Prayers For Patience
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We have collected some of the best Prayers For Patience to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
Patience (or forbearance) is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance/anger; or forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can have before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.
In our prayers for patience, we ask for our Lord’s help in bearing with troubles, large and small, with this important virtue, and the “companion of wisdom”. God has certainly shown a great deal of patience in dealing with fallen humanity. These prayers remind us of how we can, and should, also try to imitate Him in putting up with each other as He’s done with us, especially in His Passion!
Waiting Patiently
As we wait on You, we pray to turn to Your Word for comfort and direction.
- Your Word is solid and reliable.
- The Word brings us truth.
- Your Word gives us strength.
- The Mighty Word of God chases away our worries and our fears.
- The Gentle Word refreshes us.
Prayer for Patience #1
O God, who didst crush the pride of the enemy by the long-suffering of Thine Only-begotten Son: grant, we beseech Thee, that we may worthily recall those things which in His tender love He bore for us; and thus following His example may patiently endure all our adversities.
Prayer for Patience #2
Teach me, my Lord, to be sweet and gentle in all the events of my life, in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied. Let me forget myself so that I may enjoy the happiness of others. Let me always hide my little pains and heartaches so that I may be the only one to suffer from them. Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path. Let me so use it that it may mellow me, not harden or embitter me; that it may make me patient, not irritable; that it may make me broad in my forgiveness, not narrow or proud or overbearing. May no one be less good for having come within my influence; no one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble, for having been a fellow traveler with me on our journey towards eternal life. As I meet with one cross after another, let me whisper a word of love to You. May my life be lived in the supernatural, full of power for good, and strong in its purpose of sanctity. Amen.
Prayer for patience #3
Dear Heavenly Father, how I praise You for being gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love! I confess that too often, I grow impatient when things don’t go according to my plan, or when people don’t behave the way I think they should. I know this controlling tendency is a sinful desire to usurp the authority that only ever belongs to You. Please forgive me, and help me to be patient with others, as You have been patient with me. Please also grant me Your grace that enables me to wait patiently for Your return, and to labor steadfastly in the meantime. It’s in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Patience #4
We praise You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and Your alive and active Word, continually sewing our heart together to mirror Your Son, Jesus. Patience isn’t easy, but it also isn’t ours to create in ourselves. Thank You for working in us what we do not have the ability to otherwise. When injustice smacks into our reality, it’s hard to let You make the first move. When the people in our lives press our aggravation, it’s difficult to submit to the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We want to take control and strive for solutions. Forgive us for allowing our temperaments to speak first.
Father, You love us perfectly, and promise to defend us. You hear us and are concerned about us. Help us to trust You with our daily skirmishes, and waging wars. Daily, remind us to sit with You and soak in the powerful wisdom available to us in Your Word. Help us to remember Psalm 56 when we are afraid. Periods of waiting often lead us to fear, and fear can chip away at our trust and faith. Yet, “what can mere mortals do to us?” We can go through nothing that You do not have the ability to pull us through!
Help us to understand the gravity and weight of the words, “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.” (Psalm 56:3) May the Holy Spirit move through us and remove our fear in testing moments of trial, and usher in a renewed faith and trust, just as the reminder of Your Word. For, “In God, whose Word I praise …I will not be afraid.” Your Word has power when faithfully proclaimed over our situations and fears.
Bless our hearts to be established in Christ, for “the coming of the Lord is at hand.” (James 5:8) May we ever be reminded of His sacrifice for us, and the love for us that drove Him there. That same love promises never to leave us, and to provide the patient endurance we need to stand up under trials of patience. None of them will last forever, but eternity with our Savior will.
Praise You, Father!
In Jesus’ Name,
A Prayer for Patience and Peace
God, teach us what it means to have faith in silence. When we face trials that are beyond our understanding, help us to find peace. Help me be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. You set all things in accordance to your time. Remind us to wait patiently, and find peace in your plan.
Prayer for patience and understanding
Dear Lord, please help me.
I lay before you my tiredness and ask for new energy.
I lay before you my frustration and ask for more patience.
