Jesus, The Son of Mary

Jesus (c. 4 BC – c. AD 30 / 33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ or simply Christ, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity and is widely described as the most influential person in history. Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament.


Jesus, The Son of Mary is the central figure of Christianity and also prophet in Islam.

The Depiction of Jesus

Who is Jesus?


Nativity scene

From birth to the Passion

The Passion

Resurrection and Ascension

Coming of Jesus (End Time)


Depictions of Jesus

Associated relics

FAQ about Jesus

Jesus Christ God Holy Spirit Bible Gospel Church

Jesus Christ Sayings

Jesus Christ Sayings We have collected and put the best Jesus Christ sayings in the following categories. Enjoy reading these insights and feel free to share this page on your social media to inspire others. May these Jesus Christ sayings on many subjects inspire you to never give up and...

Religion Jesus Baptism Faith fish waves cross

The Complete Sayings Of Jesus

The Complete Sayings of Jesus The Complete Sayings of Jesus the King James Version of Christ’s Own Words Without Interpolations and Divested of the Context, Excepting the Brief Portions of the Gospel Narratives Retained to Establish the Place, Time, or Occasion, or a Question the Reply to Which is the Master’s...

Pentecost Holy Spirit Christianity Christian church

The World Wide Messianic Mission Attributed To Jesus Christ

The World Wide Messianic Mission Attributed To Jesus Christ Toward The End of Time This article covers The World Wide Messianic Mission Attributed To Jesus Christ. Some of the first converts to Islam were subjected to the severest persecutions in Makka. They bore them patiently and never thought of retaliation,...

A depiction in stained glass: "thy mother Mary fled into Egypt"

The Virgin Birth: Birth of Jesus Without A Biological Father

The Virgin Birth: Birth of Jesus Without A Biological Father There is consensus among the great majority of Christians and Muslims that Jesus came to earth by means of a virgin birth. And the virgin birth of Jesus was a miracle. Human development begins at fertilization when a male gamete...

Jesus Christ Miracle Walking On Water Divine Faith

The Miracles Of Jesus

The Miracles Of Jesus Addressing human intelligence and will, the Quran frequently mentions many miracles performed by prophets. While it would not be possible to mention them all in one article, I would like to relate some of them in order to give an idea about some of these miracles,...

Virgin Mary Queen Of Heaven Iconography religion

Mary And Prophet Jesus

Mary And Prophet Jesus This article covers Mary and Prophet Jesus in Islamic sacred texts. ‘O mary! God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name is the Messiah [Christ] Jesus son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the hereafter, and among those nearest [to...

Islam Christianity Religion Cross Crescent Star

Muhammad And Jesus Two Great Prophets Of God

Muhammad And Jesus Two Great Prophets Of God Though Islam is often criticized as being oppressive to women, the fact is that the teaching and example of Prophet Muhammad demonstrate something quite the opposite. Muhammad, like Jesus, was very counter-cultural in championing the rights of women. Yet it has often...

Taken under a low Januray morning sun (0800). View from the south

Jesus And Muhammad: Commonalities of Two Great Religions

Jesus And Muhammad: Commonalities of Two Great Religions A pleasing coincidence of mutual thought has occurred because some years ago your correspondent was asked why he had not embraced Islam. My reply was that had Jesus and Muhammad ever met they would have got along splendidly. Here is the book...

Jesus Blood Processions Easter procession arrest

Isa, Alayhi Al-Salam

Isa, (Alayhi Al-Salam) This article covers Jesus, Isa (Alayhi Al-Salam) in Islam. WHO WAS JESUS? For Muslims, Jesus is one of the five elite prophets, and he will come again at the end of time to bring peace. Although Muslims and Christians have a very similar idea of Jesus as...

