Prayers Against Spell and Magic
Page Contents
We have collected some of the best prayers Against Spell and Magic to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
An incantation, or a spell, is a magical formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or objects. The formula can be spoken, sung or chanted. An incantation can also be performed during ceremonial rituals or prayers. Other words synonymous with incantation is spells, charms or to bewitch. In the world of magic, the incantations are said to be performed by wizards, witches, and fairies.
Main Articles:
Prayer to Defeat Witchcraft Power
Father God, in the name of your holy divine son, my Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and by the power of his holy divine blood, I bind and break all witchcraft, curses, spells, and all powers associated with it. Through the holy blood of the Lamb of God, I destroy the works of every witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer, and all other powers of darkness, in my Lord Jesus name. Through the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I break and destroy my enemies evil powers and their works; including the influences of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes, voodo, hoodo, roots, potions, or any such things off me, my life, my family, my home, my possessions and all future generations, in my Lord Jesus name. Through the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I also rebuke, bind up and destroy all the spirit-guides, helps, and shields of these workers of evil, and leave them without any strength, stripped of their evil powers and influence, in my Lord Jesus name.
In the name of my Lord God Jesus Christ and by the power of his divine holy blood, I bind kings, princes, and evil world rulers. I strip each evil spirit, and his hierarchy of power, armor and rank, and separate each from the other. I put confusion to the ranks of the enemy, and declare their assignments against me, my life, my family, and my possessions are hereby rendered null, and void in my Lord Jesus name. In the name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, and by the power of his divine holy blood, I bind and terminate the influence and power of all spirits from the netherworld, evil spirits between, over and around those praying and those prayed for, and all evil and familiar spirits are completely bound, and forbidden to manifest in the name of my Lord God Jesus Christ.
In the mighty name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, and by the divine power of his holy blood, I bind, break and destroy the power of all curses spoken, all rituals or sacrifices, all divination, spells, incantations, meditations, all sorcery and magic, and all kind of evil ceremony, and any medium with evil purposes. In the name of my Lord Jesus, I plead the precious divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ; over myself and my family, my home, and everything that belongs to us. Father God, in my Lord Jesus Christ name; please send your warrior holy Angels to surround and protect us. In the mighty name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, and by the power of his divine holy blood; I break down, demolish, destroy, and blow up all walls of protection around all witches, warlocks, wizards, Satanists and the like, and I break and destroy the power of all curses, hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, physic prayers, physic thought, all witchcraft, sorcery, magic, all mind control, jinxes, potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, sickness, pain, torment, physic power, physic warfare, prayer chains, and everything else being sent my way, my life, my home, my family members way, and my possessions.
By the holy divine blood of my Lord Jesus, and by his mighty name, my Lord God Jesus Christ, I command to all evil spirits, and the works that evil beings have done on my life and my family; to be reversed now, be gone, get out of my life and my family, go to the abyss and never return, and do not send reinforcements, in my Lord Jesus name. Father God, I pray that these lost souls that have attacked me and my family, will find the light of your son Jesus… In the name of my Lord God Jesus Christ of Nazareth; I now loose them from all mind control of Satan!.. Heavenly Father; I also ask that you please send your Holy Spirit to their hearts as a guide to your son Jesus.. So they may be set free from the bondages of Satan, in my Lord Jesus name.
