Marriage Prayers
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Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognised union between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between those spouses, as well as between them and any resulting biological or adopted children and affinity (in-laws and other family through marriage). The definition of marriage varies around the world not only between cultures and between religions, but also throughout the history of any given culture and religion, evolving to both expand and constrict in who and what is encompassed, but typically it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually sexual, are acknowledged or sanctioned. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or considered to be compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity. When defined broadly, marriage is considered a cultural universal. A marriage ceremony is known as a wedding.
We have collected some of the best marriage prayers to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
Lord, I pray You would help my spouse and I to intentionally make time for each other. Help us to always remember the importance of taking set apart time for reconnecting and reigniting that special spark You’ve given us.
Prayer for your other half
Dear God, thank you for my spouse. Help me to continue to find ways to make them feel loved and adored. In your name I pray, amen.

A Blessing Over Your marriage
Dear Heavenly Father,
Our marriage is a gift from above, and we depend on you for its continuing success. Help us never to forget to put you first in our lives. We ask that you would bless our marriage richly. Allow us to have a marriage that is full of love and joy, but also one that is strong and deep and able to withstand sorrows and tragedies. Help us to always keep our marriage as one of the most important parts of our life. Bless and protect our marriage oh Lord, and grant us many years together. Amen.
God, thank you so much for this union. We are lucky to have each other. God, may you bless our marriage and bring it closer to You. Amen.
Marriage Blessing
Heavenly and merciful Father, I thank you for who you are and for the promises that you have made concerning me and my spouse. Your word is forever true. And your promise of blessings and multiplication that you have given me throughout the ages is forever mine. In Jesus’ name.
A Prayer For a Stronger Marital Bond
Father, I bow my knees to You and thank You for marriage. I thank You for this wonderful opportunity to spend my life with the one I love. I give You all the glory and honor that we have come this far.
I want to share with You what I have on my heart. I desire that my marriage become even stronger as my spouse and I bond together more tightly than before. I don’t want anything to come between us. Lord, please help to stand united as one before You.
We can never attain this stronger bond with Your help. Holy Spirit please turn up the light in the darkness and show us any area in our marriage where we left the door open for the enemy to slip in.
I want to close all doors to him for good. I want our marriage to rise to new levels of love and respect. I want to grow stronger together than ever before in Jesus Name!
I rest in knowing that You hear this prayer. I know that You are already at work and I give you the glory in advance. I look forward to sharing the testimony of all that You will help us accomplish together.
Thank You in advance Lord!
In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen!
God, help me to always cherish how special my spouse is and to treat them with kindness and goodness. Amen.
Prayer of a Married Couple
Lord God, we acknowledge your greatness and our need for your grace in our marriage.
We thank you now for the gift you have given us in each other, this opportunity to love and be loved completely.
We accept this beautiful challenge and ask you to bless us.
May our love encourage us to grow to be holier individuals, bringing out the best in each other.
Following your example, Jesus, may we be quick to forgive, ready with a healing word or touch.
Teach us to speak to each other with charity and honesty.
Help us avoid the temptation to take each other for granted.
Instead, remind us, day by day, to see each other as you see us.
May we be as patient with each other as you are with us.
May our love be generous, reaching out beyond ourselves to all we meet.
We pray that they may meet you in us.
Let our life together be a light of hope to those who fear that a total commitment is not possible today.
Faith gives us courage, for we believe that the love that comes from you is freeing and life-giving.
Lord, be a partner with us in our marriage; with your help it will be strong and enduring.
We rejoice that you have brought us together.
May we always be one in you. Amen.
— Lauri Przybysz, 1990
Prayer For A Godly Marriage
Dear Lord,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the blessing of marriage. I am so glad you gave me such a wonderful husband whom I treasure so deeply. Please help me to never take him for granted and continue to love him to the best of my abilities. Help me to love him as you love us. God, please bless our marriage in abundance. Help us to be a reflection of your love for us and help us always to seek you first in our marriage. Help us to grow stronger in love each and every day, and to always prioritize our marriage. Help us each to be selfless spouses who seek to bless and give to one another. And help us do all this to your glory Lord. Amen.
A Prayer For a Closer Marriage
Father, I come before You today because I desire my marriage to become closer. I want the connection and the bond I have with my spouse to grow closer still in Jesus Name.
Lord, please increase the intimacy that we have together whose marriage is centered around You and Your Word. I thank You, like I have many times, that I do have a blessed marriage.
Holy Spirit, please lead and guide us in every moment when it comes to how we should treat each other. Show us if there is anything we are doing that is hindering us from stepping into a stronger marriage. If there is any area where respect and trust is lacking, please reveal this to each of us.
I speak restoration and healing over any area of our marriage that is broken in Jesus Name. I declare wholeness over every area of our marriage.
