We have collected some of the best parent’s prayer for their children to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
A parent is a caregiver of the offspring in their own species. In humans, a parent is the caretaker of a child (where “child” refers to offspring, not necessarily age).
Parenting the raising of children and all the responsibilities and activities that are involved in it
Parenting practices around the world share three major goals: ensuring children’s health and safety, preparing children for life as productive adults and transmitting cultural values. A high-quality parent-child relationship is critical for healthy development. (Adapted from the Encyclopedia of Psychology)
Some parents earnestly pray and their children become gifted leaders or scholars or musicians or athletes. Others earnestly pray and their children develop a serious disability or disease or wander through a prodigal wilderness or just struggle more than others socially or academically or athletically. And the truth is, God is answering all these parents’ prayers, but for very different purposes. —- Jon Bloom
A Parent’s Prayer #1
Loving God,
You are the giver of all we possess,
the source of all of our blessings.
We thank and praise you.
Thank you for the gift of our children.
Help us to set boundaries for them,
and yet encourage them to explore.
Give us the strength and courage to treat
each day as a fresh start.
May our children come to know you, the one true God,
and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
May your Holy Spirit help them to grow
in faith, hope, and love,
so they may know peace, truth, and goodness.
May their ears hear your voice.
May their eyes see your presence in all things.
May their lips proclaim your word.
May their hearts be your dwelling place.
May their hands do works of charity.
May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ,
your Son and our Lord.
A Parent’s Prayer #2
Lord, I want my kids to know
A straight and narrow road
But the world is waging war against their soul
This I know
Lord, I want my kids to win
Over the power of sin
But I can’t control their choices that they make
So this I pray
Hold their hearts when I’m not there
Trials come to test their faith
Let ’em know the power of prayer
Hold their lives in your hands
When the world tries to push them down
Provide the grace to stand
Hold them close when I can’t
Lord, I want my kids to be living life victoriously
Yet I know that there’s no win without a war
Yes, there’s a war
Lord, I am trying to let go
All of my earthly control
So that heaven has the strongest voice today
So this I pray
Hold their hearts when I’m not there
Trials come to test their faith
Let ’em know the power of prayer
Hold their lives in your hands
When the world tries to push them down
Provide the grace to stand
Hold them close when I can’t
Lord, you know I try the best I can
But there’s one thing I understand
I’m not the savior they need to know
And I’m not so blind that I can’t see
That the greatest place for them to be
It’s not my arms but in your mighty hand
Mighty hand
Hold their hearts when I’m not there
Trials come to test their faith
Let ’em know the power of prayer
Hold their lives in your hands
When the world tries to push them down
Provide the grace to stand
Hold them close when I can’t
Hold them close when I can’t
Oooh, hold them close
— Cary McVay
A Parent’s Prayer #3
Heavenly Father,
Make me a better parent
Teach me to understand my children,
To listen patiently to what they have to say,
And to answer all their questions kindly.
Keep me from interrupting them,
or contradicting them.
Make me as courteous to them
as I would have them be to me.
Forbid that I should ever laugh at their mistakes,
Or resort to shame or ridicule if they displease me.
Bless me with the bigness to grant them
all their reasonable requests,
And the courage to deny them privileges
that I know will do them harm.
Make me fair and just and kind.
And fit me, O Lord,
to be loved and respected
and imitated by my children.
