A Prayer of A Physician
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We have collected some of “a prayer of a physician” to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
A physician (American English), medical practitioner (Commonwealth English), medical doctor, or simply doctor, is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. Physicians may focus their practice on certain disease categories, types of patients, and methods of treatment—known as specialities—or they may assume responsibility for the provision of continuing and comprehensive medical care to individuals, families, and communities—known as general practice.
Prayer of Maimonides
Almighty God, Thou has created the human body with infinite wisdom. Ten thousand times ten thousand organs hast Thou combined in it that act unceasingly and harmoniously to preserve the whole in all its beauty the body which is the envelope of the immortal soul. They are ever acting in perfect order, agreement and accord. Yet, when the frailty of matter or the unbridling of passions deranges this order or interrupts this accord, then forces clash and the body crumbles into the primal dust from which it came.
Thou sendest to man diseases as beneficient messengers to foretell approaching danger and to urge him to avert it. Thou hast blest Thine earth, Thy rivers and Thy mountains with healing substances; they enable Thy creatures to alleviate their sufferings and to heal their illnesses. Thou hast endowed man with the wisdom to relieve the suffering of his brother, to recognize his disorders, to extract the healing substances, to discover their powers and to prepare and to apply them to suit every ill.
In Thine Eternal Providence Thou hast chosen me to watch over the life and health of Thy creatures. I am now about to apply myself to the duties of my profession. Support me, Almighty God, in these great labors that they may benefit mankind, for without Thy help not even the least thing will succeed. Inspire me with love for my art and for Thy creatures. Do not allow thirst for profit, ambition for renown and admiration, to interfere with my profession, for these are the enemies of truth and of love for mankind and they can lead astray in the great task of attending to the welfare of Thy creatures.
Preserve the strength of my body and of my soul that they ever be ready to cheerfully help and support rich and poor, good and bad, enemy as well as friend. In the sufferer let me see only the human being. Illumine my mind that it recognize what presents itself and that it may comprehend what is absent or hidden. Let it not fail to see what is visible, but do not permit it to arrogate itself the power to see what cannot be seen, for delicate and indefinite are the bounds of the great art of caring for the lives and health of Thy creatures. Let me never be absent-minded. May no strange thoughts divert my attention at the bedside of the sick, or disturb my mind in its silent labors, for great and sacred are the thoughtful deliberations required to preserve the lives and health of Thy creatures
Grant that my patients have confidence in me and my art and follow my directions and counsel. Remove from their midst all charlatans and the whole host of officious relatives and know-all nurses, cruel people who arrogantly frustrate the wisest purposes of our art and often lead Thy creatures to their death.
Should those who are wiser than I wish to improve and instruct me, let my soul gratefully follow their guidance; for vast is the extent of our art. Should conceited fools, however, censure me, then let love for my profession steel me against them, so that I remain steadfast without regard for age, for reputation, or for honor, because surrender would bring Thy creatures sickness and death.
Imbue my soul with gentleness and calmness when older colleagues, proud of their age, wish to displace me or scorn me or disdainfully teach me. May even this be of advantage to me, for they know many things of which I am ignorant, but let not their arrogance give me pain. For they are old and old age is not master of the passions. I also hope to attain old age upon this earth, before Thee, Almighty God!
Let me be contented in everything except in the great science of my profession. Never allow the thought to arise in me that I have attained to sufficient knowledge, but vouchsafe to me the strength, the leisure and the ambition ever to extend my knowledge. For art is great, but the mind of man is ever expanding.
Almighty God! Thou hast chosen me in Thy mercy to watch over the life and death of Thy creatures. I now apply myself to my profession. Support me in this greaty task so that it may benefit mankind, for without Thy help not even the least thing will succeed.
“Prayer of Maimonides” attributed to Moses Maimonides, a twelfth-century Jewish physician in Egypt, but probably written by Marcus Herz, a German physician. First appeared in print in 1793. Translated by Harry Friedenwald in the Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1917

A prayer by a physician
I pray that God makes me right, more than smart.
I pray that my patient knows that I too am human, with my limits.
I pray to admit powerlessness. As kindness is a sign of strength, surrender is a sign of confidence.
I pray to have the strength to love my noble profession, and use its powers, never abuse them.
I pray to the Great Physician who holds life and death in His hands.
Dear God, I am your blade. Sharpen me on one side, dull me on the other and give me the wisdom to know when to use which. Lay me down at night, and give me luster in the morn. Teach me the humility to know that in your hands I heal, without you I wound. Make me an instrument of healing. Inspire me with your love for your creation and respect for your diversity. Let your light illuminate my mind and my soul so that I can protect the body with your sacred truth. Let me be kind in the face of harshness.
