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Freedom Freedom is traditionally understood as independence of the arbitrary will of another. Such a state is contrasted with slavery. A slave is constantly subject to the will of another. By contrast a free person can do whatever he chooses as long as he does not break the law and infringe on...

Surfing Sunset Waves Surf Surfboard Surfer

What Is Freedom?

What Is Freedom? This article covers the answer to the question: “What Is Freedom?” Freedom is understood as either having the ability to act or change without constraint or possessing the power and resources to fulfill one’s purposes. In one definition, something is “free” if it can change easily and...

Alone Book Brick Wall Man Person Bible Thinking

Individualism And Solitude

Individualism And Solitude Many of the fundamental doctrines and attributes of Western civilization are a mixture of Greek-Roman values and a distorted Christianity. They are ultimately derived from ancient, pagan myths, one of the best harms of which is the legend of Prometheus who ‘stole’ fire from the gods at...

Man Daylight Urban Person Freedom Spreading Arms

What Freedom Means to Me

What Freedom Means to Me In the philosophy of politics, the idea of freedom comes up often. Most people say they support most types of freedom. Of course, the word freedom has little meaning if we do not have a common definition. In this article, I will explain my definition...

Pope John Paul II

John Paul II And The Truth About Freedom

John Paul II And The Truth About Freedom The contemporary crisis of freedom is at root a crisis of truth. In our own day, John Paul II has clearly demonstrated the inseparable connection between freedom and truth. In the course of his long career, he has eloquently and forcefully proclaimed...

Freedom Silhouette Woman Backlighting Heaven

Human Freedom

Human Freedom Any philosopher who takes man seriously as person is sure to affirm the freedom of persons (Human Freedom). There are, of course, no lack of philosophers who deny freedom, but none of them ever makes a point of saying that human beings are persons. Personhood and freedom are...

Freedom Adler Raptor Flight Flying Animal Font

Quotes About Freedom

Quotes About Freedom We have collected and put the best Quotes About Freedom. Enjoy reading these insights and feel free to share this page on your social media to inspire others. May these Quotes About Freedom inspire you to never give up and keep working towards your goals. Who knows—success could...

Individualism, Romanticism and Transcendentalism


Transcendentalism Transcendentalism is a philosophical movement that developed in the late 1820s and 1830s in the eastern United States. It arose as a reaction, to protest against the general state of intellectualism and spirituality at the time. The doctrine of the Unitarian church as taught at Harvard Divinity School was of...