Greek Proverbs
Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Greek Proverbs, Greek quotes, and Greek sayings, collected over the years from a variety of sources.
Proverbs from all Greek speaking parts of the world. A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.
The Greeks or Hellenes (Έλληνες, Éllines [ˈelines]) are an ethnic group native to Greece, Cyprus, southern Albania, Italy, Turkey, Egypt and, to a lesser extent, other countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. They also form a significant diaspora, with Greek communities established around the world.

Greek Proverbs
A bad dog gets the mange but he doesn’t die of it. – Greek Proverb
A bad master quarrels even with his broom. – Greek Proverb
A bad year has thirteen months. – Greek Proverb
A beard signifies lice, not brains. – Greek Proverb
A beautiful girl’s cheeks are the foes of her chastity. – Greek Proverb
A beggar never becomes a giver. – Greek Proverb
A bride has no place at her inlaws’ without the groom. – Greek Proverb
A cap sewn with pearls is not for a sore head. – Greek Proverb
A cat with gloves never catches mice. – Greek Proverb
A crow does not lay dove’s eggs. – Greek Proverbs
A curse spoken is like a donkey; it always follows its master. – Greek Proverb
A different man, a different taste. – Greek Proverb
A donkey is asked to a wedding either to carry water or to bring wood. – Greek Proverb
A dove has no place amongst the crows. – Greek Proverb
A drop of wisdom is better than a sea of gold. – Greek Proverb
A drowning man takes hold of his own hair. – Greek Proverb
A fat belly did not invent gun powder. – Greek Proverb
A favor ages sooner than anything else. – Greek Proverb
A fly can drive away horses. – Greek Proverb
A fool throws a stone into the well and a thousand wise men cannot take it out. – Greek Proverb
A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. – Greek Proverb
A fox knows much; a hedgehog one great thing. – Greek Proverb
A friend is better than a thousand silver pieces. – Greek Proverb
A friend who leads one astray is an enemy. – Greek Proverb
A gift, though small, is welcome. – Greek Proverbs
A goat thief came along and they put him in jail. – Greek Proverb
A good anvil is not afraid of the hammer. – Greek Proverb
A good bird begins chirping while in the egg. – Greek Proverb
A good man says no slowly; a wise man says no at once. – Greek Proverb
A good youth, a good old man. – Greek Proverb
A guest unwanted comes at meal time. – Greek Proverb
A heart that loves is always young. – Greek Proverb
A hungry bear does not perform. – Greek Proverb
A kiss must last long to be enjoyed. – Greek Proverb
A late marriage, orphaned children. – Greek Proverb
A lazy tailor finds his thread too long. – Greek Proverb
A library is a repository of medicine for the mind. – Greek Proverb
A little bait catches a large fish. – Greek Proverb
A lucky man fares better than a brave man. – Greek Proverb
A lucky person is someone who plants pebbles and harvests potatoes. – Greek Proverb
A mad bull is not to be tied up with a packthread. – Greek Proverb
A man who does not demand his rights is buried alive. – Greek Proverb
A man who throws stones at himself is not to be pitied. – Greek Proverb
A man with a skinny wife is a deceitful man. – Greek Proverb
A man without patience is like a lamp without oil. – Greek Proverb
A master speaks but few words. – Greek Proverb
A meal for the priest, a mouthful for the deacon. – Greek Proverb
A merry life ends in a poor man’s will. – Greek Proverb
A miser and a liar bargain quickly. – Greek Proverb
A miser and a liar come to terms quickly. – Greek Proverb
A miser is ever in want. – Greek Proverb
A newlywed girl takes pride in her pregnancy. – Greek Proverb
A person can be as sweet as honey or as heavy as steel. – Greek Proverbs
A pitcher is taken to the fountain many times, but one time it is not. – Greek Proverb
A pomegranate never tastes like a fig. – Greek Proverb
A poor man buys what he can afford; a rich man what he wants. – Greek Proverb
A poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler, not a wife. – Greek Proverb
A poor man with intelligence is wealthy. – Greek Proverb
A priest blesses his own bread first. – Greek Proverb
A priest does not accept another priest. – Greek Proverb
A real scoundrel turned up and they took off their hats to him. – Greek Proverb
A secret stays long in darkness but it will see the light. – Greek Proverb
A small evil may be a great good. – Greek Proverb
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. – Greek Proverb
A son-in-law never becomes a son and a daughter-in-law never quite becomes a daughter. – Greek Proverb
A starving donkey does not count the blows. – Greek Proverb
A stout bearded woman always bears something malicious. – Greek Proverb
A thousand blows on another man’s back don’t hurt. – Greek Proverb
A thousand people cannot undress a naked person. – Greek Proverb
A truth spoken before its time is dangerous. – Greek Proverb
A turning wheel does not get rusty. – Greek Proverb
A vineless vineyard and smooth-running love hold out no charm. – Greek Proverb
A well-fed man does not believe the hungry one. – Greek Proverb
A wheel doesn’t turn if it isn’t greased. – Greek Proverb
A wheel that turns gathers no rust. – Greek Proverb
A white dog is like a black dog. – Greek Proverb
A wise man would rather die than close his ears to the voice of reason. – Greek Proverb
A wolf and a sheep never agree. – Greek Proverb
A wolf is happy during a storm. – Greek Proverb
A wolf may grow old and his hair turn gray, but his mind doesn’t change to his dying day. – Greek Proverb
A wolf selects its prey from what has been accounted for. – Greek Proverb
A woman prefers a man without money to money without a man. – Greek Proverb
A word out of season may mar a whole lifetime. – Greek Proverb
A wounded horse trembles when he sees the saddle. – Greek Proverb
A young man should not marry yet, an old man not at all. – Greek Proverb
Act quickly, think slowly. – Greek Proverb
Add not fire to fire. – Greek Proverb
Advising a fool is like striking cold iron. – Greek Proverb
Affairs sleep soundly when fortune is present. – Greek Proverb
After the war, aid. – Greek Proverb
Age brings experience, and a good mind wisdom. – Greek Proverb
Alexander the Great was not very tall. – Greek Proverb
Alexander the Great wasn’t tall. – Greek Proverb
All evil deeds are repaid on earth. – Greek Proverb
All evils save death may be amended. – Greek Proverb
All receive advice. Only the wise profit from it. All receive advice. – Greek Proverb
All the old things seem beautiful, and the rich men wise. – Greek Proverb
All things good to know are difficult to learn. – Greek Proverb
An eagle’s old age is worth a sparrow’s youth. – Greek Proverb
An empty belly knows no songs. – Greek Proverb
An hour brings what a year does not. – Greek Proverb
An iron rod bends while it is hot. – Greek Proverb
An old cat likes young mice. – Greek Proverb
An old enemy never becomes a friend. – Greek Proverb
An old fox is not caught in a trap. – Greek Proverb

Greek Proverbs
An open enemy is better than a false friend. – Greek Proverb
An uninvited donkey has no place at a wedding. – Greek Proverb
