
Woman Soul Psychology Subconscious Meditation

Soul Explained

Soul Explained The question of the reality of the soul (psyche, anima, ame, Seele) and its distinction from the body is among the most important problems of philosophy, for with it is bound up the doctrine of a future life. Various theories as to the nature of the soul have claimed to...

Soul Woman Person Smoke Light Sad Spirit Mask

What Is The Soul?

What Is The Soul? This article covers the answer to the question: “What Is The Soul?“ In many religious and philosophical systems, the word “soul” denotes the inner essence of a being comprising its locus of sapience (self-awareness) and metaphysical identity. Souls are usually described as immortal (surviving death in an afterlife) and incorporeal (without...

Hit Catcher Baseball Home Plate Baseball Game Team

The Virtue Of Reverence

The Virtue Of Reverence People are self-absorbed or outgoing, poetic or lunatic, saintly or devilish. The main difference between these two groups is the presence or absence of the virtue of reverence. The ruling attitude of the reverent person is that there is something more important, more beautiful, more wondrous...

Brain Emoji Symbols Icons Feelings Emotion,


Passion (Emotion) Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards or compelling desire for someone or something. Passion can range from eager interest in or admiration for an idea, proposal, or cause; to enthusiastic enjoyment of an interest or activity; to strong attraction, excitement, or emotion towards a person. It is...

Portrait Girl Emotion Face Happy Pleasure Young


Feeling Feeling was originally used to describe the physical sensation of touch through either experience or perception. The word is also used to describe other experiences, such as “a feeling of warmth” and of sentience in general. In psychology, the term feeling is closely related to emotion, and usually refers to the conscious subjective experience of emotions. The study of subjective...

Facial expressions can communicate sympathy and other emotions nonverbally.


Sympathy Sympathy is the perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another life form. According to David Hume, this sympathetic concern is driven by a switch in viewpoint from a personal perspective to the perspective of another group or individual who is in need. Hume explained that this is the...

Ginger Cat Mushroom Cute Kitten Playful Nice

Kindness Quotes

Kindness Quotes We have collected and put the best Kindness quotes about the meaning of life from around the world. Enjoy reading these insights and feel free to share this page on your social media to inspire others. Kindness refers to actions and behavior marked by concern for others welfare, comfort and happiness. It is embraced as...

Gratitude Man Glasses Leather Jacket Old Building


What Is Reverence? Reverence is “a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration“. The word “reverence” in the modern day is often used in relationship with religion. This is because religion often stimulates emotion through recognition of a god, the supernatural, and the ineffable. Reverence involves a humbling of the self in respectful recognition of...

Wild Wildlife Bird Juvenile Baby Animal Nest

What Is Compassion?

What Is Compassion? Compassion, which can be defined as loving and caring for others without expecting anything in return, helping the oppressed and the wronged, and treating them with extreme kindness and sincerity, is a manifestation of the godly virtues, heavenly breath, and a further name for the warmth of...



What Is Affection? Affection or fondness is a “disposition or state of mind or body” that is often associated with a feeling or type of love. It has given rise to a number of branches of philosophy and psychology concerning emotion, disease, influence, and state of being. “Affection” is popularly used to denote...

Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu

What Is Déjà Vu? Déjà vu is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. The phrase translates literally as “already seen“. Although some interpret déjà vu in a paranormal context, mainstream scientific approaches reject the explanation of déjà vu as “precognition” or “prophecy“. Rather, they explain it as an anomaly...


Nafs (The Soul)

Nafs (The Soul) Nafs (The Soul) is a substance that is essentially free of matter but which is in close connection with it in its acts and functions; it is the origin or essence of something or its self. There have been those who have used it in the sense...

Fragment from Egyptian Book of the Dead

Ancient Egyptian Concept Of The Soul

Ancient Egyptian Concept Of The Soul This article covers the Ancient Egyptian Concept Of The Soul. The ancient Egyptians believed that a soul (ka/ba) was made up of many parts. In addition to these components of the soul, there was the human body. According to ancient Egyptian creation myths, the god Atum created the world...

Night Forest Glowworm Light Lantern Nature Tree


Soul The soul, in many religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal essence of a living being. Soul or psyche (psū́khein, “to breathe”) are the mental abilities of a living being: reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, etc. Depending on the philosophical system, a soul can either be...

Kindness Chalk Handwritten Word Handwriting


What Is Kindness? Kindness is the act or the state of being kind, being marked by good and charitable behavior, pleasant disposition, and concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and recognized as a value in many cultures and religions (see ethics in religion). Kindness is a type...

Compassion Presence Love Loving Kindness

Profound Compassion

Profound Compassion To consider the good, the welfare and happiness of others and to prefer them above one’s own, to feel compassion for their misfortunes as if they were one’s own, to take on the responsibility for the problems of all mankind and to pray continually for their salvation –...

Mom Daughter Son Relationship Parent Parenting

The Virtue of Compassion

The Virtue of Compassion Compassion is not a new virtue, although many employ it with the kind of wide-eyed excitement that might suggest they had discovered it. It is cited many times in Sacred Scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments. St. Augustine, in his Confessions, written in the...

War Refugees Children Help Suffering Poverty

Power Of Compassion

Power Of Compassion The compassion that invigorates our hearts that triggers humane feelings, and again it is nothing but the power of compassion which drives us in our inner world to do good, to welcome and to help others. Under the light of divine mercy and compassion, a bosom full...


Compassion Towards The Lost Paradise

Compassion Towards The Lost Paradise This article is about the compassion towards the lost paradise. Compassion is the beginning of being; without it everything is chaos. Everything has come into existence through compassion and by compassion it continues to exist in harmony. The earth was put in order by messages...



What Is Compassion? Compassion motivates people to go out of their way to help the physical, mental, or emotional pains of another and themselves. Compassion is often regarded as having sensitivity, an emotional aspect to suffering, though when based on cerebral notions such as fairness, justice, and interdependence, it may...