I lay before you my resentment and ask for peace.
I lay before you my judgement and ask for inspired understanding.
I lay before you my anger and long to be forgiving.
Please help me, dear Lord.
Prayers for Patience To Give Me Strength
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
Lord, today is rough. And I haven’t even climbed out of bed. There’s too much clouding my mind, too much to face, and I can already feel the meltdown brewing inside. I don’t have enough patience—with myself or anyone else—to make it through the morning, let alone the day.
Would you meet me here and give me yours? Would you lift me up and carry me out of my room? Would you walk me through my day? Thank you for never being tired or drained. Thank you for having the power to renew my patience and my strength.
The Virtue of Patience
Lord, we ask You to grant us the virtue of patience. We pray that it may mellow us, not harden or embitter us, that it may make us not irritable. That it may make us broad in our forgiveness, and never narrow, proud or overbearing.
May no one be less good for having come within our influence. No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble, for having been a fellow believer with us, in our journey towards an eternal life with You Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Prayers for Patience To Guide My Marriage
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:2-3)
Lord, I don’t feel humble, gentle, or patient today when it comes to my spouse. It’s not just the big things—although they never seem to go away—it’s also the little things that pile up and chisel at my smile. Sometimes it’s hard to remember the days when the relationship was easy and fun.
Walk between us today. Speak peace into our hearts. Give us an infinite amount of patience when it comes to understanding each other. Draw us back to the days when being together didn’t feel so hard. Thank you that there are three people in this relationship, not two. Thank you for cheering on my marriage, not from the sidelines, but from the middle of the field.
Prayers for Patience To Help Me Love Others
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8)
Lord, some of Your people are hard to love. They can be moody, mean, difficult, and impossible to understand. They blame me for things I didn’t do and have expectations I can’t meet. Sometimes I wish You hadn’t put them in my life.
I need You to show me how much You love them. Reveal what You see under the surface, where they’re hurting, and tell me how to make a difference. Thank you for giving me your patience to be kind and compassionate when I don’t have my own and for loving me when I’m the one who’s difficult in someone else’s life.
Prayers for Patience To Guide My Steps
“I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.” (Psalm 143:5)
Lord, I miss the way we used to be. It’s my fault, I know. I haven’t had the patience to rest at your feet and meditate on your Word. I’ve been too impatient to wait on your will. I’ve gotten used to making things happen right now instead of waiting on you to guide my steps.
Bring me back to those days when I hungered for your plans. Give me the patience to linger in your presence. Pause my racing thoughts and self-imposed time limits. Thank you for being the only one who can truly take away my urge to do life by myself. Thank you for showing me that putting you first is what’s best for me.
Prayer for patience and strength
God of grace,
You make me softer, kinder, gentler, generous, forgiving and loving.
Yet at times I know these gifts wear thin. I feel impatience rising, I sense resentment brooding and revenge is on my lips.
So I pray today and all days for more of your Spirit. May the grace that you pour out open the door for a renewing of my mind, a restoration of my heart and a transformation of my soul.
Thank you
That in you I find new strength
Discover more patience
And walk with grace at work in my life.
Prayers for Patience To Help Me be Patient with My Children
“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.” (Psalm 127:3)
Lord, it’s horrible to admit, but some days my kids feel like the opposite of a reward. If “iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17), today’s the day I might just be whittled away. Right now, I’m hiding in the bathroom, trying and failing to reign in my overwhelming frustration.
Fill me with everlasting patience and drown my anger with your peace. Help me parent my kids the way you parent me—with kindness and love. Thank you for giving them to me.
Prayer for patience in a relationship
Dear loving Father,
You are with me.
You see all that I experience, all that I think
And care for all that I feel.
You are with me.
You see my frustration, all the thoughts that run through my mind
And hold me as I cry.
Thank you, loving Father,
You are with us.
I ask for help with this relationship,
In the knowledge that you love us both.
You are with us.
You, and only you understand the dynamics of what is happening.
May your hand on our lives create reconciliation, forgiveness and peace.
