Prayers For Chastity
Page Contents
We have collected some of the best prayers for Chastity to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
Chastity is a virtue related to temperance, one of the seven virtues and it is defined as refraining from deviant sexual conduct. Chastity is usually defined within the moral standards and guidelines of a culture, civilization or religion. The term is closely associated (and can be used interchangeably) with sexual abstinence, especially in the context of premarital and extramarital sex.
Chastity Is…
A special help from God
that enables me to:
recognize my sexuality as beautiful and good
respect my sexuality and my fertility
control my sexual powers
control my sexual thoughts and desires
live my gift of sexuality the way God intended
save the gift of myself for marriage
love and respect my spouse.
Chastity is…
a gift from God
for every person in every state of life
a powerful virtue
a foundation for real intimacy
purity of mind and body
protection of my dignity as a human person
freedom to love.
Chastity is…
sexual goodness
sexual self-control
never using another person
good for me
good for my soul
good for the people I love
pleasing to God.
Chastity is…
not always easy, but it is always possible with God’s help.
Chastity is…
worth it because I’m worth it…
and so is my spouse.
Prayer to Jesus, Mary & Joseph
Jesus, Lover of chastity, Mary, Mother most pure, and Joseph, chaste guardian of the Virgin, to you I come at this hour, begging you to plead with God for me. I earnestly wish to be pure in thought, word and deed in imitation of your own holy purity.
Obtain for me, then, a deep sense of modesty which will be reflected in my external conduct. Protect my eyes, the windows of my soul, from anything that might dim the luster of a heart that must mirror only Christlike purity.
And when the “Bread of Angels becomes the Bread of me” in my heart at Holy Communion, seal it forever against the suggestions of sinful pleasures.
Heart of Jesus, Fount of all purity, have mercy on us.
Official Prayer to St Maria Goretti
“Oh Saint Maria Goretti who, strengthened by God’s grace, did not hesitate even at the age of twelve to shed your blood and sacrifice life itself to defend your virginal purity, look graciously on the unhappy human race which has strayed far from the path of eternal salvation. Teach us all, and especially youth, with what courage and promptitude we should flee for the love of Jesus anything that could offend Him or stain our souls with sin. Obtain for us from our Lord victory in temptation, comfort in the sorrows of life, and the grace which we earnestly beg of thee (here insert intention), and may we one day enjoy with thee the imperishable glory of Heaven. “Amen.
Prayer for Chastity by St Thomas Aquinas
“Dearest Jesus! I know well that every perfect gift, and above all others that of chastity, depends upon the most powerful assistance of Your Providence, and that without You a creature can do nothing. Therefore, I pray You to defend, with Your grace, chastity and purity in my soul as well as in my body. And if I have ever received through my senses any impression that could stain my chastity and purity, may You, Who are the Supreme Lord of all my powers, take it from me, that I may with an immaculate heart advance in Your love and service, offering myself chaste all the days of my life on the most pure altar of Your Divinity. Amen.”
Prayer for Sexual Purity #1
Prayer for Sexual Purity #2
Lord, inflame our hearts and our inmost beings with the fire of Your Holy Spirit, that we may serve You with chaste bodies and pure minds. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Prayer for Sexual Purity #3
My God, You have given me a body to keep pure and clean and healthy for Your service and my eternal happiness. Forgive me for all my unfaithfulness in this great responsibility. Forgive me for every mean use which I have made of Your gifts in thought, word or deed since my rebirth as Your own adopted child in Baptism and my registration as a soldier of Jesus on the day of my Confirmation. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and give me a steadfast will that I may be a strength to others around me. Teach me to respect my body and the bodies of my fellow creatures. Help me to see the glory of perfect manhood In Jesus Christ and of perfect womanhood in Mary Immaculate. Inspire me with such love for the ideals for which our Savior lived and died that all my passions and energies will be caught up into the enthusiasm of His service, and evil things will lose their power. May my body be the servant of my soul, and may both body and soul be Your servants. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Sexual Purity #4
A recommended prayer, from the traditional Collect prayer for the feast of St. Lawrence.