In the name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, and by the divine power of his holy blood, I bind, terminate and destroy, all powers, influence and evil works of all principalities, powers of the air, wickedness in high places, thrones, dominions, world rulers, strong men, and all kind of evil spirits exerting influence over me, my family, my home and my possessions, and I forbid them to operate against me, my home, my family and my possessions. In the Mighty name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, and by the power of his divine holy blood, I bind, break and destroy all witchcraft, witchcraft control, mind-binding spirits, spirits that block and bind the will, spirits of mind control; destruction, lust, perversion, intimidation, rebellion, rejection, schizophrenia, paranoia, anger, hatred, wrath and rage, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, slander, unteachableness, deception, doubt and unbelief, passivity, pride, false humility, panic attacks, and any kind of evil spirits to reverse all their evil works that they have done on me, my life, my family, my home and my possessions in my Lord God Jesus name, and be gone out of my life, my home and my family, go to the abyss and never return, and do not send reinforcements, in my Lord Jesus name. I pray all of these in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
— by Angel Jesus

Prayer Against Santeria and Voodoo
Heavenly Father, I renounce this voodoo curse on me and my family that was sent to the North, South, East, and West and claim by faith it was nailed to the cross of Christ 2000 years ago and is null and void. I also renounce in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ the rituals and ceremonies used to cast on me any curse, hex, spell, or evil prayer along with all dances, trances, communication with any demons, animal sacrifices, drums, use of shells, use of beads, cleansing rituals, Santeria/Voodoo customs, or worship of any of the 7 Orishas. I also renounce and reject sacrifice or worship of any Roman Catholic saints or fallen angels that was done on my behalf and claim all of this was nailed to the cross of Christ, covered by the blood of the Lamb, and is null and void and can no longer affect me in any way. I take the sword of the Spirit and sever and ties to any objects they have of mine along with any evil entity of the Orishas, Roman Catholic saints, fallen angels, or the Santeros.
I thank you for the victory we have in Christ over all of these rituals and ceremonies or any rituals by proxy done on my behalf and claim complete victory over them, in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Heavenly Father, I humble myself under your authority and claim by position in Christ above all evil forces. I renounce all curses, hexes, spells, evil prayers, or evil agendas against myself [add the names of anyone else being affected], and claim by faith they are null and void and covered under the blood of the Lamb. I pray that none of their curses or spells no longer work and that the demons they use will be bound and unable to carry out their assignments.
Based on the Law of the Thief, I pray that any curse or spell sent against us will return to the sender seven-fold and that they will reap what they have sown. I pray that the ground they walk on will be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb so nothing evil they do at this location will work for evil. I pray Satan would be bound from blinding their minds to the truth (2 Cor.4:4) and I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of sin and reveal to them that they need to be saved and stop all occult activities (John 16:8).
By faith I loose (Matthew 16:16-18) God’s heavenly warriors to keep us and our families safe and that they will fight all forces of evil on our behalf and defeat them. I claim by faith they were already defeated (Col 2:15) 2000 years ago.
Thank you for this victory, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
— by Dr. Preston Bailey
Prayer to break curses
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and by the power of his cross, blood, and resurrection, I take authority over all curses, hexes, spells, voodoo practices, witchcraft, satanic rituals, incantations and evil desires directed against me. By the power of Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord, I break every influence that these curses have on my life and I order them to return to their source and be replaced by a blessing.
I ask forgiveness and I renounce all the personal vows and negative agreements I have made with the enemy and I beg you, Lord Jesus, to free me from any captivity to which I have been subjected. I claim that the blood you shed bathes all aspects of my life, my relationships, my ministerial works and my finances. I thank you for your imperishable love, your angelic protection and for the fullness of your abundant blessings.
Prayer Against Every Evil
Spirit of our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin Mary, angels, archangels, and saints of Heaven, descend upon me.
Please purify me, Lord, mold me, fill me with yourself, use me.
Banish from me all the forces of evil, destroy them, vanquish them, so that I can be healthy and do good deeds.
Banish from me all spells, witchcraft, black magic, malefic ties, maledictions, and the evil eye; diabolic infestations, oppressions, possessions; all that is evil and sinful, jealousy, perfidy, envy; physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, diabolical ailments.
Burn all these evils in Hell, that they may never again touch me or any other creature in the entire world.
I command and bind all the powers that molest me — by the power of God all-powerful, in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary — to leave me forever, and to be consigned into everlasting Hell, where they will be bound by St. Michael, St. Raphael, our guardian angels, and where they will be crushed under the heel of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen.
Prayer against all evil
Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, descend upon me. Please purify me, mold me, fill me with you. Remove from me all evil force, destroy it so that I can be healthy and able to do good deeds.