— by Afshine Ash Emrani
Five prayers for doctors
Prayer for Wisdom
Great Father in heaven, today I come to You and ask for Your godly wisdom to be imparted to the doctor(s) involved and that You grant them the wisdom to make good, sound decisions and to use their experience and education to bring about the best possible outcome and quickest possible recovery so that they can return home again to their loved ones. Sometimes doctors face difficult decisions and have to determine the best avenue in fighting an illness or disease and so please help them in that decision making process and grant them the wisdom that is from above and that is Your wisdom and so in the precious name of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ I pray, amen.
Prayer for Skill
God my Father, today a doctor is caring for someone that I truly love and someone who means so much to me and so I am asking that You help the doctor in caring for my loved one so that they would have the necessary skill and even enhance their natural skill in order that they can help in the healing process of the one I love. You love them more than I do so I ask for Your tender mercies on their behalf and to help the doctor do all that he/she can to aid in resolving this very serious medical issue and to grant the doctor/surgeon great skill in what they are about to do (or are doing) and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.
Prayer for Guidance
Today Father, in the surgery unit, I pray that You will steady and guide the hand of the surgeon(s) and that they would clearly see what they need to do and to bless them in their abilities, skills, and education so that they know exactly what to do. Sometimes surgeries do not always go according to plans. Sometimes other things surface during surgery that were unexpected and surgeons sometimes find other issues during surgery so my prayer is for You to give guidance to the surgeon(s) and steady their hand in all of their medical procedures, during the expected and unexpected times, and to bring about the best possible solution and outcome and one that is according to Your will for which I pray in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.
Prayer for Medical Staff
Great and Merciful Father, full of compassion, You have made each one of us in the image of God (Gen 1:27) and I pray that You would help all of the staff in preserving the lives for which they are entrusted with. Help them in the duties that they are responsible for and so I pray that you bless the technicians, the nursing staff, lab workers, those in radiology, the insurance handlers, the doctors, and all of the medical staff that will be involved in each person’s care. Bless them as they all work together for one common purpose and that is to care for each patient under their watch. This I ask in the beloved name of the Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, amen.
Prayer for Care
Father God, I know that all things are in Your hands and that everything that happens is ultimately for our best and is always according to Your purpose (Rom 8:28) so help me to trust You in this. I ask Your blessing upon the medical staff and doctors who are caring for those who have just gone through surgery or those who are fighting a serious illness or disease. Grant these doctors and staff a tender heart for those under their care and to allow them to perform in ways that bring about the best results for the patients. There are no unimportant people in the staff that care for people, from the janitor to the doctor, and so I ask for You to bless each and every one and to help those who are in medical care to have the best care possible and all of this I ask Father, in name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, amen.
There is nothing that makes a person feel more helpless than when one of their family members or close friends is experiencing serious medical issues, therefore we must learn to humble ourselves and come to God and ask for His intervention and pray that He blesses all the medical staff and that He gives them the wisdom, experience, and skill necessary for the patient’s recovery. Sometimes these life and death experiences can draw us closer to God and that’s just what we need.
— by Jack Wellman
The Physician’s Daily Prayer
Almighty God –
You have created the human body with infinite wisdom.
In Your eternal providence,
You have chosen me
to watch over the life and health of Your creatures.
I am now about to apply myself to the duties of my profession.
Support me in these great labors that they may benefit humankind.
For without Your help, not even the least thing will succeed.
Inspire me with love for my art and for Your creatures.
Do not allow thirst for profit, ambition for renown and admiration
to interfere with my profession.
For these are the enemies of truth and can lead me astray
in the great task of attending to the welfare of Your creatures.
Preserve the strength of my body and soul
that they may ever be ready to help
rich and poor, good and bad, enemy as well as friend.
In the sufferer let me see only the human being.
Enlighten my mind that it may recognize what presents itself
and that it may comprehend what is absent or hidden.
Let it not fail to see what is visible
but do not permit it to arrogate to itself
the power to see what cannot be seen
for delicate and indefinite are the bounds
of the great art of caring for the lives and health of Your creatures.
May no strange thoughts divert my attention at the bedside of the sick
or disturb my mind in its silent labors.
Grant that my patients may have confidence in me and in my art
and follow my directions and my counsel.
When those who are wiser than I wish to instruct me
let my soul gratefully follow their guidance
for vast is the extent of our art.
Imbue my soul with gentleness and calmness.
Let me be contented in everything
except the great science of my profession.
Never allow the thought to arise in me
that I have attained sufficient knowledge
but vouchsafe to give me the strength and the ambition
to extend my knowledge.
The art is great,
but the mind of a person is ever-expanding.
I now rise to my calling.
Translation/Adaptation by Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, LCSW
Attributed to Maimonides.