Grant to us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, to extinguish within us the flames of vice, even as Thou didst strengthen blessed Laurence to overcome his fiery torments.
Prayer for Purity
The first of our prayers of purity is addressed first to our Blessed Mother Mary, who was called by St. Alphonsus Liquori “the dispenser of all divine graces”.
Jesus, Lover of chastity, Mary, Mother most pure, and Joseph, chaste guardian of the Virgin, to you I come at this
hour, begging you to plead with God for me. I earnestly wish to be pure in thought, word and deed in imitation
of your own holy purity.
Obtain for me, then, a deep sense of modesty which will be reflected in my external conduct. Protect my eyes,
the windows of my soul, from anything that might dim the luster of a heart that must mirror only Christlike
And when the “Bread of Angels becomes the Bread of me” in my heart at Holy Communion, seal it forever
against the suggestions of sinful pleasures.
Heart of Jesus, Fount of all purity, have mercy on us.
Mary, Mother most pure, and Joseph, chaste guardian of the Virgin, to you I entrust the purity of my soul and
body. I beg you to plead with God for me that I may never for the remainder of my life soil my soul by any sin of impurity. I earnestly wish to be pure in thought, word and deed in imitation of your own holy purity. Obtain for me a deep sense of modesty, which will be reflected in my external conduct. Protect my eyes, the windows of my soul, from anything that might dim the luster of a heart that must mirror only Christ-like purity. And when the “Bread of Angels” becomes my food in Holy Communion, seal my heart forever against the suggestions of sinful pleasures. Finally, may I be among the number of those of whom Jesus spoke, “Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God.” Amen.
This second one, addressed to our Lord, is shorter and easier to memorize:
Lord, inflame our hearts and our inmost beings with the fire of Your Holy Spirit, that we may serve You with
chaste bodies and pure minds. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
The third of our prayers for purity is a little longer:
My God, You have given me a body to keep pure and clean and healthy for Your service and my eternal happiness. Forgive me for all my unfaithfulness in this great responsibility. Forgive me for every mean use which I have made of Your gifts in thought, word or deed since my rebirth as Your own adopted child in Baptism and my registration as a soldier of Jesus on the day of my Confirmation. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and give me a steadfast will that I may be a strength to others around me. Teach me to respect my body and the bodies of my fellow creatures. Help me to see the glory of perfect manhood In Jesus Christ and of perfect womanhood in Mary Immaculate. Inspire me with such love for the ideals for which our Savior lived and died that all my passions and energies will be caught up into the enthusiasm of His service, and evil things will lose their power. May my body be the servant of my soul, and may both body and soul be Your servants. Through Christ our Lord.
And, last but by no means least, we have this prayer for chastity from St. Thomas Aquinas:
Dearest Jesus! I know well that every perfect gift, and above all others that of chastity, depends upon the most
powerful assistance of Your Providence, and that without You a creature can do nothing. Therefore, I pray You to defend, with Your grace, chastity and purity in my soul as well as in my body. And if I have ever received through my senses any impression that could stain my chastity and purity, may You, Who are the Supreme Lord of all my powers, take it from me, that I may with an immaculate heart advance in Your love and service, offering myself chaste all the days of my life on the most pure altar of Your Divinity. Amen.
Prayers for The Virtues Of Purity And Chastity
Opening Prayer
Dear Jesus, I know that every perfect gift, and especially that of chastity, depends on the power of Your providence. Without You a mere creature can do nothing. Therefore, I beg You to defend by Your grace the chastity and purity of my body and soul. And if I have ever imagined or sensed anything that could stain my chastity and purity, blot it out, Supreme Lord of my powers, that I may advance with a pure heart in Your love and service, offering myself on the most pure altar of Your divinity all the days of my life. Amen.
