Imam al-Ghazzali

Dove represents spirit, soul, and freedom

The Spirit And What Follows

The Spirit And What Follows This article covers the Spirit and the Afterlife. Based on al-Milal wa’n-Nihal (“The True and False Ways of Belief and Thought”) by ash-Shahristani,[1]Tahafut al-Falasifa (“The Incoherence of the Philosophers”) by Imam al-Ghazzali,[2] Mawqif al-‘Aql wa’l-‘Ilm wa’l-‘Alam (“The Place of Reason, Science, and the Created World”) by Mustafa Sabri...


Imam Al-Ghazzali About Spirit

Imam Al-Ghazzali About Spirit This article covers the thoughts of Imam al-Ghazzali about spirit. As with many other subjects, Imam al-Ghazzali fundamentally shook the opinions of both ancient philosophers and renowned Muslim philosophers such as al-Kindi, al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina, and the Mu’tazilite thinkers, all of whom may be regarded...