Blessings For Business
Page Contents
In religion, a blessing (also used to refer to bestowing of such) is the infusion of something with holiness, spiritual redemption, or divine will.
We have collected some of the best prayers for Blessings For Business to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
“The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,” (Psalm 24:1)
Anoint my business
Faithful Father,
I ask you to anoint my business with financial abundance. Enable me to prosper and produce wealth. I thank you for the assets that you have given me – most importantly, your favor. I rely on you as my one and only source of all things. I thank you for giving me energy, and keen business sense, and a good product. I thank you that the hopes of the godly will be fulfilled. Help me to live wisely and apply sensible principles in my business dealings. Amen.
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Oh Lord of Heaven and earth!
The Scripture says that You will prosper the efforts of Your servants. Lord! I am anxious about this venture!
As the Scripture says You were with Isaac and gave him hundred fold blessings. I know You have the same love and concern for my well fare also. Have mercy upon O Lord prosper all the efforts that I take towards the success of my business. Grant me Your wisdom and guidance so that I can take the right decision at the right time. Unless You bless me I cannot be a success my Lord. So I beseech You to grant me success in my endeavours and lift me up in life. Be with me and prosper whatever I do!
I thank You and praise You for answering my prayers even now providing all my needs. Amen.
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Heavenly Father,
thank you for this day, thank you for the lives you are have given to me. Thank you for the beautiful business ideas you have given to me. Father, I pray for this business I’m about to venture into, that by your mercy, it will increase. You’ll guide every of my decisions, through this business you will make me a source of blessing to people at large. This I ask in your glorious name.
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Dear Lord,
I thank You for the gifts You have deposited in me.
I do not take them lightly, but commit to using them responsibly and well.
Give me a fresh supply of truth and beauty; on which to draw as I do my job.
Anoint my creativity, my ideas, my energy so that even my smallest task may bring You honor.
Lord when I am confused, guide me. When I am weary, energize me.
Lord, when I am burned out, infuse me with the light of Your Presence.
May the work that I do and the way I do it, bring hope, life, and courage to all that I come in contact with today.
And Oh Lord, even in this day’s most stressful moment, may I rest in You.
In the mighty Name that is above all Names. Amen.
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Dear Lord,
As I enter this work place,
I bring Your presence with me.
I speak Your peace, Your grace, and Your perfect order into the atmosphere of this office.
I acknowledge Your Lordship over all that will be spoken, thought, decided and accomplished within these walls.
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Dear Lord,
creator of the universe. Thank you for your unfailing promises I receive every day. I pray for my business that it will grow and expand. May you direct and guide everything I do for the expansion of this firm. Let your angels lift up my business that it may not strike it feet against stone. this I ask in your glorious name. Amen.
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I thank you for this day. I pray for this business today, that it will yield in multiple fold. cause me to be alert spiritually and physically to everything that would happen in my place of work. Let the Holy Spirit inspire all decisions that will be taken concerning my business. May the influence of the Holy Spirit be upon everyone that would be involved in the set-up of this business. This I ask in your glorious name. Amen.
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Eternal father,
I bless your name for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for the great opportunities I have enjoyed in you. Lord, I ask for wisdom from above to run this business effectively. May you baptize me with the needed knowledge and skills to make an exceptional in this business. May your face shine on me and be gracious to me as I start up this business. I put to an end any form of destruction on my part to bring down my business. This I ask in your name. Amen.
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Sweet Lord,
I bless your name for the life you have given to me, thank you for this business ideas. Lord, I ask for your divine wisdom to run this business well. May your favour find me as I venture into this business. Let the Holy Spirit show me hidden things that I need to know in this business. Give to me wisdom to create and develop new product and services to people. Baptize me with innovative concepts to create good ideas to run the company well. Thank you, lord, for answered prayers, this I ask in your name. Amen.