Any wood will do to make a signpost. – Greek Proverb
Appear always what you are and a little less. – Greek Proverb
As mother and father, so daughter and son. – Greek Proverb
Ask for advice but do what you think is best. – Greek Proverb
At the deaf man’s door, knock as much as you like. – Greek Proverb
Be thine enemy an ant, see in him an elephant. – Greek Proverb
Before you can score, you must first have a goal. – Greek Proverb
Better a drop of wisdom than an ocean of gold. – Greek Proverb
Better a light stomach than a heavy conscience. – Greek Proverb
Better a sick body than an ignorant mind. – Greek Proverb
Better a snake’s tongue to sting you than a man’s. – Greek Proverb
Better be a nobleman’s servant than a poor man’s wife. – Greek Proverb
Better brains in the head than riches and confusion. – Greek Proverb
Better cabbage and peace than dainties and fretting. – Greek Proverb
Better five coins in hand than ten in prospect. – Greek Proverb
Better luck than knowledge. – Greek Proverb
Better ten stabs than ten bad words. – Greek Proverb
Better the first of its kind than the last. – Greek Proverb
Better the friend we can see than the money we cannot. – Greek Proverb
Better to keep silent than to talk too much. – Greek Proverb
Better today’s egg than tomorrow’s chicken. – Greek Proverb
Birth, ancestry, and that which you yourself have not achieved can hardly be called your own. – Greek Proverb
But mortal bliss will never come sincere Pleasure may lead, but grief blow brings up the rear. – Greek Proverb
By labor are good things obtained. – Greek Proverb
Call no one blessed before his end. – Greek Proverb
Careless merchant, future beggar. – Greek Proverb
Careless mind, double work. – Greek Proverb
Cats and monks like fish; married women, kisses; and young girls. – Greek Proverb
Character is habit long continued. – Greek Proverb
Cherish what you have and struggle for better. – Greek Proverb
Citizens’ sins are a city’s disgrace. – Greek Proverb
Constant dripping will wear away a stone. – Greek Proverb
Curses are like chickens; they come home to roost. – Greek Proverb
Cut the thread in the middle to find an end. – Greek Proverb
Dance alone and you can jump all you wish. – Greek Proverbs
Death is never at a loss for occasions. – Greek Proverb
Deeds are fruits, words are only leaves. – Greek Proverb
Do not compare a fly with an elephant. – Greek Proverb
Do not lean on a worm-eaten staff. – Greek Proverb
Do not marry your superior. – Greek Proverb
Don’t be afraid of a dog that barks. – Greek Proverb
Don’t keep any secrets of yourself from yourself. – Greek Proverb
Donkey tied, master tranquil. – Greek Proverb
Don’t be afraid of a dog that barks. – Greek Proverb
Don’t dangle by one slim hope. – Greek Proverb
Don’t hear one and judge two. – Greek Proverbs
Don’t keep any secrets of yourself from yourself. – Greek Proverb
Don’t put water into somebody else’s wine. – Greek Proverb
Don’t sprout up where you have not been planted. – Greek Proverb
Don’t step even on an ant. – Greek Proverb
Don’t trouble a quiet snake. – Greek Proverb
Drop by drop the jug is filled. – Greek Proverb
Drops of water eat up stones. – Greek Proverb
Ducks always know where a lake can be found. – Greek Proverb
Each shameful deed carries with it its excuse. – Greek Proverb
Eat and drink with your relatives; do business with strangers. – Greek Proverb
Eat and drink with your relatives; do business with strangers. – Greek Proverb
Eat beans for lunch and have no friends at the dinner table. – Greek Proverb
Either dance well or quit the ballroom. – Greek Proverb
Either remain quiet, or say things that improve the silence. – Greek Proverb
Empty barrels and insignificant people always make the most noise. – Greek Proverb
Endeavor to bear the ignorance of fortune with patience. – Greek Proverb
Envy accomplishes nothing. – Greek Proverb
Even a wolf will not stay – Where sounds no bleat to offer hope of prey. – Greek Proverb
Even from a foe a man may learn wisdom. – Greek Proverb
Even from an enemy a man can learn wisdom. – Greek Proverb
Every argument has its answer. – Greek Proverb
Every country is a fatherland. – Greek Proverb
Every liar has another liar as a witness. – Greek Proverb
Every obstacle is for the best. – Greek Proverb
Every story can be told in different ways. – Greek Proverb
Every tale can be told in a different way. – Greek Proverb
Everybody wants to be somebody; nobody wants to grow. – Greek Proverb
Everyone is his own doctor. – Greek Proverb
Everything ancient is to be respected. – Greek Proverb
Everything in its proper time; even fertilizer for the cabbages. – Greek Proverb
Excess mars perfection. – Greek Proverb
Fear of the law gives safety. – Greek Proverb
Feed a wolf in the winter and he will devour you in the summer. – Greek Proverb
Fence your own vineyard, and keep your eyes from those of others. – Greek Proverb
Fire and straw do not go together. – Greek Proverb
Fire straightens a crooked bar. – Greek Proverb
First secure an independent income, then practice virtue. – Greek Proverb
Fish is not caught without a bait. – Greek Proverb
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, prepare to die. – Greek Proverb
For lazy people it is always party time. – Greek Proverb
For mortals vanished from the day’s sweet light I shed no tear rather I mourn for those who day and night live in death’s fear. – Greek Proverb
Friendship lasts as long as the pot boils. – Greek Proverb
From a broken violin do not expect fine music. – Greek Proverb
From a crow’s beak comes a crow’s voice. – Greek Proverb
From a thorn comes a rose, and from a rose comes a thorn. – Greek Proverb
From fools and children you will learn the truth. – Greek Proverb
From the lips starts the word and reaches thousands. – Greek Proverb
Gain does not give as much pleasure as loss gives grief. – Greek Proverb
Give me today and you may keep tomorrow. – Greek Proverb
God delays, but never forgets. – Greek Proverb
God gave us teeth to hold back our tongue. – Greek Proverb
God pursues sinners. – Greek Proverb
Golden coins make our crooked windows look straight. – Greek Proverb
Good accounts make good friends. – Greek Proverb
Good scales bring good customers. – Greek Proverb
Grass does not grow on stones. – Greek Proverb
Gray hair is a sign of age, not of wisdom. – Greek Proverb
Great abilities produce great vices as well as virtues. – Greek Proverb
Great birth is a very poor dish at table. – Greek Proverb
Great dangers lead to great honors. – Greek Proverb
Great talent takes time to ripen. – Greek Proverb
Greeks only agree with each other about going to the toilet. – Greek Proverb
Hand washes hand, and finger, finger. – Greek Proverb
Haste and careful work never go together. – Greek Proverb
Have a clean heart and you may walk near the altar. – Greek Proverb
He who becomes a sheep is eaten by the wolf. – Greek Proverb
He who begrudges the cat’s food finds his clothes eaten by the mice. – Greek Proverb
He who cannot bear misfortune is truly unfortunate. – Greek Proverb
He who does not esteem silver is not worthy to have silver. – Greek Proverb
He who doesn’t want to make bread sifts the flour the whole day. – Greek Proverb
