Creator in Buddhism

The Sendai Daikannon is the largest statue of a woman in the world.

Buddhist Deities

Buddhist Deities Buddhist deities include a wide array of divine beings that are venerated in various rituals and popular contexts. Initially, they included mainly Indian figures such as vedic devas and yakshas, but later came to include other Asian spirits and local gods. Buddhist deities range from enlightened Buddhas to regional spirits adopted...

A depiction of the Buddha's defeat of Baka Brahma, a brahma god who mistakenly believed he was all powerful creator. Wat Olak Madu, Kedah.

Creator In Buddhism

Creator In Buddhism There is no creator in Buddhism. Buddhism is a religion which does not include the belief in a creator deity, or any eternal divine personal being. It teaches that there are divine beings or gods (see devas and Buddhist deities), heavens and rebirths in its doctrine of saṃsāra (cyclical rebirth), but it considers none of...