wise sayings

The Quran The Kaaba

Book And Wisdom (Kitab And Hikma)

Book And Wisdom (Kitab and Hikma) This article is about the Book (The Holy Quran) and The Wisdom The Qur’an and Hadith Books “Wisdom / حكمة (Hikma)” is a recurrent word in the Qur’an. “For this We sent a Messenger to you from among you to recite our Verses to...

Alaaddin's lamp

Arabian Wisdom

Arabian Wisdom Arabian Wisdom, short collection of Islamic wisdom literature was originally published in the Wisdom of the East Series. It features gems from the Quran, the Hadith, and traditional proverbs and aphorisms. This is principally meant as an enjoyable read; unfortunately the sayings are unattributed, which makes it less...