Muslim Prayers
In Islam, duā (دُعَاء ), literally meaning “invocation“, is an act of supplication. The term is derived from an Arabic word meaning to ‘call out’ or to ‘summon’, and Muslims regard this as a profound act of worship. Muhammad is reported to have said,
“Dua is the very essence of worship.”
Supplication (petitioning) is a form of prayer, wherein one party humbly or earnestly asks another party to provide something, either for the party who is doing the supplicating (e.g., “Please spare my life.”) or on behalf of someone else.
We have collected some Duas (Muslim prayers) in English to use in request to Allah. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.

A young Muslim supplicating after salah at the Great Mosque of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
1. Oh Allah, please forgive me for all of the bad that I’ve done, and I continue to do. You are so Merciful and kind, please forgive me, and help me stay away from all that’s wrong. It’s so hard for me, and I’m so weak but You are the Strong. Please increase me in sincerity.
2. Oh Allah, I beg You, please guide my parents and my sister toward You. Do not let them die without realizing who their Lord is. Let them see the truth and help them resist the pressure of friends who try to turn them away from You.
3. Oh Allah, bless those fine human beings with your bounties whose kind heart reaches out to their neighbors and around the world.
4. Oh Allah, please guide my neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. ….., toward You. They are such decent, good people, and they are so good to us. They have never opposed us in our Deen, and You have seen how they have been so open to us. Please guide them to the right path.
5. Oh Allah, make every single aspect of my life be for You and in service of Your Creation. Please remove all false intentions that I have.
6. Oh Allah, save humanity from being its own enemy. Protect Your creation from oppression. Save the people of around the world from internal and external oppressors and give them justice. Protect us all from violence, fear and danger, You are our Protector.
7. Ya Allah, let me love You as You deserved to be loved, and let me fear You as You deserve to be feared, and let me leave this world serving Your creation for Your sake.
8. Oh Allah, increase me in knowledge, but let this knowledge be with sincerity, not seeking fame, glory, status, material wealth. Let this knowledge serve Your cause in a way that You accept, and let it benefit humanity.
9. Oh Allah, please guide my children and all children. They are surrounded by so much temptation and Haram (forbidden things). Protect them my Lord from all of the evil influences that are around them. Give them friends who will strengthen their faith and help them stay on the Straight Path.
10. Oh Allah, guide me to seek my knowledge of You and this blessed Deen (religion) from those who are sincere, who possess the correct Islamic knowledge, who are moderate and gentle, who are not harsh or impatient with me, and who understand where I’m coming from, my situation as a Muslim in this country, living in this world today.
11. Oh Allah, please help me stay away from Haram in achieving the best of this world.
12. Oh Allah, don’t let me ever turn away from You, no matter how many trials and difficulties You test me with. Let these difficulties serve to make me a stronger Muslim and more sincere to You.
13. Oh Allah, bless our scholars and leaders who are striving to establish Islam in this world on the balanced path of Your beloved Prophet.
14. Oh Allah, bless all of those who have taught me about You and Islam, from little girl/boy at the Islamic school, who taught me the importance of being patient with little kids, to Imam, who, despite his harshness, taught me the importance of speaking the Truth, no matter how much others dislike it.
15. Oh Allah, give me the ability to forgive all those who have hurt me in word and deed, especially my brother ……, who has ignored every attempt I have made to reconcile with him. And please Oh Allah, join our hearts.
16. Oh Allah, please get me out of this horrible debt that is burdening me. Please give me means that are Halal (Islamically permissible) to get out of this as soon as possible, so that I can face You on the Day of Judgment free of all debts.
17. Oh Allah, open a way for my son to marry as soon as possible. Let him marry a sister who is sincere and devoted to You and who is compatible with him.
18. Oh Allah, open a way for my daughter to marry as soon as possible. Let her marry a brother who is sincere and devoted to You and who is compatible with her.
19. Oh Allah, please grant my friend ….. and his wife ……. healthy children. They so badly want children and they Insha Allah would make such great Muslim parents. Please grant them children who will grow up to be a source of Mercy for them.
20. Oh Allah, help orphans and poor wherever they are, but especially right now. Give me the means and ability to do whatever I can for them.
21. Oh Allah, guide and protect our teenagers who need Your Help and Guidance from all of the temptations of sex, drugs, alcohol and all of the other Harams in our society.
22. Oh Allah, cleanse my heart of the sicknesses of arrogance and pride and let me die as one of the sincere, humble Muslims.
23. Oh Allah, all of my brothers and sisters who are suffering for Your sake through torture, violence, in jails, etc., around the world please forgive their sins and grant them Paradise.
24. Oh Allah, I have been so impatient and angry in my behavior, please give me patience and help me control my anger for Your sake.
25. Oh Allah, open a way for me to make Hajj as soon as possible, so that I can fulfill my obligation to You.
26. Oh Allah, give my sister ……. patience with her cancer. She is in so much pain because of her treatments. Please give her patience and let her sickness be a way for her sins to be forgiven.
27. Oh Allah, bless brothers ….., ……,and ….., who are always at our Masjid working on repairs, cleaning bathrooms or keeping the place clean after everyone else has left a mess.
28. Oh Allah, lift the veils from the eyes of those who have been deceived into seeing Islam as something bad because of ignorance and media stereotypes.
29. Oh Allah, bring all humans closer to You and each other. Please do not make us Muslims a test for them with our misrepresentation of Islam because of our bad behavior.
30. Oh Allah, help me stop my bad habits of eating and talking too much.
31. Oh Allah, please help me give up smoking this year. It’s so hard to give up smoking after all of these years, but only You can make it easy.