Prayers Of Oscar Romero

We have collected some of the best Prayers of Oscar Romero to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith.

Saint Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez (15 August 1917 – 24 March 1980) was a prelate of the Catholic Church in El Salvador who served as the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. He spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations, and torture. In 1980, Romero was assassinated while celebrating Mass in the chapel of the Hospital of Divine Providence.

A mural of Óscar Romero

A mural of Óscar Romero

A Step Along the Way

It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view.
The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision.

We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent
enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of
saying that the Kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that could be said.
No prayer fully expresses our faith.
No confession brings perfection.
No pastoral visit brings wholeness.
No program accomplishes the Church’s mission.
No set of goals and objectives includes everything.

This is what we are about.
We plant the seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need further development.
We provide yeast that produces far beyond our capabilities.
We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that.
This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.

It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an
opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest.

We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master
builder and the worker.

We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own. Amen.

Bishop Ken Untener of Saginaw

This prayer was written by Bishop Ken Untener of Saginaw, for a homily by Cardinal John Dearden at a celebration of departed priests in 1979. The words of the prayer are often attributed to Saint Oscar Romero.

Short Oscar Romero prayer

May the courage of Oscar Romero inspire us to work with integrity for an end to violence and poverty.


Saint Oscar Romero, pray for us

O Lord Father of Mercy, who through Jesus Christ and the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, and the action of the Holy Spirit, has bestowed on Saint Oscar Romero the grace of being an exemplary shepherd at the service of the Church, especially giving preference to the poor and needy.

Grant, Lord, that I may also learn to live according to the gospel of your Son, glorify your Saint Oscar Romero and concede, through his intercession, the favour I ask of you…


Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be…

Archbishop Romero in 1978 on a visit to Rome

Archbishop Romero in 1978 on a visit to Rome

Novena to Blessed Romero


I believe faithfully and truly in the Mystery of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three
distinct persons and one true God, in whom I firmly trust to obtain the perfection of the pain of having
offended His Most Holy Majesty, through the merits of My Lord Jesus Christ, those of His Blessed
Mother and those of my glorious advocate Blessed Oscar Romero; I entreat the Lord to always preserve
in me this living faith, to grant me the forgiveness of my sins, provide for my needs, and for what I ask
in this Novena, if it is for His honor and for the good of my soul. If not, may I live obediently in His
holy will, as that which suits me best. Amen.


Glorious Blessed Oscar Romero, we turn to you, confident of your intercession. We are drawn to you
with a special devotion and we know that our supplications will be more pleasing to God our Lord, if
you, who are so beloved of Him, present them to Him. Your charity, an admirable reflection of God’s
own, compels you to succor all misery, to console all sorrow and to gratify all desires and needs, if it is
to be of benefit to our souls. Look, then, upon our miseries and sorrows, our labors and needs, our good
desires, and help us to assure ourselves more and more of our eternal salvation with the practice of good
works and the imitation of your virtues. And, in particular, we ask you to obtain for us from God the
special grace that, by this devout Novena, we confidently hope to attain. Amen.


God the Father of all men and women, who has given us in your Martyr Bishop Oscar Romero, a
faithful and zealous Pastor, demonstrating a fervent love of your Church and in her in a special way, the
poor and the needy, grant that we may know how to live according to the Gospel. Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord. Amen.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

By the generosity with which your Bishop Oscar Romero responded to God’s call, recognizing the will
of God with living faith always and in everything, I entreat you, in addition to the particular grace of this
Novena, to grant me to be always faithful to your commands with a readiness and generosity similar to
his, so that the faith received at Baptism will continuously grow and mature in my soul. Amen.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

O Lord, who always hears the pleas of your saints; today we address you through the Glorious Martyr
Oscar Romero to ask you with faith and confidence for all the needs of Our Mother Church, that she
may ever hold fast in the fulfillment of your will. Also, Lord, we pray for the sick who invoke in faith
the name of your Glorious Martyr Oscar Romero.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

By the unyielding hope that your Martyr Bishop Oscar Romero persevered in throughout his life,
trusting fully in your paternal providence, I humbly implore you, in addition to the particular grace of
this Novena, to grant me never to lose heart before the adversities of life, but rather, animated by the
hope of Heaven, to live always confident of your merciful love. Amen.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

By the burning charity that your Martyr Bishop Oscar Romero felt toward the poorest of the poor, I
beseech you grant me the particular grace of this Novena, and that my heart may be inflamed, more and
more every day, by the divine love that burns in you, and in which you long to see all men and women
consumed and purified. Amen.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

By that inextinguishable zeal that consumed the soul of your Martyr Bishop Oscar Romero in favor of
the spiritual and temporal good of his beloved flock, to the point of sacrificing his life for them, I
humbly pray that in addition to the particular grace of this Novena, you grant that I be more concerned
for my spiritual welfare and the salvation of others. Amen.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

By the love of work that characterized your Martyr Bishop Oscar Romero in all his tasks, however
ordinary and tedious they might be, I humbly beg you, Lord, that besides the particular grace of this
Novena, that you grant me a great spirit of faith, to see in the use of the present moment the most
effective means of seeking the glory of God, the salvation of souls and my own sanctification. Amen.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

By the admirable faithfulness and strength with which your Martyr Bishop Oscar Romero bore, first
vicariously through the others and then in his own body, the horrible contempt of his own kind, in
addition to the suffering of isolation and impotence to overcome the evil around him, I beg you humbly
that in addition to the particular grace of this Novena, you may grant me to accept with my eyes fixed on
you, my God, the sorrows and troubles of life. Amen.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

By that pious devotion that your Martyr Bishop Oscar Romero always professed to the Blessed Virgin, I
ardently beseech you that besides the particular grace of this Novena, you may grant me to conduct
myself, always and in everything, as your loving son, in order to merit one day the joy one day of being
presented by Her in your Celestial Court, to enjoy your company forever in Heaven. Amen.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day.


Begin with the preparatory prayer for each day.

By that fervent love that your Martyr Bishop Oscar Romero professed for the Holy Eucharist, as the
nourishment of his soul in his Masses and Communions, and as the solace of his spirit in his fervent
adorations before the Sacred Tabernacle, I beg you, in addition to the special grace of this Novena, grant
me that may I grow more and more devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, and to prepare my heart every
day to better receive it as to gain the maximum profit. Amen.

Speak your petition(s) … Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Conclude with the final prayer for each day

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