Cast out from me all curses, enchantments, spells, witchcraft, black magic, demonic works, evil spells and evil eye, diabolical infestations, oppressions, possessions; all that is evil and sinful; jealousy; treason; envy; and physical, psychological, moral, spiritual and diabolical diseases; as well as all tempting, deaf, mute, blind and sleeping spirits; the hidden spirits; the religious spirits; the spirits of the Antichrist; and all the other spirits of death and darkness.
By the power of Almighty God, and in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, I command and require all powers that persecute me to leave me forever and be confined to the lake of eternal fire, that they will never again touch me or any other creature all over the world. Amen
Prayer for Deliverance
(This prayer can be used as a means of intercession for a person suffering under demonic influence.)
My Lord, you are all-powerful, you are God, you are Father.
We beg you through the intercession and help of the archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters who are enslaved by the Evil One. All Saints of Heaven, come to our aid.
From anxiety, sadness and obsessions, we beg you: free us, O Lord.
From hatred, fornication and envy, we beg you: free us, O Lord.
From thoughts of jealousy, rage and death, we beg you: free us, O Lord.
From every thought of suicide and abortion, we beg you: free us, O Lord.
From every form of sinful sexuality, we beg you: free us, O Lord.
From every division in our family and every harmful friendship, we beg you: free us, O Lord.
From every sort of spell, malefice, witchcraft and every form of the occult, we beg you: free us, O Lord.
Lord, you who said, “I leave you peace, my peace I give you,” grant that, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may be liberated from every evil spell and enjoy your peace always. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to release any sorcery
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, by the power of the cross, his blood and resurrection, I bind Satan, the hosts of spirits and the powers of darkness and hell, and the evil forces of nature.
I take authority over all curses, spells, demonic activity and curses directed against me, my relationships, my efforts, my finances and the work of my hands; and I break them by the power and authority of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. I assert myself in the power of the Lord God Almighty to tie all demonic interaction, influence, and communication of the spirits sent against me; and I send them directly to Jesus Christ so that He may dispose of them according to His will.
I ask forgiveness and I renounce any negative vow I have made with the enemy, and I ask that Jesus Christ deliver me from them and from any bond that they have placed on me. I proclaim the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, on every aspect of my life, for my protection. Amen
Prayer Against Hexes
God, our Lord, King of all times, Great and Almighty, you who created everything and transform everything simply by your will.
You are the doctor of our souls. You are the salvation of those who turn to you. I ask you to destroy and to remove from me all power and evil presences; every evil influence, evil eye and all evil deeds directed towards me.
Where envy and malice are found, give me abundance of kindness, patience, victory and charity. O Lord, you who love men, I pray you to extend your powerful hands and your great and powerful arm, and come to my aid.
Send your angel of peace over me, to protect my body and my soul. May he keep away and overcome all the power of evil and every poisonous or malicious word invoked against me by corrupt and envious people.
Then, under the protection of your authority, I can gratefully sing: “The Lord is my salvation; Who will I fear? ” I will fear no evil because you are with me, my God, my strength, my mighty Lord, Lord of Peace, Father of all times. Amen
Breaking Witchcraft Power Over You
Father God in the name of Jesus Christ, we bind and break all witchcraft, curses, spells, and all powers associated with it. Through the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ, we destroy the works of every witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer and all other powers of darkness. Through the blood of Jesus we break all their powers including the influences of witchcraft, evil powers, spells, hexes, vexes, voodoo, hoodoo, roots, potions or any such things off of me, my family and all future generations. Christ has redeemed me and my family from the curse of the law that I may receive the blessings of Abraham. Through the blood of Jesus Christ we also bind up and destroy all their spirit-guides, helps, and shields of these workers of evil, and leave them without any strengths – stripped of their evil powers and influence.
Prayer for Those Involved in Witchcraft
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I come against the prince-ruling spirit and all spirit guides. I come through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Name of Jesus. I paralyze you and silence you, forbidding you from influencing or strengthening them (the witches or warlocks) in the name of Jesus, right now!
We are destroying your very works: the spirits of hate, bitterness and murder, spirits of wizardry, sorcery and all your co-spirits, your works, your powers, your influences are destroyed in the Name of Jesus!
I paralyze you all right now. You will not be able to use this soul any longer against the church (or a particular person), in the name of Jesus.