I know You hear this prayer for my marriage. All we want to do is have our relationship bring You glory Father. Thank You for answering this prayer!
In Jesus Name I pray, amen.
Prayer for a glorious marriage
Lord, I desire to have the glorious marriage that You have intended for my spouse and I. I ask that You would give me wisdom to know what that looks like and what I need to do or change in my own life to reach that goal.“
Mark 10:6-9 says (NKJV), “But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a mean shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.
Prayer For Greater Love In Marriage
Father, every day it is our desire to rise in love for one another. Your kind of love Lord. The kind of love that the Bible talks about. Each of us loving one another unconditionally. Each of us loving the other whether they love us back or not.
Please help us to forgive and forget. Help us to let go and let You heal and restore. When we offend each other, since no one is perfect, please give us abundant grace to move past that hindrance in the Name of Jesus. Please help us to maintain so much forgiveness like You have poured out towards us.
Lord, we want grace to abound in our relationship. We want mercy to overflow and fill every part of our marriage. I ask You to please use our marriage as an example of how good it can be!
Thank You for greater love in our marriage! Praise You Father!
In Jesus Name I pray, amen.
Prayer to find fulfillment in your marriage
Father, we pray that you work in our hearts to make us the best individuals that we can be. Help us to find our sense of happiness and fulfillment so that we can bring that light into our marriage and to our spouse. We want to come together in our marriage as two happy and healthy people so that we can give each other our best. Amen.
A Prayer For a Truthful Relationship
Father, there can be no blessed relationship if it is not filled to overflowing with trust. I desire that our marriage be one where we walk in total integrity and truth in everything we do in Jesus Name.
Lord, I come against lies and deception. I bind and rebuke them. They will have no place in our relationship in Jesus Name! I speak healing and restoration over my marriage where dishonesty has created any damage. I pray for healing over any area where we’ve tripped and cause damage to the infrastructure of our marriage.
I decree and declare that my marriage is transparent and there is nothing left hidden between us!
I know that forgiveness and offense can hinder our prayer lives. Please show us Holy Spirit if there is anything from the past that needs to be addressed. If there is anything that needs to be properly forgiven then we are ready to face that by Your grace.
Thank You for listening and hearing this prayer. Thank You for a marriage filled with trust, truth, and honesty!
In Jesus Name I pray, amen.
Everyday marriage prayer
God, we ask for blessings over us. Even though we have committed ourselves to one another, we also commit ourselves to you. Help us to love one another just as Jesus loves the church. Give your counsel as we seek your face in your holy word and in worship together. As the years pass, make us one in heart, body and spirit. Multiply our offerings and our good deeds back into our lives as only you can do. Amen.
Prayers For A Better Marriage
Prayer for Renewal
Oh Lord God my Father, please help us grow closer together and be joined in one purpose to glorify You in our marriage. Help us to remember what first brought us together which helped our love grow strong enough to commit to marriage in the first place. I know that time and the business of life sometimes diminishes our feelings for one another. We both get so busy we forget to find time for romance. Please place this on our hearts to renew or revive what we had when we were first married. To revisit those places we first dated, even if it’s only possible in our minds. Help us both focus on You oh Lord for You are first in our lives because no marriage will be blessed by You unless You come first and ahead of my partner. Please help us both in our marriage to make is stronger and to make it a more God-glorifying union of the institution that You created for our own good and in the strong name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.
Thankfulness for my Spouse
Righteous God, thank you for my spouse because, just like our children, they are a gift from You because nothing happens that You do not ordain and even our bad choices and decisions can be made to be a blessing to us (Gen 50:20). Forgive me for all the times that I’ve neglected You in times of prayer, praise, and devotion and also for the negligence in my marriage. I know that marriages take so much work and that they don’t just happen automatically. Thank you for your patience and Lord God, I thank You for my beloved spouse and for my spouse’s patience with me for how far I fall short at times. Please forgive me as I also ask my spouse to forgive my neglect of them for which I have no excuse. You are such a good God and a God that desires our highest and ultimate best and for Your precious Son, Who died for us and for the glory of His name it is through I pray, amen.
Blessings for my Spouse
Great God in Heaven, I want to first and foremost, give You thanks for my spouse for they are such a blessing to me, our family, and to so many others. I pray that You would bless them and that You would grant them godly wisdom and knowledge so that they might make good decisions today at work and at home for the purpose that You, ultimately, will be glorified. Help our marriage stay strong by Your Spirit and by revealing to me where I fall short and where I can grow to be a more loving, supportive, and godly mate for my spouse. They deserve the very best and I know I haven’t always given them my very best. Let my spouse be a godly influence on those they are around today and that Your great name would be made famous among those they work or live around. Help my spouse to realize just how much I love them and need them and that we both can come to know you in a much deeper, more intimate relationship as we make You that 3rd cord that is not easily broken. I give you the glory for this marriage and ask Your blessing on it and on my spouse in particular and again, I thank God for them and for your grace and mercy and in the name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.
