Kitchen Prayer
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A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation in a dwelling or in a commercial establishment. A modern middle-class residential kitchen is typically equipped with a stove, a sink with hot and cold running water, a refrigerator, and worktops and kitchen cabinets arranged according to a modular design. Many households have a microwave oven, a dishwasher, and other electric appliances. The main functions of a kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food (and to complete related tasks such as dishwashing).
We have collected some of the best prayers and blessings for kitchen to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.
Kitchen Blessing
Bless this kitchen, LORD,
and those who gather here each day.
Let it be a place where we can meet
to love and laugh and pray.
Kitchen Blessing Prayer
O Lord,
May this kitchen be the heart of our home.
May our home be full of love.
May love be made anew here each day for others to taste and know your blessings.

The Kitchen Prayer
Lord of all pots and pans and things
Since I’ve not time to be
A saint by doing lovely things or
Watching late with Thee
Or dreaming in the dawn light or
Storming Heaven’s gates
Make me a saint by getting meals and
Washing up the plates.
Although I must have Martha’s hands,
I have a Mary mind
And when I black the boots and shoes,
Thy sandals Lord I find.
I think of how they trod the earth,
What time I scrub the floor
Accept this meditation Lord,
I haven’t time for more.
Warm all the kitchen with Thy love,
And light it with Thy peace
Forgive me all my worrying and make
My grumbling cease.
Thou who didst love to give men food,
In room or by the sea
Accept this service that I do,
I do it unto Thee.
— By Klara Munkres
My Kitchen Prayer
God bless my little kitchen,
I love its every nook,
And bless me as I do my work,
Wash pots and pans and cook.
And may the meals that I prepare
Be seasoned from above
With Thy great blessings and Thy grace,
But most of all Thy love.
As we partake of earthly food,
The table before us spread,
We’ll not forget to thank Thee, Lord,
Who gives us daily bread.
So bless my little kitchen, God,
And those who enter in,
May they find naught but Joy and Peace,
And Happiness therein.
— M. Peterson (1944)
I am at home in the Kitchen
Dear Lord,
I am at home in the kitchen.
May others feel at home as they enjoy the food I prepare.
I love the smell of baking.
May others enjoy the fragrance of heavens hospitality.
I love to follow a recipe and make a beautiful meal.
Help me to share something of your life changing word,
And the promises of your kingdom.
I cherish the variety of tastes given to us in this incredible world.
May others who dine with us hear our prayers of thanks,
And enjoy the blessings of food.
I am at home in the kitchen.
May my kitchen be full of love.
My Daily Bread
(A Kitchen Prayer Poem)
May you take the dough of my life
And bake it fresh each day.
Come sift carefully the things
I do and think and say.
Blend them with some water
Like grace poured over me,
Sprinkle in the yeast of truth
That sets my life so free.
Knead the three together
With firm and loving care,
Give me rest and bless my dreams,
So I rise with more love there.
As I read your word O Lord,
Warm me with your hope,
Until I’m sweet and freshly made
And perfumed with your heart.
At times the things I face each day
Can sometimes break me down
Help me still to give and find
There’s more to share around.
As I eat I’ll take the wine
To dwell upon the cross.
And join with generations past
Who live to love the lost.
The miracle of Christ in me
Is how you multiply,
You bless the work of my hands
To bring more of your life.
Lord in this moment, I come to you,
Master baker and head chef.
For every day you make me new,
You are my daily bread.
My Kitchen
A poem
Please stay away from my kitchen,
From my dishwashing, cooking and such.
You were kind to have offered to help me,
And I do want to thank you so much.
I hope you won’t think me ungracious
When I ask that you leave me alone,
For my kitchen is not very spacious
And my system is strictly my own.
So please stay out of my kitchen,
It may well prevent a few wars,
And when I am invited to your house,
I promise to stay out of yours.
— Unknown