
Face Faces Dialogue Talk Psyche Anxious Trouble ego

Ego And Worship

Ego And Worship This article covers Ego And Worship. A Vision of Humans Faces Man has two faces: one, concerning his ego, looks to the life of this world. The other, concerning worship and servitude to God, looks to eternal life. In respect to the first face he is a...

Faith, Hope, and Love

Man’s Happiness And Misery

Man’s Happiness And Misery This article covers Comments With Respect To Man’s Happiness And Misery. Man is created on the best pattern of creation and has been given a comprehensive disposition. Therefore he has been sent to an arena of trial where he will either ascend or descend to a...

Plant Trouble Conditions Adversity Duration

A Friend Named Adversity

A Friend Named Adversity Whoever will have nothing to do with thorns, can never gather roses. The brook that flows over stones makes the sweetest music. If you remove the rocks, the brook will lose its song. Blessings thrive in afflictions’ soil. Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes. The...