Prayer Walking and Waking
God, my righteous Father, as I leave today to take a walk or to go to work, I ask for You to keep our marriage strong, even during the absences where we must be apart. I know that I have so much to learn about my spouse and I need to show my spouse patience because You are perfectly patient with me even when I blow it big time (again!). Just as in the model prayer called the Lord’s Prayer, I pray for Your name to be glorified in our lives and for Your will to be done over my own and that we as a couple, keep our focus on You and on Your Son, Jesus Christ. Marriage in itself is a true miracle and we both need Your daily divine intervention to be able to keep this marriage strong and godly. I pray for You to keep changing my heart more like Christ’s; for you to open my eyes to see things that I sometimes miss; that I will have ears to hear what Your Word says about being more Christ-like, and to be a better communicator and to break my pride and tell my spouse just how much I need them and that they are a gift from You. I want to be more like Jesus so that my love for my spouse is more like Your love for me and them. Revive my heart oh God and my love for my precious spouse and create in me a deep desire to serve them as You sent Jesus to be a servant and give His life as a ransom for us who did not deserve it and in Christ’s precious name I pray, amen.
— by Jack Wellman
Prayer for fighting for your marriage
Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you today asking that you would teach us to walk in humility. Help us to see the importance of forgiveness and grace. May we learn to love as you love, and to give up our right to be right. Give us the courage to fight for our marriage and the valor to stand up for each other. Help us to lay down our pride, and to pick up the instruments of peace, kindness and grace. Thank you for being the loving compassionate God that you are. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Prayers For a Struggling Relationship
A Prayer For Understanding
Heavenly Father, I profess that I do not understand my partner’s needs. I don’t know how to fix our problems.
Please open my eyes to my partner so that I can see why he or she acts the way they do. And please help me to understand, too, my own motivations and needs so that I can know when I am in the wrong.
Lord, grant us both a greater understanding of one another, and take away the preconceived notions and assumptions that are keeping us from truly communicating. Bring my partner and I closer together, and closer to you, than ever before.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
A Prayer For Peace
Lord, my relationship has become difficult. There is fighting and unease. There’s tension and resentment. I feel that I have nowhere to turn.
Please let there be peace between my partner and I. Grant us the kind of peace that only you can give, Lord, and help us to feel at ease with one another. Drain away any resentment, anger, or tension that has built up between us. Help us to seek compromise rather than struggling with one another in order to “win.”
Please bless our home to be a place of peace and restfulness, as it should be.
Thank you, Father. Amen.
A Prayer For Healing
Dear God, I ask that you please heal the damage that has built up through the long struggle my partner and I have been through in our relationship. Please bless us both with the wisdom to take the knowledge of what we’ve done wrong and use it to make things better.
Lord, let love suffuse our relationship. Let it fill every corner of our lives, healing the rift between us. Help my partner and I to love one another as Christ loves the Church, as you love your human children: unconditionally and respectfully.
In Christs’ Name, amen.
A Prayer For Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, please forgive me of my sins—including those I have committed against my loved one. And just as you are willing to forgive me, help me to forgive my partner, as well.
Help me to let go of my grudges. Help me to let go of the possibility of revenge. Let the cycle of retribution stop in my relationship—let it be ended with forgiveness and love.
Help us to be Christlike in our forgiveness, Lord, and give us the strength to let go.
In Christs’ Name, Amen.
Prayer about dreams for your marriage
Dear God, please make of our relationship a great and a holy adventure. May our joining be a sacred space. May the two of us find rest here, a haven for our souls. Remove from us any temptation to judge one another or to direct one another. We surrender to you our conflicts and our burdens. We know you are our Answer and our rock. Help us to not forget. Bring us together in heart and mind as well as body. Remove from us the temptation to criticize or be cruel. May we not be tempted by fantasies and projections, but guide us in the ways of holiness. Save us from darkness. May this relationship be a burst of light. May it be a fount of love and wisdom for us, for our family, for our community, for our world. May this bond be a channel for your love and healing, a vehicle of your grace and power. As lessons come and challenges grow, let us not be tempted to forsake each other. Let us always remember that in each other we have the most beautiful woman, the most beautiful man, the strongest one, the sacred one in whose arms we are repaired. May we remain young in this relationship. May we grow wise in this relationship. Bring us what you desire for us, and show us how you would have us be. Thank you, dear God, you who are the cement between us. Thank you for this love.
–– Marianne Williamson

Wedding at the beach
Prayers for a Stronger Marriage
A Prayer for Unity
Heavenly Father we come before you to thank you for all you have done and continue to do in our lives and marriage. We come before you today, God, asking for a stronger bond of unity in our marriage covenant.
Father we ask that you will give us the ability to be a united front for you letting nothing come between us.
