

Ego Quotes

Ego Quotes We have collected and put the best Ego Quotes. Enjoy reading these insights and feel free to share this page on your social media to inspire others. May these Ego Quotes on many subjects inspire you to never give up and keep working towards your goals. Who knows—success...


Self-esteem Instability

Self-esteem Instability Self-esteem stability refers to immediate feelings of self-esteem which, generally, will not be influenced by everyday positive or negative experiences. In contrast, unstable self-esteem refers to fragile and vulnerable feelings of self-esteem which will be influenced by internally generated, such as reflecting on one’s social life, and externally received evaluative information, for...

Heart Self-Esteem Self Liberation Self-Reflection

Self-esteem Functions

Self-esteem Functions Self-esteem can be defined as how favorably individuals evaluate themselves. According to Leary, self-esteem is the relationship between one’s real self and one’s ideal self, feeding off of favorable behaviors. It refers to an individual’s sense of his or her value or worth, or the extent to which a...

Students Children Back To School Kids School

The New Curriculum: Reading, Writing, and Self-esteem

The New Curriculum: Reading, Writing, and Self-esteem This article covers Reading, Writing, and Self-esteem. One of the most dominant articles of faith pervading the modern curriculum is the notion that children can’t achieve and wont succeed unless they have high self-esteem. In parochial and public schools, in reading and writing,...

Children Happy Group Friends Brothers Smile

Want To Build Your Child’s Self-esteem?

Want To Build Your Child’s Self-esteem? This article covers Child’s Self-esteem. Tell them how ordinary they are. A growing body of research suggests that praising kids for their talent and intelligence doesn’t help them achieve success — it sets them up for disappointment. All are self-esteem boosters that parents lavish...

Bulletin board


What Is Self-esteem? Self-esteem reflects an individual’s overall subjective emotional evaluation of their own worth. It is the decision made by an individual as an attitude towards the self. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself, (for example, “I am competent”, “I am worthy”), as well as emotional states, such as triumph, despair,...

Love Self-Love Board Heart Assertion Self

The Problem With Self-Esteem

The Problem With Self-Esteem This article explains The Problem With Self-Esteem. Today, the largest and most familiar part of American Psychology is the popular psychology of self-esteem, now found throughout American society. Self-esteem and the obsession that so many have with it, is familiar to almost all of us these...

Cat Lion Tawny Reflection Water Dream Fantasy

The Key To Self-Esteem

The Key To Self-Esteem This article explains The Key To Self-Esteem. I’d like to pass on a few additional reflections about self-esteem and the self-esteem movement. You should know that Paul Vitz, professor of psychology at New York University, is our mentor in all of this. Vitz is simply the...

Self-Esteem Self-Liberation Self-Reflection Security

Self-Confidence Or Self-Esteem

Self-Confidence Or Self-Esteem What is the believers’ version of the concept of self-confidence or self-esteem? Can we strike a balance between being an ordinary person and cherishing high goals? Self-confidence or self-esteem is usually defined as a person’s believing and trusting in himself, relying on his personal abilities and opportunities, living in peace...

Woman Write Pen Hand Self-Esteem Self Liberation 2

Making A God Of Self-Esteem

Making A God Of Self-Esteem What are we to make of a culture that seems to have developed amnesia, insecurity, and chronological snobbery at roughly the same time? For that seems to be our condition judging by how we approach contemporary education. The amnesia relates to just about every aspect...