I come against the spirit of blindness, binding the spirits of bondage and heaviness, fear and hate.
I pray, Lord, that You will open their eyes so they can see the glory of Jesus. Open their hearts so that they can hear Your voice. Break the yokes in their lives and give them liberty in their souls that they may be free to repent. Show them every evil work and every evil deed they’re guilty of, and Lord Jesus, convict their hearts unto repentance. Bring these souls out of darkness; save these souls so that
You may have the glory.
Satan, I silence you in the name of Jesus, binding all your interference. You will not interfere with these souls and they will have their own free will choice so as to make up their own minds if they want to repent. They will do it without your interference.
Also, Lord, I pray that you will release warring angels to wage war against these demonic activities, and will send ministering spirits to minister to their souls.” IN JESUS’ NAME.
— Destroying the Works of Witchcraft through Fasting & Prayer, Ruth Brown, Impact Christian Publishing, Inc., Kirkwood, Missouri
Prayer for the Church and Pastor
To the demonic forces that are carrying out any assignments of witchcraft against the pastor, leaders, and members of _______________ and spells, in the name of Jesus, your powers and strength are destroyed, and from this day forth, you shall not touch or hinder the Church and its ministries in any way. I seal the words with the blood of Jesus.
— Destroying the Works of Witchcraft through Fasting & Prayer, Ruth Brown, Impact Christian Publishing, Inc., Kirkwood, Missouri
Prayer for Returning the Curse
As David prayed in Psalms 109:17-20, 28-29, as they love cursing let it come unto them; if they delight not in blessing, let blessing be far from them. As those who are in witchcraft clothe themselves in using curses like they wear clothing let it come into their own bowels like water and like oil into his bones until they come to repentance. Let them be continually girded with a girdle of cursing to allow them to feel what they are doing to others that they may be convicted away from these practices. Let this be the reward of my adversaries and those that speak curses against my soul. As they curse, you bless, let my enemies be clothed with shame and let them cover themselves with their own confusion. I speak confusion to all of their spiritual signals. I send the angels to cause confusion among the demons behind them.
Faith Exercising Prayer Over Witchcraft
Heavenly Father I have repented of any and all sin in my life and in the life of my ancestors that have resulted in a curse especially in the areas of witchcraft, idolatry or any occult involvement. I have received your forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every day I take authority over and break any and every curse upon my life in the name of Jesus. I exercise my faith in the blood of Jesus and loose myself and my descendants from any and every curse. I claim my deliverance and freedom right now in Jesus’ name.
Therefore, I confess that Abraham’s blessings are mine. I am not cursed but blessed. I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath; I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I am blessed, my family and future generations are blessed and what God has blessed cannot be cursed. Every shackle, cord, habit, chain and cycle is broken that has been a result of the curse of witchcraft.
— Written by Apostle Alton R. Williams, January 31, 2003
Prayer for spiritual protection
Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all the times I have not submitted to your will in my life. Forgive me, please, for all my sinful deeds, my agreements with the enemy and for having believed the lies of the devil. Now I submit to you as my Lord, beloved Jesus. Now I break every agreement I made with the enemy.
Lord Jesus, please make your warrior angels move away and bring all the demons and their artifices into the abyss that came to me because I believed their lies. Now I ask you to lift a barrier of protection around me, over me and below me, and seal it with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ.
I choose now to put on the full armor of God and ask you to cleanse and seal my body, mind, soul and spirit with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Please, have your warrior angels focus and remove all the demons, their artifices and all their power from within this protective barrier and be sent to the abyss.
Lord Jesus Christ, please, may your warriors take out of my way all evil influence and return it to its origin and be sealed there with your blood. Please have your angels set guard over me and protect me from all enemy attacks. Amen
Prayer against witchcraft
Dear Lord Jesus, I ask you that you assign a special task to your warrior angels to take away from me all those who have done me wrong. Please make your warriors deprive these witches of their psychic powers, demonic powers and hidden powers. Please dispel them from their magical incantations, psychic vision, and divination powers. May all their powers and artifices be destroyed and cast into the abyss. I ask you to bring them before your throne and bless them with the revelation of who you are and the love and plans of salvation you have for them. Please show them how they are being deceived by Satan. I assume authority over all astrological influence directed against me, and I pray that you put your shield of protection between me and those who try to cause harm, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer to bind the evil spirits
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I present myself with the power of the Lord God Omnipotent to bind Satan and all his evil spirits, demonic forces, demonic powers, principalities and all kings and princes of terror, coming from the air, water, fire, earth, the world of darkness and all the evil forces of nature.
