School Prayers
Page Contents
We have collected some of the best School prayers to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
School prayer, in the context of religious liberty, is state-sanctioned or mandatory prayer by students in public schools. Depending on the country and the type of school, state-sponsored prayer may be required, permitted, or prohibited.
See also:
- Prayers For Studying
- Prayers For Knowledge
- Prayers For Students
- Prayers for Teachers
- Prayers For Graduation
Our school prayers
Our Lady of Grace RC Primary School
School Prayer
This is our school
Let it be full of love, love of one another
Love of life itself
But most of all the love of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Morning Prayer
O my God, I give to you
All that I think or say or do.
All my work and all my happy play
I will give to God today.
Grace Before Meals
Bless us O Lord,
Bless our food.
Bless those who make it for us,
And please give food to the hungry.
Home time Prayer
We thank you God our Father
For all that you have done.
Loving us so dearly
Loving everyone.

Morristown Elementary School girls’ basketball team praying
A Short School Prayer
Almighty God
We give you our school.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work here,
We give you all the children who study here.
We pray our school would be place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.
May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love,
A place where every one is respected and all are deeply valued.
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Back to School Prayers and Blessings for Families
Borrowed from Traci Smith, Author
A Prayer for Back to School
At the start of the school year, we are beginning something new
New things can be exciting
New things can be scary
New things can be wonderful
New things can be confusing
God, you are always with us
You are with us when things are exciting, or scary, or wonderful, or confusing
You are with us every day
And all the time
God, please help us to feel your presence with us on the first day of school, and every day, Amen
A Prayer for At Home (Remote) Learning
Home is where we eat at the table and sleep in our bed
For now, home is where we do our learning, too
God, please be with me when I learn at home
Help me to understand what to do
Help me to be patient if it gets hard or feels too different
Most of all, help me to feel your love, Amen
A Prayer for Blended Learning
I can learn in many different ways
I can learn at home
I can learn at school
I can learn in both home and school
This year I’ll be learning in many different places
Though my body will be in different places, one thing will always stay the same:
No matter where I am, God is with me
No matter where I am, God loves me
No matter where I am, I am God’s child
Prayers for Homeschooling
As I start a year of school at home, I pray for all of the things I will learn this year. I pray for my
teachers and family members. (Sometimes my teachers are my family members!) Help us all on this
journey. May we be kind and do our very best, Amen.
*** *** ***
Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me at home today as I do my schoolwork. Please help me to do my best, help me not to feel alone, and help me to be with patient with my family. Give me joy this day, and thank you for loving me from head to toe. In your name. Amen.
A Prayer in the Time of COVID-19
God, we have so many things to pray for:
We pray for those who are sick
We pray for those who are worried about getting sick
We pray for doctors, and nurses, and medical professionals
We pray for those who are sad and grieving someone who has died
We pray for scientists
We pray for politicians
We pray for our family
We pray for our friends
We pray for all the other things in our hearts and on our minds
We end our prayer by saying “thank you,” God
Thank you for the small blessings of every day
Thank you for hearing us when we pray
Thank you for your love
A Prayer for Putting on a Mask
I put on my mask to show others I care
I put on my mask to keep others safe
I put on my mask to love my neighbor
Thank you, God, for being with me
A Prayer for Washing My Hands
I wash my hands
I make them clean
I dry them off
While I wash I say “Thank you, God”
While I wash I say “Peace to all”
A Prayer for Healers
God, we pray for those who heal, in mind and body and spirit
As they care for others, may you care for them
As they bring healing to others, may you keep them safe
Thank you for those who have a special calling to heal others
May they always be well
May they always have peace
A Prayer for Scientists and Other Leaders
God, we thank you for those who are working hard to solve the problems we face. May you be with
scientists and other leaders as they make discoveries about COVID19 and the world we live in. May
they be brave. May they know that their work is important. May they never give up. Amen.
