
Narcissus by Caravaggio depicts Narcissus gazing at his own reflection.


What Is Narcissism? Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s idealised self image and attributes. This includes self-flattery, perfectionism, and arrogance. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Narcissism is...

Peacock Pride Bird Feather Famous Vanity Plumage


Vanity Vanity is the excessive belief in one’s own abilities or attractiveness to others. Prior to the 14th century it did not have such narcissistic undertones and merely meant futility. The related term vainglory is now often seen as an archaic synonym for vanity, but originally meant boasting in vain, i.e. unjustified boasting; although glory is now seen as having a predominantly...

Seven Deadly Sins

Seven Deadly Sins

Seven Deadly Sins The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices, or cardinal sins, are a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings, although it does not appear explicitly in the Bible. Behaviours or habits are classified under this category if they directly give birth to other immoralities. According to...


Vainglory: Seeking The Praise Of Men

Vainglory: Seeking The Praise Of Men Do you worry over what others think of you? Do you sometimes say or do things to draw attention to yourself? Do you replay conversations in your mind, wondering if you left the right impression? If so, you might be struggling with the vice...

Courage Truth Faith Joy Bienvenidos Love Stones

The Virtue Of Fortitude

The Virtue Of Fortitude The Virtue of fortitude binds the will firmly to the good of reason in the face of the greatest evils, and the most fearful of all bodily evils is death. The emotions have an innate need to be guided by reason. An emotionally healthy life is...