the Analects of Confucius

Confucius Quotes From The Analects

Confucius Quotes From The Analects

Confucius Quotes From The Analects This is a collection of Confucius quotes from The Analects to put his wisdom at your finger tips. Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher with a knack for nailing some big ideas for life. Enjoy these quotes by Confucius and may they serve you...

The Analects of Confucius, from Östasiatiska Museet, Stockholm

The Analects

The Analects The Analects (論語; Lúnyǔ; literally “Selected Sayings”, also known as the Analects of Confucius, is an ancient Chinese book composed of a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries, traditionally believed to have been compiled and written by Confucius’s followers. It is believed to have been written...

A symbolic tomb of Min Ziqian, with two ancient-looking bixi turtles

Disciples Of Confucius

Disciples Of Confucius This article covers the disciples of Confucius. According to Sima Qian, Confucius said: “The disciples who received my instructions, and could themselves comprehend them, were seventy-seven individuals. They were all scholars of extraordinary ability.” It was traditionally believed that Confucius had three thousand students, but that only 72 mastered what...


Doctrine Of The Mean

Doctrine Of The Mean The Doctrine of the Mean or Zhongyong is both a doctrine of Confucianism and also the title of one of the Four Books of Confucian philosophy. The text is attributed to Zisi or Kong Ji, the only grandson of Confucius. It was published as a chapter in the Classic...