— Source Unknown
A Parent’s Prayer #4
I guess we have always known
That a day like this one would come
When our children would leave us
And begin to build a home of their own
Lord, all you have taught us
We have gladly passed on to them
But one thing we don’t know
Is how to place them back in your arms again
Lord, help us let go of two
That they might become one
Just like the Father, Spirit, and Son
Two hearts invisibly bound in love
By a vow that will not be undone
Now in your tender care
Lord, be all that we cannot be
And help us to trust you
When we don’t see you quickly meeting their needs
For you have provided
Since the day you gave our children to us
But now, in your arms dear Jesus
The time has come for giving them up
Repeat chorus
The urge is strong
To try holding on
To the image of two
The way that we knew them
But now in your eyes
The two will be as one
Repeat chorus 2 times
By a vow that will not be undone
By a vow that will not be undone
— Steven Curtis Chapman
Mother and Father’s Prayer
(Karen Taylor-Good/Melissa Manchester)
I know you’re listening as I lay me down to sleep
It’s not for me I ask, but my children’s souls to keep
It seems the world is going crazy
And though I need to do my share
Could you please take them under wing
Watch over them especially
Keeping them safe from everything
This is a mother’s prayer
I know you’re listening in the silence of the night
The news is blistering but I hold on to your light
And though there’s darkness all around us
By my faith I know you’re there
Give me the strength to lead the way
Send me the words I need to say
Use me to guide them day to day
This is a mother’s prayer
This is a father’s prayer
I know I can’t do this by my self
I thank you for your help
I know you’re listening so I know I’m not alone
I feel you here with me as we all face down the unknown
Could you return us to your garden
Where no one’s hurt and no one’s scared
Free us from pride and bitterness
Keep us so close we won’t forget
Teach us to love as you love
This is a mother’s prayer
This is a father’s prayer
Teach us to love as you love
This is a mother’s, a father’s prayer
A Parent’s Prayer #5
God of life and love, you have given me this child to care for this little while.
My heart is welled with joy and thanksgiving, anticipation and anxiety, amidst a longing to be together as we have been till now.
These years of growing up have moved so quickly, so many things left undone, so much left unsaid, so much I still hope to give to my child who is taking this new step in the journey of life.
Help us as we reshape our lives to reflect this new reality of college. Show us new ways to be present to each other in love and in trust. Give me patience and help me to remember that my child is establishing new routines in freedom, routines different from my routines.
Calm my fears. Strengthen and protect my child in the midst of the challenges and temptations which surround all students. Grant greater courage that I myself may have had in standing for your truth against compromises of faith.
Provide good friends and worthy confidants for my child during these college years. Help me to give support and confidence, to discern how I am needed now, and to pass on, in my love, a measure of the strength and courage you have given me in the gift of parenting.
A Parent’s Prayer #6
Heavenly Father, make me a better parent. Teach me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they have to say, and to answer all their questions kindly. Keep me from interrupting them or contradicting them. Make me as courteous to them as I would have them be to me. Forbid that I should ever laugh at their mistakes, or resort to shame or ridicule when they displease me. May I never punish them for my own selfish satisfaction or to show my power.
Let me not tempt my child to lie or steal. And guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all I say and do that honesty produces happiness.
Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me. And when I am out of sorts, help me, O Lord, to hold my tongue.
May I ever be mindful that my children are children and I should not expect of them the judgment of adults.
Let me not rob them of the opportunity to wait on themselves and to make decisions.
Bless me with the bigness to grant them all their reasonable requests, and the courage to deny them privileges I know will do them harm.
Make me fair and just and kind. And fit me, O Lord, to be loved and respected and imitated by my children. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
My children, know you not that the Earth
And all that dwells therein
Is but a reflection of the
Kingdom of the Heavenly Father?
And as you are suckled and comforted
By your mother when a child,
But you go to join your father in the fields
When you grow up,
So do the Angels of the Earthly Mother
Guide your steps
Toward him who is your Father,
And all his holy Angels,
That you may know your true home
And become true Sons of God.
While we are children,
We will see the rays of the sun,
But not the Power which created it;
While we are children,
We will hear the sounds of the flowing brook,
But not the Love which created it;
While we are children,
We will see the stars,
But not the hand which scatters them
Through the sky,
As the farmer scatters the seed.
Only through the Communions
With the Angels of the Heavenly Father,
Will we learn to see the unseen,
To hear that which cannot be heard,
And to speak the unspoken word.
Prayer Samples for Parents
Pray that parents will pray for their children as Abraham prayed for his child, Ishmael; that their children would live before God, so that God would bless them, make them fruitful, multiply them and make them great.
“Lord I pray that __________ will pray for their children, __________ as Abraham prayed for his child Ishmael; that they would live before You God, so that You Lord would bless them, make them fruitful, multiply them and make them great. Amen.”
Pray that parents will pray for their children as David prayed for his son Solomon; that their children would have a perfect heart and keep God’s Word, and serve God as He has provided.