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O Lord,
Be present in our midst, as we join with (Name……) to dedicate this business place as her/his business. Let your blessings be upon her/his and the members of her/his staff, day by day, as they serve others. With them we give special thanks fro bringing this process thus far in the plans and preparation. Enable them to serve to all their patrons and to do so with the respect and courtesy. AMEN.

Business planning
Bless my workplace
Bless my workplace. I declare success in business today. Let my business be of great service to others, flourishing through decency, honesty and respect for my colleagues and customers.
May I be strong and courageous, making wise decisions guided by the Holy Spirit, and not terrified or discouraged.
Grant me wisdom and calm so that I can rightly access every situation and bring peace and productivity to the work environment.
A Prayer For The Business/Occupation
Lord, We Affirm. ..
You are the Lord of the work place as well as the worship place.
All work that meets legitimate needs is Your work to be done in Your way.
Prosperity that comes from our work is a gift from You to be used for Your glory, not our ease.
While You made all things for us to enjoy, true satisfaction comes only from You.
Lord, We Confess. ..
We have at times been proud and arrogant about success, thinking it was because we were smarter, better, or worked harder than others.
We have sometimes placed success above integrity and power above people. This is sin in every instance.
We have often let our love of prosperity quench our courage and compassion.
We have kept You too often at a safe distance, mentally locked in the church building away from our daily affairs. How we could have used Your strength, guidance, and love at times if we had only known You are as real a part of our lives on Monday as You are on Sunday.
Lord, We Ask That. ..
We, as businessmen, would live ethically distinctive lives, both publicly and privately.
We would assume the discipline of craftsmanship, working with all our heart as if You were our boss-because You are.
We would discover what we are each gifted to do, finding the delight and joy of doing what You created us for.
Others would see the reality of Your presence in our lives and be attracted to You.
— By William Carr Peel
To Be recited at the time of going to market:
Oh God I seek You benefits for this Market and those who through it.
When he reaches the market, then God will make an angel look after him and his merchandise until he returns home. That angel says “Today you have saved yourself from the mischief of the market and those who frequent it and you have gained their-good will.”
To be recited when one sets in his shop:
I stand witness that there is no God except One. Oh God! I beg You to give me permissible and purified daily bread with Your blessings; and seek shelter for myself doing any cruelty on any one or anyone doing any cruelty with me and also seek refuge from trade which incurs losses and false oaths.
When he will recite this prayer the angel with say, “There will be a revelation unto you, and there is no one in the market today, whose share will be greater that yours. You have been in hurry to collect good deeds and to ignore bad deeds, and now, within a little while the rightful and rewarding earning which God has meant for you is arriving.”
O’ God! I beseech Thee to grant me goodness from the Market and goodness from those who are in it; I seek refuge for the mischief of the Market and the mischief of those who are there.
For the safety of the store:
We have set wall before them and another behind and have closed the gap from above. They can think of nothing. That thing cannot be lost whose protector is Allah. And if after this they do not see in the right direction then say Allah is enough for me: Allah there is no Allah but He! I rely on Him and He is the Lord of the ‘Arsh-e-Azeem (Quran) and keep it inside the package. This will keep that merchandise safe from all accidents.
Prayers for success and prosperity in business
Dear Lord, I thank you for this opportunity to manage this business.
I pray for your wisdom as I plan to work hard so that my business will remain secure and be prosperous.
I pray that you grant me the strength and grace to make good practice the cornerstone of all that I do in this business. Help me to see open doors of opportunity for expansion and development of this business. I pray that my business will grow and flourish so that it can create great opportunities for everyone involved in Jesus Name. Amen.
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Father, I commit my business into your hands.
I pray for your guidance in all that I do as I build and shape my business. I cover my business and investments with the blood of Jesus. I pray that your Holy Spirit will teach and advise me daily concerning my business. I receive a sound mind that I may envision that which will make my business prosper and be a blessing to many. And may my business be full of fruitfulness, generosity, integrity, and provision. I give you everything that I am and everything that I have for your glory Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Prayer For Blessings And Prosperity In My Business
Father in the mighty name of Jesus , I hereby bring my business to your table , father I pray that you bless the work of my hands, father I pray that you prosper every endeavour in my business.
