A Police Officer’s Prayer
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This article covers many “A Police Officer’s Prayer“
A police officer, also known as a policeman/policewoman, is a warranted law employee of a police force. In most countries, “police officer” is a generic term not specifying a particular rank. In some, the use of the rank “officer” is legally reserved for military personnel.
We have collected some of the best prayers for police officers to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
A Police Officer’s Prayer
Lord I ask for courage
Courage to face and
Conquer my own fears…
Courage to take me
Where others will not go…
I ask for strength
Strength of body to protect others
And strength of spirit to lead others…
I ask for dedication
Dedication to my job, to do it well
Dedication to my community
To keep it safe…
Give me Lord, concern
For others who trust me
And compassion for those who need me…
And please Lord
Through it all
Be at my side…
–Author Unknown

Police officers in a riot
Police Officer’s Prayer to St. Michael
Saint Michael, heaven’s glorious commissioner of police, who once so neatly and successfully cleared God’s premises
of all its undesirables, look with kindly and professional eyes on your earthly force.
Give us cool heads, stout hearts, and uncanny flair for investigation and wise judgement.
Make us the terror of burglars, the friend of children and law-abiding citizens, kind to strangers, polite to bores,
strict with law-breakers and impervious to temptations.
You know, Saint Michael, from your own experiences with the devil that the police officer’s lot on earth is not always a happy one; but your sense of duty that so pleased God, your hard knocks that so surprised the devil, and your angelic self-control give us inspiration.
And when we lay down our night sticks, enroll us in your heavenly force, where we will be as proud to guard the throne of God as we have been to guard the city of all the people.
– Rev. Patrick J. Gallagher, S.J. of Washington
Policeman’s Prayer
Oh almighty God,
whose Greater Power and Eternal Wisdom embraces the universe, watch over all policeman and law enforcement officers.
Protect them from harm in the performance of their duty to stop crime, robbery, riots and violence.
We pray, help them keep our streets and home safe, day and night.
We commend them to your loving care because their duty is dangerous.
Grant them unending strength and courage in the Daily Assignments.
Dear god, protect these brave men. Grant them your almighty protection, unite them safely with their families after duty has ended.

Atlanta’s First Black Police Officers – History Atlanta
Prayer for a fallen police officer
Heavenly Father,
Please be with our colleague who has been injured whilst on duty.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Bless the work of the nurses and doctors who are treating him.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Bring your healing into his body, come restore him fully.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Be with his family, comfort them and keep them in his absence.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
May he know that he has served well and grant him peace of mind and heart.
Lord in your great mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Police Officer’s Prayer
Oh Almighty God,
whose great power and eternal wisdom embraces the universe.
Watch over all policemen and law enforcement officers.
Father in Heaven please give them the strength, courage and perseverance to endure unjust condemnation, danger, and physical abuse to which they are at times subjected.
We recommend them to your loving care because their duty is dangerous.
Dear God, grant these brave men and women your almighty protection, Unite them safely with their families after duty has ended.