A Prayer for Living Day by Day
When our world is changing day by day, sometimes we worry about the future
Sometimes our plans change
Sometimes we don’t know what will happen later
Sometimes we are disappointed
God, please be near to us when we are disappointed, or worried, or in a time of change
Help us to live day by day, and to be thankful for what each day brings
Help us not to worry about tomorrow
This is the day that you have made, God, let us be present and joyful today
A Prayer for When I’m Out of My Routine
Some days are topsy turvy
Some days are not what I was expecting
On those days I stop
I breathe in
I breathe out
I take a break and feel the Holy Spirit guide me
A Prayer for When I’m Tired and Overwhelmed
When I’m tired I need rest for my body
And for my mind and spirit, too
God, please show me how to rest and space
Help me to find peace for my spirit
Peace for my mind
Peace for my body
Thank you for my breath
Thank you for my family
Thank you for your Spirit
A Blessing for the School Space Inside the Home
God we dedicate this space as a space for learning
May our minds be quieted in this space
May we be open to learning in this space
May we be curious in this space
Be with us each and every moment we come to our special learning place
A Blessing to Start the Day
May your day be filled with joy and gladness
May you be kind today
May you be at peace today
May you know you are loved today, by God and by your family
May you hold that love in your heart, today and every day
A Blessing to End the Day
Goodnight, sweet dreams, the day is done
Goodnight, have peace, and know God’s love
Catholic High School Daily prayers
Community Morning Prayer
Our community prays together every morning. Students, faculty and staff volunteer to share a personal reflection over the public address system, followed by the recitation of the Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and concluding with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Eternal and ever loving Father, I offer you everything I do this day: my work, my prayers, my play, all my thoughts, my time with family and friends, my hours of relaxation, my difficulties, problems, distress, which I shall try to bear with patience.
Join these, my gifts, to the unique offering which Jesus Christ, your Son, renews today in the Eucharist.
Grant, I pray, that guided by the Holy Spirit and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, my life this day may be of service to you, and to all you send into my life, so that we can continue to respond with love to the mystery of your call, to be your special people.
Leader: Heart of Jesus burning with love for us,
Response: Enflame our hearts with love for you.
Community Afternoon Prayer:
Before dismissing at the end of the day, the entire the Providence community participates in a short prayer. Through the following prayer, we continue to journey through our ordinary life experiences with a hope to reach out and renew the oneness of our minds and hearts intent on the Lord Jesus.
Leader: You have made us for Yourself, O Lord…
Response: And our hearts are restless until they rest in You.
Leader: St. Augustine…
Response: Pray for us.

Never Stop Learning
Back-to-school prayers
A prayer for a new day
O God, you who make things new, again and again, enliven the thoughts of my mind, revitalize the cells of my body, and cause a fresh outburst of praise to surge in my heart so that I might taste the Life that is truly life this day. In the name of the one whose face is like the shining sun. Amen.
Prayers for Students
Lord, we lift hearts grateful for gifts of curiosity and imagination. Fill the minds of your children with a quest to understand your world, and bless their hearts with the security of knowing you are present whether the learning is joyful, hard, lonely, or full of friendship. Wherever they go, you are there. Amen.
*** *** ***
Dear Lord,
As our students begin a new school year,
I pray that you will keep them in your care.
Send your Spirit to open their minds
to all that is true and beautiful and good
Help them to see the gifts and talents
you have given them and to use them well.
Help them to grow in knowledge and wisdom.
Help them to be kind to others
and lead others to be kind to them.
Give their teachers patience and understanding
and help them teach what is just and true.
Send your angels to guide and guard our
children and to keep them from all harm.
Open their young hearts to your presence
and enfold them in your peace and protection.
Hold them in the palm of your hand
and bring them home safely at day’s end.
*** *** ***
O Lord, you who promise to be with me always, be with me this day as I begin my schoolwork. Keep me in health, I pray, and keep me from harm. In all that I do and say, may I love you with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength, and may I love my neighbor as myself, so that I might fulfill your purposes for me and your calling on my life as a student. In Christ’s name. Amen.
Prayers for Teachers
God, thank you for calling some to be teachers and providing them the gifts and training to lead others on a lifelong path of learning. Instill patience in hurried moments, insight to find the best strategies, and stamina that sustains when weariness threatens. Amen.
