Jewish Liturgy

Jewish liturgy refers specifically to following the Torah in all of its rites and ceremonies, whether in the home or in the Synagogue. The main purposes of following the carefully laid out observances is to maintain uniformity, and to avoid improper and unacceptable practices at variance with those given by the God of the Torah.

Judaism Masada Israel Religion Father And Son

Father and son reading Torah

The liturgy may include such assistances as responsive reading, songs, or music, as found in the Torah and Haftorah, the Amidah, piyyutim, and Psalms. Singing or reading the Psalms has a special role in the Jewish liturgy, in particular they are used in the daily services of Shacharit, Mincha, and Arvit.

The reading of the Torah is done every morning on Sabbath. In Babylonia, it was a one-year pattern, instead of a three-year pattern as done in Israel.

Christians, and all other Abrahamic faiths, borrowed from the Jewish liturgy, and have used many elements of it in their own religious meetings.

See also


  • Evert H. van Olst.1996.Alkitab dan Liturgi.Jakarta:PT BPK Gunung Mulia.
  • Berthold Anton Pareira.1991.Peranan Kitab Suci dalam Liturgi.Yogyakarta:Kanisius.
  • Rasid Rachman.2009.Hari Raya Liturgi : Sejarah dan Pesan Pastoral Gereja.Jakarta:PT BPK Gunung Mulia.

Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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