I assume authority over all destructive demonic works and functions sent against me and expose them as enemies weakened and defeated by Jesus Christ. Here I am with the power of the Lord God Omnipotent to bind together all the enemies of Christ present, all demonic beings under his sole and highest authority; and command these spirits to go into the abyss never to return.
I stand today with the power of the Lord Almighty God to call the heavenly hosts, the holy angels of God, to surround, protect and clean with the holy light of God all areas that have been vacated by the forces of wrong. I ask the Holy Spirit to flood my mind, heart, body, soul, and spirit – thus creating in me hunger and thirst for the sacred Word of God – and fill me with the life and love of my Lord, Jesus Christ.
Prayer to remove demonic influences and sorcery
Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to send a special garrison of warrior angels to eliminate and bind into the abyss any demonic entity that has influenced my sinful behavior of criticism, impatience, resentment, pride, rebellion, stubbornness, unforgiveness, gossip, disobedience, violence, divorce, accusations, anger, manipulation, jealousy, greed, laziness, revenge, greed, possessiveness, control, reprisal, selfishness, deceit, dishonesty, lack of faith, seduction, lust, pornography, masturbation, idolatry and witchcraft.
I stand today for the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and I pray to be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, peace, patience, love, joy, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, humility, forgiveness, kindness, discipline, truth, renunciation, good image of myself, prosperity, charity, obedience, sound mind, order, fullness in Christ, acceptance of myself, acceptance of others, trust, freedom of addictions, integrity, well-being, health, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and the light and life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Breaking Curses
In the name of Jesus Christ, I now rebuke, break, and loose myself and my family from any and all evil curses, fetishes, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, every jinx, all psychic powers, sorcery, bewitchments, enchantments, witchcraft, love potions, and psychic prayers that have been put upon me, back to ten generations on both sides of my family.
I break and loose myself from any and all connected or related spirits from any person or persons or from any occult or psychic sources. I ask You, Heavenly Father, to return them to the senders now. Let him that loves cursing receive it unto himself.
Psychic heredity and bondage
In the name of Jesus, I now renounce, break, free, and loose myself and my family from all psychic heredity, demonic holds, psychic powers, and bondage of physical and mental illnesses, family, marital, and other curses upon us, back to ten generations on both sides of our families resulting from sins, transgressions, iniquities, occult and psychic involvements of myself, my parents, and any other ancestors of mine or my spouse, and all ex-spouses, or their parents, or any of their ancestors. I plead the blood of Jesus,
Prayer for Breaking Curses
I proclaim that “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree'” (Galatians 3:13).
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now bring the fullness of his cross, death, blood, and sacrifice, his resurrection, life, and empty tomb, his authority, rule, and dominion; I bring judgment from the Lord Jesus Christ against every foul power, witchcraft, black art, and curse. I bring Jesus Christ cursed for me against all curses that have been raised against me—written, spoken, unspoken, or transferred to me.
[If you know what the exact curses are, it helps to name them. For example, “all curses of death,” or “all curses on my marriage or my health,” etc.]
I bring the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, his blood shed upon the cross, against all blood sacrifices and rituals and their every claim against me.
I bring Jesus Christ, the Son of God, sacrificed for me, against all ritual sacrifices and their every claim against me.
I bring the dedication of Jesus Christ for me in death upon the cross against all ritual dedications.
In the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through ritual or ritual sacrifice.
In the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through transfer by another human being.
In the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through words spoken.
