The Depiction of Jesus

Who is Jesus?


Nativity scene

From birth to the Passion

The Passion

Resurrection and Ascension

Coming of Jesus (End Time)


Depictions of Jesus

Associated relics

FAQ about Jesus

Christmas Child Christmas Motif December Train

Christmas’ Pagan Origins

Christmas’ Pagan Origins This article covers the Christmas’ Pagan Origins. Who’s the first person you think of when it comes to Christmas. While the religious might say “Jesus“, many others in our secular American society would say “Santa Claus“. And they wouldn’t be completely wrong. Christmas is an example of...

Jesus as a name

Language Of Jesus

Language Of Jesus It is generally agreed by historians that language of Jesus and his disciples were primarily Aramaic (Jewish Palestinian Aramaic), the common language of Judea in the first century AD, most likely a Galilean dialect distinguishable from that of Jerusalem. The villages of Nazareth and Capernaum in Galilee,...

Pope Pius V praying with a crucifix, painting by August Kraus

Who Is Christ?

Who Is Christ? This article covers the answer to the question: “Who Is Christ?“ Christ (Khristós; anointed) is a translation of the Hebrew Māšîaḥ, the Messiah, and is used as a title for Jesus in the New Testament. Followers of Jesus became known as Christians (as in Acts 11:26) because...

Old Books

Birth Of Jesus In Gospels And Qur’an

Birth of Jesus in Gospels and Qur’an This article covers the Birth Of Jesus In Gospels And Qur’an in detail. Out of the four Gospels only two, Matthew and Luke mentioned the birth of Jesus. Both agree that birth was a miraculous event and that Jesus was born of the...

Cross Heart Anchor Love Hope Sunrise Sunset

Inner Light

Inner Light Light of God, Light of Christ, Christ within, That of God, Spirit of God within us, Light within, inward light, and inner light are related phrases commonly used within the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) as metaphors for Christ’s light shining on or in them. It was propagated by the founder of the...

Passion Cross Good Friday The Tomb Of Jesus

A Myth: Muslims Reject or Hate Jesus

A Myth: Muslims Reject or Hate Jesus There is a myth: Muslims reject or hate Jesus. This article covers Muslims’ beliefs about Jesus. Many non-Muslims are surprised to find out that according to Muslim belief, Jesus, the son of Mary, is one of the greatest messengers of God. Muslims are...