Mesoamerican religions

The Aztecs Pyramid at St. Cecilia Acatitlan, Mexico State.

Aztec Religion

Aztec Religion The Aztec religion originated from the indigenous Aztecs of central Mexico. Like other Mesoamerican religions, it also has practices such as human sacrifice in connection with many religious festivals which are in the Aztec calendar. This polytheistic religion has many gods and goddesses; the Aztecs would often incorporate deities that were borrowed from other geographic regions and...

Religious calendar from the Codex Féjervary-Mayer (Codex Pochteca). (Lacambalam 2014)

Mesoamerican Religion

Mesoamerican Religion Mesoamerican religion is a group of indigenous religions of Mesoamerica that were prevalent in the pre-Columbian era. Two of the most widely known examples of Mesoamerican religion are the Aztec religion and the Mayan religion. Mesoamerican religion possessed a cosmology that saw the visible world as multitiered, consisting of the Above Realm...