In the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through occult practices.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare every legal hold and every legal ground of the enemy broken, disarmed, and destroyed. Satan has no hold over me now through curses or occult practices, through sacrifices or any ritual of any kind. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am free. Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free. I order these curses and claims utterly disarmed and dismantled now, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, and in his name.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all demonic spirits that have gained access to me through curses and rituals cut off and banished from me and my household, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus, I ask you to send your angels now to completely disarm all curses and black arts from me; disarm their every device and render them destroyed. I ask your angels to remove all foul spirits involved in these curses and black arts and bind them to your feet for judgment.
I now claim every spiritual blessing that my Heavenly Father has given to me in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). I claim those blessings right here in the very place of all cursing, by the authority and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in his name. Jesus, may these things be fully accomplished now through your mighty name. I give you thanks and honor and praise. All of this I pray by the authority and in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh.

Witch Magic
Reversing Magic Spells and Bad Fortune
Reversal work is a very powerful type of magic. It takes concentration and uninterrupted focus to carry out a reversal spell. The goal of reversible magic is to turn the tables on your enemy, causing any damage intended for you to wind up hurting them instead. It is not necessary to know the name of the person who has hexed you, but knowing your enemies identity does help to make the reversal spell more powerful.
To get the most out of your reversal spell, plan to cast it on the first night of the waxing moon. When the night has arrived, clear your altar of all items and cover it with a black handkerchief. Place a Blue Evil Eye and Hamsa Hand Talisman on the cloth. Set a small mirror next to the Hamsa. Next, if the perpetrator is known, inscribe his or her name onto a Reversing Hoo Doo Pillar candle. If the origination is unknown, inscribe the phrase “All harmful energy, thoughts, deeds and wishes return to their source” onto the candle.
Once your candle is inscribed, anoint it with Reversible Oil. Light the candle and place it on the mirror, focusing your intention on reflecting your negative energy back to your enemy. As the candle burns, recite the following:
For all the evil that you have done to me, [Name], may all your evil go back to you!
May the hurt you have caused me now hurt only YOU!
May the pain you have caused me now be a pain unto YOU.
May the lies you have told on me now become lies that are told about YOU.
May the loss you have caused me to suffer now become a loss to YOU.
May all the joy I have been denied by the evil workings of [Name] now come to ME.
May all the friends I have lost due to the lies of [Name] now come back to ME.
May the sleep I lost worrying over the loose tongue of [Name] now be restored to ME.
May the money I lost due to the curses of [Name] now be MINE.

A Voodoo doll
Prayer Against Witchcraft, Spells, Black Magic and Curses
Jesus Christ
My child, I your Jesus, I have this message to give to you, to pray for all my children who are going to these places of black magic, bruxaria1, spells, witchcraft, tarot cards, crystal balls; who are going out of their homes to be in this kind of sin. My child, the worst are witchcraft, black-magic, spells, curses, wishing bad upon one another, enviousness, jealousy, foul language, not forgiving one other, refusing inheritance to one another (this is a big sin against heaven), false accusation and false testimony, especially against the virtue of my children. These are all sins that heaven cries for my children to repent of and avoid committing. If they have committed this kind of sin, they must come to me in Confession with a contrite heart and repent, never to commit them again.
My child, the prayer request is prayed in this way…
My loving Father God, my Jesus Christ, my Holy Spirit, my Triune God, I, your child2, I am here humbly on my knees to ask heaven, my Father, my Jesus, my Holy Trinity, for the strongest prayer from heaven to earth. I implore, I plea, this prayer request. I pray to my Jesus, my Father, my Holy Spirit and I ask St Michael, St Gabriel and St Raphael Archangels, the nine choirs of angels, to come with their troops, and the saints of heaven, my patron saint, many saints, the forgotten ones, to pray with me on this unique prayer request, to make a strong chain of prayer to the beam of heaven.
I pray, I implore, my Triune God to hear this prayer. I ask you with my sincere, simple heart. I pray for all your children who have been involved in bruxaria, witchcraft, black magic, spells, wrong doing against one another to cause damage to their lives. I pray for the ones who have been and are involved in this kinds of sin. I pray for the ones involved in or visiting tarot cards and crystal balls; for those who have envy and jealousy against their families, loved ones, their brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ; for the ones who curse and wish bad upon one another, using foul language and false accusations, especially on their virtues, placing their innocent names in the mud and in the mouth of the world.
