the Love of the Father and the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
A Prayer for Students and Teachers
Gracious God, thank you for teaching us. You give us wisdom now to help us in the future.
We are grateful for this new year in which we may grow in faith, friendship, and the love of Jesus.
We pray for all students in our community. Thank you for their curiosity, hope, and kindness.
Help our students to listen for your voice, as they explore Scripture and seek to live what they believe.
We pray for all teachers. Thank you for giving them dedication, experience, and insight.
Sustain them by your Spirit with creativity, patience, peace, and joy.
Continually guide and bless all parents, families, and the whole congregation throughout this year.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, who asked and answered many questions.
Prayer Of Gratitude For Teachers
Dear Lord, as I look back over the years, I want to thank You for the many teachers that You placed in my path and for the wonderful ways that so many of the, have influenced me for good, down through the pages of my life.
Thank You for the way that some have equipped me to look at life and encouraged me to reach out to fulfil the potential that was within and have enabled my hidden gifts and talents to blossom and flourish for the benefit of others and to Your glory.
Thank You for those that helped me to focus on the task at hand even when it seemed tedious, knowing that I have been enabled to achieve goals that appeared to be beyond my grasp and achieve objectives that seemed out of reach.
Thank You for the teachers that taught me compassion and brought me into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and thank You for those, that led me deeper into the Christian life and even corrected me when I started to err from the truth.
I pray that You would use me to be a teacher and an encouragement to others whom You may place in my path and may I faithfully fulfil Your commandment to love as Christ loved us, and to offer my life to You as a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise – this I ask in Jesus name,
Watch Over the Teachers
Dear God, Thank you for the gift of teachers. Please watch over________ as they teach the children this year. Keep them safe every day. Help them to remember that you are right there with them in the halls and classrooms. Help them teach the children in a Godly way…Help them treat the children with kindness and respect, and the guard their hearts and minds with the armor of Your word. Give them joy and peace as they put their trust in you…Help the to say the right words and be firm, fair and consistent. These favors I ask in Jesus’ name… Amen. P.S. Lord I ask that you guide the parents and help the make the right decisions and teach their children about you… Also, help us all make the right choices in our lives….
Farewell Prayer for Teacher
Lord God,
Thank you for the extraordinary love, commitment and creativity this wonderful teacher has given this school.
Thank you for the way he/she has served us and given out so much to the children we care for.
We pray that he/she would go on to find new treasures each day, and that the blessing of Christ would be upon all that he/she does, forevermore.
Prayers for Teachers #1
God, I took this position in life as a teacher to make a difference. I love kids and want them to grow into strong, healthy, well-educated people. I ask, God, that You continue to equip, encourage, and strengthen me in this profession so I can make a great impact in these students lives. Amen.
Lord, I ask that this school year be one that is memorable and transformative. Allow me to speak truth and wisdom into each and every child I teach this year. Amen.
May I stand strong in your love, truth, and presence as a teacher. I need You more than I realize. Allow me to draw all of my strength and purpose from You. Amen.
God, I want to make an impact in my student’s lives but sometimes that doesn’t seem to come to fruition. Allow me to make a difference in my kid’s lives. I want to make a significant impact. While this may be ideal, God I know You can move mountains. Amen.
Lord, it’s not always easy being a teacher. I spend so much time with these kids, but I am not their parent. It’s frustrating sometimes this role because there is so little I feel I can do. God, help me to have an impact in their lives in the classroom that translates to impact at home. Amen.
God, I am so thankful for the kids I get to teach. Help me to stand in gratitude, not frustration nor judgment. I am lucky to have this position and help me to always be a representative of You to these kids. Amen.
Lord, sometimes it’s very difficult dealing with parents for many reasons. I ask that not only do I have compassion and understanding with difficult parents but they too can see the limitations of my job and take some responsibility for how their child is behaving. God, I ask for healthy conversations and paths of restoration and solutions. Amen.
God, revive my love of teaching. I once was idealistic and full of dreams of making a difference, but I have become jaded and lost my energy. Revive my heart Oh Lord. Help me to see potential and possibility for this is how You operate. Amen.
God, I need my strength and energy to come from You and only You. I need You to be the One governing me and helping me through this honored position in life I hold. Thank you for this opportunity. Amen.
Lord, I ask for Your wisdom and guidance over the school board and all the decisions they make. Please, God, have your hand over every topic, issue, and budget. Help me to trust that You are in control. Amen.
God, I pray for the wellbeing and safety for each of my students. I pray that their homes are healthy and safe. Please open my eyes to any signs of abuse or mistreatment so I can assist the student to get the help they need. Amen.