Help us, Father to identify and work through anything that is not pleasing to you so we can continually reach higher levels of unity in our marriage – spiritually, physically, and mentally.
We are thankful and excited to see the work of your hand as we do our best to seek your face daily. We love you and thank you for all of these things.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!
Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.
[Ephesians 4:3 NLT]
A Prayer for Intimacy
Heavenly Father, we ask you today, to strengthen the bonds of both physical and spiritual intimacy in our marriage. We are thankful that you have called husband and wife to intimacy with you first, and intimacy with one another.
Please show us any behavior we have been committing that has been preventing us from entering into a deeper intimate relationship with you and one another.
Once trust is broken it can be nearly impossible to regain on our own, however, we know that all things are possible with you God. Heal our hearts, Father, of past hurts and help us to trust in you and one another again.
We thank you right now for increased intimacy in our marriage as we seek to honor you and one another through our marriage covenant.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.
[Ephesians 5:31 NIV]
A Prayer for Honesty
Father God we come before you today to ask you to help us do everything with absolute honesty in our marriage. Sanctify us by your truth – your word is truth (John 17:17).
Help us to never lie to one another. Help us to come clean if we mess up or make a mistake that can affect our marriage – no matter how bad we may feel or embarrassed we may be. Give us the ability to be completely transparent with one another regardless of how we feel.
We thank you for the discernment to know your truth and the conviction to call on the name of Jesus. If there is anything that we have been untruthful about in the past, please help us to share it with one another and give us the wisdom to work through it.
We thank you for helping us to be honest as we choose to submit to your spirit.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
[Colossians 3:9-10 NIV]
A Prayer for Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, as we strive to continuously build a stronger marriage, help us to forgive one another for things that may hurt or offend us. Help us to walk in forgiveness and never lose sight of the fact that you have forgiven us.
Help us to show your mercy and grace to our spouse each time they need it and not bring up past hurts or failures. Let us be an example of forgiveness to not only our spouse but to those around us so we can continue to show your love to all we meet. Help us to also forgive ourselves if we struggle with condemnation.
Thank you for your life-giving words of truth that we may be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
[1 John 1:9 NIV]
A Prayer for Health
Father God we thank you for divine health in our physical bodies, spiritual life, and marriage. We pray that you will make known to us anything that we are doing that does not directly correlate with healthy living; body, spirit, soul.
Give us the strength to honor you through our bodies as they are the temple of the Lord. Give us the wisdom to continuously build a healthy spiritual life and marriage with you at the center.
Help us to always remember the sacrifice you made that gave us the promise of healing and peace. You are worthy to be praised!
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
[Isaiah 53:4 KJV]
— BY

Married couple
Prayers to Save a Marriage
Lord Jesus, Our marriage is crumbling. I come to You; “before Your throne of grace,” desperately seeking You., asking You for help and guidance and wisdom about what to do. We’re stumbling and feel the hurdles are just too big. We keeping hearing the word, “Divorce,” We hear other “voices,” telling us to just give up— that there’s been too much water under the bridge… that our marriage is too far gone to keep going on. But Lord, neither of us want to destroy our marriage. We don’t want to break up our family or injure our children. You said that marriage is a covenant, “til death do us part.” You said that “nothing is too difficult for you.” I believe that Your will is for our marriage to be healed too.
But Lord, we’ve tried and done what we can, and have come to the place now where we don’t know what to do. Lord, I ask you, that if there is a way, to please show us the way and what to do. I ask You to show us the next steps we need to take to restore our marriage. I ask you to deal with my heart, with any selfishness, apathy, or pride, or anything _____________ (my spouse’s) heart. I ask You to reveal anything to us that we are not seeing for ourselves. I believe Lord that You are “…the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We’ve lost our way. We need Your way, Your Truth and Your life. We’ve lost our “first love” for each other. We need You. We need You to restore us; I ask You to restore us oh Lord and to help us find the way back to each other and to You again.
I ask You to renew in me and in both of us, us a willing spirit. Help me to not point fingers or respond defensively. Teach me how to listen to ______________ and to really hear. Lord, I realize that my actions, attitudes, and feelings and the things that have have happened between us that brought us to this place, didn’t happen overnight. I realize that it will take time to undo things that I have done, that brought us to this place in our marriage. I ask You to show me what I need to do to make these things right between us. Help me to see what I need to see to change. I ask you to work in ______________ (my spouse’s) heart and to help him/her do what You want him/her to do.
Lord, You promised to guide us in the way we should go. You are a wise Counselor, and You know exactly what we need. All our hopes and expectations are in You. If outside Christian counsel is necessary to lead us back and “start over,” please direct us to who truly can help. I trust that You are the answer, Lord. I believe and declare that divorce is not what we want. I ask that Your will be done in our lives and marriage. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
— Cornerstone Marriage & Family Ministries
See also