*** *** ***
Thank you for my teacher who is nice and funny and kind. They could be doing lots of other jobs. But I suppose she wants to teach children like me. I think that is great. Please give lots of good blessings to my teacher. And help all of the students to be good and to pay attention and enjoy learning
*** *** ***
Dear God, Thank You for the amazing teachers who have devoted their lives to serve our children. As they navigate this unique school year, fill them with strength to lead and thrive in their classroom—whatever it may look like! Protect their bodies from illness and their spirits from weariness as they pour into the next generation through education. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
*** *** ***
Heavenly Father, I bring our teachers and administrators before your throne of grace this day. Lord, give them wisdom so that they may be able to lead my school in the right direction. Let those who don’t know you come to know that you’re the only true God who was and is. May they always look up to you in everything that they do. You know the challenges that they’re going through at home and even here at school. Help them, Lord, and grant them peace and joy everlasting. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.
*** *** ***
O Lord, you who are the Good Teacher, I ask that you would help me to love my students well this day and to be patient with things that don’t go according to plan. May I help my students to feel afresh the wonder of our subject matter, to be humble in the face of ignorance, to be gracious with themselves in the light of mistakes that they may make, to delight in things newly discovered, and to love the truth with all their hearts and minds, so that they might be wise and compassionate citizens of this world that you so love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
*** *** ***
O Lord, you who have called and equipped the teachers in our community, we pray for them today. Watch over them, provide for them, guide them, sustain them. May you be their sun and shield, so that they might do the work that you have entrusted to them and sense your care in these uncertain times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayers for Parents
Precious Lord, we send our precious children into the world of learning, but they are never far from you. May the hearts of all at home be knit tightly together in a web of support and encouragement for healthy learning habits so we may share healthy life adventures wherever you lead. Amen.
*** *** ***
Lord, we put our children who are joining high school into your hands. There is so much we can do as parents, but ultimately you are the one who knows their end from the beginning. May our children not set their eyes and mind on things that don’t glorify your name while at school. Let no harm befall them, dear Lord. Be their source of encouragement, especially when things at school become difficult. Grant them grace to excel in everything they do, and may they never be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ when they are interacting with their peers. Lord, connect them to good friends that will impact their faith positively for the glory of your name. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
*** *** ***
Father, I ask You to give my children ability, understanding, intelligence, and knowledge. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Exodus 31:3 AMP)
*** *** ***
O Lord, you who promise to guide us through the wilderness and to protect us through the storm, we ask that you would make us wise when we cannot clearly see the way forward, make us brave when we feel afraid, make us strong in the face of our weakness, and make possible what to us seems impossible, so that we might joyfully entrust ourselves and our children into your tender care in these trying and troubling times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayers for All Who Serve
Our God, some are students, some are teachers, some are parents, but many more serve and support learners of all ages. Be present in the offices, buses, classrooms, and playgrounds of all who touch the lives of students. Give them words of encouragement and affirmation of the lasting value of the work they do each day. Amen.
*** *** ***
O God, you who have promised wisdom to all who would ask it, we pray today for school administrators, that you would grant them clarity of mind, unity of spirit, strength of will, a heart of wisdom and the gift of your truth-bearing Spirit, so that they might be enabled to make decisions that lead to the flourishing of their teachers, staff, and students and to the wellbeing of the whole community. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Trust prayer
Dear God, Please help me to trust You in every detail this school year. I give You my anxiety, my fears, and every emotion that distracts me from You. I ask for a renewed sense of confidence as I trust You to help me navigate this unconventional learning experience. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Provision prayer
Dear God, Today I ask for Your provision to carry my family this year. Help me rest in the fact that You are good and will take care of us. Thank You for blessing our family with everything we need and more so we can bless others. Help us to always remember the truth of Your promises when circumstances tell us otherwise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Peace prayers
Dear God, Thank You for the gift of peace. Help me to focus on You so I can walk in Your peace every day this school year. Show me how to sow peace into my family and the lives of those in our community. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
*** *** ***
Father, I pray that all my children will be disciples taught of You and obedient to Your will, and that their peace and undisturbed composure will be great. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Isaiah 54:13 AMP)
Protection prayers
Dear God, Thank You for keeping my children safe whether they are learning at school or at home. Please protect our hearts and minds during this confusing time, and our bodies from illness when we return to our learning community this year. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
*** *** ***
Lord of Heaven’s Armies, so many bad things are happening in high schools around the world. Many people have lost their lives because of shootings and drug abuse. Lord, save us from the snare of the devil. Cover us with your feathers and help us to find refuge under your wings. I pray to you that no weapon formed against this school or any other school in the world shall prosper. Thank you for watching over us always. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
*** *** ***
Father, I thank You that my children dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. You are their refuge, their fortress, their God, in You will they trust. No evil shall befall them, neither shall any plague come near their dwelling. You give Your angels charge over them to keep them in all their ways. They call upon You and You answer them. You are with them in trouble and deliver them. With long life You satisfy them and show them Your salvation! In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Psalm 91 KJV)
*** *** ***
Father, I ask you to help my children realize that You have not given them a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV)
Perseverance prayer
Dear God, Your Word says we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Please strengthen our family to persevere this year, no matter how unclear our path may be. Help me to be an example of Your strength as I lead my children on their learning journey. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Passion Prayer
Almighty God, you are worthy of all glory and honor. Thank you for granting me the desires of my heart. Lord, deepen my passion for your word that I may share the gospel with other students in my school. May we start and end each day with you. Remind us that you are in charge of every aspect of our lives, including our studies. Correct us when we stray and help us to do everything in love. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.