“Lord, the next time I realise that it’s me that I’m angry with,
please help me to forgive myself as you have forgiven me”
Prayers for Patience To Carry Me through Crises
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 4:6-7)
Lord, I can’t move. I can’t sit still or stand. I can’t breathe. I think I’m dying. Everything’s falling apart inside me and around me. I don’t know what to do.
Please wrap your arms around me and don’t ever let go. Slow my racing heart. Clear my spinning head. Calm my frantic lungs. I need Your patience to breathe through this moment and make it to the next. Thank you for being a God of the moment, a God who cares, a God able to guard my heart and mind.
Praying for Patience
Heavenly Father, we pray for the virtue of patience, in our hearts, homes and our lives. We want to wait patiently for Your will to enfold in our lives.
May we learn to wait patiently for You to bring Your answers to our prayers. We want to cooperate and wait on Your plans for us.
Prayers for Patience To Take Away My Pride
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)
Lord, it’s hard to admit, but I need to be right. I just know if I explain my way one more time with one more example, the other person will see my side. But the more I push my view, the more my words and actions destroy my relationships.
Remind me that relationships are more important than who’s right and who’s wrong. Tell me to back off when I can’t seem to pull the plug on my pride. Cover my frustration with your patience. Thank you for putting things into perspective and showing me what doesn’t really matter. Thank you for loving me when I think I know everything and you know I know nothing.
Prayers for Patience To Teach Me to Let Go
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
Lord, I’m stuck in a place I don’t want to be. It seems everyone else is speeding forward. It’s so hard to watch sometimes. What if my life always looks and feels this way? Things have to change. I must move on. I need something new right now.
But that’s not your way. You want me to grow when I want to run away. Soothe my anxiety. Take away my desperation. Stretch my perseverance. Thank you for knowing what’s best for me. Thank you for helping me let go and giving me the patience to wait on your timing not mine.
Teach Us To Be Patient
Lord, teach us to be patient – with life, with people, and with ourselves. We sometimes try to hurry things along too much, and we push for answers before the time is right.
Teach us to trust Your sense of timing rather than our own and to surrender our will to Your greater and wiser plan.
Help us let life unfold slowly, and teach us to savor each experience and learn the lessons behind each story.
Prayers for Patience: Teach Me to Slow Down
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”(Matthew 11:29-30)
Lord, it doesn’t matter how I old get; adulting is hard. Someone should’ve told me that most of being a grown up was making it up as you go along. That there wasn’t some magic manual that would be imprinted on my brain. The responsibilities keep piling on—family, financial, my future. It never ends.
Give me your patience to handle the big and small. Slow me down. Teach me how to be calm. I don’t want to waste my life frazzled, exhausted, and weighted down. Thank you for offering me rest and for not making me to do life on my own.
Prayer For Tolerance and Patience
Teach us Lord, to be sweet and gentle in all the events of our lives, in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those we trust, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom we rely on.
Let us forget ourselves so that we may enjoy the happiness of others. Let us always hide our little pains and heartaches so that we may be the only one to suffer from them.
Teach us to be patient in our suffering and learn to profit by the suffering that comes across our path.
Short Prayers for Patience
Omnipotent, Omnipresent Loving Lord, I humbly lay my life before You, for You alone deserve all the praise, honor and glory. Open my eyes, Lord.
Allow me to see all the wonderful things You have done for me. Open my heart to accept You and Your Word daily. Open my mind and allow me to understand Your teachings.
Grant me patience Lord, as I await Your answers to my call. Teach me to be still in the midst of the storms.
Lord, Your timing is always perfect, never too early and never too late. Knowing that You hold the future, it is definitely worth the wait!
Guide me accordingly, help me to make the right decisions that will only lead me to You. Search me, Oh Lord, for You alone know my heart.
I desire Your Holy presence as I await You patiently, Oh Lord. Bless me with all that I deserve, in Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen!
