
Cave Painting Wall Stone Human Animal Giraffe


Antinatalism Antinatalism, or anti-natalism, is the ethical view that negatively values procreation. Antinatalists argue that humans should abstain from procreation because it is morally wrong (some also recognize the procreation of other sentient beings as problematic). In scholarly and in literary writings, various ethical foundations have been presented for antinatalism. Some of the earliest surviving formulations of the idea...

Stigma Against Childlessness Could Hurt Women's Health


What Is Childlessness? Childlessness is the state of not having children. Childlessness may have personal, social or political significance. Childlessness, which may be by choice or circumstance, is distinguished from voluntary childlessness and being “childfree”, which is voluntarily having no children, and from antinatalism, wherein childlessness is promoted. Types Types of childlessness can be classified...