1. Dear Jesus, bless our social and cultural climate. Grant that our society may be purified of everything contrary to chastity, and that we may have the strength to resist the pressures of prevailing distortions of human sexuality. “In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Rom 8:37). Hail Mary…
2. Dear Jesus, bless our relationships. Grant that they will be holy, healthy, and honorable at all times. “Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere love of the brethren, love one another earnestly from the heart” (1 Pet 1:22). Hail Mary…
3. Dear Jesus, bless our efforts at modesty. Grant that how we dress and carry ourselves may veil what should be veiled, and give us the strength to resist evil fashions and the glamour of sin. “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Rom 12:2). Hail Mary…
4. Dear Jesus, bless our five senses. Grant that the things we see, the music and jokes we hear, our food and drink, and the encounters we have through touch may all be pure and holy. “Seek the things that are above” (Col 3:1). Hail Mary…
5. Dear Jesus, bless our sensuality. Grant that our impulses may not go after base pleasures, but will be freed by Your wisdom and inflamed for what is good. “In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood” (Heb 12:4). Hail Mary…
6. Dear Jesus, bless our imagination. Grant that we may be preserved from the fantasies and daydreams that defile us, that all impure images may vanish, and that we may be protected from all the assaults of demons. “Be renewed in the spirit of your minds” (Eph 4:23). Hail Mary…
7. Dear Jesus, bless our memory. Grant that no dark memories from our past may haunt us, but let Your light shine within us to fill us with a healing hope in You. “And every one who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as He is pure” (1 Jn 3:3). Hail Mary…
8. Dear Jesus, bless our power of estimation. Grant that we may quickly sense dangers to chastity, instinctively flee from them, and that we may never turn away from higher and more difficult goods for the sake of sinful self-indulgence. “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” (Mk 8:36). Hail Mary… [Note: estimation ~ ability to make judgments]
9. Dear Jesus, bless our affectivity. Grant that we may love chastity and rejoice in it, that all of our emotions may be in harmony with what is right, and that no sadness, discouragement, fear, insecurity, or loneliness may afflict us unto sexual sin. “For the grace of God has appeared, saving all and training us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live temperately, justly, and devoutly in this age” (Titus 2:11-12). Hail Mary… [Note: affectivity ~ ability to experience feelings and react to them]
10. Dear Jesus, bless our intellect. Grant that it may be purged of all false beliefs and all misunderstandings of human sexuality, and that the good angels may flood our intellects with thoughts that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and gracious. “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Phil 4:8). Hail Mary…
11. Dear Jesus, bless our will. Grant that it may never be opposed by our sensuality, that it may never be conflicted in the moment, but that it may hold fast to chastity no matter how difficult it may be. “For the Son of God, Jesus Christ…was not ‘yes’ and ‘no’; but in Him it is always ‘yes.’ For all the promises of God find their ‘yes’ in Him” (2 Cor 1:19-20). Hail Mary…
12. Dear Jesus, bless our conscience. Grant that it may be swift to judge what is chaste, swifter to execute it, and preserved completely from the suggestions of demons. “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, purify your conscience from dead works to serve the living God” (Heb 9:14). Hail Mary…
13. Dear Jesus, bless our hearts. Grant that the place where Christ abides in us with the Father and the Spirit may become the place where we live with the Holy Trinity in friendship. “Jesus answered him, ‘If a man loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him’” (Jn 14:23). Hail Mary…
14. Dear Jesus, grant us the grace of self-surrender. Grant that we may hand over to God nothing less than our whole lives. “Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit” (Lk 23:46). Hail Mary…
15. Dear Jesus, give us Your love. “In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the expiation for our sins” (1 Jn 4:10). “But God shows His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8). Hail Mary…
Closing Prayer (asking for the intercession of St. Thomas Aquinas)
Chosen lily of innocence, pure St. Thomas, who kept chaste the robe of baptism and became an angel in the flesh after being girded by two angels, I implore you to commend me to Jesus, the Spotless Lamb, and to Mary, the Queen of Virgins. Gentle protector of my purity, ask them that I, who wear the holy sign of your victory over the flesh, may also share your purity, and after imitating you on earth, may at last come to be crowned with you among the angels. Amen.
—- By Joan Carey,