He who eats and drinks with the rich leaves the table hungry. – Greek Proverb
He who finds a thing rejoices and he who owns a thing brags. – Greek Proverb
He who has a beard has a comb. – Greek Proverb
He who has been angry becomes cool again. – Greek Proverb
He who has money does what he pleases. – Greek Proverb
He who has nothing else to hold on to, will even grasp at a drawn sword. – Greek Proverb
He who has patience gets what he wants. – Greek Proverb
He who is born in jail loves jail. – Greek Proverb
He who is outside the door has already a good part of his journey behind him. – Greek Proverb
He who owns vineyards admires them and he who sees them covets them. – Greek Proverb
He who plies many trades remains without a house. – Greek Proverb
He who plunders with a little boat is a pirate; he who plunders with a fleet is a conqueror. – Greek Proverb
He who respects his parents never dies. – Greek Proverb
He who revealeth his secret maketh himself a slave. – Greek Proverb
He who seeks many things loses even a few. – Greek Proverb
He who speaks much is sure to talk nonsense. – Greek Proverb
He who strains himself grows old quickly. – Greek Proverb
He who suffers much will know much. – Greek Proverb
He who thinks the worst usually is right. – Greek Proverb
He who wants to be happy must stay at home. – Greek Proverb
He who was born in a prison remembers a prison. – Greek Proverb
He who would be happy should stay at home. – Greek Proverb
Heed not all the words of the doctor nor yet of the confessor. – Greek Proverb
Hostile and envious are the eyes of neighbors. – Greek Proverb
How you make your bed is how you are going to sleep. – Greek Proverb
Hunger is the teacher of many. – Greek Proverbs
Hunger makes forts surrender. – Greek Proverb
Hunger teaches many things. – Greek Proverb

Greek Proverbs
I feel pain that envy is exchanged for beautiful deeds. – Greek Proverb
I hate a jovial table companion with a good memory. – Greek Proverb
I have found it. [Eureka.] – Greek Proverb
I send thee myrrh, not that thou mayest be by it perfumed, but it perfumed by thee. – Greek Proverb
Idleness is the mother of all evil. – Greek Proverb
If advice will not improve him, neither will the rod. – Greek Proverb
If all men were just, there would be no need of valour. – Greek Proverb
If all the bees made honey, there would be enough for even gypsies to eat. – Greek Proverb
If deeds are wanting, all words appear mere vanity and emptiness. – Greek Proverb
If envy were a rash the whole village would be ill. – Greek Proverb
If it were not for hope, the heart would break. – Greek Proverb
If the baby doesn’t cry, they don’t give it the breast. – Greek Proverb
If the wind is not on your road, let it blow. – Greek Proverb
If the wolf feared rain, he would wear a cloak. – Greek Proverb
If wishes were granted, even beggars would grow rich. – Greek Proverb
If you cannot catch a fish, do not blame the sea. – Greek Proverb
If you cannot say something good, don’t say something bad. – Greek Proverb
If you haven’t spanked a little bottom, don’t threaten a big one. – Greek Proverb
If you steal something small you are a petty thief, but if you steal millions you are a gentleman of society. – Greek Proverb
If you touch a hot coal you burn yourself; a cold one, you blacken yourself. – Greek Proverb
If you wish to be good, first believe that you are bad. – Greek Proverb
Ignorance of one’s misfortunes is clear gain. – Greek Proverb
Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. – Greek Proverb
Ill beef ne’er made gude broo. – Greek Proverb
Ill-gotten gain is scattered by the devil. – Greek Proverb
Ill-timed laughter is a dangerous evil. – Greek Proverb
In baiting a mousetrap with cheese, always leave room for the mouse. – Greek Proverb
In business you need two Jews for one Greek, two Greeks for one Syrian and two Syrians for one Armenian. – Greek Proverb
In hospitality, the chief thing is the good will. – Greek Proverb
In the far off field the cabbages are fine. – Greek Proverb
In the young, silence is better than speech. – Greek Proverb
In time of drought even hail is welcome. – Greek Proverb
In times of difficulty, friendship is on trial. – Greek Proverb
Insult gives birth to insult. – Greek Proverb
It is better in times of need to have a friend rather than money. – Greek Proverb
It is better to be a soldier than a priest. – Greek Proverb
It is better to be envied than pitied. – Greek Proverb
It is better to be the best of a low family than the worst of a noble one – Greek Proverb
It is easier to talk than to hold one’s tongue. – Greek Proverb
It is not good for all our wishes to be filled; through sickness we recognize the value of health; through evil, the value of good; through hunger, the value of food; through exertion, the value of rest. – Greek Proverb
It is not what they profess but what they practice that makes them good. – Greek Proverb
It is useless to knock at the door of a deaf man. – Greek Proverb
It takes both millstones to grind the flour. – Greek Proverb
Joy and sorrow are sisters. – Greek Proverb
Keep no secrets of thyself from thyself. – Greek Proverb
Kindheartedness and honesty can be expected only from the poor. – Greek Proverb
Kindness begets kindness. – Greek Proverb
Know all and you will pardon all. – Greek Proverb
Know yourself. – Greek Proverb
Large families bring poverty. – Greek Proverb
Lazy and silly women marry well. – Greek Proverb
Learn to obey before you command. – Greek Proverb
Learn to walk before you run. – Greek Proverb
Lentils boil against their will. – Greek Proverb
Lentils without onions are like a dance without music. – Greek Proverb
Lies are the salt of truth. – Greek Proverb
Light your lamp before night overtakes you. – Greek Proverb
Like seeks like and cabbages fertilizer. – Greek Proverb
Listen to that which is well said even if it is from the mouth of an enemy. – Greek Proverb
Listen to valuable statements even if they come from your enemy’s mouth. – Greek Proverb
Live today, forget the past. – Greek Proverb
Madness does not go to the mountains, it goes to people. – Greek Proverb
Make haste slowly. – Greek Proverb
Make your bed as well as you can. – Greek Proverb
Man is the measure of all things. – Greek Proverb
Man plans many things; God alters his plans. – Greek Proverb
Many a pupil has gained more wealth than his master. – Greek Proverb
Many captains sink the ship. – Greek Proverb
Many hands at the carding but few at the dining. – Greek Proverb
Many men know how to flatter, few men know how to praise. – Greek Proverb
Many men, many minds. Many men, many minds. – Greek Proverb
Many people know how to flatter; few know how to praise. – Greek Proverb
Many pupils have gained more wealth than their masters. – Greek Proverbs
Many stones will bring down the walnut. – Greek Proverb
Marriage and cooking call for forethought. – Greek Proverb
Meat is sold with bones. – Greek Proverb
Men never moan over the opportunities lost to do good, only the opportunities to be bad. – Greek Proverb
Men prone to tears are good. – Greek Proverb
Men who have lost heart never yet won a trophy. – Greek Proverb
Milk the cow, but do not pull off the udder. – Greek Proverb
Mountains are used to snow. – Greek Proverb