“Lord I pray that __________ will pray for their children, __________ as David prayed for his son Solomon; that they would have a perfect heart, keep Your Word and serve You Lord God, as you have provided for them. Amen.”
Pray that parents will consistently pray for their children as Job did, interceding on their behalf.
“Lord I pray that __________ will consistently pray for their children, ___________ as Job did; interceding continually on their behalf. Amen.”
Pray For The Children’s Training And Growth
Pray that children will grow strong and healthy – physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
Pray that the children will be teachable, open to instruction and apply it in their lives.
“Lord I pray that ___________’s children, __________ will be teachable, open to instruction and then apply it in their lives. Amen.”
Pray that the children will make the principles of God’s Word their criteria for discerning truth.
“Lord I pray that __________’s children, __________ will have good discernment and knowledge of the truth and make the principles of Your Word their criteria for discerning truth. Amen.”
Pray that the children will grow strong physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally and be examples of right living to others.
“Lord I pray that __________’s children, ___________ will grow strong physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally and be examples of right living to others. Amen.”
Pray that the children will turn to the Lord, to trust and follow Him, that they will know the Lord experientially and serve Him and that they will turn from self and sin.
“I pray that ________’s children, ________ will trust in You Lord with all their heart, and not lean on their own understanding. I ask that in all their ways they will acknowledge You, so that You Lord will make their paths straight. Amen.”
“Lord I pray that ________’s children, _________ will know You and serve You with a whole heart and a willing mind; for You Lord search all hearts, and You understand every intent of their thoughts. Amen.”
“Lord I pray that ________’s children, _________ will flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, with those who call on You Lord from a pure heart. Amen.”
Pray that the children will be harmonious, kindhearted, and humble in spirit and give blessings instead of insults and that they would receive instructions and obey.
“Lord I pray that ________’s children, ________ will let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for they were called for the very purpose that they might inherit a blessing. Amen.”
“Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.”
“Lord I pray that ________’s children ________ will hear their father’s instruction, and not forsake their mother’s teaching. Amen.”
“Lord I pray that _______’s children, ________ will obey their parents in the Lord, for this is right. I ask that they will honor their father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise. Amen.”
Pray that the children will associate with positive friends, encourage one another in what is right and that they would not be companions with evil doers.
“Lord I pray that ________’s children, _______ will walk with wise people and be wise, may they not be companion of fools and suffer harm. Amen.”
“Lord I pray that _______’s children, ________ will be companions of all who fear You, and of those who keep Your precepts. Amen.”
“Lord I pray that _______’s children, ________ will sharpen others, even as iron sharpens iron. Amen.”
“Lord I pray that ________’s children, ________ will not forsake their own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but will encourage one another: and all the more, as they see the day drawing near, Amen.”
“Lord I pray that if sinners entice ________’s children, ________ they will not consent. I ask that they will not walk in the way with them. May they keep their feet from the path of the sinners. Amen.”
Charlotte Cleverley-Bisman, who had all four limbs partially amputated aged seven months due to meningococcal disease.
A Parents Prayer for their child in rebellion
(Please insert your son or daughter’s name in the blanks.)
I bow humbly before the heavenly Father to intercede for my son/daughter, _______. I bring him/her before You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You that You have loved _______ with the love of Calvary. I thank You that You gave him/her to us to love and nurture in Christ. I ask You to forgive us for all of our failures to guide him/her in the way he/she ought to go. I am thankful that You are sovereign and can use even the depths of sin to which he/she is now enslaved to rebound to your glory. I praise You for this great trial that humbles my heart before You.
Accepting my position of being “mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds,” I bring all of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ to focus directly against the powers of darkness that blind and bind _______. I pray the victory of our Lord’s incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and glorification directly against all of Satan’s power in _______’s life. I bind up all powers of darkness set to destroying _______, and I loose him/her from their blinding in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I invite the blessed Holy Spirit to move upon _______’s heart and to convict him/her of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come. In my priestly ministry, I confess _______’s sins unto You and plead Your compassionate mercy toward him/her. I confess his/her yielding to all manner of fleshly sins which has given Satan such place in his/her life. I plead the blood of Christ over _______’s wickedness and wait upon the Holy Spirit to bring him/her to repentance, faith, and life in the Lord Jesus Christ. By faith I claim him/her for a life yielded to serve the true and living God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
(As lead by the Holy Spirit continue to praise and thank God, in faith, for what He is doing on behalf of your son or daughter.)
