List Of New Age Topics
Page Contents
This article contains a list of New Age topics that are too extensive to include in its main article the New Age Movement; further information may be found in The New Religious Movement.
- Baqaa
- Destiny
- Esoteric cosmology
- Esotericism
- Fanaa
- Hierology
- Integral (spirituality)
- Integral Theory
- Karma
- Multi-dimensionality
- Mythology
- Natural order (philosophy)
- Spirituality
- Synchronicity
- Syncretism
- Transcendence (philosophy)
- Vedas
- Western esotericism

Tree Of Life
- Buddhism
- Zen
- Hinduism
- Neopaganism
- Postmodernism
- Science
- Theosophy
- Transpersonal psychology
- Universalism
- Alice Bailey
- Edgar Cayce
- George Gurdjieff
- Carl Jung
- Rudolf Steiner
- A. H. Almaas
- Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
- Lee Carroll
- Carlos Castaneda
- Deepak Chopra
- Andrew Cohen
- Benjamin Creme
- Da Free John
- Ram Dass
- Wayne Dyer
- Linda Goodman
- Willis Harman
- Louise Hay
- Esther Hicks
- Hisham Kabbani
- Barry Long
- Shirley MacLaine
- Caroline Myss
- Leonard Orr
- Johann Quanier
- Rajneesh
- Mark Satin
- David Spangler
- Marshall Vian Summers
- Tiziano Terzani
- Eckhart Tolle
- Neale Donald Walsch
- Ken Wilber
- Marianne Williamson
- Age of Aquarius
- Aquarius (constellation)
- Astrological age
- Harmonic Convergence
- Horoscope
- Zodiac
Social movements
- 2012 phenomenon
- Encounter group
- Findhorn Ecovillage
- Human Potential Movement
- Hundredth monkey effect
- Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT)
- LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, a U.S. marketing study)
- New Age communities
- New Age Gaian
- New Age travellers
- New World Alliance
- Rebirthing-breathwork
- Sacred travel
- Affirmations (New Age)
- Altered state of consciousness
- Bhakti
- Dhikr
- Kundalini energy
- Mandala
- Meditation
- Muraqaba
- Prayer
- Qi
- Qigong
- Tantra
Main article: New-age Music
- Ambient music
- Circle dance
- Drum circle
- Hare Krishna
- Kirtan
- Nambassa
- New-age music
- Grammy Award for Best New Age Album
- Neoclassical new-age music
- Qawwali
- Sufi whirling
- A Course in Miracles
- Angels
- Anthroposophy
- Christian anarchism
- Cosmic ordering
- Dances of Universal Peace
- Eckankar
- Goddess movement
- Ietsism
- Jesus
- Kabbalah
- Living Enrichment Center
- New religious movements
- New Thought
- Outline of spirituality
- Rosicrucian
- Shamanism
- Soulmate
- Spirit
- Spirit guides
- Spiritism
- Sufism
- The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
- The Law of One
- Wicca
Holistic health
Main article: Holistic health
- Acupuncture
- Alternative medicine
- Aromatherapy
- Ayurveda
- Biorhythms
- Brainwaves
- Breatharians
- Chakras
- Chromotherapy
- Creative visualization
- Crystal healing
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- Energy (esotericism)
- Fruitarianism
- Homeopathy
- Hypnosos
- Iridology
- Kirlian photography
- Lotus birth
- Menstrual cup
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Organic food
- Pyramid power
- Reiki
- Self-help
- Therapeutic touch
- Veganism
- Vegetarianism
- Vitalism
- Wellness (alternative medicine)
Main article: Consciousness
- 2012 phenomenon
- Angels
- Anomalous phenomena
- Astral projection
- Aura (paranormal)
- Elementals
- Gaia hypothesis
- Gaia philosophy
- Lucid Dreaming
- Near death experience
- Out-of-body experience
- Paradigm shift
- Past life regression
- Perception
- Psi (parapsychology)
- Reincarnation
- Soul travel
- Subtle body
Special abilities
- Automatic writing
- Charismatics
- Clairvoyance
- Dreaming
- Extrasensory perception
- Indigo children
- Levitation
- Longevity
- Mediumship
- Oracles
- Palmistry
- Parapsychology
- Psychokinesis
- Remote viewing
- Telepathy
- Time travel
Geographic energy centers
- Atlantis
- Avalon
- Bermuda Triangle
- Earth
- Earth mysteries
- Kun Lun Mountains
- Lemuria (continent)
- Ley lines
- Machu Picchu
- Mount Kailash
- Mu (lost continent)
- Shambhala
- Shangri-La
- Stonehenge
Systems of the physical world
- Alchemy
- Astrology
- Ceremonial magic
- Chaos magic
- Feng shui
- Magic (paranormal)
- Magick
- Numerology
- Odic force
- Sex magic
- Tarot
- Vastu Shastra
Extraterrestrial life
Main article: Extraterrestrial life
- Alien abduction
- Alien implants
- Ancient astronauts
- Ancient civilizations
- Archaeoastronomy
- Area 51
- Cattle mutilation
- Crop circle
- Hollow Earth
- Nazca Lines
- Unidentified flying object