Prayer for Patience and seeking to understand
For most of us, patience does not come naturally – but with God’s help we can work at it. One of the keys to becoming more patient is seeking to understand – either yourself or somebody else better. For example, somebody drives into the back of your car. Now it may be that they were negligent, but it may also be that they have something going on in their life that is consuming them – what if that driver has just heard that his daughter has six weeks to live? How would that change our perspective on him, and how we might treat him? The reality is that nobody is leading a perfect life, without some level of illness, stress or hardship. Try taking a moment to think about somebody who you are at odds with. Now imagine that they have just six weeks left to live. Did your attitude to them change? The reality is that we all live with some kind of weakness or sickness, and these weaknesses effect our abilities to interact with others. One persons strengths will be very different to the next persons, and so we should never assume that just because something seems relatively easy for us, it is easy for them.
Prayer for patience and understanding
“Yahweh is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness”. Psalm 103:8
Lord, may I be slow to anger and filled with love
I know I’m going to need Your help here
Because if I try to go solo on this I’ll fail for sure
Please fill my heart with patience
May I be ready to forgive – myself and others
Not just this once
But as many times as it takes
Thank you that you are forever giving
When it comes to forgiveness
Please fill my heart with understanding
May I always seek to contemplate
What somebody may be suffering
Before I jump to any conclusions
Because I know that you never cease
To pardon me
Lord, may I be slow to anger and filled with love
Because you are my hero
And I’m following You
Asking God for Patience
Lord, today I’m really struggling. There are so many things I want. So many plans you have for me that I’m so unsure about. I ask, God, that you give me the patience you desire me to have. I cannot be strong enough on my own. I ask that you provide me with support and strength to wait for the things you have planned. I know, Lord, that you do have plans for me and that things work in your time, not mine. I know that whatever you have planned for me is going to be something amazing.
But God, I’m just struggling right now with that patience. I see my friends getting the things that they desire. I see others moving forward in their lives, and I see myself staying right here. I just keep waiting, God. It never seems to move forward. Please let me see my purpose in this moment. Please give me the ability to stay in this moment and appreciate the joy in it. Don’t allow me to forget that you ask us to live not just for the future, but for the moment that we’re in.
And Lord, please help me never to forget to be grateful for what you have provided. It’s easy for me to see all the things I don’t have. The things that aren’t coming right now. But Lord, I also ask that you remind me that there are so many things here and now that I should be thankful for in my life. I sometimes forget that gratitude toward my friends, my family, my teachers. It’s easy to whine, but harder at times to look at your glory around me.
Also, God, I ask for patience with the people around me. I know I sometimes don’t understand what my parents are thinking. I get that they love me, but I so often lose my patience with them. I don’t understand what some people are thinking when they steal, cut in line, hurt others. I know you ask me to be patient with them and forgive them as you forgive us. It’s in my head, so Lord, I ask that you instill it in my heart, too. I need more patient with those that annoy me. I need more patience with those that wrong me. Please fill my heart with it.
Lord, I wish I could say that I’m perfect all the time when it comes to patience, but I wouldn’t be praying for it if I was. I ask also for your forgiveness when I slip up and lose my patience with those around me…and you, too. I can sometimes be human and do the wrong thing, but Lord I never mean to hurt you or anyone else. I ask for your grace in those moments.
Thank you, Lord, for all You are, for all You do. In your name, Amen.
7 Good Prayers For Patience
“The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”
Your Future Mate
Father in Heaven
You know my heart. I am ready to give my life to someone in marriage. I only want someone that You deem worthy, Lord. I will not settle for anything less! However, my strength is failing and I need You now more than ever. Help me to be patient as I wait for who You already have planned for me. When I am anxious I jump into bad decisions. I need Your hand in this, Father. So, take my hand as I walk as a single person for now. Lead me to the one You have planned for me. I pray that whomever it is that they are doing well today and that You bless them! I love You, Abba! Amen
In Affliction
Gracious Lord
Help me to remember that every trial that comes my way has already been known to You in advance. I know that You are with me. I memorize Your Word. I know that I am to be “patient in affliction” (Romans 12:12 NIV). I am grateful for all You have provided me and I need to always remember that You are in control. Lord, I am learning more every day to be content with life in the moment because You are showing me Your grace and mercy daily. I will persevere through these trials, Lord, because You are with me! Thank you for being patient with me as I am learning to be patient through my own afflictions. I love you, Father! Amen
9 Long Months
Help me to be patient as my wife goes through the ups and downs of pregnancy.