God, open my eyes to the kid(s) that have behavior issues. Lord, is there something deeper going on, like abuse, a biological or sensory issue? Help me to see the behavior they are displaying as potential signs for something that might be wrong that could be fixed. I need your heavenly wisdom and insight. Amen.
Lord, I can’t remember everyone who taught me, but I’m thankful for them. I don’t remember every person who invested in me, but they changed me. God, help me to remember that even if these kids never think about me again after leaving my class, my work in their life mattered.
God, it’s an awesome responsibility to teach these children. I’m playing a big role in their future and I am uncertain sometimes if I’m doing everything right. I pray that You’ll show me the right steps to take, and inspire me to stay strong, knowing that what I’m doing really matters. Amen.
Lord, sometimes I just feel like there are too many issues, and I can’t handle them all. There is so much need, so many students, parents, co-workers, and bosses looking for me to solve them. The pressure is enormous and it can be overwhelming. Help me to carry it all. Amen.
God, with all the responsibility that I have for my kids at school, I sometimes forget that I’m just one person in their lives. Although I spend so much time with them, I am not their parent and there is only so much I can do. I pray that You’ll help me to accept my limitations and be confident and strong in the work that I’m doing. Amen.
Lord, it’s hard to go home after a day at school sometimes. I just keep replaying events and conversations in my head. Help me to be able to release all that happens during the day into your good hands. Amen.
God, give me the endurance I need to be an excellent teacher. My strength and source of power comes from You and only You. Amen.
God, thank you for each child I get to teach. Every single one is a marvelous creation. Help me to always see You in them and value them. Amen.
God, I ask that You equip me for each day that I face. I want to walk in Your dignity and grace as I teach these kids. By staying close to You is where I find my strength. Amen.
God, thank you for giving me the desire to teach. I am energized by these kids and I am honored that I get to do this for a living. I thank you so much for this opportunity to help form children. Amen.
Prayers For Teachers #2
Spirit of the Living God, come and abide in us and all teachers
as we begin a new school year.
May those who instruct youth
comprehend the important ministry entrusted to them
in shaping the minds and hearts of the youth
to the mind and heart of Jesus.
You, O Lord, are our patience, our light and our counsel.
It is You Who make the hearts and minds of the youth entrusted to our care
to be open to us.
Abandon us not to ourselves for a moment.
For our own guidance and that of our youth,
give us the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
of counsel and of fortitude,
of knowledge and of piety,
the spirit of a holy reverence for You, O God,
and a zeal for Your glory.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Divine Teacher. Amen.
O Divine Teacher,
give us ears to listen to our students,
eyes to see them as people of worth and dignity,
hands that reach out to them especially in time of need,
mouths that communicate with them,
creativity in teaching that challenges them,
a holy life that inspires them,
hearts that love them,
feet to go where they are,
a sense of humor to brighten their day,
firmness and constancy in correcting and admonishing them,
peace to quiet their anxiousness,
a humility that reminds us of our great responsibility
to the young men and women confided to our care.
Make us a companion to accompany them on their spiritual
and educational journey.
Jesus, our Teacher, hear us.
That the Holy Spirit will guide and
inspire all teachers, staff and students in this new school year, we pray:
That all who are responsible for the youth:
teachers, coaches, moderators, and other school personnel,
will see the face of Christ in each student, we pray:
That all Catholic schools throughout our country and the world
may continue to educate the youth in a spirit of faith and learning
combined with a spirit of service and community, we pray:
That all parents will take an active interest in their children’s education
and work as partners with the schools that educate their precious young,
we pray:
That You, O God, will bless all benefactors of Catholic education
for their generosity and support, we pray:
That all students will be receptive to the education they receive
and use their God-given gifts to grow in a spirit of faith, love and service,
we pray:
O, Lord of All Knowledge, lead us to Your Light
and hear our prayers and answer them as only You know best for us.
May we always accept Your will in our regard. Amen.
Many are the light beams from the one light.
Our light is Jesus.
We are one in Christ.
Many are the branches of the one tree.
Our one tree is Jesus.
We are one in Christ.
Many are the gifts given, love is all one.
Love is the gift of Jesus.
We are one in Christ.
Many are the members, the body is one,
members all of Jesus.
We are one in Christ.
— Cyprian of Carthage, 252 A.D.
May God be gracious to us and bless us.
May the face of God shine upon us.
May God’s ways be known on earth,
God’s salvation among all nations.
May all the peoples bless You, O God.
May all the peoples give You praise.
May we remember that we are Your vehicles and vessels
and that we represent You in our world.
In the name of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.