Jesus Christ God Bible Gospel holy easter tomb

Historicity And Origin Of The Resurrection Of Jesus

Historicity And Origin Of The Resurrection Of Jesus The historicity and origin of the resurrection of Jesus has been the subject of historical research and debate, as well as a topic of discussion among theologians. The accounts of the Gospels, including the empty tomb and the appearances of the risen Jesus to his followers, have been...

Incised sarcophagus slab with the Adoration of the Magi from the Catacombs of Rome, 3rd century. Plaster cast with added colour.

Did Jesus Have Brothers Or Sisters?

Did Jesus Have Brothers Or Sisters? In this article, you will find the answer to your burning question: “Did Jesus Have Brothers or Sisters?“ The pregnancy of Mary, the greatest example of purity, was a miracle of God and a wonder of divine creation, and the birth of Jesus, peace...


The Character Of Jesus Christ

The Character Of Jesus Christ The surpassing eminence of the character of Jesus Christ has been acknowledged by men of the most varied type: Kant testifies to His ideal perfection; Hegel sees in Him the union of the human and the Divine; the most advanced sceptics do Him homage; Spinoza speaks of Him as the truest...

Giotto (1267–1337): Nativity with an uninvolved Joseph but without Salome

Virgin Birth Of Christ

Virgin Birth Of Christ This article covers the Virgin Birth Of Christ. The dogma which teaches that the Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ was a virgin before, during, and after the conception and birth of her Divine Son. The Virgin Birth in Catholic theology Councils and creeds The virginity of our Blessed Lady was defined under anathema in the third canon of the Lateran Council held in...

Christian Humanism

Chronology Of The Life Of Jesus Christ

Chronology Of The Life Of Jesus Christ This article covers the Chronology Of The Life Of Jesus Christ according to the Catholic Encyclopedia. In the following paragraphs we shall endeavour to establish the absolute and relative chronology of our Lord’s life, i.e. we shall show first how certain facts connected with the history of Jesus Christ fit...

Jesus' ascension to heaven depicted by John Singleton Copley, 1775

Predictions And Claims For The Second Coming

Predictions And Claims For The Second Coming This article lists the predictions and claims for the Second Coming of Jesus. The Second Coming is a Christian concept regarding the return of Jesus to Earth after his first coming and his ascension to heaven about two thousand years ago. The belief is based on messianic prophecies found in the canonical gospels and is part of most Christian eschatologies. Views about...

Passion Cross Good Friday The Tomb Of Jesus

Jesus In The Hadith

Jesus In The Hadith Jesus, son of Mary, is mentioned in 93 verses in The Quran. We have collected prophet Muhammad’s sayings and actions called “Jesus In The Hadith“. According to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, a hadith (plural ahadith) is an account of what Muhammad said or did, or of his tacit approval of something...

Jesus Christ God Holy Spirit Bible Gospel Church

Hadith Of Jesus Praying Behind Mahdi

Hadith Of Jesus Praying Behind Mahdi Hadith of Jesus Praying Behind Mahdi (حدیث نماز خواندن عیسی به امامت مهدی‎) refers to a collection of hadith related to the prophecy that Jesus will follow Mahdi’s lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam for Shia and salat is the Islamic practice of worship of...

Jesus In the Talmud

Jesus In The Talmud

Jesus In The Talmud There are several passages in the Talmud which are believed by some scholars to be references to Jesus. The name used in the Talmud is “Yeshu”, the Aramaic vocalization (though not spelling) of the Hebrew name Yeshua. The identification of Yeshu as Jesus is problematic. For example, the Talmud...


Jesus In Islam – 2

Jesus In Islam This article covers Jesus in Islam. In the Islamic tradition, Jesus is not considered a deity. He is a human and not a God. Muslim tradition explicitly indicates that Jesus was born without a physical father of the virgin Mary. He is considered the word of God in...

Jesus Of Nazareth Statue Christ Holy Bible Belief

Outline Of Jesus

Outline Of Jesus This article covers the outline of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus (c. 4 BC – c. AD 30 / 33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ or simply Christ, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. Jesus, The Son of Mary is the central...