My donkey is dead; let no more grass grow. – Greek Proverb
My first wedding makes me proud in front of people. – Greek Proverb
Nature follows its course and a cat the mouse. – Greek Proverb
Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue; to the end we should hear and see more than we speak. – Greek Proverb

Greek Proverbs
Needle and thread do the work well. – Greek Proverb
Neither promise wax to the saint, nor cakes to the child. – Greek Proverb
Never consult a doctor who has never been ill himself. – Greek Proverb
Never give a sword to a fool or power to an unjust man. – Greek Proverb
No mill, no meal. – Greek Proverb
No need to teach an eagle to fly. – Greek Proverb
No one loathes the smell of himself. – Greek Proverb
nor a deacon another deacon. – Greek Proverb
Not speech, but facts, convince. – Greek Proverb
Nothing in excess. – Greek Proverb
Nothing is so reckless as a blind horse. – Greek Proverb
Nothing will content him who is not content with a little. – Greek Proverb
O Strangers by Anacreon’s tomb who pass, Shed o’er it wine, in life he lov’d his glass – Greek Proverb
Observe your enemies, for they first find your faults. – Greek Proverb
Old age and poverty are wounds that can’t be healed. – Greek Proverb
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill. – Greek Proverb
Old men are twice children. – Greek Proverb
Old people’s words are weighed with scales. – Greek Proverb
Once you learn something it is hard to unlearn. – Greek Proverb
One cuckoo doesn’t make the spring. – Greek Proverb
One hand washes the other and both wash the face. – Greek Proverb
One has the name and another the worth. – Greek Proverb
One lights the fire, the other fans it. – Greek Proverb
One minute of patience can mean ten years of peace. – Greek Proverb
One minute of patience, ten years of peace. – Greek Proverb
One mouse eats the clothes and all the mice get into trouble. – Greek Proverb
One who goes into a mill comes out covered with flour. – Greek Proverb
One who hurries stumbles. – Greek Proverb
One who stays not before the other’s eyes is soon forgotten. – Greek Proverb
One wise man is worth more than a million fools. – Greek Proverb
One witness one liar; more witnesses, all liars. – Greek Proverb
One word spoken in anger may spoil an entire life. – Greek Proverb
Other days, other ways. – Greek Proverb
Outside a sheep, inside a wolf. – Greek Proverb
Outwardly a lamb, inwardly a wolf. – Greek Proverb
Outwardly, a doll; within, the plague. – Greek Proverb
Painless poverty is better than embittered wealth. – Greek Proverb
People’s mouths can’t be sewn up liks sacks. – Greek Proverb
Pleasure is the greatest incentive to vice. – Greek Proverb
Pleasures are transient — honors immortal. – Greek Proverb
Pleasures are transient, honors are immortal. – Greek Proverb
Point out your friend to me and I will tell you what you are.
Poor in my youth, and in life’s later scenes – Rich to no end, I curse my natal hour, Who naught enjoyed while young, denied the means And naught when old enjoyed, denied the power – Greek Proverb
Poor men’s words have little weight. – Greek Proverb
Poverty brings nagging. – Greek Proverb
Poverty passes by an industrious man’s door. – Greek Proverb
Presence does more than the written word. – Greek Proverb
Proportion your expenses to what you have, not what you expect. – Greek Proverb
Rank does not make the man. – Greek Proverb
Receive an old man’s counsel and a learned man’s knowledge. – Greek Proverb
Remorse is worse than a beating. – Greek Proverb
Sail when the weather is fair; you do not know what the morrow will bring. – Greek Proverb
Say little and listen much. – Greek Proverb
Sharing the figs can leave you with none at all. – Greek Proverb
She who laughs not in the morning, laughs not at noon. – Greek Proverb
Sickness comes in by the bagful and goes out stitch by stitch. – Greek Proverb
Skill wins over noble birth. – Greek Proverb
Sleep is better than food. – Greek Proverb
Small children, small worries; older children, greater worries. – Greek Proverb
Some like the priest and some like the priest’s wife. – Greek Proverb
Some plant and harvest and others eat and give blessings. – Greek Proverb
Someone with an unrelenting heart is his own executioner. – Greek Proverb
Sometimes you have to throw yourself into the fire to escape from the smoke. – Greek Proverb
Son of a priest, grandson of the devil. – Greek Proverb
Sour vinegar taints the jar. – Greek Proverb
Stagnant water has an evil smell. – Greek Proverb
Stir a fire with the poker and not with your hands. – Greek Proverb
Stubbornness gets a black eye. – Greek Proverb
Success has many friends. – Greek Proverb
Success is doing what you like and making a living at it. – Greek Proverb
Success isn’t how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started. – Greek Proverb
Sweet is the memory of past labor. – Greek Proverb
Swift gratitude is the sweetest. – Greek Proverb
Take a young woman for the pleasure of possessing her until she is old. – Greek Proverb
Take good care of the bull if you wish him to plough well for you. – Greek Proverb
Terrifying are the weaknesses of power. – Greek Proverb
The apple will fall under the apple tree. – Greek Proverb
The beginning is half of every action – Greek Proverb
The beginning is the half of every action. – Greek Proverb
The believer is happy, the doubter is wise. – Greek Proverb
The best fish hook cannot catch limp cheese. – Greek Proverb
The best of intentions is not always enough. – Greek Proverb
The camel can’t see her own hump. – Greek Proverbs
The camel does not see her own hump. – Greek Proverb
The dog does not eat hay, but he doesn’t let the donkey eat it either. – Greek Proverb
The dog survives the winter but only his skin knows how. – Greek Proverb
The donkey called the rooster big-headed. – Greek Proverbs
The drowning man grips to his own hair. – Greek Proverb
The duck knows where the lake is. – Greek Proverb
The excess of a virtue is a vice. – Greek Proverb
The eye sees; the hand performs. – Greek Proverb
The eyes of the hare are not the same as the eyes of the owl. – Greek Proverb
The fiddle sings one tune and the bow another. – Greek Proverb
The first man’s steps become a bridge for the second one. – Greek Proverb
The first mistake is a lesson and teacher for those that follow. – Greek Proverb
The fly sat upon the axle of the chariot-wheel and said ‘What a lot of dust I raise!’ – Greek Proverb
The fool and the clown grow old worrying over others. – Greek Proverb
The fool rejoices over his memories. – Greek Proverb
The fox that waits until the chicken falls from the perch dies from hunger. – Greek Proverb
The frog wanted to be an ox and swelled up until he burst. – Greek Proverb
The fruit of a good tree is also good. – Greek Proverb
The good skipper proves himself during a storm. – Greek Proverb
The green log is burned with the dry ones. – Greek Proverb
The grumbling mother-in-law forgets that she once was a bride. – Greek Proverb
The hard worker toiled and the lazy man rejoiced. – Greek Proverb
The heart that loves is always young. – Greek Proverb
The house of envy lies in the lowest hollows, golden, sunless, breathed upon by no wind, grim and filled full of inert chill, and lacking warmth, is always roiled in fog. – Greek Proverb
