Unbelief Is An Unforgivable Ingratitude
Unbelief is an unforgivable ingratitude. The one who denies Him Who brought him into existence from non-existence and endowed him with many kinds of faculties like reason, intellect, heart, memory, and insight, and inner and outer senses, and Who nourishes him with numerous varieties of food and drink, has doomed himself to eternal punishment.

Reading The Book
As pointed out earlier, if all the men in the world came together to create a single fruit or leaf or even a single blade of grass, they could not do it. So, denial of the One Who created this huge universe and subjugated it to the use of man is the severest and most abominable kind of crime, which deserves the most lasting and severe kind of punishment. Again, the one who, following in the footsteps of Satan, who invites him to unbelief and dissipation, has submitted to the desires and seduction of his evil-commanding self, which, in fact, was given to him so that he might rise to the highest of the high by refining it, closed the doors of his conscience, a faculty which innately feels the existence of One God, Creator and Sustainer of beings, to innumerable signs of God in the person himself and the universe, and the one who extinguished his feelings which long for eternity and which can be satisfied only with eternity, has condemned himself to eternal punishment. Also, the one who blinded himself to the most manifest signs of the Creator, namely The Holy Book and the Messenger Muhammad and other Messengers, upon them be peace, does not deserve less than eternal punishment.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi