underlying reason

Al Kaaba

What Is Wisdom (Hikmah)?

What Is Wisdom (Hikmah)? Wisdom has been defined in various definitions and meanings. Some of them are as follows: Performing something in the ideal and optimum way. Science explaining the real nature of things. Divine mysteries and intentions inherent in things. Knowledge together with action. Beneficial knowledge and good deed....

Miraculousness Of Quran


What Is Hikmah? Hikmah (also Hikmat, حكمة‎, ḥikma, literally wisdom, philosophy; rationale, underlying reason) is a concept in Islamic philosophy and law. Mulla Sadra defined hikmah as “coming to know the essence of beings as they really are” or as “a man’s becoming an intellectual world corresponding to the objective world”. Various Islamic commentaries describe...

Alhambra Source Andalusia Granada Water Patio

Wisdom (al-Hikmah): A Paradigm For Social Sunan

Wisdom (al-Hikmah): A Paradigm For Social Sunan – A Fresh Look at Islam – Wisdom and Islam Al-Hikmah or wisdom means a total insight and having sound judgment concerning a matter or situation through understanding cause and effect phenomena. Al-Hikmah constitutes one of the three major teachings of Prophet Muhammad...