The king has many treasures but he will still take whatever you give him. – Greek Proverb
The knee is closer than the calf. – Greek Proverb
The later comer gets the bones. – Greek Proverb
The law of the city is the citizen’s honor. – Greek Proverb
The man in pain suffers while his neighbors sleep. – Greek Proverb
The man who controls his wrath conquers his foe. – Greek Proverb
The man who eavesdrops hears himself discussed. – Greek Proverb
The man who lives in a glass house does not throw stones at his neighbors. – Greek Proverb
The mill does not grind without water. – Greek Proverb
The mind of the bird is on the millet. – Greek Proverb
The miser’s riches fall into the spendthrift’s hands. – Greek Proverb
The more the mother-in-law drinks the more friendly is her greeting. – Greek Proverb
The net of the sleeper catches fish. – Greek Proverb
The old age of an eagle is better than the youth of a sparrow. – Greek Proverb
The old hen is worth forty chickens. – Greek Proverb
The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing. – Greek Proverb
The pear falls from the pear tree. – Greek Proverb
The people make the town. – Greek Proverb
The potter knows where to place the handle. – Greek Proverb
The purse of the dead man is turned inside out. – Greek Proverb
The rest of the world does not know what newlyweds know. – Greek Proverb
The rich man displays his wealth and the poor one his children. – Greek Proverb
The rich man’s wealth is enjoyed by crafty tradesmen. – Greek Proverb
The rude man shall be rudely treated. – Greek Proverb
The shepherd smells of sheep even when he becomes a nobleman. – Greek Proverb
The shoe should fit the foot and not the foot the shoe. – Greek Proverb
The sins we often regret are the sins we never commit. – Greek Proverb
The sling will burst somewhere. – Greek Proverb
The style is the man himself. – Greek Proverb
The talk of many can shake the strongest mind. – Greek Proverb
The talk of the many can cripple a man. – Greek Proverb
The thief and the liar fare well the first year. – Greek Proverb
The timid man loses many good things. – Greek Proverb
The tongue has no bones, yet it breaks bones. – Greek Proverb
The treasures turned out to be charcoal. – Greek Proverb
The unknown is ever imagined. – Greek Proverb
The unwed matchmaker looks for himself. – Greek Proverb
The whims of the living become the bequests of the dead. – Greek Proverb
The wolf doesn’t devour his prey near his den. – Greek Proverb
The world is a wheel. – Greek Proverb
The wound that a friend gives you hurts. – Greek Proverb
There is no difference between blackness and blindness. – Greek Proverb
There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip. – Greek Proverb
They sowed the seed of an “if’ but it didn’t germinate. – Greek Proverb
They throw stones at the walnut trees, but not at the maple. – Greek Proverb
Think not on what you lack as much as on what you have. – Greek Proverb
Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar. – Greek Proverb
Thinking evil is much the same as doing it. – Greek Proverb
Those who fight with silver spears are sure of their victory. – Greek Proverb
Time is a river of passing events — a rushing torrent. – Greek Proverb
Time is the best adviser. – Greek Proverb
Time is the soul of everything. – Greek Proverb
To deceive a diplomat speak the truth, he has no experience with it. – Greek Proverb
To have five drachmas in the hand is better than ten drachmas on paper. – Greek Proverb
To rebel in season is not to rebel. – Greek Proverb
To whom a little is not enough, nothing is enough. – Greek Proverb
Too many captains run the ship aground. – Greek Proverb
Too much talk is poverty. – Greek Proverb
Truth holds though it is bitterly taken. – Greek Proverb
Truth is not beauty, beauty is not love. – Greek Proverb
Truth lies at the bottom of a well. – Greek Proverb
Truth reigns. – Greek Proverb
Two heads don’t fit into the same cap. – Greek Proverb
Unbeaten clay cannot be made into bricks. – Greek Proverb
Under every stone sleeps a scorpion. – Greek Proverb
Unless one suffers one does not learn. – Greek Proverb
Until the crickets sing it is not summer. – Greek Proverb
Vinegar offered free is as sweet as honey. – Greek Proverb
Violent rages are soon over. – Greek Proverb
Virtue means sweat. – Greek Proverb
We became gravediggers but nobody dies anymore. – Greek Proverb
We have two ears and one mouth that we may listen the more and talk the less – Greek Proverb
We measure others with our own yardstick. – Greek Proverb
We must endure what fortune sends. – Greek Proverb
Wealth bequeathed to the children might never reach the grandchildren. – Greek Proverb
Wealth counts not so much as good will nor as knowledge and pleasant speech. – Greek Proverb
Wealth is cautious. – Greek Proverb
Welcome is the best cheer. – Greek Proverb
What becomes a habit does not change easily. – Greek Proverb
What is good to know is difficult to learn. – Greek Proverb
What is true is no more sure than the probable. – Greek Proverb
What the fox can’t reach he leaves hanging. – Greek Proverb
What you learn in youth you do not unlearn in old age. – Greek Proverb
Whatever is good to know is difficult to learn. – Greek Proverb
Whatever kind of word thou speakest, the like shalt thou bear. – Greek Proverb
Whatever the priest tells you to do, do it; what you see him do, do not. – Greek Proverb
When at a loss about how to go on, cough. – Greek Proverb
When at a loss how to go on, cough. – Greek Proverb
When God throws the dice are loaded. – Greek Proverb
When God throws the dice, they are loaded. – Greek Proverb
When the baby cries, it is either hungry or in pain. – Greek Proverb
When the crows sing the nightingales fly away. – Greek Proverb
When the devil grows old he becomes a monk. – Greek Proverb
When the devil grows poor he becomes a tax collector. – Greek Proverb
When the fox cannot reach the grapes he says they are not ripe. – Greek Proverb
When the fox grows old it becomes a nun. – Greek Proverb
When the fox is hungry he feigns sickness. – Greek Proverb
When the fox is hungry he pretends to be asleep. – Greek Proverb
When the gods are angry with a man, they give him what he asks for. – Greek Proverb
When they offer you a horse don’t look at its teeth. – Greek Proverb
When you don’t like someone you find his breath offensive. – Greek Proverb
When you go to bed with a clear head, you will not get up with a headache. – Greek Proverb
Where rage seeds, repentance reaps. – Greek Proverb
Where there is a sea there are pirates. – Greek Proverb
Where there is envy, there is meanness. – Greek Proverb
Where there is fear, there is shame. – Greek Proverb
Where there is intelligence there is knowledge. – Greek Proverb
Where there is love there is no darkness. – Greek Proverb
Where words fail beating succeeds. – Greek Proverb
Who ceases to be a friend never was one. – Greek Proverb
Who hunts two hares will catch neither. – Greek Proverb
Who wouldn’t lick his fingers when they have been dipped in honey? – Greek Proverb
Whoever feeds the wolf in the winter will be eaten by him in the spring. – Greek Proverb
Wine and children speak the truth. – Greek Proverb
