Eternal Life

Life Cycle Infinity Birth Death Die Live Baby

What is Immortality?

Immortality By immortality is ordinarily understood the doctrine that the human soul will survive death, continuing in the possession of an endless conscious existence. Together with the question of the existence of God, it forms the most momentous issue with which philosophy has to deal. It belongs primarily to rational or metaphysical psychology and the philosophy of...

Face Faces Dialogue Talk Psyche Anxious Trouble ego

Ego And Worship

Ego And Worship This article covers Ego And Worship. A Vision of Humans Faces Man has two faces: one, concerning his ego, looks to the life of this world. The other, concerning worship and servitude to God, looks to eternal life. In respect to the first face he is a...

Nailed on the cross

Christian Conditionalism

Christian Conditionalism Christian Conditionalism (conditionalism or conditional immortality) in Christian theology, is a concept in which the gift of immortality is attached to (conditional upon) belief in Jesus Christ. This doctrine is based in part upon another theological argument, that the human soul is naturally mortal, immortality (“eternal life“) is therefore granted by God as...


Eternal Life In Christianity

Eternal Life In Christianity This article covers Eternal Life in Christianity. Eternal life traditionally refers to continued life after death, as outlined in Christian eschatology. The Apostles’ Creed testifies: “I believe… the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.” In this view, eternal life commences after the second coming of Jesus and the resurrection of the dead, although...



What Is Immortality? Immortality is eternal life, being exempt from death, unending existence. Some modern species may possess biological immortality. Certain scientists, futurists, and philosophers have theorized about the immortality of the human body, with some suggesting that human immortality may be achievable in the first few decades of the 21st century. Other...

Faith, Hope, and Love

Man’s Happiness And Misery

Man’s Happiness And Misery This article covers Comments With Respect To Man’s Happiness And Misery. Man is created on the best pattern of creation and has been given a comprehensive disposition. Therefore he has been sent to an arena of trial where he will either ascend or descend to a...

A Place

The People Of Paradise Will Be Given A Place

The People Of Paradise Will Be Given A Place This article is about Paradise. The Messenger Muhammad said: ‘Some of the people of Paradise will be given a place as large as the world, and hundreds of thousands of palaces will be granted to them.’ What is the reason for...


Why Worldly Pleasure Included In Paradise

Why Worldly Pleasure Included In Paradise This article covers that there is worldly pleasure in Paradise. A living body is in constant formation and deformation and subject to disintegration; therefore it cannot be eternal. Eating and drinking are for the perpetuation of the individual, and sexual relations are for the...