
Pigeons Istanbul Feeding Old Woman Feeding Birds

Animals In Islam

Animals In Islam This article covers the treatment of animals in Islam. According to Islam, animals are conscious of God. According to the Quran, they praise Him, even if this praise is not expressed in human language. Baiting animals for entertainment or gambling is prohibited. It is forbidden to kill any animal except for food or to prevent it...

A malnourished horse eating at a veterinary clinic

Animal Cruelty

Animal Cruelty Animal cruelty, also called animal abuse, animal neglect or cruelty to animals, is the infliction by omission (neglect) or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human animal. More narrowly, it can be the causing of harm or suffering for specific achievement, such as killing animals for entertainment; cruelty to animals...

Animal Horses Fauna Nature Cavalry Sea Galopping


Animals Animals (Metazoa) are multicellular eukaryotic organisms that form the biological kingdom Animalia. With few exceptions, animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, can reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development. Over 1.5 million living animal species have been...

Man Village Shepherd Buffalo Nature Cattle Farmer

Why Is Slaughtering Animals Prescribed As It Is

Why Is Slaughtering Animals Prescribed As It Is We can best grasp the benefits of slaughtering animals according to the manner prescribed to Muslims. Muslims are permitted to slaughter animals for food, and the manner of doing so is carefully prescribed in the Qur’an and Sunna. To depart from that...

Dog Helping Dog Thirsty Dog Animal Help Pet

Humane Treatment Of Animals

Humane Treatment Of Animals This article covers humane treatment of animals in Islam. God, the Creator of human beings and animals, has made animals subservient to us. We depend on animals for the food we eat and the milk we drink. We bring animals into our homes for love and...

Goulash Meat Beef Court Main Course Cook Eat


Dhabihah In Islamic law, dhabihah (or ذَبِيحَة‎, ‘slaughtered animal’, pronounced zabiha by the people from non-Arab Muslim countries such as Iran and Pakistan,) is the prescribed method of ritual slaughter of all lawful halal animals. This method of slaughtering lawful animals has several conditions to be fulfilled. The name of God or “In the name of God”...

Christmas goat sacrifice in Isla de Margarita, Venezuela

Ritual Slaughter

Ritual Slaughter Ritual slaughter is the practice of slaughtering livestock for meat in the context of a ritual. Ritual slaughter involves a prescribed practice of slaughtering an animal for food production purposes. This differs from animal sacrifices that involve slaughtering animals, often in the context of rituals, for purposes other than mere food production....

One of the altars at the Monte d'Accoddi in Sardinia, where animal sacrifice may have occurred.

Animal Sacrifice

Animal Sacrifice Animal sacrificeis the ritual killing and offering of an animal usually as part of a religious ritual or to appease or maintain favour with a deity. Animal sacrifices were common throughout Europe and the Ancient Near East until the spread of Christianity in Late Antiquity, and continue in some cultures or religions today. Human sacrifice, where it existed, was always much more...

The Buddha, represented by the Bodhi tree, attended by animals, Sanchi vihara.

Animals In Buddhism

Animals In Buddhism The position and treatment of animals in Buddhism is important for the light it sheds on Buddhists’ perception of their own relation to the natural world, on Buddhist humanitarian concerns in general, and on the relationship between Buddhist theory and Buddhist practice. Etymology In the Pali language, the translation is Tira-acchanā. Tira means against and Acchanā means a being...

The common chimpanzee can use tools. This individual is using a stick to get food.

Animal Cognition

Animal Cognition Animal cognition describes the mental capacities of non-human animals and the study of those capacities. The field developed from comparative psychology, including the study of animal conditioning and learning. It has also been strongly influenced by research in ethology, behavioral ecology, and evolutionary psychology, and hence the alternative name cognitive ethology is sometimes used. Many behaviors associated...

According to the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, "near human-like levels of consciousness" have been observed in the grey parrot.

Animal Consciousness

Animal Consciousness Animal consciousness, or animal awareness, is the quality or state of self-awareness within an animal, or of being aware of an external object or something within itself. It is a key subject in the discussion of animal rights. In humans, consciousness has been defined as: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, qualia,...

Canine Sad Dog Stray Dog Race Abandoned Sick Dog

Pain In Animals

Pain In Animals Pain negatively affects the health and welfare of animals. “Pain” is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” Only the person experiencing the pain can know the...

Illustration of the story of Hippocrates refusing the presents of the Achaemenid Emperor Artaxerxes, who was asking for his services. Painted by Girodet.


Bioethics The term bioethics was first coined by American biochemist Van Rensselaer Potter to describe a new philosophy that integrates biology, ecology, medicine, and human values. In the broader sense of the term, bioethics encompasses both biomedical ethics, dealing with questions of ethics related to medicine, and environmental ethics, dealing with ecological ethics, such as respect for...

A four-week-old puppy, found alongside a road after flooding in West Virginia, United States, is fed at an Emergency Animal Rescue Service shelter in the Twin Falls State Park.

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare Animal welfare is the well-being of nonhuman animals. The standards of “good” animal welfare vary considerably between different contexts. These standards are under constant review and are debated, created and revised by animal welfare groups, legislators, and academics worldwide. Animal welfare science uses various measures, such as longevity, disease, immunosuppression, behavior, physiology, and reproduction, although...

Source: National Vanguard


Fable Fable is a literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are anthropomorphized, and that illustrates or leads to a particular moral lesson (a “moral“), which may at the end be added explicitly as...

From the Panchatantra: Rabbit fools Elephant by showing the reflection of the moon


Anthropomorphism Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. It is considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology. Personification is the related attribution of human form and characteristics to abstract concepts such as nations, emotions, and natural forces, such as seasons and weather....

Animal Worship Japanese scroll Shinto

Animal Worship

Animal Worship Animal worship (or zoolatry) is rituals involving animals, such as the glorification of animal deities or animal sacrifice. When a god is respected or worshipped by means of a representative animal, an animal cult is formed (Teeter et al., 2002, p. 355). Animal cults may be classified according to their outward form or according...