Wisdom is knowing the truth, and telling it. – Greek Proverb
With money a donkey was ordained a priest. – Greek Proverb
With patience all is done. – Greek Proverb
Without a general an army is lost. – Greek Proverb
Women are as changeable as the sea. – Greek Proverb
Women have long hair and short wisdom. – Greek Proverb
Wonder is the beginning of wisdom. – Greek Proverb
Wonders will never cease. – Greek Proverb
Words can turn the course of a river. – Greek Proverb
Work done quickly gives pleasure. – Greek Proverb
You can tell a bird by its song and a man by his manner of speaking. – Greek Proverb
You can tell a lion by his claws. – Greek Proverb
You can tell who the good seamen are during a storm. – Greek Proverb
You cannot reason with a hungry belly; it has no ears. – Greek Proverb
You can’t build a wall with just one stone. – Greek Proverb
You can’t hide behind your finger. – Greek Proverb
You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist. – Greek Proverb
You easily forget the eyes that don’t see you any more. – Greek Proverb
You have to put a young girl onto an old man. – Greek Proverb
You know who the good seamen are when the storm comes. – Greek Proverb
You learn to limp if you live with cripples. – Greek Proverb
You must keep quiet or say only things that improve silence. – Greek Proverb
You will break the bow if you keep it always bent. – Greek Proverb
Young wood makes a hot fire. – Greek Proverb

Greek Proverbs
Ancient Greek Proverbs
Know yourself! – Socrates
Well begun is half done. – Aristotle
Wisdom begins in wonder. – Socrates
Life is short, the art long. – Hippocrates
Wit is educated insolence. – Aristotle
Nature does nothing uselessly. – Aristotle
Wisdom outweighs any wealth. – Sophocles
Success is dependent on effort. – Sophocles
Man is the measure of all things. – Protagoras
The wildest colts make the best horses. – Plutarch
Like that of leaves is a generation of men. – Homer
Wait for the wisest of all counselors, time. – Pericles
The unexamined life is not worth living. – Socrates
At a touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. – Plato
Only the dead have seen the end of the war. – Plato
Better learn late, than not at all. – Cleobulus
Many hands make light work. – Homer
Win by persuasion, not by force. – Bias of Priene
One swallow does not make a Spring. – Aristotle
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. – Aristotle
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. – Hippocrates.
The art of living well and the art of dying well are one. – Epicurus
Famous men have the whole earth as their memorial. – Pericles
Those who aim at great deeds must also suffer greatly. – Plutarch
The art of being a slave is to rule one’s master. – Diogenes of Sinope
An orator without judgment is a horse without a bridle. – Theophrastu
In all things of nature, there is something of the marvellous. – Aristotle
Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. – Euripides
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. – Aristotle
The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it. – Epicurus
Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other. – Euripides
In order to please others, we lose our hold on our life’s purpose. – Epictetus
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. – Demosthenes
One thing I know, that I know nothing. This is the source of my wisdom. – Socrates
It is difficult to argue with the belly, as it has no ears. – Plutarch
Milk the cows that is nearby, why chase the one that runs away? – Theocritus
Grey hairs are proof of age, but not of wisdom. – Menander
It will not always be summer: gather the harvest while you can. – Hesiod
The crowd is the most unreliable and witless thing in the world. – Demosthenes.
Old things become new with the passage of time. – Nicostratus
War is sweet to those who never tried it. – Pindar
When the wine is in, the words flow out. – Herodotus
Time is a doctor who heals all griefs. – Diphilus
Better to do a little than a great deal badly. – Socrates
The prosperity of a fool is a heavy burden to put up with. – Aeschylus
We know nothing for sure: truth is hidden at the bottom of a well. – Diogenes Laertius
If all the laws were to be abolished, it would not make much difference to our way of life. – Aristippus
Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last. – Aristotle
Misfortunes are less sharp when shared with others. – Dio Chrysotom
In an honourable enterprise, there must be no delay. – Nigrinus
In a moment, we got from the sublime to the ridiculous. – Longrinus
Give me leverage and I will move the Earth. -Archimedes
When in ape’s company, one must play the ape. – Apollodorus
A rolling stone gathers no moss. – Anonymous
In great attempts, even to fail is glorious. – Anonymous
Nature creates nothing without a purpose. – Aristotle
Man is the measure of the universe. – Protagoras
Life is short, art is long. – Hippocrates
Action achieves more than words. – Euripides
Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes. – Antisthenes
Well being is attained by little and little, and nevertheless is no little thing itself. – Citium Zeno
Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all. – Hypatia
Men would live exceedingly quiet if these two words, mine and thine, were taken away. – Anaxagoras
Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. – Plato
Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. – Archimedes
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. – Plato
If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail. – Heraclitus
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. – Plato
It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. – Hippocrates
It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls. – Epicurus
You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour. – Aristotle
As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task. – Diogenes
Be careful to leave your sons well-instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant. – Epictetus
Written laws are like spider’s webs; they will catch, it is true, the weak and poor, but would be torn in pieces by the rich and powerful. – Anacharsis

Greek Proverbs
Proverbs From Wikiquote
- Δώσε τόπο στην οργή.
- Shove anger aside.
- English equivalent: Whom God wishes to destroy he first makes mad.
- Nea hestia. I. D. Kollaros \& Sa.. 1996.
- Don’t hear one and judge two.
- Alexander Negris (1831). A Dictionary of Modern Greek Proverbs: With an English Translation, Explanatory Remarks, and Philological Illustrations. T. Clark. pp. 79–.
- Ἐν οἴνῳ ἀλήθεια
- There is truth in wine.
- English equivalent: In wine there is truth.
- Latin equivalentː In vino veritas.
- “Alcohol consumed removes the inhibition against telling the truth that occasionally one would like to keep secret.”
- European Proverbs in 55 languages. 1997. p. 272. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
- Η καλύτερη άμυνα είναι η επίθεση.
- English equivalent: The best defence is a good offense.
- Source for meaning: Maira Papathanasopoulou (1 January 1998). Ho Ioudas philouse hyperocha: mythistorēma. Ekdoseis Patakē. p. 23. ISBN 978-960-600-451-3. Retrieved on 21 June 2013.
- Η φτήνια τρώει τον παρά.
