religious pluralism

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Science And Religion In A World Of Religious Pluralism

Science And Religion In A World Of Religious Pluralism This article covers Science and Religion in a World of Religious Pluralism. We live in a time of deep division: Will the coming years reveal an increasing number of partnerships between science and religion, or will we see a battle to...

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Pluralism Quotes

Pluralism Quotes We have collected and put the best pluralism quotes in the following categories. Enjoy reading these insights and feel free to share this page on your social media to inspire others. May these pluralism quotes on many subjects inspire you to never give up and keep working towards...

World Muslim population by percentage (Pew Research Center, 2014).

Islam And Other Religions

Islam And Other Religions This article covers the relationship between Islam and other religions. Over the centuries of Islamic history, Muslim rulers, Islamic scholars, and ordinary Muslims have held many different attitudes towards other religions. Attitudes have varied according to time, place and circumstance. Non-Muslims and Islam The Qur’an distinguishes between the monotheistic People...

Interfaith dialogue in practice

Christianity And Other Religions

Christianity And Other Religions Christianity and other religions documents Christianity‘s relationship with other world religions, and the differences and similarities. Christian views on religious pluralism Classical Christian view Evangelical Christians believe that religious pluralism is heresy and contradicts the Bible. Some Christians have argued that religious pluralism is an invalid or self-contradictory concept. Maximal...



Omnism Omnism is the recognition and respect of all religions or lack thereof; those who hold this belief are called omnists (or Omnists). The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) quotes as the term’s earliest usage by English poet Philip J. Bailey: in 1839 “I am an Omnist, and believe in all religions”. In recent years, the term...

Separation of Church and State

Separation Of Church And State

Separation Of Church And State The separation of church and state is a philosophic and jurisprudential concept for defining political distance in the relationship between religious organizations and the state. Conceptually, the term refers to the creation of a secular state (with or without legally explicit church–state separation) and to disestablishment,...

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Religious Syncretism

Religious Syncretism Religious syncretism exhibits blending of two or more religious belief systems into a new system, or the incorporation into a religious tradition of beliefs from unrelated traditions. It is contrasted by the idea of multiple religious belonging and polytheism, respectively. This can occur for many reasons, and the latter scenario...

The use of elephant-shaped column brackets in buildings of the Lahore Fort reflects Hindu influences on Mughal Architecture during the reign of Akbar. Islam forbids representation of living figures.


Syncretism Syncretism is the combining of different beliefs, while blending practices of various schools of thought. Syncretism involves the merging or assimilation of several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, thus asserting an underlying unity and allowing for an inclusive approach to other faiths. Syncretism also occurs commonly in expressions of...

Arab-Jewish Center in Haifa.

Jewish Views On Religious Pluralism

Jewish Views On Religious Pluralism This article covers Jewish Views On Religious Pluralism. Religious pluralism is a set of religious worldviews that hold that one’s religion is not the sole and exclusive source of truth, and thus recognizes that some level of truth and value exists in other religions. As...

Pythagoreans Celebrate the Sunrise (1869) by Fyodor Bronnikov. Pythagoreanism is one example of a Greek philosophy that also included religious elements.

Philosophy Of Religion

Philosophy Of Religion Philosophy of religion is “the philosophical examination of the central themes and concepts involved in religious traditions.” These sorts of philosophical discussion are ancient, and can be found in the earliest known manuscripts concerning philosophy. The field is related to many other branches of philosophy, including metaphysics,...

Religion Ethics Morals Symbols love interfaith

Perennial Philosophy

What Is Perennial Philosophy? The Perennial philosophy, also referred to as perennialism and perennial wisdom, is a perspective in spirituality that views all of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge and doctrine has grown. Perennialism has its roots in the...

Interfaith Dialogue

Religious Pluralism

Religious Pluralism Religious pluralism is an attitude or policy regarding the diversity of religious belief systems co-existing in society. It can indicate one or more of the following: As the name of the worldview according to which one’s own religion is not held to be the sole and exclusive source...

Cyprus Larnaca Mosque Architecture Religion

Islamic Ethics

Islamic Ethics Islamic ethics (أخلاق إسلامية), defined as “good character,” historically took shape gradually from the 7th century and was finally established by the 11th century. It was eventually shaped as a successful amalgamation of the Qur’anic teachings, the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, the precedents of Islamic jurists, the pre-Islamic...