Keep Your Spiritual Vision Constantly In Mind
This covers spiritual vision.
Consider what you want to achieve spiritually in the coming months or year. Now write down the most important things. For example, you might include the following: Seeing God in everyone; finding communion with my family; feeling more compassionate; expressing love more freely.
Don’t overload your list. It’s best to pick a few things that are currently in the forefront of your inner life. If you are working on anger, for example, that’s more important than something more removed and abstract, such as seeing God in everyone. At the same time, don’t turn this into a list of spiritual chores. Include a few good things that are already blossoming in your life.

Full of life
When you are satisfied with your list – and it needn’t be long – put it away for a day or two. Return to it to see if you still feel sincerely and deeply that you have written down goals that mean the most to you right now.
Once you are satisfied, carry your list with you in your wallet, or keep it in a drawer you open every day. Return to it often. The aim here isn’t to set an agenda but rather to remind yourself to be attuned. Whenever you feel too much pressure from worldly affairs, consult your list.
Tell yourself that you are a spiritual creation in progress. You belong in the world but not of it. You are using material life for a deeper purpose that isn’t material. In this way you can escape the notion that you are falling off the path and getting on it again.
The truth is more encouraging. You are living parallel lives that sometimes converge and sometimes separate. As long as you keep your vision before you, the converging will grow until the day comes when these parallel lines meet and become one. You will embody your vision, and the world you see all around you will reflect the unity of body, mind, and spirit.
By Deepak Chopra
This article is borrowed from Deepak Chopra, adapted from The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore (Harmony Books, 2008).