Patience prayers
Dear God, It’s so easy to become impatient when life doesn’t look like we thought it would. Please help me to not rush ahead or try to take control of our seemingly chaotic school circumstances. I trust You to guide me and my children as we wait with patience. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
*** *** ***
Lord, at times, life is rough at school, but with you I know I will excel in my studies. Help me to be patient with my teachers, fellow students, and myself, Lord. Help me not to grow weary in my studies because I will reap the harvest of excellent grades in due time. Give me endurance in all that I do at school and at home. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Joy prayer
Dear God, Thank You for the gift of education—even when it looks unconventional. As our children adapt to new and challenging circumstances, may Your joy be their strength! I pray they would meet each day with positivity knowing that whatever comes their way, they do not have to face it alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.,
Courage Prayers
Almighty and Everlasting God, you are my rock and fortress. I call upon you to be my shield. As I go back to school, Lord, keep my lamp burning in my studies and relationships. Arm me with strength so that I may be able to handle the different challenges that we face at school. Give me the courage to face each day with grace and love. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
*** *** ***
Father, I pray that my children will realize and understand that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Philippians 4:13 KJV)
Praise Prayer
Lord of Unfailing Love, thank you for showing me unfailing love and kindness. I praise you for enabling me to be a student in this great school. Father, I thank you for our teachers, the administration, the parents and my fellow students. Thank you for protecting me from the terror by night, the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that stalks in darkness and the plague that destroys at midday. Be with me in everything that I do at school and back at home. It is in Jesus’ name that I believe and pray, Amen.
Wisdom Prayers
Way Maker, Promise Keeper, our Father in Heaven, we ask you to give us wisdom and guidance in all our studies. Help us to make decisions that align with your word and bring glory to your name. Give us clarity so that we don’t fall into the traps of peer pressure. Give us insight on how to manage crucial aspects of our high school life and teach us to listen and adhere to school rules and regulations. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
*** *** ***
Father, I pray that my children become skillful in all wisdom and discernment, and competent to stand and serve in places of leadership and authority. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Daniel 1:4 AMP)
Love for Others Prayer
Lord God, you tell us in your word to love others as we love ourselves. Help me to show love to every student I interact with when I’m at school. Help me to respect everyone and devote myself to showing others Christ-like love. Forgive my shortcomings and help me to overflow with your love. May I never seek revenge when my fellow students offend me. Instead, let me be quick to forgive them so that they can see the glory of Jesus Christ in me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Favor Prayer
God of Miracles, I cannot handle life at school without you. Give me favor with my teachers and my fellow students. Help me to read your word and meditate on it day and night so that I can be like a tree that is planted by the river bank. Holy Spirit, give me direction so that I can live according to the plans God has for me. Grant my parents favor at their work that they may always have the money to pay school fees in time and take care of our family. Lord, I pray for those students who come from low-income families. Please grant them your favor that they may find people to help them and their families financially so that they can eat, live and study without worry. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Academic Excellence Prayer
Lord Jesus, I dedicate my studies to you. Give me the knowledge and skills in all subjects that I take. Help me to be at the top and not at the bottom, to be the head and not the tail in every subject. Grant me the grace to understand everything that is taught in class. Help me to be hardworking and not lazy in class and even in extracurricular activities. Lord, thank you for the gifts and talents that you’ve given me. May I use them to bear fruit in my academics and my spiritual life. Lord, help me to depend on your promises, for they are Yes and Amen. Reveal your love and plans to me in everything that I learn. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Christ Who Strengthens Me Prayer