- English equivalent: If you buy cheaply, you pay dearly.
- Spoudōn (1998). Λεξικό της κοινής νεοελληνικής. Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης. p. 1027.
- Η γλώσσα κόκαλα δεν έχει, αλλά κόκαλα τσακίζει.
- English equivalent: The pen is mightier than the sword.
- “The play’s the thing,
Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.” - William Shakespeare, Hamlet (1600–1), Act II, scene ii
- Venizelos (1867). Paroimiai dēmōdeis. Ek tou typographeiou tēs Patridos. p. 95.
- Και οι τοίχοι έχουν αυτιά.
- English equivalent: The walls have ears.
- “What you say may be overheard; used as a warning.”
- Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 287. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 27 September 2013.
- Κάλλιο γαϊδουρόδενε, παρά γαϊδουρογύρευε.
- English equivalent: An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
- Βασιλειάδης. ΈγκλημαστοΚΕΛΥΦΩΣ Αστυνομικόμυθιστόρημα. Dimitri Vasileiadis. p. 105.
- Kάλλιο πέντε και στο χέρι, παρά δέκα και καρτέρι.
- English equivalent: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- “Laugh and be fat.”
- John Taylor, title of a tract (1615)
- Berettas (1863). Syllogēparoimiōn tōn neōterōn Hellēnōn meta parallēlismou pros tas tōn archaiōn. Ek tou typ. ho Hellēnopelasgos. p. 37. ISBN 1.
- Κόρακας κοράκου μάτι δε βγάζει.
- English equivalent: Hawks will not pick out Hawk’s eyes.
- “One belonging to a group having common interests is not likely to act against or find fault with another member of the same group. Solidarity may prevail over law, justice or truth.”
- Paczolay, Gyula (1997). “X”. European proverbs: in 55 languages, with equivalents in Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese. Veszprémi Nyomda. p. 96. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
- Shqiptaro-Greke (1999). Albanohellenica. Albanian-Greek Philological Association. p. 22.
- Καλή ζωή, κακή διαθήκη.
- English equivalent: Fools live poor to die rich.
- Chakkas (1978). Hapanta. Kedros.
- Ο χρόνος είναι ακριβός
- English equivalent: Time is precious.
- Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. p. 428. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
- Όποιος γίνεται πρόβατο τον τρώει ο λύκος.
- “He who becomes a sheep is eaten by the wolf.”
- Dostoyevsky, Koteliansky (2010). Dostoevsky: Letters and Reminiscences. Kessinger Publishing. pp. 304. ISBN 1163449024.
- Όφις ην μη φάγη όφιν, δράκων ου γενήσεται.
- Alternatively: Όφις ει μη φάγοι όφιν, δράκων ου γενήσεται. (see Robert Nares)
- A serpent, unless it devours a serpent, will not become a dragon. (Erasmus, translated by Barker)
- Quoted by Erasmus, Michael Apostolius, and in Suda (according to Robert Nares)
- Translated into Latin by Apostolius, Erasmus, and Francis Bacon.
- Paraphrased in English by John Dryden (Oedipus III.1): “A serpent ne’er becomes a flying dragon, / Till he has eat a serpent.” (see Robert Nares)
- Sources:
- Robert Nares, A Glossary, p. 781. (Nares’s “φύγοι” emended to “φάγοι” based on Apostolius’s text.)
- Erasmus III iii 61, translated in William Watson Barker, ed. The Adages of Erasmus, p. 271.
- Michael Apostolius, Paroemiae [Proverbs]. Ed. Daniel Heinsius. Leiden, 1619. p. 187.
- A search of the Suda does not return this proverb.
- Ο πνιγμένος, από τα μαλλιά του πιάνεται.
- English equivalent: A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
- Κριαρας (2007). Αλλελωγραφιαδυο:. ΕκδοσειςΠολυτυπο. p. 33.
- Συν Αθηνά και χείρα κίνει.
- Move your hand along with Athena (Minerva)
- English equivalent: Heaven help those who help themselves.
- “When in trouble first of all every one himself should do his best to improve his condition.”
- Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. p. 150. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
- Karagiōrgos, Panos (1999). Greek and English proverbs. P. Karagiorgos. p. 99.
- Τα εν οίκω μη εν δήμω.
- English equivalent: Don’t wash your dirty linen in public; It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.
- “Why wantonly proclaim one’s own disgrace, or expose the faults or weaknesses of one’s kindred or people?”
- “It is considered contemptible to defy the rule of solidarity by revealing facts harmful to the group one belongs to.”
- Proverbs of All Nations. W. Kent & Company (late D. Bogue). 1859. p. 109.
- Paczolay, Gyula (1997). “106”. European proverbs: in 55 languages, with equivalents in Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese. Veszprémi Nyomda. p. 466. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
- Karagiōrgos, Panos (1999). Greek and English proverbs. P. Karagiorgos. p. 99.
- Τα μεγάλα πνεύματα συναντώνται
- English equivalent: Great minds think alike.
- Karagiōrgos, Panos (1999). Greek and English proverbs. P. Karagiorgos. p. 138.
- Άγιος που δε θαυματουργεί, μηδέ δοξολογιέται.
- The saint who works no miracles isn’t glorified.
- “I think that sex is necessary and bankers are not.”
- Lancelot Hogben, in Twentieth Century Authors, A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Literature, Edited by Stanley J. Kunitz, and Howard Haycraft. New York, The H.W. Wilson Company, 1950, (pp. 658-59)
- Kyriakos Simopoulos. Pōs eidan hoi xenoi tēn Hellada tou 21: apomnēmoneumata, chronika, hēmerologia, hypomnēmata, allēlographia ethelontōn, diplōmatōn, eidikōn apestalmenōn, periēgētōn, praktorōn k.a. p. 167.
- Αγάλι-αγάλι γίνεται η αγουρίδα μέλι
- Translation: A green fruit gets ripe slowly
- Patience
- Αν δεν παινέσεις το σπίτι σου, θα πέσει να σε πλακώσει
- Translation: If you do not praise your own home, it will fall on you and squash you
- You do not speak badly about your own family
- Η γριά κότα έχει το ζουμί
- Translation: It’s the old chicken that makes good broth
- Don’t discredit elder people/ideas (also used ironically). It often refers to sexual relations, with older women having more sexual experience and being able satisfy a man more than a younger woman can
- Η καμήλα δεν βλέπει την καμπούρα της
- Translation: The camel does not see her own hump
- We readily see other people’s faults but fail to see our own
- Και την πίτα ολόκληρη, και το σκύλο χωρτάτο
- Translation: And the whole pie, and the dog full
- It is said of someone who wants to accomplish something without making any concession even though it’s obvious that one is needed. Akin to: “He wants to have his cake and eat it, too.”
- Κάλλιο να σου βγει το μάτι παρά το όνομα
- Translation: It’s better to lose an eye than to get a bad name
- If one gets the reputation (name) of being something, it is very hard to lose it.