— by Mark I. Bubeck
Parenthood is a great responsibility; for Christian parents, that responsibility extends beyond physical care for their children to the salvation of their souls. We need to turn to God, as in this prayer, for guidance and for the grace necessary to fulfill this greatest of duties.
Parents’ Prayer for Their Children
O God the Father of mankind, who hast given unto me these my children, and committed them to my charge to bring them up for Thee, and to prepare them for eternal life: help me with Thy heavenly grace, that I may be able to fulfil this most sacred duty and stewardship. Teach me both what to give and what to withhold; when to reprove and when to forbear; make me to be gentle, yet firm; considerate and watchful; and deliver me equally from the weakness of indulgence, and the excess of severity; and grant that, both by word and example, I may be careful to lead them in the ways of wisdom and true piety, so that at last I may, with them, be admitted to the unspeakable joys of our true home in heaven, in the company of the blessed Angels and Saints. Amen.
O Heavenly Father, I commend my children to Thy care. Be Thou their God and Father; and mercifully supply whatever is lacking in me through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, whether from within or without; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Thy grace into their hearts, and strengthen and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and so, faithfully serving Thee here, may come to rejoice in Thy presence hereafter. Amen.
Prayer For All Our Grandchildren
Loving heavenly Father, Thank You for the gift of my precious children and what a privilege it is to see my grandchildren growing up and learning about You. Thank You Father for each little life and I lift each one up to You Lord, and pray that by Your grace and love You would surround them with Your love, throughout their lives.
Guard and guide them all I pray and uphold and protect them. May each one come to know You Lord as their personal Saviour and may they all come to a deep understanding of all You are and all that You have done for them – Oh Lord I pray most earnestly that each one would accept You into their hearts and lives as their Lord and Saviour.
I pray that as they grow into their teens and become young adults that You would keep their hearts and minds turned to You and trusting in Jesus, for their every need. Protect each one from the philosophies and mindset of the world that are so contrary to the truth of Scripture and may each one grow in grace and become strong in their faith as they develop in wisdom and discernment.
Protect them from the evils of this age, keep them from temptations and help them to live godly lives and to develop as responsible adults who will teach their own children the wonderful truth of Salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord,
“Grandchildren are the crown of the elderly, and the pride of sons is their fathers.” (Proverbs 17:6)
Prayer For All The Children
Loving Lord Jesus, You reached out Your arms of blessing and said, “let the little children come unto Me for of such is the kingdom of heaven” – Lord we ask You to bless each child and may each one be kept safe and secure in Your arms of love and grow in grace and come to a mature understating of the glorious gospel of grace.
May each child that has written I pray be a special jewel in Your heart and may they grow into mighty men and women of God, who love You with all their heart.
Thank You Lord for each one in Jesus name we pray.
Praying the Scriptures for Children
Matthew 19:14 – Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them”
Matthew 18:10 Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.
Luke 9:47-48 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him, 48 And said to them, “Whoever receives this little child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me. For he who is least among you all will be great.”
Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
Psalms 34:11 Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
Proverbs 3:1 My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands;
Parent’s Prayer for Their Children, Relatives & Friends
O God, our heavenly Father, who loves mankind and are a most merciful and compassionate God, have mercy upon Your servants (Name those whom you wish to remember) for whom I humbly pray to You to care for and protect. O God, be their guide and guardian in all their endeavors, lead them in the path of Your truth, and draw them nearer to You, so that they may lead a godly and righteous life in Your love as they do Your will in all things. Give them Your grace, and mercy so that they may be patient, hard working, tireless, devout and charitable. Defend them against the assaults of the enemy, and grant them wisdom and strength to resist all temptation and corruption, and direct them in the way of Salvation, through the goodness of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, and the prayers of His Holy Mother and the blessed saints. Amen.
