Prajñâ Pâramitâ

Gautama Buddha Quotes

Prajna Or Panna In Buddhism

Prajna Or Panna In Buddhism Prajna is Sanskrit for “wisdom.” Panna is the Pali equivalent, more often used in Theravada Buddhism. But what is “wisdom” in Buddhism? The English word wisdom is linked to knowledge. If you look the word up in dictionaries, you find definitions such as “knowledge gained through experience”; “using good judgment”; “knowing...

Gautama Buddha Quotes

The Wisdom Of The Other Bank

The Wisdom Of The Other Bank The Wisdom Of The Other Bank is a chapter from “India in Primitive Christianity” By Arthur Lillie. Fine mysticism of Buddhism—The man who was born blind—The Tevigga Sutta—The Sinner—The Penitent Thief—”God revealed in the form of mercy—Death of Buddha. If the Roman Catholics were told that...