- Κι αν είσαι και παπάς, με την αράδα σου θα πας
- Translation: Even if you are a priest, you get in line
- The implication is that even if you are a person of high position you do not get priority, you must wait your turn as all the others
- Κύλισε ο τέτζερης και βρήκε το καπάκι
- Translation: The kettle rolled down and found the lid.
- A person of a certain character always finds another of the same
- Μ’ένα σμπάρο, δυο τρυγώνια
- Translation: One shot, two birds
- Killing two birds with one stone. Σμπάρος in Greek is a shotgun shot. Pigliar due piccioni con una fava. Prendere due piccioni con una fava. Abattre deux mouches d’un coup de savate. Matar dos pajaros de una pedrada.
- Μια του κλέφτη, δυό του κλέφτη, τρεις και την κακή του μέρα
- Translation: Once for the thief, twice for the thief, three and it’s his bad day
- If you commit a crime you will eventually get caught
- Μοναχός σου χόρευε, κι’ όσο θέλεις πήδα
- Translation: Dance by yourself and you can jump as much as you want
- If you are alone you can do as you wish, but in a group you have to take others into consideration; Compromise
- Νηστικό αρκούδι δεν χορεύει
- Translation: A hungry bear does not dance
- If you don’t eat (get paid), you cannot function
- Ο θεός αγαπάει τον κλέφτη, μα σαν τον νοικοκύρη, όχι
- Translation: God loves the thief, but not like the master of the house
- The crook may get away initially, but he will eventually get caught
- Ολα του γάμου δύσκολα κι η νύφη γκαστρωμένη
- Translation: Everything about the wedding is difficult (obstacles or objections) and the bride is pregnant
- When people make excuses or place obstacles about a task that has to be done
- Ο λύκος κι αν εγέρασε κι άσπρισε το μαλί του, ούτε την γούνα του άλλαξε, ούτε την κεφαλή του
- Translation: Even though the wolf got old and his fur is white, he neither changed his skin or his head
- When a person is bad to begin with, this doesn’t change in old age
- Ο ψεύτης κι ο κλέφτης τον πρώτο χρόνο χαίρονται
- Translation: Liars and thieves are happy only the first year (after the deed)
- The implication here is that they eventually get caught
- Οποιος μπλέκεται με τα πίτουρα τον τρων οι κότες
- Translation: He who gets in chicken feed is eaten by the chickens
- On the perils of getting involved with the wrong people or with the wrong activities
- Όποιος πίνει βερεσέ, δυο φορές μεθάει
- He who drinks on credit, gets twice as drunk
- Don’t create credits, you’ll be in trouble
- Όπου ακούς πολλά κεράσια, βάστα μικρό καλάθι
- Translation: When you hear of many cherries, hold a small basket
- Don’t get overwhelmed, and be cautious
- Όπως έστρωσες θα κοιμηθείς
- Translation: How you make your bed is how you are going to sleep (in it)
- You got yourself into this, now get yourself out of it
- Οταν λείπει ο γάτος, χορεύουν τα ποντίκια
- Translation: When the cat is absent, the mice dance
- When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
- Ότι μικρομάθεις, δεν γερονταφήνεις
- Translation: What you learn as a child, you cannot forget as an old person
- Refers to knowlegde/skills one acquires as a youngster, and continues to remember for ever
- Παπούτσι από τον τόπο σου κι ας είναι μπαλωμένο
- Translation: Shoe from your place, even if it is patched
- Take a spouse from the place you come from, even if she is not so great
- Πήρες πολύ ψηλά τον αμανέ
- Translation: You are singing the song too high
- Arrogance or over-reaching. Akin to: “Bit off more than he can chew.”
- Πρώτα βγαίνει η ψυχή του ανθρώπου και μετά το χούι του
- Translation: First leaves the soul of a person and then his quirks
- Refers to the fact that some habits are ingrained in a person’s personality
- Στου κουφού την πόρτα, όσο θέλεις βρόντα
- Translation: At the deaf man’s door, knock as much as you like
- Some people ignore any advice or guidance that may be provided to them. In more modern Greek, there is a funny spoof of this proverb : “Στου κουφού την πόρτα, μπες απ’το παράθυρο” (“When at a deaf man’s door, get in through the window”).
- Τον αράπη κι αν τον πλένεις, το σαπούνι σου χαλάς
- Translation: No matter how much you wash a black person, you are wasting your soap
- This proverb is mainly used to express the futility of trying to change the mentality of a headstrong person (the color of a black person cannot be washed off) and it does not have racist connotations. In modern Greek, the word “αράπης” (arapis — black man) is a lay (and at times borderline pejorative) term — originally probably derived from the word “Άραβας” (Aravas — Arab).
- Το καλό το παλικάρι ξέρει κι’άλλο μονοπάτι
- Translation: The good (wise) lad always knows of an alternate path
- Used when an effort goes wrong or not as expected, but still you manage to find another solution
- Το μήλο κάτω απ` τη μηλιά θα πέσει
- Translation: The apple will fall under the apple-tree
- The offspring will be like his parents, usually derogatory. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
- Το ‘να χέρι νήβει τ’ άλλο, και τα δυο το πρόσωπο
- Translation: The one hand washes the other, and both wash the face
- Used when referring to cooperation and mutual dependency. Also possibly exchanging illicit favours
- Το παιδί σου και το σκυλί σου όπως τα μάθεις
- Translation: Your child and your dog (behave) the way you teach them
- When you set up rules early, the behaviour that follows adheres to these rules
- Το σκοινί το μαλακό, τρώει την πέτρα την ξερή
- Translation: The soft rope corrodes the dry stone
- Using persuasion and kindness, one can change strong opinion
- Φασούλι το φασούλι γεμίζει το σακούλι
- Translation: Bean by bean, the sack gets full
- On the merits of saving
- Φύλαγε τα ρούχα σου να έχεις τα μισά
- Translation: Mind your clothes so that you can keep half of them
- Refers to the fact that you can never be too careful, and even if you are very careful, there is still going to be some losses
- Κάνε το καλό και ρίξ’ το στο γιαλό
- Do good and cast it in the sea
- be humble about your kind acts, don’t brag about them
- Η γλώσσα κόκαλα δεν έχει και κόκαλα τσακίζει
- The tongue doesn’t have bones but can smash bones
- the power of words can hurt
- Το ‘να χέρι νίβει το άλλο, και τα δυο το πρόσωπο
- One hand rubs the other and both of them (rub) the face
- teamwork brings better results
- Όταν λείπει η γάτα χορεύουν τα ποντίκια
- When the cat is away the mice dance
- when someone who’s in charge is absent or not paying attention, the others behave with negligence
- Το καλό το παλικάρι ξέρει κι άλλο μονοπάτι
- The good lad knows another path
- the smart person knows how to do things differently, despite the hurdles