

Beauty And The Beautiful

Beauty And The Beautiful Beauty elevates our hearts, awakens our souls with sweet excitement and appreciation, and then becomes the esthetic of our inner self. This hard-to-describe phenomenon, this sense  that is present in our most joyous moments, is beauty. Though this definition might seem narrow, it is one interpretation....

Success Ocean Beach Shore Coast Freedom felicity happiness

Virtue And Happiness

Virtue And Happiness Those who promise happiness to people must equip them with virtues first. Happiness is out of reach for those whose hearts have not been saturated with virtue. From the past to the present, sound minds have always accepted it as so. Felicity and virtue are twins. Virtue,...

Heart Hands Heart Give Away Love Romance Feeling

The Portrait Of People Of Heart

The Portrait Of People Of Heart With their vision, faith, and deeds, people of heart are integrat­ed heroes of both spiritualism and meaning. Their profundity relies not on their knowledge or acquisitions, but on the rich­ness of their hearts, the pureness of their souls and their closeness to God. They...