Lord I pray for favor for my business from all clients I meet, father I pray that you bless my clients so that they can be a blessing in my business by paying for my services.
Lord God I pray for success in my business and I pray Father that you lead me and guide me in my business and give me wisdom to be at a right place at the right time , father I pray to help me not to enter into contracts which will be fruitless expenditure.
And father let my business represent you at all times, and father let the be abundance of finance , let there be no lack in my business and at the same time let me be able to be the financier of your word and be a blessing to my church in Jesus mighty name I pray.
—- by Thandiwe
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Dear Heavenly Father, in Your Name I pray.
I am grateful to you for granting me the grace, wisdom, and means to run this business.
I have faith in your guidance as I ask you to give me the strength to work hard and make my business prosperous and abundant. I know you will reveal new opportunities and areas for expansion and development. Bless this business, and help it grow, flourish, and create great livelihood and growth for all those involved.
Prayers for success in business
Dear Lord, thank you for entrusting this enterprise into my hands. Lord, I seek you first in all that I do. I commit the business, the workers, and the customers into your hands.
Help us to be successful at all that we do. Bless this day the works of our hands. I confess that without you I am nothing and that in you I put my trust completely. And as your word say that we should commit to you whatever we do and that you will establish our plans, I pray that you will establish my business and make it strong forever in Jesus Name. Amen.
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Dear Lord,
I ask for your graceful guidance as I build and grow this business. I put my trust in your hands that you will bless my business, my suppliers, my customers, and my employees. I pray that you protect this enterprise and the investments I’ve put into it.
I ask that you lead me, guide me, and advise me. May my journey be generous, fruitful, and successful, today and always.
I pray to you with all that I am and all that I hold.
Prayer for business
(prayer for the director of the business or for someone who is self-employed)
I give you all that I am,
All that I hold. I ask for your guidance as I build and shape this business.
I trust that you will bless the work of my hands.
I pray that you would cover this enterprise and cover my investments.
I believe in your leadership that you will guide me and advise me.
Come and envision me.
May this venture be full of integrity, generosity, fruitfulness and provision.
I give you all that I am,
And all that I hold, My Lord, Amen.
Prayer For A New Business
Dear Lord,
My business is my passion and I put my success entirely in your hands. I ask that you help me run it efficiently, and with the wisdom to recognize and accept the changes that await me. I know you will speak to me when I’m lost and give me comfort when there are trials. Please grant me the knowledge for the things I don’t know and help me serve my customers and clients with a heart like yours.
I will shine Your light in all that I do and make sure my customers feel it whenever they interact with me and my business. Help me stand by my faith and values in my business in all situations and tribulations.
In Your Name I pray.
A Prayer For Business Owners
Lord, thank you so much for my business. I know, just like everything else, even my business comes from You. Help me to follow Your ways in my work so that I can honor You and glorify You.
Things are hard at times Lord, but I know You don’t promise us easy. I just pray, Lord, that when things are difficult, I can be a Godly leader. I pray I will not be overcome by fear and worry. I pray that I will stay the course and trust that the vision I have for my business is Your vision. I will try to treat others I encounter, be it staff, vendors, or customers, with love, respect, and integrity.
But, Lord, I can’t do it in my own strength, only in Yours.
I pray, Lord, that I can show perseverance and be a light to others. I know you call us to be a city on a hill. I pray that our business can set an example that by following You, even in the market place, that we will have an advantage.
Lord, times are difficult, but I will stand strong and wait on you, Lord. Thank you for being here for me when fear threatens my resolve. I pray, Lord, that Your will be done, because I know that You love me and Your will is what is best.