What is God?, Who is God?, Who Created God?, and Does God exist? are the main questions that humankind is asking since dawn of the time. Few concepts in human history have generated as much fascination, intense longing, rapturous devotion, somber contemplation, and endless debate as the topic of God. In the English language, the term God, when capitalized and singular (as a proper noun), is typically used to refer to the sole Divine Being in monotheistic religions, and more broadly to Ultimate Reality in many other faiths. An uncapitalized spelling (both singular and plural) has generally been used to refer to an individual deity found in a polytheistic or henotheistic pantheon (such as in ancient Vedic and Greco-Roman religion).
You are in search of God. You want to know God. You want to know the function of God. You want to know the address of God, but most importantly, you want to be with God. You will find the hundreds of articles about God from the world known religious traditions in this category.