I pray to my Father, my Jesus and my Holy Spirit for all of these causes, for all your children who have been the prey of this kind of persecution, to be free of this prejudice in their lives.
I ask my Blessed Mother to come and pray with me as well, and to put your Virginal Mantle upon these, your children, trapped in this kind of pain and suffering, causing your innocent children to suffer sickness on their bodies, souls and minds, doing things that cause damage to their loved ones and families, their brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
Mother Mary, you are our Mother, the Mother of our Saviour. Come and rescue your children who are trapped in these pains …name…
My Triune God, my dear Father, through your Son Jesus’ pains on Via Dolorosa, through the pains of his shoulder, I ask you for mercy, compassion and pardon on these, your children, the sinners who commit these kind of sins, atrocities, malice and destruction against your children, the innocent ones, who are being used by the enemy to destroy them. I ask you Father, when these, your children come to eternal life, when your Son presents them to you in front of your throne, to forgive them, to save them, to save their souls. Give them enough time in this world to repent before they encounter you, my Father and my Jesus, to judge them according to their deeds.
Oh, my Jesus, you came to this world to save, not to condemn.
I, your child3, I say thank for helping these, your children, in pain, in destruction of their lives because of this kind of malice and prejudice against one another. Help them to see as well, to pray and to forgive their enemies and persecutors who caused them so much pain.
Thank you my Mother for interceding to your Beloved Son Jesus at the foot of the cross, for all of these petitions. Amen.
Pray one Our Father, three Hail Marys, one Glory Be, then say…
My loving Father, my Jesus Christ, Saviour and Redeemer of our sins, and my Holy Spirit, have mercy and compassion on all of these, your children, the innocent ones trapped in this malice of sin and the ones who commit these crimes. Amen.
Pray the Hail Holy Queen, then say…
Mother Mary, come, save and rescue all of these, your children. Bring them to your Son’s Heart.
1 Portuguese to English translation: sorcery, wizardry, witchcraft, magic
2 The original words were “humble servant”.
3 The original words were “humble servant”.
— by Alpha Omega Mission
Powerful prayer against your enemies
In the mighty name of Jesus I overthrow all transaction contrary to my breakthrough, every power jamming answers to my prayers disappear, by the blood of Jesus I shake down the seat of darkness in my heavens, I reject the power of satanic human government over my finances IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
Those that have used the power of leaves and dust against me, I decree a halt of your government over my life, I turn the table against every sorcerer in the place of my employment, business or work, no witch or wizard will prosper in the place of my employment, business or work, All satanic power can no longer kidnap my spirit IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
I decree and declare great casualty upon witches and wizards operating in my neighbourhood, the judgment of God shall torment the powers of darkness working against me both at night and in the morning, the night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic powers that are standing against me, I command the storm of destruction to gather upon every satanic power that is against my health IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!
Right now my prayers have become earthquakes and storms in the camp of the devil that is against my life, the Lord shall gather his armors against powers that are against my intellectual growth, all sickness in my life known or unknown receive heavenly storm, all conspiracy against any part of my body receive destruction now IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
I break out of your spell now satan.
In the name of JESUS I command the deep wells within me to be unblocked and break forth!
The storm of the Lord shall pursue and overtake all powers conspiring for my demotion, From now on all my enemies will start to fight themselves I decree confusion into the camp of my enemies IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!
FAVOUR is my name………….the devil has nothing on me! he only has one option, either to be beaten or be beaten he was, he is and he will remain a loser…
I AM NEVER ALONE… EITHER WE ARE CONTROLLED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OR CONTROLLED BY DEMONS… right now I pray against any demon working in my life, by the POWER of the Holy ghost I brake every chain that they have used to connect themselves to me!!
I speak freedom. healing, deliverance and breakthrough In the name of JESUS
Today, I decree and declare that I are a spell breaker, no curses that run over bloodlines can stand the blood of Jesus, all generational curses are being thrown over a cliff. In Jesus mighty and matchless name,