perfect goodness

Hand Rain Zen Ring Commitment Cambodia Happy

Ihsan (Perfect Goodness)

Ihsan (Perfect Goodness) Ihsan (Perfect Goodness) has two literal meanings, doing something well and perfectly and doing someone a favor, and is sometimes used in the Qur’an and the Sunna with either meaning. At other times, as pointed out in the reflections on Heart while describing the Prophet Joseph’s consciousness...

Hearts Shaped Golden Yellow Glowing Shiny Shine

The Heart and Some of Its Dynamics

The Heart and Some of Its Dynamics This article covers The Heart and Some of Its Dynamics in Sufi terminology. The heart (Kalb) is a spiritual resource with two aspects; through one it turns toward the world of spirits, through the other it connects with the world of physical bodies....

Halo Eisnebelhalo Celestial Phenomenon Sun Swirls


Omnibenevolence Omnibenevolence is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “unlimited or infinite benevolence“. Some philosophers have argued that it is impossible, or at least improbable, for a deity to exhibit such a property alongside omniscience and omnipotence, as a result of the problem of evil. However, some philosophers, such as Alvin Plantinga, argue the plausibility of co-existence. The...