Lord of Power, your word says that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. As we approach exams, help me perform well in all subjects. Give me the wisdom and strength to do exceptionally well. Lord, remove fear from my heart and help me to be as bold as a lion when I take my exams. There are subjects that I find difficult, but Lord, I know that you’re with me, and because of that, I will excel in them. Lord, I have friends who are struggling academically, spiritually and socially. Lord, let them know that you are more than able to help them overcome whatever is going on in their lives. May they draw strength from you alone. Help those who are struggling with addictions. Let your grace be sufficient for them so that they can overcome these addictions. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Time Management Prayers
Father, I always struggle to keep time and end up getting in trouble with my teachers. Lord, help me to manage my time well. Bring order to my life. Let me go to class and do what is needed within the specified time. Holy Spirit, guide me in all my studies and keep me focused on the things that matter in life. Strengthen me with your power that I may resist temptations that distract me and cause me to misuse my time. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
*** *** ***
O Lord, you who are the refuge of the poor and needy, we ask that you would save us from the pestilence that stalks in the darkness and the plague that destroys at midday. Be our sun and shield. Be our fortress. Be our comfort this day. May we not fear any evil but rather trust in your might to save and your wisdom to guide, so that we might rest always in the shadow of the Almighty. In the name of the one who heals our diseases. Amen.
Take Control Prayer
Lord God, Righteous Savior, may your presence fill this school. The Bible says that you are a consuming fire that will consume anything that contradicts your word in this school. Surround the school with your wall of fire. Be with every student, teacher and administrator. Help us to release all that we have no control over to you. Teach us how not to worry about school and the issues of life, for worry only steals our joy and peace. Grant us the desires of our hearts and show us how to glorify your name with everything that you give to us. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Right Relationships Prayers
Father, finding the right friends in high school is very difficult. It is easy to succumb to peer pressure. But Lord, you are my shepherd, I choose to listen to your voice and follow your ways. Connect me to the right friends and separate me from people who do not honor your name. Fill my friends and me with your love and help us to understand each other. Help us to forgive each other when we make mistakes and may we always build each other up. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.
*** *** ***
Father, I ask You for godly, loyal friends for my children. Friends who love purity, who are pure in heart, and gracious in speech, friends that will sharpen them and love them at all times. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Proverbs 17:17 KJV, NLT; Proverbs 22:11 AMP; Proverbs 27:17 KJV)
Learning & Knowledge prayers
Father, I pray that You help our children to grasp hold of what they need to know and learn. I ask You to give them the aptitude for understanding and wisdom. Thank You that they have the mind of Christ and that their memory is blessed. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Daniel 1:17, 20 AMP; 1 Corinthians 2:16 KJV; Proverbs 10:7 KJV)
*** *** ***
Father, I ask You to help my children become well versed in every branch of learning, gifted with knowledge and good sense, and to be quick to understand. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Daniel 1:4 NLT, NKJ)
Going to school
Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me today as I go to school. Bless my going and my coming. Bless my learning and my playing. Please protect my heart from fear. Please keep me safe. Please give me good friends. Give me joy this day, and thank you for loving me from head to toe. In your name. Amen.
A prayer for frustrated school-related relationships.
O Lord, you who told us that we would have trouble in this world, we confess to you our worries over things that we cannot control, our distress over things that seem wrongheaded, and our frustration with those who oppose us on things that we hold dearly. Grant us the ability to bear with one another in love, and may the peace of Christ guard our hearts, so that together we might trust your leading and walk in the way of unity that only the Spirit of God can make possible. Amen.
Nightly care prayer
O Lord, you who guard me through the watches of the night, I entrust to you all that I said and left unsaid this day, all that I did and left undone, all that I wished this day could have been but was not, and I ask that you would grant me your peace, so that I might trust you in all things. In the name of the one who holds my life in tender care. Amen.