I am so blessed by You! You have put a precious little baby in my wife’s tummy! I am excited for the day when I see that little one’s face for the first time. Help me to be patient as my wife goes through the ups and downs of pregnancy. I need to be strong for her when she is weak. When she needs ice cream and pickles at 3 in the morning, give me a humble and patient attitude as I drive to the store to get them. When she is lying in bed because the false labor pains come and go, give me a joy that shows her I am here for whatever she needs. I want to be as patient as possible, Lord. Give me Your strength, Father. Amen
Heavenly Father
I am blessed to have a job and I pray for the promotion coming up. I know the plans that I am making, but Your plans far exceed my own. Father, I want this promotion so bad! I could pay off debts quicker. I could get a more reliable vehicle. I could take my spouse on a really nice weekend get away! I pray that Your will be done in this, Father. If You don’t allow me this opportunity I will still praise Your Name for You are sovereign over all things. Thank you for the blessings I have right now, Lord. I will be patient as I wait to see how this all turns out. Amen
Uncertainties of Health
Compassionate Lord,
The doctor found a lump that could potentially be cancerous on me. I am overwhelmed with anxiety right now. You are the Healer and I need to trust in You and You alone. Help me to be patient through this process. If the results are negative I will praise You. If the results are positive I will still praise You. Father, if I do have cancer please lavish Your love on me in a tangible way. I need to feel Your presence right now. I need you, Lord. Help me to be patient through this trial, Father. I love You! Amen
All of a Sudden
The pain is unbearable right now! I can’t even process this all yet. Just yesterday I was playing with my son’s best friend. Now he is gone, taken by a selfish drunken driver. How do I tell my son? How can I walk with those who loved him? How can I grieve so deeply and still go to work? Give me patience to not seek revenge on the person who took my son’s friend from this earth so soon. Being honest, forgiveness is not even a thought right now, but I know I must do this. Please help me through this, Lord. I want to be able to forgive. Give me patience to withstand the overwhelming chaos that is around me. I need to keep focused on You, Lord. Draw me to Yourself, Father! I need you now more than ever! I love You! Amen
Sexual Purity
Wonderful Lord,
You have made us sexual beings and sex is a wonderful thing in the bonds of marriage. Right now, I still feel all of the urges that married men and women do, but I need Your strength to not act on them. I pray that You will help me to be a patient man/woman through my time being single. I don’t want to stain such a wonderful thing before I say “I do” in front of my future spouse. Give me strength and patience as I endure life by abstaining from sex until marriage. I want to honor my future spouse and You by doing so. I love You, Lord. Amen
—- by
A Parent’s Prayer for Patience
When my child tests me, teach me, God, how to respond with wisdom.
When I grow irritable, send me patience.
When my fury rages, teach me the power of restraint.
When I become fixed in my ways, teach me to be flexible.
When I take myself too seriously, bless me with a sense of humor.
When I am exhausted, fill me with strength.
When I am frightened, fill me with courage.
When I am stubborn, teach me how to bend.
When I act hypocritically, help me to align my deeds with my values.
When mundane pressures threaten to overwhelm me, help me to remember how truly blessed I am.
When I lose my way, God, please guide me on the road back to joy, back to love, back to peace, back to you. Amen
— By Rabbi Naomi Levy, From Talking to God
Praying For Strength, Wisdom And Patience
Dear God, I come to you as I am — tired, confused and demoralized. Lift me up Lord. Strengthen me with your Holy Spirit and bless me with your graces so that I can carry on until I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I feel my crosses now are too heavy to carry. I surrender them to You and help me get through all my work troubles. Bless me with wisdom so that I can put all my worries and problems in proper perspective.
Make me more patient so I can hold on until you turn things around for my favor. This I ask through Your Son Jesus Christ, my friend and savior. Amen.
— by Peachy (Singapore)