Spiritual Values

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Purusartha Puruṣārtha (Purusartha or पुरुषार्थ) literally means an “object of human pursuit”. It is a key concept in Hinduism, and refers to the four proper goals or aims of a human life. The four puruṣārthas are Dharma (righteousness, moral values), Artha (prosperity, economic values), Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values) and Moksha (liberation, spiritual values). All four Purusarthas are important, but in cases...

Revelation Transformation Awareness Awakening

Spiritual Awareness

Spiritual Awareness Spiritual awareness covers Spiritual Reality, Prayer, Meditation, and Self-Examination, Spiritual Values, Spiritual Virtues, and Spiritual Process. Spiritual Reality God, or Spirit or whatever one may call the Creator of this universe, is mostly beyond human comprehension. Yet if God is infinite, then God is all. Being infinite, God is...

Morals Quotes


Quotes About Morals We have collected and put the best Quotes About Morals. Enjoy reading these insights and feel free to share this page on your social media to inspire others. May these Quotes About Morals on many subjects inspire you to never give up and keep working towards your...