A Prayer of Parents for Their Children
O Lord, omnipotent Father, we give you thanks for having given us children. They are our joy, and we accept with serenity the worries, fears, and labors which bring us pain. Help us to love them sincerely. Through us you gave life to them; from eternity you knew them and loved them. Give us the wisdom to guide them, patience to teach them, vigilance to accustom them to the good through our example. Support our love so that we may receive them back when they have strayed and make them good. It is often so difficult to understand them, to be as they would want us to be, to help them go on their way. Grant that they may always see our home as a haven in their time of need. Teach us and help us, O good Father, through the merits of Jesus, your Son and our Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for Parents, Grandparents, and Their Children
Lord Jesus,
As parents we come to you as little children ourselves, with hearts eager to please, needing direction, ready to trust Your leading. Equip us for the challenge of parenthood, help us make wise choices each day, and bless the ones You place in our care that they might grow up to be like You.
Give our children and grandchildren eyes to see You clearly, hearts that love you dearly, arms that reach out to others, and legs that run quickly to do Your will. Guard them from temptation, and place godly friends in their path to influence them for good. Grant wisdom, a strong conscience, and protection from harm. Keep evil far from them. Wrap them not in a cocoon, but in a spirit of readiness and obedience, unafraid to stand up for You, even if it means standing alone.
Let them know that heaven is their real home, but reveal to them the beauty of all that You have made while they live on this earth. May they find purpose, meaning, and a joy-filled life in both small and great ways that You provide. Guard them from wrong motives, lies, and philosophies that may seem right but that will only lead them away from You. Fill them so full of Yourself, that they spill over with the character of Christ at every turn.
Guide us as parents and grandparents to train them up in the path they should go, teaching them that greatness and success are found in servanthood, kindness, and godly character–not in performance. Help us to offer them grace in the same way You have poured it into our lives. Let our love for them be unconditional, like Yours, filled with forgiveness, yet with faithfulness and firmness to teach what is right. In every season of their lives and ours, make us steadfast, immovable, and faithful in our prayers for them. When we–or they–make mistakes, may we both look to You to correct those errors, to receive Your mercy, and to never give up in this spiritual journey with You.
May we as parents be slow to anger, quick to hear, and eager to accept our children and grandchildren for the precious treasures they are. We know they are only gifts on loan, so we release them to Your safekeeping, yet never shirking the responsibility You entrusted to us to take good care of them, no matter what.
Lord, You are our Model, our Guide, our very Hope. Keep us faithful, and let our prayers be a covering for these precious ones daily. This day–and throughout their lives–we dedicate our children and grandchildren to You, Lord.
Help us to help them grow in holiness so they can be closer to You.
Help us to live as you desire us to live so that we can model for our children what it is to be a true man or woman of God
We ask You for:
The wisdom to counsel them;
The patience to teach them;
The humility to entrust them to your care.
Grant us the grace to desire for our children what you desire for them, trusting that Your Will is the source of their happiness and fulfillment. Whatever vocation you are calling them to: married, religious, or single life, help them to give their hearts joyfully to you.
Please help us to grow as a family in the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love:
A strong faith so that we may lead others to grow closer to you by our example;
Fervent hope in Your victory over sin and death when we are tempted to despair;
Perfect love to to give of ourselves for the good of one another.
Finally, guide us in teaching our children to know and love You and Your Church as the surest path to their enteral home with You.
Mother of Divine Love,
Pray for us.
A Parents’ Prayer for Their Children
O Heavenly Father,
I commend my children unto Thee.
Be Thou their God and Father;
and mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me
through frailty or negligence.
Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world,
to resist all solicitations to evil,
whether from within or without;
and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy.
Pour Thy grace into their hearts,
and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit,
that they may daily grow in grace
and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ;
and so, faithfully serving Thee here,
may come to rejoice in Thy presence hereafter.
Blessing of A Child
Dear lord,
all parenthood comes from you God, I pray without any doubts that you always hear and listen to us. I pray for a blessing of a child to give another smile in our house. lord Jesus you said we knock and the door shall be opened for us, we ask and it shall be given to us. God I ask your favor to bless us. in your mighty name I believe, it is going to happen. amen. child, child, child, child, child. amen